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Community / support / Android App: "Make available offline" has been replaced by "Download"
The "Make available offline" button has been replaced by a new "Download" option. This new option Downloads the files into the "android files" part of the file system, making them not only available to other apps (like Files or Photos) but also not displaying them in the Offline section of the app either. The changelog does not mention anything related to this, and looking around in the app did not reveal any new location for that menu. How can I "Make available offline" again ? Thank you!
Hi, Make available offline is still available, but only for root files or folders. The option to make file and folder within directory was actually broken from start (files were not showing up in Offline properly) which made us remove in February 2024 to avoid any confusions or complaints. We've created feature request that we plan to address in order to reinstantiate that feature for hierarchies:
At the moment it's only possible to "offline" file or folder that's present in the root path.
Tom changed the channel name: Android App: "Make available offline" has been replaced by "Download" 4/3/2024 8:33 PM
Thanks for the answer! I see, it was working perfectly for me before for files 3-depth (example: folder1/folder2/file.ext). The files are still available in the Offline section. Do you have any estimate on when this will be available again?
Hi @Jo Colina, It's hard to give as hard estimate, but there is chance that we will have it done by the end of May. Speaking of your example, I guess you've had to click: Offline on the folder1 which is the root folder. Then all its sub-folders were correctly offlined, this shall still be possible - offlining root folders. The issue currently is that there is no way to offline folder2 alone, without offlining folder1. Did I get it right? (edited)
Hey Tom, thanks for the update! Really appreciate it, there's no rush. And for my specific example I was only putting specific files offline, not entire folders. So I would navigate: f0 -> f1 -> file_1.txt and click on "Make available offline" for that specific file (for many files of course)
I think one of the reasons for removing was that it wasn't safe (leading to potenial data lost). Imagine offlining: f0 -> f1 -> file_1.txt and then f2 -> f3 -> file_1.txt I think app couldn't handle that and was overriding the previous: file_1.txt even though that one is technically a different file from different source. I am not sure if it was the only issue, we just need to spend some time to rethink and deliver. Anyway, stay tuned. I am sure we'll get to that soon.
Makes absolute sense. Thanks again for the quick feedback! I'll stay tuned, really like the app!
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