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For all on-topic discussion about S3Drive or related storage providers.
Hello guys and welcome to our Discord channel. In case you have any questions, problems, ideas or would like to simply talk about the app, S3, syncing and all that stuff... we would love to hear from you. 🚀
sirlegar joined the server. 01/30/2023 4:41 PM
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Hi there, how do you feel being the first to join? 🙂
It was a good idea to create a discord channel. Interactivity was very limited. This will improve the feedback loop
Hahah feels good 🙂
I need to get my community management skills up to speed, in the meantime let's give a Discord channel a try and see how it goes. I hope actually to get more feedback here. Well, thanks for joining !
🚀 1
Today we've released support for video thumbnails and enlarged thumbnail, so it uses up the full square space. It's already available on Android, on iOS is pending release and will be available later today / tomorrow. How do you like it? (edited)
barrrrtek joined the server. 01/30/2023 7:35 PM
h10isbfyake91 joined the server. 02/05/2023 7:52 PM
Welcome to our channel @barrrrtek and @h10isbfyake91 !
myfrogger joined the server. 02/13/2023 7:57 AM
Hi, looks like a cool project. I can't seem to run it on windows because I get the error that files are missing. Any thoughts? The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP140.dll was not found. repeated error for VCRUNTIME140.dll & VCRUNTIME140_1.dll
Also, what is the recommended installation directory? It seems to be installing into %APPDATA% but I tried it in Program Files also. Both gave me the above errors.
Hi, @myfrogger thanks for letting us know about the issue. It seems that Visual C++ Redistributable package may be missing in your system: What Windows version are you running exactly? There is no preference as where you install the package. We're using default settings of: "Inno Setup", but in principle you can install it wherever you want. Finally, sorry for this issue, we're Linux users ourselves and we're working on improving tests and setup instructions on different desktop platforms, Windows included. (edited)
The Visual C++ Redistributable Packages install run-time components that are required to run C++ applications built using Visual Studio 2015.
Learn how to find which version of Windows operating system your PC is running and device specifications.
@myfrogger Wait, did you actually use our "exe" installer or installed via Microsoft Store?
Hi, @myfrogger thanks for letting us know about the issue. It seems that Visual C++ Redistributable package may be missing in your system: What Windows version are you running exactly? There is no preference as where you install the package. We're using default settings of: "Inno Setup", but in principle you can install it wherever you want. Finally, sorry for this issue, we're Linux users ourselves and we're working on improving tests and setup instructions on different desktop platforms, Windows included. (edited)
I used the exe installer as I hate the microsoft store. I'll try downloading Visual C++ now. I'm using Windows 10 Pro 22H2 (edited)
No error messages now but when it loads I only get a black window
I've uninstalled, reinstalled, and restarted
No error messages now but when it loads I only get a black window
Right, I've tried it on a fresh Win install and I also get a black screen. We're working on the fix and will let you know hopefully later today. Actually we've only reproduced it in a virtual environment and can't reproduce this on a physical environment. Black screen so far appears to be an issue with the GPU / hardware acceleration / DirectX version (at least 11 is required). (edited)
No error messages now but when it loads I only get a black window
May I ask what's your graphic card model? Is it dedicated or perhaps integrated within your CPU / motherboard?
kartz3107 joined the server. 02/13/2023 12:16 PM
It's integrated graphics
It's integrated graphics
Thanks that helps, do you perhaps have DirectX (at least 11) installed?
It can be checked typing: dxdiag in the search bar.
Actually I'm also testing your software in a virtual environment using Oracle VirtualBox so maybe that's the issue
Right, so in fact that's an issue with VirtualBox, we're using latest 7.0.4 and it doesn't work. It works fine on VMWare Workstation though. (edited)
App does require 3D acceleration due to technology that we're using (Flutter), perhaps it's possible to start it in a software acceleration mode only, but we haven't explored that yet. (edited)
Gotcha. I'll try to test this soon on a physical computer. It doesn't seem to have any bloatware installed so I should be safe. It's incredibly difficult to find good backup and sync software if you want end-to-end encryption and using a S3 based cloud
This idea is very, very cool though it wasn't what I was initially searching for. Those are the best finds though 🙂 🙂
People upload FAR to much data to hosted clouds. I uploaded business "trade secret" data for work to dropbox for years...what a disaster that could have been! I was so ignorant
Thanks for the good words. It keeps us motivated 🙂 We're pending major release with multiple new features being added. It will also include photo backup from Android/iOS to S3. Different sync modes including two-way sync will be available ~April 2023 -
That's an amazing idea. Actually I uploaded all my photos to the cloud up until recently out of ignorance also! Then I switched to but recently scrapped the whole thing and decided to sync only to my laptop, which is then backed up in a more secure way. Photo backup is a major upgrade and very useful!!
I don't know why but I've seen on other apps it's hard to make automatic backup triggers on iOS. It seems the main way people do it is based on GPS movement. I didn't want to give apps my location. The other way I've seen recently is auto sync is triggered upon the device connected to a charger. That's better but I've seen only used on one app.
Maybe you know other ways but to my non-technical research brain, auto syncing on iOS seemed like a real obstacle for developers.
It's quite tricky to do it reliably on iOS and so far the backup mode will work for S3Drive when you start the app (comparing to fully supported background sync on Android)... but then we will be using all available means to improve that. Thanks for the hints with triggers.
So if you run into that problem, maybe try the sync when connected to a charger
In fact it's quite tricky to do it reliably on Android as well due to:
Hey Android vendors, don’t kill my app!
👍 1
So if you run into that problem, maybe try the sync when connected to a charger
It's possible that it needs to create an iOS shortcut in the "automation" section. Another iOS approved trigger might be to connect to a certain wifi
Given that iOS ecosystem is a pretty new thing to me and our team these hints are extremely useful !
I thought it might be. It's surprisingly hard to find solutions as a user if I don't want to trust the company also with my data. It seems most people want an all-in-one solution so who knows
I mean, who knows what most people want. I don't think I'm the usual customer and there's not enough people like me to make lots of money
I was personally struggling to find such solution. That's actually how this project started.
🔥 1
I actually don't like all-in-one. I prefer to choose best tools for specific case.
Most people do prefer all-in-one though as you say.
Great, I'd love to hear if you managed to install the app and whether it works all fine for you.
I'll keep you updated in a day or two when I have more time 🙂 Thanks for your help!
Thanks for your feedback !
_shaike joined the server. 02/13/2023 7:08 PM
Does a3 photosync supports syncing video files or just photos?
Hi @_shaike, it supports both video and photos, however by default only photo albums upload is enabled, video albums needs to be explicitly marked for auto upload.
Where can i gind itcon photosync s3? It shows me DCIM and WA business folders
Sorry for typos
That's how it looks on my end. There is Movies folder.
Then I need to unhide it.
I am talking about photosync not s3 drive
This is PhotoSync screenshot.
Depending on the Android version these folders are named differently, but in principle rule is the same.
Right, is that everything that you see? No more albums?
This is what i see
Got it
So no videos
I am not sure why videos are not displayed. Within a week or maximum two, there will be Early March we shall deliver photo & video module (with a backup and background mode) to S3Drive with more flexible album management. This is where our focus is currently. BTW. What's your phone model / Android version? (edited)
Fold 3 with android 13 oneui 5 December 2022
That's will be grear
Thanks for letting me know. I need to say that we haven't tested PhotoSync with Android 13 enough, instead we worked hard on S3Drive. If you don't mind waiting little bit I would recommend trying it once the backup module is released. Sorry for the inconvenience.
That's fine i really appreciate your work
So i should use s3 drive meanwhile?
It can't automatically backup your media, so it's not a replacement for PhotoSync just yet... but in general if you want to interact with S3 then S3Drive is the way to go.
Ok will do acctually i just want to clear some space. But since i had too many files on found that s3drive couldnt handle it
By the way does s3 drive will supported multiple buckets available?
Given that we released first version in December, there is plenty of work ahead of us and lots of improvements deployed weekly.
Multiple buckets support will come in a next earliest release, which is scheduled mid this week. (edited)
Great thanks for the great work
Thanks for the good words. It's been crazy past few months, but comments like this make my day and give me motivation to push hard on this 🙂 (edited)
Ok will do acctually i just want to clear some space. But since i had too many files on found that s3drive couldnt handle it
@_shaike You did say that S3Drive couldn't handle lots of files. There is a known issue if too many files are being downloaded / uploaded simultaneously (there is no hard limit which might make app crash), but as such the front-end should handle buckets with lots of files. What problems you were facing in more detail if I can ask? (edited)
I have tried to upload about 6000 files and it just crashed
I have tried to upload about 6000 files and it just crashed
I see, right, it won't work just yet, but we're working on this as one of the high priority items with ETA end of February / early March. Once it's there we will then be able to support folder upload which will come next.
Good to hear
Good luck
👍 1
Any idea why Backblaze is refusing my connection?
As an aside, it would be very helpful if there was a button to click to "list buckets" for me to select. Is my bucket formatted properly? This doesn't seem to be the issue though because even if I enter the wrong credentials, I still can't seem to connect to the server.
OOPS. It appears I need to enter https:// But what's interesting is that the computer was actually sending network traffic. Maybe it's defaulting to HTTP? So backblaze was rejecting all HTTP traffic but accepted HTTPS? (edited)
A significant downside is that the file and folder names are not encrypted 😦
This is especially important to me because I like to use very descriptive file names.
Next, when I try to create a share link, I cannot uncheck this box nor edit the date/time for link expiry. Do I need to make my S3 bucket public by chance? (edited)
Even with the bucket set to public the link doesn't work for me (edited)
Hi @myfrogger, you're right if no scheme (https/http) was provided it defaulted to HTTP. We're going to make more explicit. Likely the endpoint without scheme will default to https, where as IP addr will default to http. Filename encryption is on our Roadmap and we have a working prototype already. (ETA ~April 2023). We're making further research to understand standards or well established implementation in that area, so we can stay compatible. The sharing functionality is based on S3 presign URLs, their limitation is that the signature can't be valid longer than 7 days, so every 7 days new link would have to be generated. We're researching how to overcome this limitation. For instance we could combine this with a link shortener, so there is single link that doesn't change, but under the hood we would regenerate the destination link as needed. The encrypted share link has the master key at the end after the # character and looks like this: What it does it tries to load the encrypted asset as usual, but it's not aware per se if an asset is encrypted. In the background JavaScript tries to fetch the asset and replaces the one on the screen with decrypted version. It looks like it has failed on your side. Can you go to the console (right-click -> inspect element) to see if there is anything abnormal (that is error in the Console or different than 200 status code in any of the network requests).
The current sharing functionality is pretty basic version initially introduced in PhotoSync. We actually plan to integrate it with our web client, so when you share a link, it would open normally inside the app: It's not on our roadmap yet, we need to build some spec first. Realistically we won't be able to build it earlier than June/July. Speaking of your file / image sharing issue. Does it work unencrypted? What size is it? Bucket doesn't need to be public (it shouldn't be). The idea of presigned sharing is that you choose which resource to share from a private bucket. I would be glad to assist you on any other issues. As you see, it's all pretty early stage, but we're catching up fast. Thanks for your feedback and an idea with listing buckets button. Noted and added to our improvement items. (edited)
You guys are awesome!! Thanks for all your hard work. I do see that you catch up very quickly 🙂 1. I'm happy to hear that folder name and file name is on the near roadmap for completion. Usability problem solved 🙂 2. The S3 presign URL concept is interesting. Can a link be done for a time period shorter than a week? I assume the user would need to have their program opened and some kind of timer to check if any links need to be signed again. Then the shortened link would need to be updated. It's a good idea actually but would want to make sure it's done in a trustless or trust minimized way. Also be careful deploying resources that you have to pay for as then you'd have ongoing costs. It depends what your monetization plan is long term I guess. 3. If the link is presigned, am I right to assume that there is no ability to revoke the sharing? 4. I'm actually not familiar. What is PhotoSync? 5. The link appears to work fine in Chrome but in Firefox it stops loading the page faster. If I click refresh, the image appears as it should. Strange but seems like all is fine. The things I would typically be sharing are not photos so it's not really a priority issue for me. 6. I'd love it if S3 drive had a different favicon so I can more easily distinguish it. I'd love it more if it was mounted as a drive letter in my file explorer. 😉 Actually, I think what I'd personally use most is if I could right click, go to "send to" and have S3 drive as a destination. I'd have to think about if I'd want it in the main folder or prompt me where to put it. I'd probably choose to have a popup to prompt me where I want it saved within S3 drive. (edited)
Can I ask a general S3 question? Are there any implications of backing up say, 10000 files at 250kb each or a few larger zipped files? Before I came across S3Drive, I was actually looking for more permanent backup solutions. There are two different approaches that I see and I don't know if one is better than the other. One is storing each file individually and the other is first putting them into "chunks" of X MB/GB first.
You guys are awesome!! Thanks for all your hard work. I do see that you catch up very quickly 🙂 1. I'm happy to hear that folder name and file name is on the near roadmap for completion. Usability problem solved 🙂 2. The S3 presign URL concept is interesting. Can a link be done for a time period shorter than a week? I assume the user would need to have their program opened and some kind of timer to check if any links need to be signed again. Then the shortened link would need to be updated. It's a good idea actually but would want to make sure it's done in a trustless or trust minimized way. Also be careful deploying resources that you have to pay for as then you'd have ongoing costs. It depends what your monetization plan is long term I guess. 3. If the link is presigned, am I right to assume that there is no ability to revoke the sharing? 4. I'm actually not familiar. What is PhotoSync? 5. The link appears to work fine in Chrome but in Firefox it stops loading the page faster. If I click refresh, the image appears as it should. Strange but seems like all is fine. The things I would typically be sharing are not photos so it's not really a priority issue for me. 6. I'd love it if S3 drive had a different favicon so I can more easily distinguish it. I'd love it more if it was mounted as a drive letter in my file explorer. 😉 Actually, I think what I'd personally use most is if I could right click, go to "send to" and have S3 drive as a destination. I'd have to think about if I'd want it in the main folder or prompt me where to put it. I'd probably choose to have a popup to prompt me where I want it saved within S3 drive. (edited)
2. Period can be shorter than 7 days. We just didn't implement it yet. 3. That's right, as usual there are ways around, but not all of them feasible for S3Drive. It's possible to revoke credentials and generate a new ones, that would invalidate the link, but that's not practical if user have to do it themselves. The other option is to change the resource / filename, that's also quite impractical. The most feasible option that we've researched so far is connected to E2E encryption. Basically revoking share would mean regenerating sharing key for that resource. That means that presigned link would still be valid for some time, but the adversary would only be able to get the encrypted blob. We're still researching this. 4. This project started in Summer 2022 just as an Android app to backup Photos to S3 - (actually month earlier it was just Backblaze - Lots of research was already done in order to implement them. S3Drive extends that on all file types and all platforms. 5. Yeah it's rough around the edges, but in principle works for the most persistent users. We'll improve that. 6. We didn't even go as far, but the right click context menu (and tray icon with options like auto-startup etc.) is definitely something we would be adding. Thanks for mentioning that. I will make sure it's added to our list. Speaking of favicon, logo and UI in general. That's something that received least amount attention, since we were focused on building all the blocks to validate the concept. Now we keep adding new features and deploying bugfixes / improvements. There will be a moment within a few months at least where we step back and focus on UI simplification and beautifying. Do you have any ideas what favicon would work better? Thanks ! (edited)
Can I ask a general S3 question? Are there any implications of backing up say, 10000 files at 250kb each or a few larger zipped files? Before I came across S3Drive, I was actually looking for more permanent backup solutions. There are two different approaches that I see and I don't know if one is better than the other. One is storing each file individually and the other is first putting them into "chunks" of X MB/GB first.
It's finding a sweet spot between usability, costs and performance. For instance minimum billable object size for AWS S3 is 128KB, that means that if you store smaller objects you're still paying for the full 128KB. Smaller files means also more requests which will likely degrade performance and increase API costs (e.g. S3 protocol doesn't support bulk upload (it does support bulk delete though), so 10000 files means at least 10000 PUT requests. On the other hand if you compress files and store them as chunks of X MB/GB, then even if small 250kb file is being changed, you need to replace the whole chunk which also comes at some price. If it's a cold backup that you synchronize from time to time, then having some sort of block storage ( / chunks might be preferable way. If you want to conveniently access your data and even have a working copy that you work with, then a standard file approach is preferable even if it comes at some cost. S3 has its limitation, but it's powerful protocol, soon we will be supporting Versioning ( Perhaps over the time S3 protocol will further expand allowing new operations (including bulk ones). If not, we have some ideas how to overcome some of the S3 protocol limitations with a "convenience proxy" that we're also researching, but not everything at once 🙂 (edited)
🙏 1
You guys are awesome!! Thanks for all your hard work. I do see that you catch up very quickly 🙂 1. I'm happy to hear that folder name and file name is on the near roadmap for completion. Usability problem solved 🙂 2. The S3 presign URL concept is interesting. Can a link be done for a time period shorter than a week? I assume the user would need to have their program opened and some kind of timer to check if any links need to be signed again. Then the shortened link would need to be updated. It's a good idea actually but would want to make sure it's done in a trustless or trust minimized way. Also be careful deploying resources that you have to pay for as then you'd have ongoing costs. It depends what your monetization plan is long term I guess. 3. If the link is presigned, am I right to assume that there is no ability to revoke the sharing? 4. I'm actually not familiar. What is PhotoSync? 5. The link appears to work fine in Chrome but in Firefox it stops loading the page faster. If I click refresh, the image appears as it should. Strange but seems like all is fine. The things I would typically be sharing are not photos so it's not really a priority issue for me. 6. I'd love it if S3 drive had a different favicon so I can more easily distinguish it. I'd love it more if it was mounted as a drive letter in my file explorer. 😉 Actually, I think what I'd personally use most is if I could right click, go to "send to" and have S3 drive as a destination. I'd have to think about if I'd want it in the main folder or prompt me where to put it. I'd probably choose to have a popup to prompt me where I want it saved within S3 drive. (edited)
The drive letter / mount is something we've already tried and had a working read-only prototype on Linux. Mac and Linux will likely be supported end of Summer using FUSE driver that we're already tried. With Windows we haven't explored it yet, but there are some ways to do it ( We'll definitely implement it, it's just at this stage it's hard to give us ETA. We might adjust priorities later on depending on the users percentage per platform, but we don't have a clear view / analytics to make that decision just yet. What platform are you using by the way?
Thank you for the detailed responses. I'm using I use Windows and iPhone. My initial thought with the favicon is the current folder with the letters S3 on it. I'd have to do a bit of thinking and asking around at identifying the target market for this product. I'm not even sure S3Drive is the best name for marketing purposes. I don't dislike it though; just rambling. As far as those coming from Dropbox, Onedrive, etc, etc.... I think that the E2EE/control or own your data is a significant selling point and also the "pay for what you need". I don't know why all these companies have different "packages" when it seems easier to onboard people to a pay-as-you-go model. Apple seems to be the only one that figured it out that millions of people don't care about a $0.99 fee but they do care about $5-10. I think that you could monetize by having your own built in cloud (simply putting everyone's data into your own BackBlaze or Wasabi account). At least then when someone downloads the app, there is a usable setting without any further configuration. Maybe offer X 50gb free storage like everyone else. I remember reading years ago that getting someone to use the app the moment they download it is critical to keeping them as a user. I think you should embrace accepting bitcoin, lightning, and maybe some other crypto payments. Also embrace the community that wants their data private. Don't ask for names, don't log their details, etc. For cards use stripe. Maybe this not a project that you'll monetize but I feel like this could be a full time job, and an opportunity to make a great product that people would pay for. Anyway---I agree with you that you can't do everything at once, and the priorities appear to be ordered in a logical way. Keep up the good work 🙂 I'm happy to be an early user and maybe able to contribute somehow along the way. (edited)
Just realized there are concerns with sharing data because idiots will share illegal material. Maybe stay out of the business of hosting the data for now. I'm just thinking out loud but I'll leave the above writing there in case anyone finds it helpful.
Thank you for the detailed responses. I'm using I use Windows and iPhone. My initial thought with the favicon is the current folder with the letters S3 on it. I'd have to do a bit of thinking and asking around at identifying the target market for this product. I'm not even sure S3Drive is the best name for marketing purposes. I don't dislike it though; just rambling. As far as those coming from Dropbox, Onedrive, etc, etc.... I think that the E2EE/control or own your data is a significant selling point and also the "pay for what you need". I don't know why all these companies have different "packages" when it seems easier to onboard people to a pay-as-you-go model. Apple seems to be the only one that figured it out that millions of people don't care about a $0.99 fee but they do care about $5-10. I think that you could monetize by having your own built in cloud (simply putting everyone's data into your own BackBlaze or Wasabi account). At least then when someone downloads the app, there is a usable setting without any further configuration. Maybe offer X 50gb free storage like everyone else. I remember reading years ago that getting someone to use the app the moment they download it is critical to keeping them as a user. I think you should embrace accepting bitcoin, lightning, and maybe some other crypto payments. Also embrace the community that wants their data private. Don't ask for names, don't log their details, etc. For cards use stripe. Maybe this not a project that you'll monetize but I feel like this could be a full time job, and an opportunity to make a great product that people would pay for. Anyway---I agree with you that you can't do everything at once, and the priorities appear to be ordered in a logical way. Keep up the good work 🙂 I'm happy to be an early user and maybe able to contribute somehow along the way. (edited)
@myfrogger You're absolutely spot on. We're researching what cloud we could use or whether we need to build our own one (likely MinIO based). Ideally we would pay predictable amount for the resources and resell it at some margin as a complete solution back to the users. The issue with Wasabi, Backblaze and many other clouds is that we can't control the costs as a business (there are many components) and can't easily specify quota per user account, so we don't bankrupt if one user decides to abuse the S3 credentials. Building own cloud on the other hand is additional chunk of work that we would like to avoid, more importantly it comes with huge responsibility, some legal burden and maintenance costs (infrastructure updates, security fixes, SLA, outages, on-call...). We'd also like to leave a room for power users which would like to use their own S3 back-end, so we're not locking anyone with our ecosystem. ~90-95% users would likely use our default offering, because it's convenient, but if someone would like to set up their own MinIO instance using their NAS or whatever, then go ahead. We'll come back to that, but first priority is to build a stable S3 protocol clients. I would love this to be a full-time gig, at the moment it is a full time volunteering and won't be source of income for long, but that's fine. I am extremely excited building technology which helps people to keep their data private without giving it up to seemingly "free" alternatives. It's quite challenging explaining people that "free" software that they use it's actually not free (they pay by their data being sold and mismanaged), these very same people will say: "I've nothing to hide", they're majority and not a target of our offering. There is still significant community of people who actually do mind protecting their privacy. I would rather stay in that circle. ... and I am glad to have a users like you who open up and give proper feedback. Thank you ! (edited)
🚀 1
Just realized there are concerns with sharing data because idiots will share illegal material. Maybe stay out of the business of hosting the data for now. I'm just thinking out loud but I'll leave the above writing there in case anyone finds it helpful.
As long as a business provides an easy way for DMCA to take down the copyrighted material I think it should be fine. (edited)
👍 1
alisa.algo joined the server. 02/16/2023 4:28 PM
Hi @alisa.algo Welcome here 🙂
Hi @alisa.algo Welcome here 🙂
Since 1.1.1 there is an improved upload performance (using multi-threaded workers), as well as additional functions in the Transfers section. Previously uploading ~100+ files could crash the app depending on the machine. Currently ~1000 files is a piece of cake. We've tested ~11k and except that scrolling the items isn't exactly a smooth experience, it's uploading just fine. It is possible to retry the failed requests with the retry arrow. There are also bulk operation buttons to stop all and delete all items within the tab you're in. (edited)
Waiting list
Failed ones (auto-retry will get there in one of the next releases) (edited)
Awesome!!! Great work 🙂
👍 1
tillerson joined the server. 02/26/2023 10:40 AM
Hi @tillerson !
Welcome to our modest community 🙂
stefanc12 joined the server. 03/01/2023 11:59 PM
stca_ joined the server. 03/02/2023 12:03 AM
Click to see original message
Hello, I am trying the photosync for s3 and I'm getting invalid url on the generated access key
made it work - I had to add https:// in front of it
Trying S3Drive with the same but cannot connect
Hi @stca_ and welcome to our channel. We've recently added the photo & video backup module in our S3Drive app which is now recommended way of interacting with S3 endpoints. If you would like to keep using PhotoSync you're free to do so, however going forwards we're actively expanding S3Drive. Thanks
Hi @stefanc12 and welcome to our channel ! 👋 (edited)
Hi @s3drive thanks. I've already switched to s3Drive but that one cannot connect to my idrive s3 ... not sure what to do, I think I've tried everything ...
I'm interested in the premium version with encryption. Quick question: can I also decrypt the files with some standard command or software?
I'm interested in the premium version with encryption. Quick question: can I also decrypt the files with some standard command or software?
Encryption is compatible with V2 client-side cipher that AWS introduced. I am not aware of CLI that supports it, but it is supported by AWS SDK's, please search table for "Content Encryption: AES/GCM" and "Key Wrap: AESWrap"( which is supported by Java, .NET, Ruby V2, and C++. We haven't published any script or CLI tool yet, but we will provide one as an open-source, so user can always download and decrypt data at their discretion. We haven't prioritized that yet, as due to some limitations of both AES-GCM and AWS approach, we're having problem with implementing encrypted video streams and considering switching to different cipher and/or encryption scheme: (edited)
Hi @s3drive thanks. I've already switched to s3Drive but that one cannot connect to my idrive s3 ... not sure what to do, I think I've tried everything ...
I've tried connecting to iDrive myself and it worked just fine. Do you get any specific error? What endpoint are you using (I got e.g.: ? Can you please long tap on version number at the bottom of the login screen, so you go to the Logs and perhaps see some error or warning that might render something useful? (edited)
Multiple issues: (a) can't verify the secret key (the other app has a view button) (b) can't place cursor to add or delete a letter (c) not clear if I need to add the https:// part to the endpoint string
I get "Failed to authorize"
same credentials worked on the other app
endpoint looks similar to yours
same credentials worked on the other app
Regarding a) We will add such option, thanks for mentioning that. b) That's something we can't easily reproduce. What's your Android version and phone model? c) Both: "" and "" would behave the same and use secure HTTPS context. Quick question, does the API key that you generate have both: "Read and write" permissions? S3Drive verifies the credentials, by saving a small test file to the bucket.
For b) I have an Samsung S22 Ultra.
Android 13
It is read/write ... Photo sync did save files with same account
And it also works on syncaware ...
endpoint looks similar to yours
I've managed to reproduce the "Failed to authorize" issue once: "Default encryption" is enabled for an iDrive bucket. It seems that they've implemented encryption in a way which modifies the ETag / MD5 hashes on the S3 protocol side. S3Drive performs strict ETag validation which is required for not yet released syncing features. After we write an object to iDrive E2, we expect ETag to match content of file that we've sent to the server (file integrity), instead they seem to return ETag of their encrypted blob. We will think of workaround, e.g. by disabling syncing features (and notifying user) if we detect ETag issue instead of preventing user from logging in by displaying: "Failed to authorize", however before it's there the only way is to disable iDrive encryption. PhotoSync doesn't perform ETag validation, since it's only one-way upload. Technically speaking the iDrive approach isn't correct from an S3 protocol perspective and is unique amongst S3 providers, e.g. Backblaze's encryption works just fine. Thanks for reporting this issue ! (edited)
👍 1
there's gonna be a better way to connect to the account with QR code or something like on the web instead of typing all that ... Maybe with a small tool to generate the QR code or something ...
there's gonna be a better way to connect to the account with QR code or something like on the web instead of typing all that ... Maybe with a small tool to generate the QR code or something ...
Thanks, I know it's indeed painful with 4 details to be provided. There will be improvement coming within a few weeks. We've already implemented QR code auth in our previous app (PhotoSync). The old web client does indeed support that: (edited)
there's gonna be a better way to connect to the account with QR code or something like on the web instead of typing all that ... Maybe with a small tool to generate the QR code or something ...
Basically the idea is that desktop or web will display QR codes, which then mobile app will scan and securely (encrypted !) provide the credentials over.
I've signed in after disabling the idrive default encryption as you've indicated
👍 1
not sure how to transfer a folder?
is album thumbnail view enabled?
or is it only for media backup?
not sure how to transfer a folder?
It's not yet possible, but eventually will be.
👍 1
or is it only for media backup?
Initially it's media backup only preview functionality.
got it
or is it only for media backup?
By saying thumbnail view, you mean grid view?
can i select which media?
i.e. camera album ...
By saying thumbnail view, you mean grid view?
can i select which media?
You can upload: "All" media from select album/albums or "Only new", there is a dialog prompt the moment when album is selected. In next turn we will implement manual mode where you can manually select media to backup (or conversely mark them "fresh" for reupload).
Yes, we might actually kill the current view, since filenames + list isn't condensed enough for bigger albums. The issue is that on iOS there is no way to reliably get the filename for display anyway, so we'll likely default to thumbnail / grid view. (edited)
There is an active development on all this, it's all coming. Bear with us please and stay tuned 🙂
Yes, we might actually kill the current view, since filenames + list isn't condensed enough for bigger albums. The issue is that on iOS there is no way to reliably get the filename for display anyway, so we'll likely default to thumbnail / grid view. (edited)
after upload preview is not working for me (I have added an encryption key) (edited)
after upload preview is not working for me (I have added an encryption key) (edited)
Is it a photo or video?
actually I only have the thumbs folder
I'll check on idrive
yup ... only the thumbs folder exists (edited)
What are your numbers here after backup has finished? Is media that was supposed to be backed up media appearing in: "Backed up" counter?
it says 2 and 2
But I have another issue, in that folder/album I believe I should only have 2 photos
Great, so when you navigate to Root folder, can you see: Automatic uploads folder?
when I go in it I see pics I have just received in whatsapp
Root folder of?
Basically Top of the Files section.
there is no no, I don't see that
but auto upload is not enabled
I used "Start backup"
now in the album I see 2 files only
That's fine, since your numbers claim that media was backed up, it should be there. I am wondering if it has something to do with iDrive read consistency.
Album tab shall display all pictures. There are two annotations, green (backed up) and white cloud (not backed up yet), no annotation mean media is not selected for backup.
some strange things are happening ... files appear in the root
then disappear ...
the 2 photos show as backed up
... but have you seen Automatic upload folder at least once?
I can enable the auto backup to see
It won't change anything really. It's just poor name of mine, the automatic upload folder is where the backed up media are supposed to appear regardless if it's user clicking "Start backup" or if auto mode is enabled (edited)
says: app needs to be running, background service will be available soon
What do you mean that files appear in the root? You mean like just at the first top level in the Files tab? (edited)
says: app needs to be running, background service will be available soon
That's right, background service is being worked on. PhotoSync had that, we can do the same here.
in the listing ... a screen refresh or cache issue??
now they are not there anymore
I should take a screenshot if it happens again
That looks to me like hitting different iDrive server every refresh which have different version of cache. We haven't used iDrive actively really.
Never experienced that with Backblaze for instance.
could be ...
I am still worried that Automatic uploads folder isn't displayed, as this is where files are supposed to be uploaded. We will allow overriding that location by user in the Settings, but it's not there yet.
could be ...
I've found this topic on Reddit, which in general highlights multiple issues that iDrive E2 is having. One of them 4 months ago: "It’s impossible to access newly created folders" I am not claiming that this is what's happening, as there well may be an issue on our side (we're still beta). Is it possible by any chance for you to switch to e.g. Backblaze or other provider at least temporarily? (edited)
I suppose it is ... but I am in no hurry
maybe I can try the MinIO instead ...
maybe I can try the MinIO instead ...
MinIO is great, however ironically with the default settings using their Docker image we've faced similar listing cache issues (LS command was returning stale objects which were not fetchable via GET method), we have it in our backlog and didn't have chance to investigate since priorities are elsewhere. I guess it must be related to default cache settings which are maybe performance focused. Let's be honest, S3 protocol implementations for a long time weren't suitable for thing like S3Drive, due to consistency issues which were addressed not that long time ago. For AWS it was December 2020:
exploit01415 joined the server. 03/07/2023 6:35 PM
Click to see original message
exploit01415 03/07/2023 6:35 PM
exploit01415 03/07/2023 6:49 PM
Hello 🙂
exploit01415 03/07/2023 7:10 PM
Any idea how to fix this? Encryption is enabled
Hi @exploit01415, thanks for your post. I assume that's an Android? Can I ask you what's your OS version and phone brand/model? Does it happen for every file during upload? (edited)
Hi @exploit01415, thanks for your post. I assume that's an Android? Can I ask you what's your OS version and phone brand/model? Does it happen for every file during upload? (edited)
exploit01415 03/08/2023 10:30 AM
Galaxy S21 Ultra, Android 13 (edited)
Yeah since I enabled encryption
@exploit01415 Thanks, we're fully on this. We've managed to reproduce it on some low-end Samsung with Android 13. I will let you know later today about progress on this. Sorry for the inconvenience !
@exploit01415 Thanks, we're fully on this. We've managed to reproduce it on some low-end Samsung with Android 13. I will let you know later today about progress on this. Sorry for the inconvenience !
exploit01415 03/08/2023 10:37 AM
No worries, I was just trying the app for the first time 🙂 (edited)
👍 1
No worries, I was just trying the app for the first time 🙂 (edited)
If you come across something else that's not working for you or it's not clear enough, I'd be more than happy to help.
💯 1
Yeah since I enabled encryption
We've addressed this issue in the 1.1.3 release which is currently pending review on the Play Store. I will let you know once it's Live (this usually takes between ~5-12 hours). Thank you very much for reporting this.
Any idea how to fix this? Encryption is enabled
This issue is now fixed, please update your app version. Thanks ! (edited)
🔥 2
fortymarlin joined the server. 03/13/2023 11:48 PM
Hi @fortymarlin, welcome to our little world !
👍 1
Keep up the great work Tom! This is turning into a better app every week!
👍 1
How do i support this app? Is it for free?
How do i support this app? Is it for free?
App is entirely free. You're supporting us by simply using it, as you would likely report an issue, or perhaps might have some improvement idea. We're working on a sustainable business model, but at the moment we're focused on delivering remaining functionalities and moving it from (beta) to (stable). We'll be offering managed S3 accounts in Q2, but will always leave an option for a user to use their own S3 account. (edited)
Thanks much
Thanks much
If you like the app, we would appreciate rating our app and/or leaving the review on App/Play Store. I think the idea behind the app is great and fits many uses cases, but we're pretty early and far from being a recognizable solution 🙂
imlogarithm joined the server. 03/16/2023 12:41 AM
I use StorJ but found that upload/download speeds can sometimes be abyssimal and requests to delete folders with many thousand items fail for no good reasons. I'm considering to move my data to Wasabi, thoughts?
I use StorJ but found that upload/download speeds can sometimes be abyssimal and requests to delete folders with many thousand items fail for no good reasons. I'm considering to move my data to Wasabi, thoughts?
@imlogarithm Hi, thanks for joining. There are couple items here. Do you have an encryption enabled and use files bigger than 100MB? If so, then S3Drive uses much slower software encryption for such files which has visible performance effects, we plan to fix this, however since it's a topic of highly security sensitive nature, we're not rushing the decision. These are the roadmap items: and which we plan to deliver around Summer 2023. If you upload/download multiple items without encryption enabled or smaller than 100MB and find poor upload/download speeds then switching to different S3 (Wasabi) might help, but only if you're not already maxing out your current internet connection. Deleting item is a different beast. Currently we're not deleting items, but rather "copy" them to trash one by one, and then delete files in the original location. It's not that delete is slow, but the "copy" operation takes time and it's safe to assume that "thousand" files operation will be roughly 1000x slower then a single file. What can help here is to switch to S3 provider/region that has closest proximity to your internet connection, but no matter what results won't be satisfying enough. No worries though, we plan to address this in ~April 2023 by adding support for native S3 versioning: so we can actually skip Copy operation... and Delete itself is fast enough. (edited)
👍 1
I use StorJ but found that upload/download speeds can sometimes be abyssimal and requests to delete folders with many thousand items fail for no good reasons. I'm considering to move my data to Wasabi, thoughts?
I've just checked it and it seems that Storj doesn't support object versioning and I didn't find if it's on their radar to have it implemented. On the other hand Wasabi does support it:
Yes. The versioning feature with a cloud storage service offers an additional level of protection by providing a means of recovery when customers accidentally overwrite or delete objects. This allo...
👍 1
Thanks mate!
imlogarithm 03/16/2023 3:36 PM
I left a 5 stars review for both apps hope it helps it rank high in search results
👍 1
What is the UI coded in? React native or flutter?
fortymarlin 03/16/2023 4:30 PM
Hi, which S3 storage would you recommend to connect to?
Hi, which S3 storage would you recommend to connect to?
Hi, They all have slightly different pricing models, each of them being suited towards certain workflows. You probably can't go wrong with either Backblaze (PayG but transfer fees) or Wasabi (fixed plan, but no transfer fees). I didn't have technical problems with Scaleway (except some billing issues and requirement of using credit card instead of debit card). If you want fully "own" the data, then you can self-host MinIO, but this would only be cost-effective for bigger datasets or if you can afford setting it up on at your Home/NAS. I probably wouldn't recommend iDrive E2 (lots of technical issues and inconsistent behavior)... and with Storj I need to say I don't exactly know what guarantees they give, but you probably can't go wrong with free ~150GB (UPDATE: They've changed that to 25GB - data plan just to try them out. No matter what, I wouldn't recommend using just one destination as the only backup of your data, but similar applies to Dropbox and alike. (edited)
👍 1
I left a 5 stars review for both apps hope it helps it rank high in search results
Thank you, it always helps !
What is the UI coded in? React native or flutter?
We're using Flutter and it works really well. All of the logic, networking, encryption is also built using Flutter / Dart... and if something can't be achieved with Flutter, then we call native platform functions. (edited)
👍 1
Great choice
Great choice
Are you interested in a cross-platform development? There is also other promising project: it wasn't mature enough when we started. EDIT: Apparently it's still in Beta. (edited)
I have plans to work on kids mobile games but will probably orchestrate instead of code. I have some coding background but never loved coding much.
I have plans to work on kids mobile games but will probably orchestrate instead of code. I have some coding background but never loved coding much.
Well, I never loved coding as an isolated activity, but I find it extremely exciting when used as a tool to solve some real life problems. Good luck on your project ! (edited)
👍 1
@s3drive you think that Kotlin Multiplatform is mature enough to match Flutter? I couldn't find performance comparisons. It seems like Kotlin would be a good choice as it's a first class citizen for android too so you don't have to learn as many programming languages, but do they have rendering engines as good as flutter? I know flutter just released a new rendering engine for IOS that use metal, and their android engine is pretty good too.
@s3drive you think that Kotlin Multiplatform is mature enough to match Flutter? I couldn't find performance comparisons. It seems like Kotlin would be a good choice as it's a first class citizen for android too so you don't have to learn as many programming languages, but do they have rendering engines as good as flutter? I know flutter just released a new rendering engine for IOS that use metal, and their android engine is pretty good too.
I don't think I am educated enough on Kotlin Multiplatform to answer that. I don't think that currently KMM maturity is near enough of Flutter, but specifics probably depends on the project. I think Kotlin has a better future than Dart though. I also liked working with Kotlin more... and the ecosystem is Java compatible, which means you have access to decades of knowledge and different projects. EDIT: It's not exactly that, Kotlin is apparently going into "language on it's own" direction and not necessarily aiming to use JVM (source: This slightly alters my argument, still I've seen plenty of tools to migrate Java to Kotlin if you ever needed to port some Java logic. Yes, Flutter recently allows enabling Impeller engine on iOS and Android, previously Skia was used (I am actually not sure if it's not the same engine that KMM uses). To be honest it's not even about Kotlin vs Dart. If you know one language you can pretty easily use another. It's about what libraries, packages you get out of the box in one ecosystem or the other - I think that Flutter ecosystem it's still early, but mature enough for many projects. . Bear in mind that you very often rely on some library which gives you native access to certain platform. These are not quick to build yourself and save you lots of time if you find one. I don't think KMM has many of these libraries, so often you will have to build one yourself in Kotlin and connect it to Swift and Android SDK (in which case you need to know the native language as well) (edited)
👍 1
imlogarithm 03/20/2023 1:51 AM
I wonder if Microsoft won't just catch up with their MAUI and they have lots of addons and packages etc... dotnet is pretty solid. I think I prefer the way you can declare your ui in XML and then mode the interactions or something. Not sure yet. Performance probably sucks big time however.
I jist hate the JVM so much, that and gradle or maven or we... everything Java I dislike.
Not sure it matters much which stack you pick today as they will all evolve differently so I'd go with the one that feels right to begin with and has the documentation and tools do that I want to do.
daniel_recker_95 joined the server. 03/20/2023 2:13 AM
I wonder if Microsoft won't just catch up with their MAUI and they have lots of addons and packages etc... dotnet is pretty solid. I think I prefer the way you can declare your ui in XML and then mode the interactions or something. Not sure yet. Performance probably sucks big time however.
Never had chance to work with C#, but it seems is pretty robust, mature language and for quite a while no longer locked in to Microsoft. My understanding is that Xamarin or MAUI they work in a similar way as React Native, which is you still call native UI components. (On the contrary Flutter uses the rendering engine)... so I don't think that performance will be that badly affected. Speaking of XML UI, I worked with Android and really didn't enjoy it (perhaps the MAUI one is nicer?), but before I tried Jetpack Compose I've introduced Flutter. The nested / React way of defining components is much clearer to me than XML. I never liked Java, it's verboseness, clunkiness and being memory hungry. With Android development I was forced to try it... and Kotlin made the introduction much nicer. After a while Gradle is no longer an issue, as you know the quirks. There are exciting projects like GraalVM which make resource startup costs of Java negligible. You can then reuse your project language on the back-end with huge choice of Reactive back-end frameworks (so far tried Vert.x and liked it). I was amazed by understanding how portable the Java ecosystem is... also I've fixed my previous comment and be aware that Kotlin (at least in KMM) is taking: "language on it's own" path and stepping away from JVM. One thing I've understood a while ago, perfect is the enemy of good. I better start using some technology and learn from it, the constantly try to find the best language / ecosystem, which may actually not exist. Same applies to Flutter, my biggest concern is that Google will simply kill it (, but before that happen I am sure that either there will be nice alternative and/or I will have time&resources to migrate my project elsewhere. After all it's Flutter that initially saved me a lot of time, so if I need to "pay it back" a little later, that's still fine with me. (edited)
Hi @daniel_recker_95 , welcome to the channel !
polyen joined the server. 03/20/2023 2:03 PM
Hi @polyen, welcome to our channel !
pairg joined the server. 03/22/2023 8:55 PM
Hi @pairg, welcome here ! (edited)
zer0r00t joined the server. 03/24/2023 5:23 AM
Hi @zer0r00t , welcome to our small community !
Click to see original message
Interesting software
👍 1
... and it will only get even more interesting with our ambitious 2023 Roadmap -
I'm a homelabber so I'd love to host this on my server someday
If you don't mind me asking, is Sync Solutions a company?
I'm a homelabber so I'd love to host this on my server someday
The architecture of the client does require valid S3 endpoint. You can run e.g. MinIO on your end:! which gives fully S3 compatible API. In such setup it's only S3Drive client on your device hitting your MinIO endpoint which is also in your control.
The architecture of the client does require valid S3 endpoint. You can run e.g. MinIO on your end:! which gives fully S3 compatible API. In such setup it's only S3Drive client on your device hitting your MinIO endpoint which is also in your control.
Is this also true for the webapp when used with local s3 servers? Or is data proxied through another server?
If you don't mind me asking, is Sync Solutions a company?
It's a trade name, we're currently registered as a sole proprietorship, we're pending registration and paperwork to switch to limited company. This will likely be finished around Q2/Q3 2023. It is possible the trade name will change at that point. (edited)
Cool. Nothing wrong with companies doing FOSS. Just trying to understand the motivations and goals
Is this also true for the webapp when used with local s3 servers? Or is data proxied through another server?
Webapp is exactly the same codebase as desktop and mobile clients (thanks to Flutter), so it's hitting the API directly, you can verify that in your browser (right-click + inspect element and see the network tab - XHR requests). There are few exceptions where we might hit some other server (but never for S3 related operations), but we've mentioned that explicitly in our privacy section:
I see pro features mentioned. Do you see a bitwarden-like business model?
Cool. Nothing wrong with companies doing FOSS. Just trying to understand the motivations and goals
Just for you to be aware we're not exactly FOSS. In our setup the clients code is closed, but the back-end protocol (S3) is open, meaning that you can always switch to other S3 client if you're not happy. There are other models on the market. For instance there are multiple companies having their clients open-sourced, but back-end is closed, which has some other advantages, but also disadvantages (vendor lock-in being one of them).
Ok I skimmed the webpage and thought it was FOSS
So files can be decrypted with or without s3drive am I understanding this correctly?
Both the encryption and backend are safe from vendor lock-in?
I see pro features mentioned. Do you see a bitwarden-like business model?
We've been thinking about sustainable business model for a while. Our plans include hosted S3 accounts, which would include all of the Pro features when you get the data plan. BItwarden business model, we're not there yet, maybe eventually.
So files can be decrypted with or without s3drive am I understanding this correctly?
That's right, this is because we're compatible with the AWS FOSS implementation:
That's great. That makes me feel more confident
That's great. That makes me feel more confident
In our roadmap we plan to release open source decryption / export tool:
Very nice. Reminds me of standard notes
Both the encryption and backend are safe from vendor lock-in?
Back-end yes, no vendor lock-in, because we plan to stay compatible with S3. There maybe additional extra features on top of S3 protocol which are not possible to achieve with current S3 (related to e.g. file sharing and atomic rename/copy) in which case we might come up with some optional middle-man.
So far I see this as a valid replacement to rclone WebDAV serve with rclone's crypt -- for less technical people who are afraid of CLIs
Both the encryption and backend are safe from vendor lock-in?
Regarding encryption, there are couple challenges that we face with current AES-256 GCM implementation (mostly related to bigger files and video streams). We have plans to improve that: but that still needs more research and there are couple dependencies. No matter what, our encryption standard will remain open and if possible compatible with other tooling.
So far I see this as a valid replacement to rclone WebDAV serve with rclone's crypt -- for less technical people who are afraid of CLIs
Yes, but hopefully not only this. I find S3Drive way more convenient tool than rclone for accessing my files or backing up my photos on a day to day basis.... and I am not afraid of CLIs. (edited)
yes that too of course
S3 compatible app on android at least, that looks nice is rare
Even if I don't use encryption, it's still handy to manage a bucket with a GUI
S3 compatible app on android at least, that looks nice is rare
Heh, thanks for that. Our design is far from modern expectations, but well, there are other S3 clients which kind of lowered entry bar for us 🙂
design is not bad at all
i kinda like it
on desktop tho, it feels very weird to use a smartphone/tablet-ish UI
on desktop tho, it feels very weird to use a smartphone/tablet-ish UI
You're right, on the plus side, this allowed us to release desktop clients early. GUI will be improved, once we get through other items... and we're fully booked for 2023 so far.
also the taskbar icon imho looks too close to windows explorer icon
also the taskbar icon imho looks too close to windows explorer icon
That's a valid point, thanks. Being an Ubuntu user myself didn't have that graphic encoded in my mind.
@zer0r00t If you have any other questions, concerns I would be glad to help out... and speaking of FOSS you might actually think of reasons behind our decision and it's mostly related to the fact that we try to build a sustainable business. With our open back-end model, OSS clients would simply kill any ways for us to monetize our work. OSS in general has funding issues and there are many examples of that. Companies in order to sell OSS, try to build closed source back-end, vendor lock-in you into their solution and make self-hosting pretty hard (despite code being open source). It's fine to find ways to monetize their work, it's just it's little bit deceptive practice (to claim Free, Open, but being far from it) in my opinion. As with every business, things may or may not work out. We plan to introduce certain safeguard triggers (e.g. if we ever planned to wind down our operations we would then release our work on some open-source license), more on that in our next updates. (edited)
of course
all the best
oh something you might want to look into:
i use this at home as my s3 server
An open-source distributed storage service you can self-host to fullfill many needs.
👍 1
s3drive doesn't seem to work with it
works fine with rclone, arq, cloudberry just fine
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Thanks, we'll look into that.
Click to see attachment 🖼️
I know I probably ask for too much, but do you have an example endpoint I could use to try it out? If not, no worries we'll have it running and then play around.
allow me an hour
👍 1
allow me an hour
Great, thanks that would speed things up on our end. Don't feel rushed though. We're here most of the day anyway. (edited)
Click to see attachment 🖼️
I did a quick setup on my local: and discovered that the issue is that by default in enforces region: garage... and there is no way to provide region in S3Drive. It seems that we may add additional form field to specify the region.
Click to see attachment 🖼️
The quick fix if you want to use S3Drive is to set the region in toml file like this: s3_region = "us-east-1". We auto-detect region from the endpoint URL and have a way to detect custom region from MinIO.... and if it doesn't work we use the most common default which is us-east-1.
it is set up as us-east-1 in toml
sending you my test creds
it is set up as us-east-1 in toml
Thanks, got this. In fact there is an issue on our side. The detection logic (pretty stupid regex) incorrectly detects the region from your endpoint. When I've tested Garage locally using just IP addresses it wasn't an issue. I've sent you possible temporary resolution via PM. (edited)
I see pro features mentioned. Do you see a bitwarden-like business model?
I think I haven't responded to that properly. We haven't decided exactly, our closest business plans include managed accounts with storage plans instead of selling "Pro" features. We've still left a room for ourselves if we ever decided to sell "Pro" features... and since we wouldn't like to disrupt current early adopters there is the Enrol API mentioned in our Privacy section that I believe you refer to. Realistically speaking, we'll keep certain Pro features always free (E2E encryption, photo backup etc.) to lower the barrier of entry and likely provide some additional Pro extensions and possibly per seat licensing model for companies in the future. We'll certainly stay cautious with changes and we extremely value existing users who contribute by providing valuable feedback. (edited)
✅ 1
👍 1
_.slipstream joined the server. 03/24/2023 10:30 PM
@s3drive working nicely with garage now
@s3drive working nicely with garage now
Thanks for letting me know. Do you mind if I ask how are you finding Garage and did you try any S3 compatible alternatives that is MinIO / Seaweed FS / Ceph or anything like that?
I did use minio before using garage
I think I'll be moving back to minio
Garage store a lot of chunk files which are hard to deal with on ext4
It takes ages to run ncdu on the data folder
Garage store a lot of chunk files which are hard to deal with on ext4
Ah yes, I've seen in their documentation that they actually recommend XFS instead due to possible inode limit issues with EXT4.
I like the CLI tho
... and it's a single Go binary with less baggage that MinIO already have.
I would be curious to try SeaweedFS though. (edited)
I was looking into SeaweedFS today
Looks very interesting
I need to read the docs a bit more
.kirausagi joined the server. 03/26/2023 3:24 AM
Hi @.kirausagi, welcome to our channel !
exp0rt0567 joined the server. 03/28/2023 5:39 AM
Hi @exp0rt0567, welcome to our small world !
dsdsdsdsdsdsdsds_ joined the server. 03/30/2023 1:26 AM
imlogarithm 04/07/2023 2:44 AM
I'd go with whatever option had the easiest backups tbh. I find that setting up an environment is not that hard, having redundancy too, but having good backups isin't that simple.
awkwardlysocial joined the server. 04/07/2023 6:43 PM
awkwardlysocial 04/07/2023 6:43 PM
Sup people
Hi @awkwardlysocial, welcome to the channel, how are things?
Hi @awkwardlysocial, welcome to the channel, how are things?
awkwardlysocial 04/07/2023 6:44 PM
Good good. Just recently finished college. Now looking to get into a university in Canada
Good good. Just recently finished college. Now looking to get into a university in Canada
Exciting times. What degree you aiming for? Let me guess... CS? 🙂 (edited)
Exciting times. What degree you aiming for? Let me guess... CS? 🙂 (edited)
awkwardlysocial 04/07/2023 6:45 PM
Aahh not really
I was considering it
But given my ADHD. I decided to go towards English literature/writing/media etc.
As I like to be creative
I am also however, a tech nerd 🤓
Right, so my guess wasn't exactly right. It's just so many people I've talked to are either CS students or converting to IT.
awkwardlysocial 04/07/2023 6:48 PM
I really did want to
But I also didn't want to make myself suffer mentally (edited)
As I've suffered enough 🤷
Yeah sure. We forget in our society that in the long run mental health wins over any aspect. I also know some people who tried hard to convert to IT for the luxurious pay being the reason one, but ultimately decided it's not for them. (edited)
awkwardlysocial 04/07/2023 6:50 PM
eg. Due to family pressure, I went with the science department starting from 9th grade to college
And oh boy, worst mistake of my life
I was in a mentally dark place. Almost decided to "game over" myself
I've recovered in the past few months. Life's much better now 💪
Yep I know that, it's like if someone else decides what you like doing... and noone asks you. Happened a lot around my circles. Sorry to hear that, but I am glad that you've took some steps and recovered. Good luck with your submission in Canada, stay strong ! (edited)
awkwardlysocial 04/07/2023 6:53 PM
Thanks 👍🏻
Feel like this server isn't promoted enough
Really good app btw
Thanks, it's all pretty new and still expanding. We're not doing much of a marketing, little bit overwhelmed by outstanding tech items right now. (edited)
awkwardlysocial 04/07/2023 6:55 PM
That's alright
Is there anything in particular I can assist you with?
awkwardlysocial 04/07/2023 6:55 PM
I've personally done some android development myself
It can be quite interesting
Indeed, we've started with Android and decided to expand on all platforms.
Is there anything in particular I can assist you with?
awkwardlysocial 04/07/2023 6:57 PM
Oh yeah forgot, I can't seem to be able to delete folders
It loads for a few moments but the folder persists
Oh yeah forgot, I can't seem to be able to delete folders
I see, what cloud are you using? We've seen such behaviour with MinIO and iDrive.
I see, what cloud are you using? We've seen such behaviour with MinIO and iDrive.
awkwardlysocial 04/07/2023 6:59 PM
Oh yeah forgot, I can't seem to be able to delete folders
Also, there are lots of improvements that we will be releasing regarding folder operations: "Deleting item is a different beast. Currently we're not deleting items, but rather "copy" them to trash one by one, and then delete files in the original location. It's not that delete is slow, but the "copy" operation takes time and it's safe to assume that "thousand" files operation will be roughly 1000x slower then a single file. What can help here is to switch to S3 provider/region that has closest proximity to your internet connection, but no matter what results won't be satisfying enough. No worries though, we plan to address this in ~April 2023 by adding support for native S3 versioning: so we can actually skip Copy operation... and Delete itself is fast enough. " (edited)
Thanks for your report. At this stage all I can say is sorry that it doesn't work as expected, we will have a closer look regarding Folder delete and Storj. It's usually some tricky caching behaviour that we've hasn't managed consistently reproduce... but I am sure that we'll eventually get to this. Ultimately we can come up with some compromise, e.g. hide folder for some time after delete. (edited)
One question that I have, does it stay like this forever or eventually the folder entry disappears?
Thanks for your report. At this stage all I can say is sorry that it doesn't work as expected, we will have a closer look regarding Folder delete and Storj. It's usually some tricky caching behaviour that we've hasn't managed consistently reproduce... but I am sure that we'll eventually get to this. Ultimately we can come up with some compromise, e.g. hide folder for some time after delete. (edited)
awkwardlysocial 04/07/2023 7:10 PM
Ah no need to be sorry
👍 1
One question that I have, does it stay like this forever or eventually the folder entry disappears?
awkwardlysocial 04/07/2023 7:10 PM
Seems to stay like that
Ah no need to be sorry
@awkwardlysocial I will let you know once I find out something with Storj, in the meantime was wondering how are you finding other aspects of S3Drive? Is there anything that you don't like / like in particular? It's an early stage and every single feedback is extremely valuable for us. (edited)
@awkwardlysocial I will let you know once I find out something with Storj, in the meantime was wondering how are you finding other aspects of S3Drive? Is there anything that you don't like / like in particular? It's an early stage and every single feedback is extremely valuable for us. (edited)
awkwardlysocial 04/07/2023 7:51 PM
Ability to turn off Trash/Recycle bin would be pretty nice
👍 1
As for the Ui, I would like to see Monet theming.
prematrix joined the server. 04/08/2023 12:37 AM
Why can't I connect to my iDrive E2?
Hi @prematrix, this happens when iDrive E2 encryption is enabled. In general they use non-standard approach to reporting object hashes that we rely on. There are some ways around, but we haven't got to that yet. More on that here: and: The recommended path for iDrive E2 is to disable their encryption and enable in-app E2E encryption. (edited)
Thank you for the response. I will use cryptomator, until the issue is fixed.
Thank you for the response. I will use cryptomator, until the issue is fixed.
Thanks for letting us know. We will definitely have it sorted pretty soon. Stay tuned !
xenthys joined the server. 04/10/2023 10:14 PM
Hello there! ablobwave The Discord server is hard to join from the app since it opens a webview, I'd recommend opening the invite externally so the Discord application can pick it up, or at least the standard web browser. Trying out the application with MinIO, so far so good, pleased by the rename function that likely performs a copy + delete under the hood. It does what one would expect from an S3 client, no ads either, really liking it. (edited)
Not sure what the .aa* file and folder are about, but some "don't touch my bucket" parameter would be nice if the app doesn't strictly need them, otherwise that sounds like an additional bucket policy :D EDIT: looks like the file is for some kind of init feature within the app, and one of the two folders is the trash. I've seen the versioning feature request, but the trash folder could be opt-in if possible. (edited)
Hi @xenthys, welcome to our channel. Thanks for your post. Being relatively new Discord user myself such feedback is extremely useful, thanks ! You're right, "rename" performs a "copy" and then "delete" (but only if "copy" was successful operation.). The .aainit file is our write test, as well as ETag response validation (which is required for not yet released syncing features), as some providers (talking mostly about iDrive E2 with SSE enabled) don't generate valid ETags. BTW. Would you like S3Drive to support read-only mode? Regardless, we will try to improve clarity of this operation, so user feels more confident that we're not doing some shady write/reads. Speaking of Trash itself, likely this week starting on Android first there will be a Settings option to disable Trash feature altogether (which is a soft-delete emulation, but slow and pointless if bucket already supports versioning). Versioning UI with restore options will come little bit later. (edited)
Hi @xenthys, welcome to our channel. Thanks for your post. Being relatively new Discord user myself such feedback is extremely useful, thanks ! You're right, "rename" performs a "copy" and then "delete" (but only if "copy" was successful operation.). The .aainit file is our write test, as well as ETag response validation (which is required for not yet released syncing features), as some providers (talking mostly about iDrive E2 with SSE enabled) don't generate valid ETags. BTW. Would you like S3Drive to support read-only mode? Regardless, we will try to improve clarity of this operation, so user feels more confident that we're not doing some shady write/reads. Speaking of Trash itself, likely this week starting on Android first there will be a Settings option to disable Trash feature altogether (which is a soft-delete emulation, but slow and pointless if bucket already supports versioning). Versioning UI with restore options will come little bit later. (edited)
Thank you for your reply! Let me know if you have any question about Discord, I love to help around. For the .aainit file it's fine, but I'd prefer if the app saved the test results locally then deleted the file. I want to be able to write files so I wouldn't use a read-only mode, and we can always create read-only access keys if we want to be sure that's how the app will behave! I'm very interested by the share link expiry slider or date picker though, I never share for 7 days, it's either a smaller duration or permanent. Cool, I don't mind not having the versioning UI yet, but had to delete my file versions + the trash versions to cleanup my bucket so… yeah, trash is cool but I assume most people who want that have versioning enabled. I assume you already have quite a few buckets on various providers to test your features, but I can provide a MinIO one if it could be of interest. There was a 2nd folder with an HTML page in it, not sure what it was about but same thing I'd say, that's probably the least expected action from an S3 browser… While I audited the actions and indeed didn't find anything malicious, that could get me assassinated by my colleagues if I ever connected a more important bucket to the app. doggokek
Thank you for your reply! Let me know if you have any question about Discord, I love to help around. For the .aainit file it's fine, but I'd prefer if the app saved the test results locally then deleted the file. I want to be able to write files so I wouldn't use a read-only mode, and we can always create read-only access keys if we want to be sure that's how the app will behave! I'm very interested by the share link expiry slider or date picker though, I never share for 7 days, it's either a smaller duration or permanent. Cool, I don't mind not having the versioning UI yet, but had to delete my file versions + the trash versions to cleanup my bucket so… yeah, trash is cool but I assume most people who want that have versioning enabled. I assume you already have quite a few buckets on various providers to test your features, but I can provide a MinIO one if it could be of interest. There was a 2nd folder with an HTML page in it, not sure what it was about but same thing I'd say, that's probably the least expected action from an S3 browser… While I audited the actions and indeed didn't find anything malicious, that could get me assassinated by my colleagues if I ever connected a more important bucket to the app. doggokek
Thanks for your help. Currently sharing uses S3 presigned URL, they're part of the protocol, however the signature validity is limited to 7 days max. The HTML is in fact created when sharing files externally to create the "album" feel. The workflow is that we create "presigned" URL for every resource that you share, then we embed them in the HTML which is itself "presigned". There will be in-app sharing later this year, which will basically open shared resources within the Web app: It will still have to follow the S3 protocol limitations though. We're exploring different ways, so we can generate permanent links and allow users revoking them. There are multiple ways, one way is to create a middle-man (link shortener/alias and presigned links generator) to constantly extend the validity and keep the same URL scheme. The other way is to aim more into closer integration, e.g. with permission management and STS using MinIO we could revoke shared resources, something which isn't possible with pure S3 protocol. We haven't exactly agreed on the best way forwards. Thanks for all your feedback and I am more than happy to hear how are you finding different parts of the app and whether it suits your workflow. Speaking of MinIO, last time when we've tried to test the S3Drive with MinIO we've came across same listing caching issues when folder was deleted with all of its contents. The contents was removed properly, but the folder entry stayed in the s3 ls even though headObject couldn't retrieve it as a valid S3 entry. I am curious if you came across of something similar. (edited)
Yes, 7 days is the maximum but not the minimum, when I share a file however I'd like to keep using raw presigned URLs without having app-specific features included without me being aware. I'm looking for an S3 browser to use S3 features, if I wanted a fully-featured platform I'd install Nextcloud instead and use S3 as the backend storage, be careful about feature creep! I expect the majority of users who are technical enough to have an S3 bucket to use the app just for a quick file access or upload as well. I haven't encountered any issue with MinIO yet, but I deleted content through the console with their versions when I figured out the trash feature. I know MinIO doesn't immediately update the file list after a create or delete operation, even the console shows an invalid object count if you check too soon after, so maybe that's related?
While my messages are very opinionated, in the end it remains your application of course, I would never order an independent developer to do what I want, unless we have a paid contract haha
Yes, 7 days is the maximum but not the minimum, when I share a file however I'd like to keep using raw presigned URLs without having app-specific features included without me being aware. I'm looking for an S3 browser to use S3 features, if I wanted a fully-featured platform I'd install Nextcloud instead and use S3 as the backend storage, be careful about feature creep! I expect the majority of users who are technical enough to have an S3 bucket to use the app just for a quick file access or upload as well. I haven't encountered any issue with MinIO yet, but I deleted content through the console with their versions when I figured out the trash feature. I know MinIO doesn't immediately update the file list after a create or delete operation, even the console shows an invalid object count if you check too soon after, so maybe that's related?
We will implement slider to allow providing the minimums. Our aim is to actually hide the S3 complexities and provide the "drive" experience for the general public. Our userbase is mixed. I take your point and will make a note to incorporate raw sharing. Speaking of Nextcloud, yes it's an option, but not anyone wants to set up their server, manage it, take care of updates and security... also if you want Nextcloud to not cost a lost (when e.g. hosted on some VPS)... then actually you need to connect it with some S3 provider to get reasonably priced storage. Our aim is to skip layers like Nextcloud and simply using some client-side magic provide similar experience (and less convoluted than Nextcloud - but that's my opinion) using raw S3. Speaking of caching issues. It's likely what we've experienced with MinIO and was little bit confused, because all other providers (except iDrive) update their listings immediately.
While my messages are very opinionated, in the end it remains your application of course, I would never order an independent developer to do what I want, unless we have a paid contract haha
If we only got more such "opinionated" messages, it would've been much easier to build stuff... and working full-time on this for about a year now without a single paycheck, I wouldn't mind a paid contract 🙂 ... but seriously, it's actually one of the coolest things I've been working on in my 10+ years career and seeing already such positive reception we've no intentions to stop. (edited)
I see, however you're going to have a hard time implementing a nice drive experience on top of bare S3 buckets, especially if you reduce yourself to the common denominator between the various providers. I guess some kind of "expert mode" would help settle the debate, where you expose raw S3 functions and let the user do whatever without interfering. Yes, Nextcloud was an example, I don't know many people with an S3 bucket who don't already have a way to share files, and most will probably just use OneDrive or similar if they want simplicity. With the single-file installer and compatibility with any shared hosting service, it's not the hardest to use 😄
I'd love to be rich enough to offer paid contracts by myself, the company I work at would unfortunately not be interested, our buckets are going to be heavily locked down so even accessing them directly from a company laptop on the internal network would be frowned upon. Welcome to healthcare!
I'd love to be rich enough to offer paid contracts by myself, the company I work at would unfortunately not be interested, our buckets are going to be heavily locked down so even accessing them directly from a company laptop on the internal network would be frowned upon. Welcome to healthcare!
We're also planning some enterprise offerings. Basically S3Drive, locked down within the internal infrastructure with SSO, permission management, audit log and some management tools on top of MinIO (or other solution). Obviously the model would've to be slightly different. We would likely provide management tools as an open-source on some license. I am just thinking loud and this is something we will start work on 2023 Q4 / 2024 Q1 at earliest. Out of curiosity what your company uses for the S3? Is it MinIO, Ceph or some cloud S3? (edited)
We're moving from Azure Blob storage to AWS S3 directly, so pretty much going from the least to the most compliant S3 implementation :p (edited)
As for our SSO, it's based on Microsoft so probably not what you would expect for a company fully using AWS as its sole cloud provider.
I have to say, my main use of S3Drive is to have an S3 app on my phone, the others weren't as appealing, but your vision fully makes sense once we take all platforms into account.
Regarding licensing, maybe you'd like the Sustainable Use created by n8n: It's based on the Fair-code software model ( which only restricts commercial applications of your software, it's interesting.
👍 1
I see, however you're going to have a hard time implementing a nice drive experience on top of bare S3 buckets, especially if you reduce yourself to the common denominator between the various providers. I guess some kind of "expert mode" would help settle the debate, where you expose raw S3 functions and let the user do whatever without interfering. Yes, Nextcloud was an example, I don't know many people with an S3 bucket who don't already have a way to share files, and most will probably just use OneDrive or similar if they want simplicity. With the single-file installer and compatibility with any shared hosting service, it's not the hardest to use 😄
It's indeed a challenge to provide a nice drive experience on top of bare S3. There are multiple missing features, block read/writes, bulk operations, atomic operations. We're not discouraged though, as there are ways around. The beauty of such approach is that we're staying compliant with S3 at all times, so there is no vendor lock-in or proprietary back-end. With some optional tooling/layers we can improve the experience. The other advantages of S3Drive comparing to well-established players is price competitiveness (S3 is just cheap)... and ZK client-side encryption, so you can drop your files anywhere and secure them, so they are private. To be honest... every week/month as we build it we find new ideas that slightly affect our direction and it's just how things are developed.
Hey, I play Star Citizen, unless your app stays in alpha for a decade you're good doggokek
Regarding licensing, maybe you'd like the Sustainable Use created by n8n: It's based on the Fair-code software model ( which only restricts commercial applications of your software, it's interesting.
Cool, thanks. It's really helpful. We've been studying different open-source licensing and having chance to read lots of horror stories (ElasticSearch, core-js recently ... and couple more) we were not exactly convinced what's the best path to take given that the S3 protocol itself is open and the fact that we don't have the proprietary back-end as a means to protect the IP by making the open-source client useless without back-end (not that we would want to take that route). (edited)
Well, the horror story for most users is seeing a project moving to another license, no matter from which to which. The model used by n8n has been criticized by pro-FOSS folks, but GitHub stars don't pay rent.
I find it very interesting because self-hosted people won't have any barrier, even within companies, but they can't offer a SaaS version of your product. That seems to match your vision.
Your "back-end" would be the layer you plan to use in order to transform an S3 bucket into a drive I assume, but licensing should only be validated with a lawyer anyway.
Your "back-end" would be the layer you plan to use in order to transform an S3 bucket into a drive I assume, but licensing should only be validated with a lawyer anyway.
It's all interesting, thank you. I can imagine FOSS communities not approving such licences, but pragmatic open-source is just unsustainable and we're probably yet to see even more similar licences and more projects using these. (edited)
I find it very interesting because self-hosted people won't have any barrier, even within companies, but they can't offer a SaaS version of your product. That seems to match your vision.
We'll get back to the licensing later this year. Next couple months are about delivering the major roadmap items. By that time we might have a clearer picture and more established userbase.
The more I think about it… I can't hire you, but would an "expert mode" bounty work? Basically a "gimme bare-bones S3 and don't touch my bucket!!" mode as described above. Another interesting feature would be to be able to set the filename on upload, because rename leaves deleted versions. Or maybe a checkbox to delete the renamed version on versioned buckets? I assume you're going to have a versioning check for the trash feature later, so the idea would be to piggyback on it if it's not too much work. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help of course.
The more I think about it… I can't hire you, but would an "expert mode" bounty work? Basically a "gimme bare-bones S3 and don't touch my bucket!!" mode as described above. Another interesting feature would be to be able to set the filename on upload, because rename leaves deleted versions. Or maybe a checkbox to delete the renamed version on versioned buckets? I assume you're going to have a versioning check for the trash feature later, so the idea would be to piggyback on it if it's not too much work. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help of course.
If bare-bones S3 means, simply disable some convenience features then why not. Rename with old name object version delete is possible. Normally I would be hesitant to implement it, since it's easy to for feature creep to kick in... and it's not sort of feature where one would like to make a mistake in. On the other hand we already have to the delete (after copy) to emulate move. I like the idea to not clutter the bucket. We will have it implemented. (edited)
Managing versions is going to be annoying when you take compliance mode into account, S3 is a feature creep in itself already haha
Managing versions is going to be annoying when you take compliance mode into account, S3 is a feature creep in itself already haha
Yes, but what's the alternative? 🙂 I love that one:
Indeed, I'm just joking about the fact S3 itself is no longer true to its name when you take every feature into account.
But even with compliance, worst case scenario is handling a 403 technically speaking, just ensure the error message is clear enough :p
If I hated the S3 standard, I wouldn't be here 🙃
Basically growing pile of IFs, growing pile of tests... and possible becoming little bit less exciting to work on... but if it's what it takes to stay compatible... well we can still handle it. Well, S3 is far from perfect... what I love about it... it is actually a standard that's broadly accepted. (edited)
Finally, Compliance mode is a feature with real use-cases, so it's not like this work gets more pleasant with a different standard. One needs to handle 403 regardless of the API. (edited)
Yes, but what's the alternative? 🙂 I love that one:
I liked IRC as a chat platform standard, even though authentication and privacy is a mess. This normally makes you think about another XKCD…
Indeed, and versioning / object locking / compliance are all part of the same mechanism so you can hardly implement one without the others.
Thank you for the response. I will use cryptomator, until the issue is fixed.
Hi @prematrix , it's been addressed in a 1.1.4 Android release which is now live. It will be available on different platforms later this week.
Thank you for your reply! Let me know if you have any question about Discord, I love to help around. For the .aainit file it's fine, but I'd prefer if the app saved the test results locally then deleted the file. I want to be able to write files so I wouldn't use a read-only mode, and we can always create read-only access keys if we want to be sure that's how the app will behave! I'm very interested by the share link expiry slider or date picker though, I never share for 7 days, it's either a smaller duration or permanent. Cool, I don't mind not having the versioning UI yet, but had to delete my file versions + the trash versions to cleanup my bucket so… yeah, trash is cool but I assume most people who want that have versioning enabled. I assume you already have quite a few buckets on various providers to test your features, but I can provide a MinIO one if it could be of interest. There was a 2nd folder with an HTML page in it, not sure what it was about but same thing I'd say, that's probably the least expected action from an S3 browser… While I audited the actions and indeed didn't find anything malicious, that could get me assassinated by my colleagues if I ever connected a more important bucket to the app. doggokek
Disabling Trash in Settings menu is now a thing on Android, since 1.1.4 release.
For b) I have an Samsung S22 Ultra.
Hi @stca_, Since 1.1.4 release on Android, the encrypted iDrive E2 buckets are now supported.
I liked IRC as a chat platform standard, even though authentication and privacy is a mess. This normally makes you think about another XKCD…
Yes, I remember IRC, but I am relatively young and got the internet connection pretty late, by the time I was connected and when lived in Poland, Gadu-Gadu took over the whole country. IRC always reminds me the old Linux days, where you had to compile everything. I believe that many IRC users might be in their mid-50s now 🙂 (edited)
Well done, downloaded the update and found the option, thanks!
👍 1
There's an unexpectedly high number of younger people on IRC, by curiosity or because some FOSS projects refuse non-FOSS chat platforms, and IRC remains easy to join with web clients.
Now waiting on the .aainit file being nuked (delete file itself + all its versions) once the init is done and raw presigned URL sharing doggokek
There's an unexpectedly high number of younger people on IRC, by curiosity or because some FOSS projects refuse non-FOSS chat platforms, and IRC remains easy to join with web clients.
Sure, but at the same time there are newer and more exciting protocols. being one of them.
It's heavier to run and there isn't as much compatibility yet, moderation remains an issue as well. But I agree, we'll eventually get there, in the meantime Discord is fine!
Hello there! ablobwave The Discord server is hard to join from the app since it opens a webview, I'd recommend opening the invite externally so the Discord application can pick it up, or at least the standard web browser. Trying out the application with MinIO, so far so good, pleased by the rename function that likely performs a copy + delete under the hood. It does what one would expect from an S3 client, no ads either, really liking it. (edited)
... forgot to mention that we've also fixed the Discord link with 1.1.4 release. Thank you for reporting this issue.
Oh nice, I checked and it indeed gets caught by the Discord app, well done and thanks to you for the quick fix!
The more I think about it… I can't hire you, but would an "expert mode" bounty work? Basically a "gimme bare-bones S3 and don't touch my bucket!!" mode as described above. Another interesting feature would be to be able to set the filename on upload, because rename leaves deleted versions. Or maybe a checkbox to delete the renamed version on versioned buckets? I assume you're going to have a versioning check for the trash feature later, so the idea would be to piggyback on it if it's not too much work. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help of course.
I've had a thought about the bare bones presigned URLs. The current "album sharing" allows sharing more than one file/media, as well as allows sharing client-side encrypted content, since HTML includes JS decryption code and there is key injected in the URI (after #). This isn't possible with raw presigned URL. Having said that, we could either default to raw presigned URL if it's a single and unencrypted file share (or provide some configuration option to determine the single unencrypted sharing file mode). The only issue that I have with this approach is, that now we're ending up maintaining two solutions, but if it's what it takes to make the community happy, we'll handle it. (edited)
I don't represent the community as a whole, but I find sharing a single file from a classic S3 bucket is quite common and what I personally expect to be able to handle from any S3 client. 😅
It could be a toggle up to the user, as a "use at your own risk" kind of deal. You already handle presigned URLs, so I assume you'd just return it to the user instead of continuing the whole "setup an album" procedure.
Given the size of S3Drive community you're significant part of this at this stage 🙂 Fair enough, we'll plan this in our items along with the slider which needs to be done anyway.
blobooh 1
It could be a toggle up to the user, as a "use at your own risk" kind of deal. You already handle presigned URLs, so I assume you'd just return it to the user instead of continuing the whole "setup an album" procedure.
Indeed. Just realised that we actually can't base this purely on fact whether file is encrypted or not, because from a client point of view we don't know that before we headObject and get the envelope AES keys.... so it must be a toggle with some warning. It would then simply return the Blob that's stored on S3, regardless of what's inside. (edited)
I was thinking about an "advanced features" toggle that wouldn't change the "Share" button's behavior, but add a "Create pre-signed URL" button under it maybe?
I was thinking about an "advanced features" toggle that wouldn't change the "Share" button's behavior, but add a "Create pre-signed URL" button under it maybe?
That's good idea as well. In that case we don't interfere with existing workflow and UI, we simply suplement new advanced feature. I think I like it more.
Cool, sounds like we've a plan.
iarcanex joined the server. 04/12/2023 4:49 AM
Hey there! Joined since I had a question or two. Does S3Drive support backing and "syncing" up an external drive? Looking for more a set and forget option, but wasn't too sure.
@iarcanex Hi ! Not out of the box. The sync modes are closer than ever: and there will be nothing stopping you to sync the whole drive letter to the remote location. Having said that it won't be really the best tool to reliably back up your external drive for quite a while and there are some unique challenges (e.g. what if drive letter changes when you reconnect drive, how shall we handle it?) that we haven't even tried solving just yet. You might be better off using tools e.g. Rclone and some custom scripting. (edited)
👍 1
screamingintothevoid1 joined the server. 04/12/2023 8:27 PM
screamingintothevoid1 04/12/2023 8:28 PM
hi! trying to setup the app, but i gett the CORS error. is there a guide for this?
As an aside, it would be very helpful if there was a button to click to "list buckets" for me to select. Is my bucket formatted properly? This doesn't seem to be the issue though because even if I enter the wrong credentials, I still can't seem to connect to the server.
Hi @myfrogger I hope you're doing well. This is to let you know that long awaited option to list all available buckets that you've suggested will be available today/tomorrow (awaiting release) on Android and will be deployed to other platforms later this week:
@screamingintothevoid1 Hi and welcome to the channel, what platform are you using? Is it Web? (edited)
screamingintothevoid1 04/12/2023 8:29 PM
i was using web to try to set it up before i tried to hard on the android app.
i dont need to use the web app. just android. i guess try that setup with android?
@screamingintothevoid1 Basically CORS needs to be enabled for bucket which can be done by any non-web client using: "Set up CORS" option which shall return clear message that it succeeded. In principle web client shall be able to some extent detect CORS issue and "Set up CORS" via proxy, but that's pretty experimental and may not work for all browsers consistently. Does your bucket support CORS setting? What S3 provider are you using? Yes if Web didn't work, please try an Android (or other client) first and use: "Set up CORS" to see what happens. (edited)
i was using web to try to set it up before i tried to hard on the android app.
Regardless if you manage to get it running. We would extremely appreciate if you could give us some details about your browser, S3 provider and the exact error or screenshot, so we can reproduce it on our side and address this issue. Thanks ! (edited)
screamingintothevoid1 04/12/2023 8:41 PM
i didnt get it working yet. i will try later. it was supposed to be a short distraction from my AWS training to work on IAM, S3, etc. i'll check it out tomorrow some more.
i am using AWS, Chrome (latest), S22Ultra, with A13.
but i will get you more info later. im an SRE. i'll help out as i can
@screamingintothevoid1 Good luck on your AWS training ! One thing that came to my mind. Your user / IAM needs to have permission to modify bucket settings in order to set up CORS correctly, but the error message (if there is any) on Android shall reflect that. Thanks for the details. If you have any other issue I am glad to help. (edited)
screamingintothevoid1 04/12/2023 8:44 PM
guess imma learn about CORS. thanks for the tips and ill get back to you
Thank you for your reply! Let me know if you have any question about Discord, I love to help around. For the .aainit file it's fine, but I'd prefer if the app saved the test results locally then deleted the file. I want to be able to write files so I wouldn't use a read-only mode, and we can always create read-only access keys if we want to be sure that's how the app will behave! I'm very interested by the share link expiry slider or date picker though, I never share for 7 days, it's either a smaller duration or permanent. Cool, I don't mind not having the versioning UI yet, but had to delete my file versions + the trash versions to cleanup my bucket so… yeah, trash is cool but I assume most people who want that have versioning enabled. I assume you already have quite a few buckets on various providers to test your features, but I can provide a MinIO one if it could be of interest. There was a 2nd folder with an HTML page in it, not sure what it was about but same thing I'd say, that's probably the least expected action from an S3 browser… While I audited the actions and indeed didn't find anything malicious, that could get me assassinated by my colleagues if I ever connected a more important bucket to the app. doggokek
Hi @xenthys, I can proudly say that we've released version 1.1.5 on Android which includes some of these changes. When verifying bucket we just try to read the usually non-existent key (.s3drive_bucket_read_test) and verify the response instead of trying to write a file. Slider now works, so it's possible to set expiry time shorter than maximum of 7 days. There is an option to use raw preshared URLs. We've also introduced basic Version UI. It is now possible to preview the revisions. In a next update we will allow opening, preview, deleting and restoring to particular version. Thank you for these suggestions, they were great and helped us to validate it all ! 👍 ... and as always we're open for a feedback.
Ability to turn off Trash/Recycle bin would be pretty nice
Hi @awkwardlysocial, Thanks for this idea. It is now added as a Settings option. It modifies the way the items are deleted to either delete them directly in-place (new hard-deleted behaviour) or move to Trash (previous behaviour).
As an aside, it would be very helpful if there was a button to click to "list buckets" for me to select. Is my bucket formatted properly? This doesn't seem to be the issue though because even if I enter the wrong credentials, I still can't seem to connect to the server.
This option is now live on Android. Thanks !
Hi @awkwardlysocial, Thanks for this idea. It is now added as a Settings option. It modifies the way the items are deleted to either delete them directly in-place (new hard-deleted behaviour) or move to Trash (previous behaviour).
awkwardlysocial 04/13/2023 5:05 AM
Thank you for adding that feature!
Thank you for adding that feature!
There will be couple more things coming in as suggested by our other user here. For instance when moving an item we do "copy+delete" to emulate "move". The thing is that with versioned buckets even though the old file was "deleted" it still uses up space as a revision (delete marker). There will be a setting to let user decide whether they want to cleanup or persist version. (edited)
jdave9391 joined the server. 04/19/2023 9:13 PM
Hi, I am starting to use s3drive with Wasabi an S3 solution. Wasabi bucket is configured as immutable with versioning. Testing the delete option in S3Drive, the file disappears in S3drive when 'deleted' but of'course is not deleted in Wasabi.. but it does not come back in S3Drive.. is there a way to fix that?
Click to see original message
I believe object locking isn't (properly?) supported yet, so it's probably adding a delete marker thus hidden by S3Drive but not "physically" deleted
👍 1
that would require proper version support, which is in progress as far as I know
Hi @jdave9391, Thanks for your feedback. If the Delete settings are set as on the attached screenshot, we delete file directly from S3, however we still don't delete the object's versions that were created when file was initially created. In theory we could implement an option to also delete a version during a file delete, but if we were to do it immediately it would slow down the delete operation significantly since there is no way to delete multiple versions in one request. Our immediate plan to address this was to provide list of deleted (yet still versioned) files in the current Trash (which is somewhat legacy option where files landed for users which didn't want to delete file in-place, but didn't have a bucket which supported versioning). What would be your preferred way how S3Drive works? Would allowing deleting versions from the Trash be sufficient for you (at least initially?) In theory we could add a setting where after file is deleted we could mark specific versions to be deleted as well and we could do it asynchronously over the next seconds, but that's little bit more complicated option. In the meantime if this is a showstopper for you, you could perhaps introduce lifecycle policies (which Wasabi supports as well). You could set up to delete "all file versions" after x days since file was deleted initially:,Lifecycle%20Policy%2C%20please%20see%20our%20documentation%20available%20here. Please let me know how does that sound and if you need my help on setting this up. Thanks ! BTW. Thanks @xenthys for your help as well ! (edited)
Thank you Tom.. i appreciate the full response.. in my case i want to keep Wasabi immutable and not delete anything even if the user tries, i would love to see that S3Drive recognize that the 'delete' was not successful and continue to show that the file exists, as right now the file is missing from S3drive but does exist in Wasabi. I have flushed the cache and rebuilt the search data, but the files still does not show up in S3drive.
Thank you Tom.. i appreciate the full response.. in my case i want to keep Wasabi immutable and not delete anything even if the user tries, i would love to see that S3Drive recognize that the 'delete' was not successful and continue to show that the file exists, as right now the file is missing from S3drive but does exist in Wasabi. I have flushed the cache and rebuilt the search data, but the files still does not show up in S3drive.
We've shifted our focus temporarily for the next day or two to finalize Stage II of versioning capabilities, we're going to play with the Object Lock policies and understand them better and see what we can reliably achieve with S3Drive and potentially release them in a next release in a few days. We'll then extract the remaining improvements for the Stage III which we shall address later this quarter. I might get back to you later today (GMT+2 timezone here) as I'll likely have some questions regarding these policies. I would've thought that they'll already prevent running the DELETE command on the object. (edited)
Thank you
Thank you Tom.. i appreciate the full response.. in my case i want to keep Wasabi immutable and not delete anything even if the user tries, i would love to see that S3Drive recognize that the 'delete' was not successful and continue to show that the file exists, as right now the file is missing from S3drive but does exist in Wasabi. I have flushed the cache and rebuilt the search data, but the files still does not show up in S3drive.
Right, so we checked how it works. Wasabi S3 bucket behaves differently depending if versioning is enabled. If versioning is enabled, then regardless of Compliance / Object Lock settings, it is possible to delete an object. Deleting an object created so called: "Delete marker". It is possible to preview all historical versions and restore to any of them, however it is not possible to delete any version from the system until Retention Time has passed. If versioning is disabled, then deleting an object is not possible, because without versioning enabled it would have to delete the object permanently. In a next release which we shall be able to deploy early next week there will be options to Delete/Restore versions and to preview deleted file versions in Trash. There will be also improvements in terms of error handling, e.g. deleting a version restricted by Compliance Settings is not possible, so it shall render clear 403 / Access Denied error. If things go well, we shall be able to also build a generic: "Versions" view which would show technically all recently changed files in the bucket and would allow to delete specific revision(s). There is also an issue with error reporting in S3Drive when versioning is disabled and Compliance Settings enabled. During delete, file seemingly gets deleted, and disappears from the screen, but when screen gets refreshed the entry persist, this is because currently we're using quiet delete, which ignores delete error from Wasabi. We'll have it fixed. Please find couple screenshots which shows the error reporting (it doesn't exactly work like that in a current S3Drive version, but'll be fixed next week) when trying to delete a version restricted by Compliance Settings. I've created a file, then overwritten it with version 2, then deleted it and then uploaded version 3 (so I can have it displayed again and click on the "Show versions" feature). I've then tried to delete one of the revisions which failed as expected.
So I was right about delete markers, woooh doggokek
So I was right about delete markers, woooh doggokek
Indeed, thank you guys for supporting this project with valuable feedback !
So I was right about delete markers, woooh doggokek
I knew that we will have to get to this eventually 🙂 ... and we're already finding some versioning implementation differences between providers. E.g. MinIO version restore works differently than Backblaze/Wasabi. There are couple bugs (or features?) when deleting entries that we've found on Backblaze... we'll have to deal somehow with all that... but that's fine 🔥 (edited)
Ah, as expected indeed, I'm glad S3Drive exists but I'm also glad it's being developed by someone else haha
devops2247 joined the server. 04/22/2023 4:36 AM
Thank you Tom.. i appreciate the full response.. in my case i want to keep Wasabi immutable and not delete anything even if the user tries, i would love to see that S3Drive recognize that the 'delete' was not successful and continue to show that the file exists, as right now the file is missing from S3drive but does exist in Wasabi. I have flushed the cache and rebuilt the search data, but the files still does not show up in S3drive.
Hi @everyone , we've just released a major release (v1.2.0) 🚀 which extends versioning features, modifies behaviour of copy/rename/move/trash function to seamlessly support versioning and don't duplicate version, also there is an option to restore specific versions or delete object versions to save some space. There is also improved error handling, so in case of an Object Lock there will be an error message and relevant Log which can be viewed by long-tapping the app version number. Versioning capabilities are configurable in the Settings. There is a space usage indicator in the left panel / drawer. There is a new Recent section, which displays all recently modified files. Search function is improved, so the index is built faster and also includes implicit folder search (e.g. if there is a file: folder/file.txt, but folder/ entry doesn't explicitly exists, it is still searchable) There is an option to hide files starting with: . As usual there are couple other performance improvements and bugfixes. We would love to hear how are you finding new changes and if version management during file operations is what you would expect. (edited)
Good stuff
👍 1
Awesome, will try a bit later but that's really nice on paper!
The pricing seems really fair
The pricing seems really fair
Thanks for the feedback. We try to make it affordable for personal use and if for any reason user is not able to afford Pro, then there is a Basic package which shall be enough for many cases. It's not entirely straightforward for us to come up with fair pricing, as there are some discrepancies between our real expenditures and our motives behind the project. For instance work related to E2E and complexity of Zero Knowledge is about half of the total project R&D, yet we offer E2E for free as we believe that anyone shall be able to receive little bit of privacy regardless if they can afford it or not.
I believe encryption itself being free but filename being under Pro is a good balance
Also the fallback perpetual licensing thing is very interesting
If I was in your position, I would only bill for features that have a recurrent cost while factoring global R&D costs into the final price.
Is there a timeline as to when the pricing will jump to €14.99? I'd love to purchase but don't exactly need it right now
Regarding filename encryption, I don't know which cost it would have on your end so I'm quite neutral about it being a pro feature. On one hand, if it has no impact it's a bit disappointing not to have it as part of E2E in general. On the other hand, it doesn't change much as long as contents are encrypted and you need to monetize, so you have to find features that push people to the pro version.
Reminds me of boxcryptor
Is there a timeline as to when the pricing will jump to €14.99? I'd love to purchase but don't exactly need it right now
There is no timeline as such, likely won't be changed for the next few months whilst we build all of the remaining features. We're still deciding about our final price, but it won't be far off from what it is now.
👍 1
Filename encryption is the one feature that makes me want to pay for it. So from a business POV it's working
I want to keep versioning, I believe I'll keep it based on the plans page since i'm using it right now, but morally speaking why not support Tom? 😄
If it's supposed to be a pro feature I don't mind paying for it, as simple as that. Giving a discount to early adopter is fine, but I wouldn't straight out retain used pro features.
Regarding filename encryption, I don't know which cost it would have on your end so I'm quite neutral about it being a pro feature. On one hand, if it has no impact it's a bit disappointing not to have it as part of E2E in general. On the other hand, it doesn't change much as long as contents are encrypted and you need to monetize, so you have to find features that push people to the pro version.
It really depends on the perspective. There are no recurring costs once it's built, but it needs to be built first. Same applies to all of the features, yet collectively this app is more than a year of a senior engineering. In other words, since we're not hosting anything (almost, there are some convenience features, CORS proxy etc.) with the self-hosted, there are almost no other costs involved other than development.
Indeed, I wrote that before seeing that was for self-hosted plans, and didn't correct afterward 😅
Having an interesting enough free app for adoption, then interesting enough features to push to pro… tough balance indeed.
The pro features pre-release is tied to the s3 key ID is that correct?
So we cannot lose the ID-key pair
Minor feedback, I would change the following text from: Hide "." files Show all files, including starting with the dot. Hide files starting with the dot character To: Hide dotfiles Show all files, including ones starting with a dot. Hide files starting with the dot character.
👍 1
The pro features pre-release is tied to the s3 key ID is that correct?
We've had to find some way to store the Pro features without an account, so yes we calculate hash based on the S3 key ID (we don't touch the key though). There are other components, e.g. installation ID. We're focusing on building stuff right now instead of complex licensing paywall APIs, eventually we will come up with a reasonable switch plan. We might even ditch the key IDs and simply base it on timestamp, not exactly sure. Costs of giving some licences even for free are way less than our time wasted on some licensing shenanigans... and developing paywalls is way less exciting than building out new features ! (edited)
If it's supposed to be a pro feature I don't mind paying for it, as simple as that. Giving a discount to early adopter is fine, but I wouldn't straight out retain used pro features.
That worked fine with previous subscription model that we were running, but combined with Perpetual licensing it didn't make much sense (to be honest we would have to build specific code to handle that), so current Early Adopters remain all of the features as if they bought it. We might change it, but this will affect future users. We can't break certain promises.
If you reinstall the app or change your phone, you will lose your pro features. If you have a rooted phone, you can cheat the install date so it's not enough. While these are noble intentions, it will probably bite you in the ass from both sides in the end. Shelling out 10€/year is frankly nothing, unless you're a Turkey resident per example, but still if you need pro features then you supposedly have some infrastructure costs already. I'm putting my money where my mouth is, I just got a pro perpetual license, now I just need to check how to use it! doggokek
👍 1
... and thank you guys for this feedback, it's really helpful for me. We're yet to find reasonable model. S3Drive is becoming tool that's used by different people with different use cases, we'll be making lots of adjustments to make most of the people happy.
Putting a paywall on previously-free features is never recommended, so I get you, but you will always have someone complain about it.
If you reinstall the app or change your phone, you will lose your pro features. If you have a rooted phone, you can cheat the install date so it's not enough. While these are noble intentions, it will probably bite you in the ass from both sides in the end. Shelling out 10€/year is frankly nothing, unless you're a Turkey resident per example, but still if you need pro features then you supposedly have some infrastructure costs already. I'm putting my money where my mouth is, I just got a pro perpetual license, now I just need to check how to use it! doggokek
Thank you for the purchase, it really means a lot to us !
I'd pay more for a lifetime license with all feature updates guaranteed lol (edited)
That being said if it stays at 10€/year for life I'm fine with it
I'd pay more for a lifetime license with all feature updates guaranteed lol (edited)
The issue with lifetime that I have personally is defining the "lifetime". There are lots of cloud, VPNs or other products that you buy for approximately 3x the avg yearly subscription. Lifetime usually means lifetime of a company, product not necessarily your lifetime. Users don't like subscriptions and I get it, I don't like them myself. It's just this model allows us to finance development on the fly and make reasonable development decisions. It's easy to overspend: "lifetime" money which in theory shall be equally distributed for the lifetime of the project.
I would hate to promise: "lifetime", only to shut down the project few years later. EDIT: Don't be worried, because we don't plan doing it and even if it happened, we would make it opensource: (edited)
Yeah I understand no worries, it's not even about the subscription because it's once a year so that's alright, I just hate having to update my card everywhere when it expires. It would be annoying to support SEPA direct debit on your end though, but that would solve my issue :D
There will be more billing options available (including crypto). I am not a huge fan of Stripe, but it's extremely convenient to start with. SEPA is possible, but someone on our end would have to deal with it manually or we would have to find some partner which gives us nice API.
I was also thinking about the file sharing expiration slider, and realised it will not fit all use cases if I want to create a URL that expires in 5 minutes or in an hour per example. Having a manual number input with a [(seconds /) minutes / hours / days] selection next to it would be the most granular approach even if it wouldn't look that good. Or 3 sliders, from 0 to 59 for minutes, 0 to 23 for hours, and 0 to 7 days. That would allow sharing for an hour and a half instead of having to put 90 minutes with the number input. Reset the previous sliders to 0 if you set the expiry to 7 days, which would also be the default expiry time like it is now. Having a more granular display could be behind the "Show advanced features" option we talked about, so that wouldn't clutter the interface for all users by default, but remain there if people want it.
Now that I talked about it, I want raw pre-signed URLs and granular expiry sliders, ugh. How much would it cost to sponsor these features in priority?
Yeah I understand no worries, it's not even about the subscription because it's once a year so that's alright, I just hate having to update my card everywhere when it expires. It would be annoying to support SEPA direct debit on your end though, but that would solve my issue :D
I know that every country have some specifics about payment methods. There are certain providers that you can use which are integrated with many banks, so in principle no SEPA transfer is required, but more like user logging in to their bank account confirming some online payment. I am from Poland and there are Przelewy24, PayU and Blik. I know SOFORT being popular in Germany. Do you use any of these in your country?
SEPA is convenient, but having dealt with them at my previous job, they're unfortunately a fraud territory I can't recommend. In France we just give an IBAN and swear it's ours, some providers request bank details, but fraudsters easily edit them anyway…
I was also thinking about the file sharing expiration slider, and realised it will not fit all use cases if I want to create a URL that expires in 5 minutes or in an hour per example. Having a manual number input with a [(seconds /) minutes / hours / days] selection next to it would be the most granular approach even if it wouldn't look that good. Or 3 sliders, from 0 to 59 for minutes, 0 to 23 for hours, and 0 to 7 days. That would allow sharing for an hour and a half instead of having to put 90 minutes with the number input. Reset the previous sliders to 0 if you set the expiry to 7 days, which would also be the default expiry time like it is now. Having a more granular display could be behind the "Show advanced features" option we talked about, so that wouldn't clutter the interface for all users by default, but remain there if people want it.
... so basically you would like an easier way to provide relative time for a shorter ranges e.g. few minutes, 30 minutes, 1h 20 etc.? (edited)
I may or may not have edited one because I potentially wanted to pay for a non-profit's internet box subscription with my personal account, an the provider wanted the bank account to be in the name of the non-profit.
... so basically you would like an easier way to provide relative time for a shorter ranges e.g. few minutes, 30 minutes, 1h 20 etc.? (edited)
Absolutely, and more sliders is the easiest way I can think about to compound time that would please our human brains
It might be the time to have a #technical channel, a #billing channel, and of course an #off-topic channel for everything else :D
You could also throw some #support channel into the mix but it might overlap with the others and doesn't feel necessary yet (edited)
It might be the time to have a #technical channel, a #billing channel, and of course an #off-topic channel for everything else :D
That's a good idea, I was hesitant to create these categories, since I periodically do the snapshot of the whole discussion that I embed on website as sort of free SEO / uncategorized FAQ.
Or just a forum channel with tags, then you can snapshot whichever post is of interest
I think more channels sounds great.
therefore only one forum is necessary since you can then filter by tag, which could be Development, Billing, Support… the sky's the limit
As you prefer, it's your server :p
I am a Discord noob, I will simply follow your advice 🙂
Forums allow for multiple discussions in parallel, each of them being its own channel. It'd be nice for feature requests or specific topics I believe
I'm a former moderator under NDA with Discord to setup servers like Square Enix before the E3 a few years ago, let me know if you have any question 😄
s3drive started a thread. 04/27/2023 12:07 PM
I'm a former moderator under NDA with Discord to setup servers like Square Enix before the E3 a few years ago, let me know if you have any question 😄
That's quite an achievement !
I'm proud to be a volunteer for projects and people I appreciate, but moderators are frequently seen as a necessary evil
👍 1
I'm proud to be a volunteer for projects and people I appreciate, but moderators are frequently seen as a necessary evil
I guess at certain scale no moderation leads to human nature taking over the channel, herd behavior and all sorts of stuff which is researched by many PhDs.
Yeah, thanks to 4chan and unmoderated subreddits acting as research grounds haha
Some people are also unable to act properly within communities, and either get banned all the time or wait until "moderators are asleep" to be active
The most annoying members are the ones who test the limits of the rules, being annoying without directly breaking them, complaining about being unfairly banned if you ever remove them… they have too much time on their hands, welcome to the Internet I guess ;-;
The most annoying members are the ones who test the limits of the rules, being annoying without directly breaking them, complaining about being unfairly banned if you ever remove them… they have too much time on their hands, welcome to the Internet I guess ;-;
Reminds me of public service auditors, it's just they're pretty useful, as even though annoying to some, they're testing certain freedoms and the knowledge of law by those who enforce it.
Well, auditors are not doing it to be annoying, some members on the other hand…
Also, law is written by people who work in that field, it's a real mess and they have to cover every case. Discord server rules written by some dude who had some free time don't really have that requirement, especially if you want members to actually read them ablobsweats
As long as the released features are stacked as per the FAQ, it's all good
Question though, what happens if there is a gap between subscriptions? Can I pay for a year, stop paying, then resub when I feel like I need the new feature(s)?
Or is it more like; keep all features accrued while continuous recurring payments, then those stacked features become permanent?
If you stop paying I believe your license is still valid for the features that were released until it "expired" to give you only security updates
Otherwise it wouldn't be called perpetual, and renewing it for a year would certainly update the list of features you're allowed to access
@s3drive how about just tying the "free pro features" to user accounts created before the end of the beta period? people who care about them can create a free account and be sure to retain them, you will only have to monitor for account sharing on your end, no more fiddling with access keys and all that
👍 1
I assume the account I created and bought the license on is what will enable pro features on the app in the future, as long as I have a profile logged into my managed account
cool checkmark, way better value than Twitter Blue lol
+1, users may have to revoke old access keypairs and generate new ones for whatever reason
A digitally signed text file that the app checks could work
Question though, what happens if there is a gap between subscriptions? Can I pay for a year, stop paying, then resub when I feel like I need the new feature(s)?
Yes, you can do that. The moment you resubscribe you will get current Pro features as part of your perpetual license. It's likely that there will be various incentives (e.g. continuity discount) to actually stay. Decision will always be yours though and whatever works for you better.
@s3drive how about just tying the "free pro features" to user accounts created before the end of the beta period? people who care about them can create a free account and be sure to retain them, you will only have to monitor for account sharing on your end, no more fiddling with access keys and all that
Good idea. That seem to be fair compromise (user gets their freebie), but need to formalise this through registration, so we can handle that without too much technical drama. I like that so far.
cool checkmark, way better value than Twitter Blue lol
Thanks goes to Material iconset and to Twitter of course 🙂
A digitally signed text file that the app checks could work
Everytime I hear crypto, my heart beats faster 🙂 In theory this could work. Basically some private key hidden behind the API could generate a verifiable token which would be stored on the user's bucket (and likely device for little bit of redundancy) and could be then verified. The issue that I see so far is that not every user would want their bucket to be written to with some "licensing" file. (edited)
If I have 5 profiles and 3/5 are read-only buckets, where do you store the license? :D
Clearly solution isn't Web Scale (edited)
Having an S3Drive user account is the easiest, if one profile is connected to a paid or beta account then you're good, if you touch my buckets be warned I'm gonna bite doggokek
Having an S3Drive user account is the easiest, if one profile is connected to a paid or beta account then you're good, if you touch my buckets be warned I'm gonna bite doggokek
You can be proud of forcing us to modify improve our bucket validation method, so it's read only.
I actually like it, less invasive, but still effective... and allows some weird use cases of bucket read-only access. Win for everyone.
For granularity you can "just" store a feature_flags int that computes to an array of pro features with bitwise operations, easy on your API and authentication gateway or whatever you do behind the scenes.
Update the integer for all the active pro accounts every time you add a feature, done stickbug
For granularity you can "just" store a feature_flags int that computes to an array of pro features with bitwise operations, easy on your API and authentication gateway or whatever you do behind the scenes.
Yep, would work, unless we have more features than bitwise on INT allows. Regardless, this is an implementation detail.
I actually like it, less invasive, but still effective... and allows some weird use cases of bucket read-only access. Win for everyone.
Update field type to bigint, done doggokek
Erm, wrong message reply
I actually like it, less invasive, but still effective... and allows some weird use cases of bucket read-only access. Win for everyone.
Thank you for that, note that writing without explicit user consent could have legal repercussions depending on the buckets and their contents, it's a big no-no for S3 clients even though I understand your position 😅
shaileshchaudhary joined the server. 04/28/2023 3:41 AM
Hi @shaileshchaudhary, welcome to the channel ! (edited)
klemer1001 joined the server. 04/29/2023 6:54 AM
Hi @klemer1001, thank you for joining and welcome to S3Drive 📁 community !
Now that I talked about it, I want raw pre-signed URLs and granular expiry sliders, ugh. How much would it cost to sponsor these features in priority?
I think I've missed that comment, we've built the presigned URL option for you as requested and released that 13th of April, please find this announcement: We'll be able to get to Sliders eventually, I've set up the roadmap item just now: but we're slammed with other priority work. There are lots of stuff to finish before the holiday time where we'll relax for a short while. We're very much open for sponsorships (thanks !), on the other hand given the typical development time costs I don't believe I am able to provide reasonable offer for a single personal contributor. We're getting various feedback and improvements requests, some of them we're addressing on the fly, some of them will have to wait according to our priority list, some of them are not part of our general vision and unless there is shared interest, we'll be handling these via Enterprise package (e.g. (edited)
mix9311. joined the server. 04/30/2023 1:15 PM
I think I've missed that comment, we've built the presigned URL option for you as requested and released that 13th of April, please find this announcement: We'll be able to get to Sliders eventually, I've set up the roadmap item just now: but we're slammed with other priority work. There are lots of stuff to finish before the holiday time where we'll relax for a short while. We're very much open for sponsorships (thanks !), on the other hand given the typical development time costs I don't believe I am able to provide reasonable offer for a single personal contributor. We're getting various feedback and improvements requests, some of them we're addressing on the fly, some of them will have to wait according to our priority list, some of them are not part of our general vision and unless there is shared interest, we'll be handling these via Enterprise package (e.g. (edited)
Oh my, you're right, I didn't check since it wasn't mentioned but I can indeed see it! The date picker is just perfect on phone as well so no need for sliders there, last time I checked it was impossible to edit the expiry at all.
Oh my, you're right, I didn't check since it wasn't mentioned but I can indeed see it! The date picker is just perfect on phone as well so no need for sliders there, last time I checked it was impossible to edit the expiry at all.
Oh yeah, that's probably my Discord skills. Great to hear that you like this change.
Oh yeah, that's probably my Discord skills. Great to hear that you like this change.
I probably just missed it, no worries, thanks for letting me know! Unrelated, is it planned to get an official S3Drive logo? I don't know if the folder icon is yours or not, and it could fit any file storage service so it probably lacks a bit of personnality?
I created the #support where people can post about topical matters, you can see the tags with little emojis which will allow everyone to filter posts once they start to flow in. I also added a "Developer Response" tag you can add to posts if you answer, allowing people to know where you've intervened, that's a common thing on Reddit and I loved the concept but let me know if you'd rather not have that.
I can also add a "Confirmed" tag for bug reports per example, so you can say whether it's a confirmed bug or not, filtering with those two tags could allow people to immediately see a list of known bugs. EDIT: just added it, costs nothing and can be adapted on the fly if we ever need to change it (edited)
I probably just missed it, no worries, thanks for letting me know! Unrelated, is it planned to get an official S3Drive logo? I don't know if the folder icon is yours or not, and it could fit any file storage service so it probably lacks a bit of personnality?
Definitely, honestly the whole app is missing some nicer UI, branding and logo as you say. We're aware of this and current icon is pretty poor. We weren't making change to UI, being focused on the technology and functionality. I think it all comes down if split for S3Drive is required. We don't really know shall we keep the self-hosted and managed together as one product, one app. We might keep S3Drive as it is, focusing on S3 and have separate managed "Drive" product, this would affect branding, we don't know exactly at this stage what path this all will take. Regardless, S3Drive as it is will receive better logo and better icon 🙂 (edited)
Cool, I like the profile system and believe it can remain a single app, and people who subscribe to even the lowest drive tier can have pro features imo
Cool, I like the profile system and believe it can remain a single app, and people who subscribe to even the lowest drive tier can have pro features imo
One app is slightly more complex technically, but definite less headache when managing updates, release, pipelines etc. Our goal is to rely on S3 protocol, so having one app actually helps us to stick to this goal and not diverge with some proprietary protocol. The only thing we need to think through is the clear marketing as what S3Drive is, as we're targeting different userbases, each of them having slightly different needs.
I will get back on the Discord updates later, as I need to leave. Thanks for that ! (edited)
I created the #support where people can post about topical matters, you can see the tags with little emojis which will allow everyone to filter posts once they start to flow in. I also added a "Developer Response" tag you can add to posts if you answer, allowing people to know where you've intervened, that's a common thing on Reddit and I loved the concept but let me know if you'd rather not have that.
Thanks for that. I like it all and it's pretty neat. I think it's a great start for more organized workflow. (edited)
kuwaha7913 joined the server. 05/01/2023 11:22 PM
Hi @kuwaha7913 and welcome to our little S3 world 👋
secrethash joined the server. 05/10/2023 8:16 AM
Click to see original message
Hey, I used the mobile application for Android. After successful login it shows this error and does not list the objects. MinioError: ListObjectsV2 search parameter maxKeys not implemented (edited)
I am using Cloudflare's R2 S3 Compatible Object Storage.
It looks like the app identifies Cloudflare R2 as a MinIO API, can you create a Bug Report post in #support please?
If I'm right, that would mean S3Drive gets confused about which options are available and which aren't
It looks like the app identifies Cloudflare R2 as a MinIO API, can you create a Bug Report post in #support please?
Sure thing.
@everyone We've released new 📁 S3Drive version (1.2.5) on Web which uses improved rendering engine. Once it loads once all subsequent loads shall be much quicker and the UI shall be way more responsive. I would be glad to hear if you find it an improvement 🔥 (edited)
👍 1
kadircanersahin joined the server. 05/14/2023 11:07 AM
Hi @kadircanersahin, welcome to our channel 👋
roaarr_44 joined the server. 05/18/2023 6:51 PM
Click to see original message
Hello, welcome!
I am trying out S3drive on my iphone. I want to connect to an AWS bucket that I have created in my existing AWS account. (there are multiple buckets there). I can't figure out what I am suppose to enter under 's3-endpoint', and I tried everything. Can someone explain what I need to set up on AWS S3 and what I have to enter in the s3drive app under 's3-endpoint'?
it should be given to you by AWS, but pretty much the region URL where the bucket is located
it's formatted as s3.<region>
👍 1
grahamc1984 joined the server. 05/22/2023 2:56 PM
Click to see original message
grahamc1984 05/22/2023 3:06 PM
Hi @grahamc1984, welcome 👋
grahamc1984 05/23/2023 6:22 AM
Has anyone managed to use the 'Upload folder's menu option ? I select the folder, select USE THIS FOLDER and ALLOW access, nothing then appears to happen. I don't think it is an Android file permission issue as uploads of the individual files in the folder work OK.
grahamc1984 05/23/2023 7:17 AM
If I select the Documents folder to upload instead of a sub folder it does upload just one file - but it is a file from the images folder not from the Documents folder.
grahamc1984 05/23/2023 7:33 AM
Selecting the camera images folder gives an exception.
grahamc1984 05/23/2023 9:27 AM
The Socket exception only happens on Cloud flare R2. But for other providers when I select upload the Documents folder it actually uploads the contents of Images/Documents. So it does look like a file permissions issue.
grahamc1984 05/23/2023 9:37 AM
Yes the app settings are 'allow access to media only'. I think this can only be extended to all files if the app configuration requests it.
Yes the app settings are 'allow access to media only'. I think this can only be extended to all files if the app configuration requests it.
Thanks for reporting this issue. We're trying to find a way to resolve permissions issues for folder upload. In principle access to files inside of the selected directory shouldn't require: "All files permission", however we're facing some limitations of the file related library that we use and we're working to overcome these problems. Yes, we could use, "All files permission", to get seamless access to files, but it's pretty powerful permission to grant and it's also hard to justify use of this permission when releasing app on Google Play.
Yes the app settings are 'allow access to media only'. I think this can only be extended to all files if the app configuration requests it.
We will be deploying some improvements to folder upload permissions later today / tomorrow (Release 1.2.10). It will be an improvement over what we have currently, but there are still couple underlying problems we are not able to easily address. Most importantly permissions shall work just fine for all types of files and instead of requesting ALL FILES permission we will be using SAF ( which is pretty much the only supported/approved of managing files for Android 11+ (edited)
josh_bifrostcloud joined the server. 05/24/2023 5:24 PM
Yes the app settings are 'allow access to media only'. I think this can only be extended to all files if the app configuration requests it.
This was successfully deployed. Unfortunately we're not supporting sub-folders (they will be skipped in the process), but we're working on improving that. I was wondering if this resolves your issue at least partially?
Yes it fixed the problem.
👍 1
buzz69. joined the server. 05/28/2023 7:40 PM
Hi, ive just downloaded the app, its working ok on my android phone - i'm self hosting with xns relayer and its working without ssl (which obviously i don't want to continue with), but with self signed cert on its coming up with handshake error.. any ideas?
very easy to use btw, great features coming down the road too..
Hi, ive just downloaded the app, its working ok on my android phone - i'm self hosting with xns relayer and its working without ssl (which obviously i don't want to continue with), but with self signed cert on its coming up with handshake error.. any ideas?
Hi @buzz69., Just a question, did you add the self-signed certificate to your Android device? On Android 13, there is Settings -> Security and privacy -> Other security settings (Credential storage section) -> Install from device storage. There is also a guide, how to export certificate from a URL and import in on Android:,should%20ask%20you%20to%20confirm%20the%20security%20exception.
Brilliant thanks so much, I'll do this later and see if it works!
getting this error, this is trying to connect to a bucket on the Windows desktop app (edited)
real_zer0main joined the server. 05/31/2023 12:25 PM
real_zer0main 05/31/2023 12:31 PM
Hi. I'm trying to connect to my Minio instance from Android S3Drive client but it doesn't work, fails with OS Error: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED: self signed certificate. And I indeed have self-signed certificate but I followed your instructions from ( and my browser on Andriod recognizes this certificate (if I go to minio browser, my Chrome is fine with the cert). But S3Drive continues to fail with the same error. I'm using the latest version. (edited)
getting this error, this is trying to connect to a bucket on the Windows desktop app (edited)
Hi @ethan48, In order to rule out any platform specific issues can you try to connect using S3Drive using different than Windows platform, e.g. your mobile phone or web? On Windows 11 when I try to connect to this endpoint using some made up credentials I get null response, which is somewhat expected. I would expect to get the SSL related error instead.
I just tried it on my laptop and on an Android phone and it works perfectly as it should, that's so weird not sure why I was getting an SSL error on that computer I tried it on
It's so nice to finally have a decent S3 client for mobile
there were previously no good iOS clients and BucketAnywhere was an option on Android but it wasn't the most up to date, modern or intuitive thing to use and at times was a real pain
👍 1
Hi. I'm trying to connect to my Minio instance from Android S3Drive client but it doesn't work, fails with OS Error: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED: self signed certificate. And I indeed have self-signed certificate but I followed your instructions from ( and my browser on Andriod recognizes this certificate (if I go to minio browser, my Chrome is fine with the cert). But S3Drive continues to fail with the same error. I'm using the latest version. (edited)
Hi @real_zer0main, we've deployed some changes as per guideline and released patch on Play Store. Can you please update and see whether it works for you? If for some reason there is still an issue in that area we will then test it thoroughly and come up with a fully fledged solution. Thanks !
Hi @real_zer0main, we've deployed some changes as per guideline and released patch on Play Store. Can you please update and see whether it works for you? If for some reason there is still an issue in that area we will then test it thoroughly and come up with a fully fledged solution. Thanks !
real_zer0main 06/01/2023 9:13 AM
I updated, same error. Or do I also need to add this xml config file somewhere?
I updated, same error. Or do I also need to add this xml config file somewhere?
The file was on our side. Thanks for letting me know. In which case we'll be looking on this and hopefully by the end of this week will have it fixed. What's your Android version by the way? (edited)
The file was on our side. Thanks for letting me know. In which case we'll be looking on this and hopefully by the end of this week will have it fixed. What's your Android version by the way? (edited)
real_zer0main 06/01/2023 9:20 AM
Android 13. I've tried many s3 client apps and none of them worked with self-signed cert.
Android 13. I've tried many s3 client apps and none of them worked with self-signed cert.
Cool, so if we have it fixed we'll hopefully stand out 👍
Android 13. I've tried many s3 client apps and none of them worked with self-signed cert.
In fact this one isn't easy. I've added the forum item to keep track of this, but this will have to wait until either Flutter team improves the framework or whether actually we have time to implement a workaround:
rkafp joined the server. 06/03/2023 6:02 AM
Hi @buzz69., Just a question, did you add the self-signed certificate to your Android device? On Android 13, there is Settings -> Security and privacy -> Other security settings (Credential storage section) -> Install from device storage. There is also a guide, how to export certificate from a URL and import in on Android:,should%20ask%20you%20to%20confirm%20the%20security%20exception.
Hi Tom, i've followed the guide but when i go to upload file in andriod phone its saying private key required to install certificate
on android 13
Hmm, that's odd, you shouldn't need the private key at all to trust a certificate, which is the actual point of using certificates… is your Android drunk? blobthonkang
looks like it.. i'll give it a go on another phone..
In fact this one isn't easy. I've added the forum item to keep track of this, but this will have to wait until either Flutter team improves the framework or whether actually we have time to implement a workaround:
real_zer0main 06/03/2023 1:53 PM
Thanks. Yep, this is what I thought based on not having this feature in so many applications. Still, Chrome does it somehow.
@s3drive hi - using xns backup successfully on iOS and andriod, all working via https website which is great.. I appreciate the media backup is a new feature, just to note the 'backed up assets' no' isn't updating regularly in both iOS and android (but it is working in background i believe..).
its_keiko joined the server. 06/11/2023 6:21 PM
@s3drive hi - using xns backup successfully on iOS and andriod, all working via https website which is great.. I appreciate the media backup is a new feature, just to note the 'backed up assets' no' isn't updating regularly in both iOS and android (but it is working in background i believe..).
That's great ! Thanks for letting me know. We'll have a look on the counter issue. Speaking of background upload it's not yet implemented. We've already got a working prototype on Android, but we're still finding best ways for background sync on iOS. There will certainly be improvements in that area.
Hi @its_keiko, welcome to the channel !
Background will be excellent 👍
Hi @its_keiko, welcome to the channel !
Hello. I'm just looking around thank you 😊
arwen.elrond joined the server. 06/13/2023 5:07 AM
fuwa2tofu joined the server. 06/13/2023 11:27 AM
Deleted User joined the server. 06/18/2023 8:49 PM
Deleted User 06/18/2023 8:49 PM
hi! just wondering if S3Drive is fully open source? i don't see source code on github
anonidmars joined the server. 06/19/2023 4:23 AM
Deleted User
hi! just wondering if S3Drive is fully open source? i don't see source code on github
Hi @Deleted User , please find more about that in our FAQ:
Hi @s3drive, you may want to use #changelog for releases :p
you can also name yourself "Tom" since you'e already singled out as the S3Drive developer hehe
you can also name yourself "Tom" since you'e already singled out as the S3Drive developer hehe
Thanks for that. Can I move this post or rather delete and add again?
you will have to repost there, Discord doesn't support moving messages
Cool, it's been a while, I've already forgot the rules and improvements that we've got here ! 🙂
I don't think anyone follows that channel elsewhere but I published the messages in order, nice thing to do!
we haven't taken time to talk together yet haha, we should probably do it someday
_verzen_ joined the server. 06/22/2023 5:00 PM
Hi @_verzen_ 👋
quilquip joined the server. 06/24/2023 8:39 AM
hi @s3drive i've completed a guide for XNS/S3Drive attached. Let me know if you have any comments. thanks
gcasale. joined the server. 06/24/2023 6:49 PM
hi @s3drive i've completed a guide for XNS/S3Drive attached. Let me know if you have any comments. thanks
Hi @buzz69. , cool. I am happy to see S3Drive being positioned closely to one of the S3 providers. That's the whole idea and beauty of S3 protocol. 🔥 Multiple clients (S3Drive being one of them) and multiple back-ends, all speaking 🗣️ the same language. If you need my input on anything, just let me know !
Cool, I was just asking in case you wanted me to add anything etc.. if all good then great 👍
@s3drive also happy to discuss further collaboration in terms of supporting your offer in terms of storage. I can get you storage costs very low or zero in certain configs if you become a provider. Can talk you through how if you are available for a call. Cheers
markus.berthold joined the server. 06/29/2023 6:57 AM
saitama_sensei joined the server. 06/30/2023 3:16 AM
saitama_sensei 06/30/2023 3:22 AM
S3Drive such an awesome app. Just joined discord server to thank the development team.
Hi, agreed, I initially did the same :D
S3Drive such an awesome app. Just joined discord server to thank the development team.
Thanks for these kind words. Given an opportunity to ask, is there anything that annoys you with S3Drive or perhaps some aspect you would like us to improve or implement?
markus.berthold 06/30/2023 10:57 AM
@s3drive where should I report bugs? The followings fails: If a bucket has object lock and versioning enabled and a file already exists, an upload of an updated file (via menu or drag and drop) file fails. In the log the following error is logged:
The upload was done as the bucket root user.
markus.berthold 06/30/2023 11:30 AM
Since then no new upload works.
s3drive started a thread. 06/30/2023 11:49 AM
I don't know what to name it, because support-bugs-requests is too long but there's no reason to have multiple channels for that either
looks like #general works well due to low activity, but osoner or later we'll have to set topics
It's my fault again. I shouldn't have continued conversation, but start a new one at @support. It would be way easier if I could simply create the thread in a desired location. It's hard to expect that any newcomer will automatically start discussion in a right place. (edited)
It's fine, I mean, if we want people to follow some kind of rule we should write something in #rules to begin with :D
tamaraa12 joined the server. 07/03/2023 11:13 AM
That's great ! Thanks for letting me know. We'll have a look on the counter issue. Speaking of background upload it's not yet implemented. We've already got a working prototype on Android, but we're still finding best ways for background sync on iOS. There will certainly be improvements in that area.
hi Tom, any news on background backup?
hi Tom, any news on background backup?
Hi, not much progress on that, as there are couple of outstanding items / E2EE base layers that we've had to finally tackle as it was blocking our other items. End of this month we'll have retrospective internally and will plan remaining year. It also seem that ordering and ZIP downloads are higher on the list: (edited)
hi Tom, any news on background backup?
We're also improving upload resilience, error handling and retry methods. 👷 It make sense to apply these improvements before focusing on background upload, so there is a stable base.
zealous_kitten_16492 joined the server. 07/07/2023 11:08 AM
Hi, not much progress on that, as there are couple of outstanding items / E2EE base layers that we've had to finally tackle as it was blocking our other items. End of this month we'll have retrospective internally and will plan remaining year. It also seem that ordering and ZIP downloads are higher on the list: (edited)
Ok, makes sense, but i will be brutally honest with you, the phone app is not really something people will use without background, the reality is even leaving the app on the upload tends to stop shortly after the phone goes into energy save mode. I appreciate you have other priorities though!
Ok, makes sense, but i will be brutally honest with you, the phone app is not really something people will use without background, the reality is even leaving the app on the upload tends to stop shortly after the phone goes into energy save mode. I appreciate you have other priorities though!
I somewhat agree with you, but there is so much we can do. Stuff that's being worked applies to all platforms. Platform specific improvements come later. Even if this comes at some cost to Android's userbase, we're still improving platform as a whole. Our statistics prove that each day we're having more and more users (including Android) and getting mostly positive reviews which makes us feel that our technical decisions aren't that bad. We're applying method of quick wins and focusing on things which have the best balance of benefit to the community vs development cost. Background upload is really useful, at the same time it's not entirely cheap from a development point of view, especially that you need to do build it separately on Android and iOS. Sorry if this doesn't satisfy your current needs, we will get to that I can promise.
I appreciate this is a work in progress and you will have far more insight on what needs doing.. this is just from user perspective. Looking forward to this coming down the line though
👍 1
I wanted to manage my buckets on Android, while my use case is niche it does the job for me :p
I wanted to manage my buckets on Android, while my use case is niche it does the job for me :p
There a multiple user bases that use S3Drive with different use cases and needs and we're happy to accommodate most of them. Some people are interested in the encryption, some just want the mobile clients, some are looking to backup their photos, some are looking for general S3 file browser ... or better web interface to S3. Did I miss anything? 🙂 (edited)
I wanted to manage my buckets on Android, while my use case is niche it does the job for me :p
Interestingly, we're getting more requests from companies / hosting providers that are interested in our solution our would like to use S3Drive in their clouds. We're welcoming new business partners and integrations. Just recently we've made a move to stay compatible with Rclone which will further improve and open-up the ecosystem: (edited)
havilah. joined the server. 07/11/2023 5:56 AM
sanrinconr joined the server. 07/11/2023 6:31 PM
Rclone crypt sounds interesting
👍 1
Rclone crypt sounds interesting
It's going to be a major release which we plan to push as early as next week. Stay tuned for Rclone compatibility, filepath encryption, drive mount, multipart upload, web support for bigger files and many smaller yet important improvements. (edited)
👍 2
Deleted User joined the server. 07/14/2023 2:25 AM
@s3drive I cannot update the new release on Android or IOS, says i'm currently v1.3.1 which is no longer supported, go back to delete and download, then comes back with exact same error.
@s3drive I cannot update the new release on Android or IOS, says i'm currently v1.3.1 which is no longer supported, go back to delete and download, then comes back with exact same error.
We've planned the forced upgrade on all platforms (due to encryption scheme upgrade), however faced some technical issues which combined with the App Store and Google Play processing delays lead us ultimately to this mess. We hope that within few hours Google Play issue will be resolved and subsequently the App Store. I am really sorry for this issue to happen, but with mobile clients we're now at mercy of prompt review time from both Google and Apple side. In the meantime please fallback to desktop or web client, where update was delivered immediately. (edited)
ok thanks for the info, just checking you were aware really. thanks
sutraman joined the server. 07/22/2023 1:02 PM
Our iOS release was just approved and shall appear on the App Store within minutes. We're still waiting for the Google Play team to approve our release.
👏 1
Must be stressful dealing with the faceless giants…
xbdm joined the server. 07/22/2023 7:33 PM
bituhh joined the server. 07/22/2023 10:35 PM
that's why we need decentralisation!
feels like a hopeless dream nowadays
Must be stressful dealing with the faceless giants…
It is indeed. Just to give you an idea, one of the reasons that we've decided to ship macOS app via .DMG from our website is long review times and multiple issues related to the fact that our iOS / macOS app are linked forever (due to thing). When we've introduced payments on iOS, our macOS releases were blocked and subject to same scrutiny, rules and reviews even though we didn't want to introduce these for macOS in a same way as for iOS. ... fast forward few months, our .DMG release is currently broken for a few days already, because Apple Notary process stopped working for no apparent reason (screenshot attached). Their official channel says that it's not a technical issue, but instead their Developer Programs Support needs to be contacted: We've contacted them and they replied with generic info how to troubleshoot notarization issues, ignoring the fact that error specifically mention that they need to do something on their side. Without notarized .DMG user needs to explicitly allow the app to run... but that's least of a trouble. Even if app starts it has no access to Keychain, meaning no S3 login data can be stored securely... rendering S3Drive pretty much useless. We've kindly replied and waiting for their action. Not really much we can do. Fun fun fun 🙂
bongosmash 1
storjderek joined the server. 07/27/2023 8:18 PM
ooooh storj, hello
Hi Derek !
It is indeed. Just to give you an idea, one of the reasons that we've decided to ship macOS app via .DMG from our website is long review times and multiple issues related to the fact that our iOS / macOS app are linked forever (due to thing). When we've introduced payments on iOS, our macOS releases were blocked and subject to same scrutiny, rules and reviews even though we didn't want to introduce these for macOS in a same way as for iOS. ... fast forward few months, our .DMG release is currently broken for a few days already, because Apple Notary process stopped working for no apparent reason (screenshot attached). Their official channel says that it's not a technical issue, but instead their Developer Programs Support needs to be contacted: We've contacted them and they replied with generic info how to troubleshoot notarization issues, ignoring the fact that error specifically mention that they need to do something on their side. Without notarized .DMG user needs to explicitly allow the app to run... but that's least of a trouble. Even if app starts it has no access to Keychain, meaning no S3 login data can be stored securely... rendering S3Drive pretty much useless. We've kindly replied and waiting for their action. Not really much we can do. Fun fun fun 🙂
In the meantime this have been passed to Senior Support (hello Mari) team which asked yet again to provide full description of the issue in a format they've requested. After a day of silence they've wanted "screenshot" of an error, as if pixels contained more ASCII data than the text I've provided. I am replying as fast I can, but it seems that error: "Team is not yet configured for notarization. Please contact Developer Programs Support" is not that easy to fix on their side. Well... 🍏
Hi @s3drive
Nice to see new features
Possible to get a temporary pro sub to test things out?
Hi @zer0r00t, thanks ! What platform(s) are you using? I could send you the promo code for Android. Web has no paywall at the moment. Other platforms require registering an account. Since we're closely integrated with Stripe we don't yet have a workflow for "enabling Pro" outside of it, however if you get it, I could offer you a refund once you're done testing.
kakarot1925 joined the server. 07/29/2023 8:39 AM
Hi @kakarot1925, welcome to S3Drive !
Hi @zer0r00t, thanks ! What platform(s) are you using? I could send you the promo code for Android. Web has no paywall at the moment. Other platforms require registering an account. Since we're closely integrated with Stripe we don't yet have a workflow for "enabling Pro" outside of it, however if you get it, I could offer you a refund once you're done testing.
I do use Android
I do use Android
Cool, I've sent you the code, if you need anything just let me know.
chernsha joined the server. 07/29/2023 10:33 AM
The new rclone stuff is nice
👍 1
Will test large file downloads from browser
Hmm I cannot seem to access the files using rclone
What's the correct way to configure?
tamara312_89588 joined the server. 07/30/2023 2:28 AM
Hmm I cannot seem to access the files using rclone
If you use mount feature on Desktop you can find the exact commands in the application logs. If file content encryption together with filename encryption is used, then please find below sample config. # Obscure password echo "YourPlaintextPassword" | rclone obscure - # Add it to Rclone config, config file location: `rclone config file` [s3drive_remote] type = s3 provider = Other access_key_id = <access_key_id> secret_access_key = <secret_access_key> endpoint = <endpoint> region = <region> [s3drive_crypt] type = crypt filename_encoding = base64 remote = s3drive_remote:<bucket_name> password = <obscuredPassword> filename_encryption = standard directory_name_encryption = true suffix = none Then you can use: s3drive_crypt as your remote encrypted location. Please note that whilst we support both encrypted and unencrypted files in the same location, Rclone doesn't seem to like the mix and won't display existing unencrypted files for the encrypted remote. In such case it's better to either keep everything encrypted globally or have dedicate paths with encrypted-only or unencrypted-only files. (edited)
👍 1
morethanevil joined the server. 07/31/2023 6:40 AM
Deleted User joined the server. 07/31/2023 9:10 AM
Deleted User
Click to see original message
Deleted User 07/31/2023 9:10 AM
Deleted User
Click to see original message
morethanevil 07/31/2023 9:53 AM
Hi 🙂
just on the encryption theme, i don't know what the process is so this might seem a newbie question, but i'm assuming if you encrypt and access your bucket on a mobile device, then goto the desktop and use the same pw etc and try and view the mobile encrypted data you can do that? ie the key to decrypt is with the id and pw so is interchangeable between devices?
morethanevil 07/31/2023 9:54 AM
I have a question about the pro version.. I bought it via Playstore and now I wanted to know, how I can connect the desktop app to it?
just on the encryption theme, i don't know what the process is so this might seem a newbie question, but i'm assuming if you encrypt and access your bucket on a mobile device, then goto the desktop and use the same pw etc and try and view the mobile encrypted data you can do that? ie the key to decrypt is with the id and pw so is interchangeable between devices?
👍 1
I have a question about the pro version.. I bought it via Playstore and now I wanted to know, how I can connect the desktop app to it?
Play store only unlocks android app
morethanevil 07/31/2023 10:49 AM
Okay so I can not create an account in the app with pro enabled and link it to desktop app?
I have a question about the pro version.. I bought it via Playstore and now I wanted to know, how I can connect the desktop app to it?
Hi and thank you for supporting us. It seems you've bought the Pro just on Android. If you need Pro working on all devices you would need to register an account and buy it through our website. When you use that account on any device it will obtain the license from our server and enable you the Pro. For iOS/Android, we as a developer were forced to use respective in-app payments, by default that's assigned to your Apple/Google account and it's not visible on other S3Drive clients. We haven't implemented any propagation mechanism and weren't sure about the exact approach. Speaking of how you manage credentials between devices, at the moment they need to be manually copied over, but we're looking to improve that: If you're not happy with your purchase, I could make an exception and we could switch the "plans" over.
Okay so I can not create an account in the app with pro enabled and link it to desktop app?
It may work like that in the future, but that's not the case yet... and even if it was, the price would have to be different as technically you would buy lifetime version on all devices. The difference is that on our website we sell perpetual fallback license, whereas on iOS/Google we're forced (EDIT: well there are also subscriptions, but there isn't concept of perpetual fallback license - as such) to sell the lifetime with their 15% cut. (edited)
morethanevil 07/31/2023 10:57 AM
Thanks for the explanation, I will wait for QR Code feature, it is the easiest way atm. I got a warning after executing the installer from windows defender.
For the Linux version Flatpak would be nicer than appimage, because it is updateable
Thanks for the explanation, I will wait for QR Code feature, it is the easiest way atm. I got a warning after executing the installer from windows defender.
Microsoft implements some heuristic mechanism to flag the executable if not enough people used the package. We've recently switched location of where we host our packages to Github release: It might go away eventually, we're also thinking of buying "trusted certificate" from some provider, which should mitigate these warnings sooner. Alternatively you can use MSIX package, but we update it rarely due to pretty crappy experience with Microsoft Store: (edited)
morethanevil 07/31/2023 11:02 AM
Ahh cool, please link the store app on github too 🙂
For the Linux version Flatpak would be nicer than appimage, because it is updateable
Flatpak is pending: however there is some licensing stuff we're not sure about and didn't have time to do the legal research. It will come probably in a few weeks. (edited)
morethanevil 07/31/2023 11:03 AM
Flatpak is as great as the store app. They can selfupdate, so it is easier to manage versions. You can be listed on flathub too
= more users 😄
Flatpak is as great as the store app. They can selfupdate, so it is easier to manage versions. You can be listed on flathub too
Yes, we think the same. It's just there are two ways the "proprietary" packages can be distributed and the technical approach is quite different. One way or another, it will appear on Flathub. As you say more users and pretty convenient to distribute.
👍 1
morethanevil 07/31/2023 11:07 AM
I installed the store app, works perfect without warnings. Should be the prefered method for installing, and exe for people who don't like the store
I installed the store app, works perfect without warnings. Should be the prefered method for installing, and exe for people who don't like the store
Point taken. We'll have it updated, as the version is quite old.
☺️ 1
I installed the store app, works perfect without warnings. Should be the prefered method for installing, and exe for people who don't like the store
Just to give you an idea, how we love this process. This is the first hand experience trying to login to dev account:
morethanevil 07/31/2023 11:16 AM
After clearing cookies different one. Sorry, I've just had to vent 🙂
morethanevil 07/31/2023 11:18 AM
If it don't works as expected, than add a hint about the warning from the installer. A notice is better than a surprise i think 🤔
👍 1
morethanevil 08/01/2023 8:49 PM
Just hot the new update on Android, thanks 😁 I will try out ☺
morethanevil 08/02/2023 6:36 AM
Update works well so far, but I don't get the E2EE running. I set a new crypt in rclone, with only one password, since s3drive does not support 2 passwords. I set filenames and directory names to encrypt too. Then I added the bucket to the app and activated the encryption with the same password. I get access, but folders and filesnames stay encrypted. Did I miss something? Then I saw that my other buckets are missing in the app, after I added the encrypted one. The profiles got overwritten. Securitysettings should be moved to bucket settings, since they only apply to the current bucket. It is a little confusing at first. Dark mode and dotfiles are appwide settings.
Steps to reproduce on the missing profiles: I already had unecnrypted buckets. I added another one and set encrypted with password from rclone. Since it did not work, I tried to toggle off and on again to set the password again (Maybe I mistyped) and then the other buckets were gone
Import / Export settings would be great in this case 😄
Update works well so far, but I don't get the E2EE running. I set a new crypt in rclone, with only one password, since s3drive does not support 2 passwords. I set filenames and directory names to encrypt too. Then I added the bucket to the app and activated the encryption with the same password. I get access, but folders and filesnames stay encrypted. Did I miss something? Then I saw that my other buckets are missing in the app, after I added the encrypted one. The profiles got overwritten. Securitysettings should be moved to bucket settings, since they only apply to the current bucket. It is a little confusing at first. Dark mode and dotfiles are appwide settings.
Thanks for your input. Please find the other post with sample Rclone config: For filename encryption to work, please make sure that these two landed in your settings: filename_encoding = base64 suffix = none By default the Rclone's encoding is base32: unless overriden by the config creator.
Steps to reproduce on the missing profiles: I already had unecnrypted buckets. I added another one and set encrypted with password from rclone. Since it did not work, I tried to toggle off and on again to set the password again (Maybe I mistyped) and then the other buckets were gone
In principle this shouldn't happen, the E2EE settings regardless of UI are applied per S3 credentials separately. If your other credentials are lost, well it sounds like we may've screwed up. I am going to reproduce it. Is this Android?
Import / Export settings would be great in this case 😄
It will definitely come soon.
Update works well so far, but I don't get the E2EE running. I set a new crypt in rclone, with only one password, since s3drive does not support 2 passwords. I set filenames and directory names to encrypt too. Then I added the bucket to the app and activated the encryption with the same password. I get access, but folders and filesnames stay encrypted. Did I miss something? Then I saw that my other buckets are missing in the app, after I added the encrypted one. The profiles got overwritten. Securitysettings should be moved to bucket settings, since they only apply to the current bucket. It is a little confusing at first. Dark mode and dotfiles are appwide settings.
For the 2nd password, I've just added this item: Rclone support is still "hot" and our aim was to deliver MVP with contents, filepath encryption and drive mount. We also hope that we'll be able to influence Rclone crypt improvements first, as it would affect the end derived key for the file encryption: (edited)
Steps to reproduce on the missing profiles: I already had unecnrypted buckets. I added another one and set encrypted with password from rclone. Since it did not work, I tried to toggle off and on again to set the password again (Maybe I mistyped) and then the other buckets were gone
When you say: "Since it did not work", at the moment when you enable/disable filename encryption and go back to the listing, you need to explicitly refresh it on the S3Drive side in order for changes to be applied to your existing already loaded listing. This will get improved as well, so it's less confusing. (edited)
Thanks for your input. Please find the other post with sample Rclone config: For filename encryption to work, please make sure that these two landed in your settings: filename_encoding = base64 suffix = none By default the Rclone's encoding is base32: unless overriden by the config creator.
morethanevil 08/02/2023 9:34 AM
It works now, second notice was the hint from the app to encode the password in base64 using and then enter the password as base64, not plaintext. Is there a possibilty to enter a plain password, which is then calculated in base64?
Encode to Base64 format or decode from it with various advanced options. Our site has an easy to use online tool to convert your data.
In principle this shouldn't happen, the E2EE settings regardless of UI are applied per S3 credentials separately. If your other credentials are lost, well it sounds like we may've screwed up. I am going to reproduce it. Is this Android?
morethanevil 08/02/2023 9:34 AM
Yes Android Playstore release from yesterday
For the 2nd password, I've just added this item: Rclone support is still "hot" and our aim was to deliver MVP with contents, filepath encryption and drive mount. We also hope that we'll be able to influence Rclone crypt improvements first, as it would affect the end derived key for the file encryption: (edited)
morethanevil 08/02/2023 9:35 AM
One password is okay for the beginning, it works now. Maybe a quickstart guide with screenshots would be nice, so people can reproduce
It works now, second notice was the hint from the app to encode the password in base64 using and then enter the password as base64, not plaintext. Is there a possibilty to enter a plain password, which is then calculated in base64?
Yes, please click: "Start" instead of "Existing key (base64)". The existing key is legacy option from previous AES-GCM encryption. It will work for Rclone if you properly encode your password, but it's mostly to satisfy previous user password if they want to decrypt files encrypted using legacy encryption.
One password is okay for the beginning, it works now. Maybe a quickstart guide with screenshots would be nice, so people can reproduce
We're working on some documentation pages and tutorials using: It wasn't our priority when features API wasn't exactly stable, but now things are getting final shape.
👍 1
Yes, please click: "Start" instead of "Existing key (base64)". The existing key is legacy option from previous AES-GCM encryption. It will work for Rclone if you properly encode your password, but it's mostly to satisfy previous user password if they want to decrypt files encrypted using legacy encryption.
morethanevil 08/02/2023 9:37 AM
I thought start would setup a new password and encryption. This is why i used existing 😄
Thanks for your input. Please find the other post with sample Rclone config: For filename encryption to work, please make sure that these two landed in your settings: filename_encoding = base64 suffix = none By default the Rclone's encoding is base32: unless overriden by the config creator.
BTW. I am wondering in the end if you had to set Base64 encoding (in the Rclone config) explicitly or was it already set by the Rclone's config creator? (edited)
zev_averbach joined the server. 08/02/2023 10:06 AM
Welcome @zev_averbach 👋 (edited)
BTW. I am wondering in the end if you had to set Base64 encoding (in the Rclone config) explicitly or was it already set by the Rclone's config creator? (edited)
morethanevil 08/02/2023 10:29 AM
The config creator uses base32 as default, as you said before. It only shows options if you say yes to the advanced configuration when creating the config file
morethanevil 08/02/2023 10:41 AM
Just ran the configuration assistant
Just ran the configuration assistant
Great, so indeed possible.
Steps to reproduce on the missing profiles: I already had unecnrypted buckets. I added another one and set encrypted with password from rclone. Since it did not work, I tried to toggle off and on again to set the password again (Maybe I mistyped) and then the other buckets were gone
There is a concurrency issue combined with a bug in library that we use: When setting E2E password, we run the key derivation: which takes some xxx ms. When user taps/clicks on password confirmation, more than once, this all starts over and chances are it will clean up the other credentials. We need to apply quick workaround first, so we have time to properly fix this in the underlying library. (edited)
There is a concurrency issue combined with a bug in library that we use: When setting E2E password, we run the key derivation: which takes some xxx ms. When user taps/clicks on password confirmation, more than once, this all starts over and chances are it will clean up the other credentials. We need to apply quick workaround first, so we have time to properly fix this in the underlying library. (edited)
morethanevil 08/02/2023 10:48 AM
I will setup the buckets again and start with the encrypted one 😄
But it is great that you found the bug, so a workaround or fix can be made
I wanted to use my backups a better way than just rclone via sftp. So I learned about MinIO with Versioning and so on... It is a little tricky to bind a user to a bucket but I found a solution for this. Then I wanted to use S3 on android too, but there were no good apps. Mostly they only work with AWS, your app was the first one which worked and has not a UI from the 1990. Now with the encryption and the app, I am able to restore files and Folders without copy rclone.conf over, than run a long mounting and hoping to get my file
I wanted to use my backups a better way than just rclone via sftp. So I learned about MinIO with Versioning and so on... It is a little tricky to bind a user to a bucket but I found a solution for this. Then I wanted to use S3 on android too, but there were no good apps. Mostly they only work with AWS, your app was the first one which worked and has not a UI from the 1990. Now with the encryption and the app, I am able to restore files and Folders without copy rclone.conf over, than run a long mounting and hoping to get my file
Great to hear, I am amazed to see that there are so many different user stories with S3Drive. Speaking of "bind a user to a bucket", is it something you would like to share more about? Is it MinIO specific or something we could help with S3Drive as well?
morethanevil 08/02/2023 11:00 AM
It is for MinIO only, the user managment is aweful there 😄
Every user with read write can create and delete every bucket.
Useful ACLs are missing
But it is possible via JSON Format to bind a user to one bucket, I was looking around last night and finally found a solution in a blogpost
Minio is a really cool opensource project which democratizes cloud storage. The feature that I love most about it is S3 compatibility which means that you ca...
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "s3:ListBucket", "s3:PutObject", "s3:GetObject", "s3:DeleteObject" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::BUCKET-NAME/*", "arn:aws:s3:::BUCKET-NAME" ], "Sid": "Description" } ] }
Please copy from the blog, not discord 😄
Discord always screws up
As for S3 Drive it could check the permissions from the user and do an autodiscovery for the buckets. Then the user could select the ones to have in the app
The only thing to do would be setup the passwords for encrypted buckets
Serverside encryption is aweful too in minio, you need a kms 🙃
It is for MinIO only, the user managment is aweful there 😄
I see, I believe Minio's goal was to build a replacement for AWS S3, with all of the IAM / KMS clunky, but enterprise-ready stuff
As for S3 Drive it could check the permissions from the user and do an autodiscovery for the buckets. Then the user could select the ones to have in the app
On the S3 login screen you can select single bucket manually, but autodiscovery sounds also interesting. Technically we could ask user (dialog) and import all buckets as separate profiles (or perhaps there is a neater way to manage it). (edited)
morethanevil 08/02/2023 11:05 AM
A policy generator for the json files would be cool from the devs... selecvt user, select bucket, select ACL...
On the S3 login screen you can select single bucket manually, but autodiscovery sounds also interesting. Technically we could ask user (dialog) and import all buckets as separate profiles (or perhaps there is a neater way to manage it). (edited)
morethanevil 08/02/2023 11:06 AM
If you use more than 5 buckets it is a little work to add them all, and retype the credentials everytime 😄
If you use more than 5 buckets it is a little work to add them all, and retype the credentials everytime 😄
morethanevil 08/02/2023 11:12 AM
Thanks ☺️ I upvoted
if you want a self-service MinIO policy: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:*" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::${aws:username}" ] }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:*" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::${aws:username}/*" ] } ] }
that's what I always add to any MinIO instance I configure, full control over your own bucket that's your username
morethanevil 08/02/2023 11:20 AM
And it only allows the user to use his own buckets?
only a single bucket that is their own username
they can even delete it or create it if it doesn't exist
you can always replace ${aws:username} by anything you want, be it a variable or a fixed bucket name, there unfortunately isn't any group name variable
morethanevil 08/02/2023 11:45 AM
So the first aws:username means the username of the user and the second one is for the bucket? I am not much into the policy thing, the docs are not very userfriendly 😅
no, both time it's the bucket name
the policy can be assigned to either a user or a group
in my case I have a users group to which I assign the selfservice policy, then I add whoever I want to the users group and they'll be able to manage their very own bucket
morethanevil 08/02/2023 11:46 AM
Okay so the only difference to the other would be, that your json provides full access to the bucket, including deletion and creation
it can be simplified a lot actually, I kept the resources separate but you can merge them
you can always replace ${aws:username} by anything you want, be it a variable or a fixed bucket name, there unfortunately isn't any group name variable
morethanevil 08/02/2023 11:47 AM
That's cool ☝🏻 One policy for a group and then just add users
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:*" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::${aws:username}", "arn:aws:s3:::${aws:username}/*" ] } ] }
by default I don't merge them because the first resource is the bucket itself, while the other is for its content
I also had a "public-ro" and a "public-rw" policy, useful if you want all users to be able to access a common bucket but only allow a subgroup to write there
Okay so the only difference to the other would be, that your json provides full access to the bucket, including deletion and creation
yeah, I'm afraid the one you sent doesn't allow multiparts or versions usage, it also allows users to set policies on their buckets if they want to allow other users to access it, or make a directory public
morethanevil 08/02/2023 12:04 PM
I will try this after work, thank you 😺
if you want a self-service MinIO policy: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:*" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::${aws:username}" ] }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:*" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::${aws:username}/*" ] } ] }
morethanevil 08/02/2023 12:04 PM
Username needs to be replaced with an existing bucket? How do I use this with groups?
no, that one can be used as-is
MinIO will interpolate the variable itself with the username of whichever user performs the API call
the policy has the exact same effect whether it's assigned to a group to which your user belongs, or to the user directly (edited)
morethanevil 08/02/2023 12:15 PM
Okay create a policy "selfmanagment" and add users to it, then they can manage only themselfs Can they create more than one bucket for themself or only just one with their username as mentioned in policy?
just the one in the policy, what isn't explicitly allowed is denied
it's however better for most users to have only one bucket then create directories in it
and if you need two buckets to separate pro vs perso for example, then maybe two accounts is better
morethanevil 08/02/2023 12:23 PM
Okay but this is okay One bucket fir one user You helped me more in an hour, than the docs the whole week 😁 I will write this to my wiki and make a Post on Lemmy and Reddit. I am surely not the only one steuggeling with this
Thanks 🌞
I found the docs rather helpful, but they're aimed at very technical and specific needs instead of being adapted for standard use cases, they aren't a tutorial
you're welcome!
morethanevil 08/02/2023 12:44 PM
The standard cases would be most users, so a policy generator would be cool 😁
you're welcome!
morethanevil 08/02/2023 12:45 PM
I will mention you in the postings if you like. Or you could post it yourself in the minio subreddit. Most people will then find it via search engines
it's fine, I no longer contribute on Reddit because I can't really stand the platform nor its users anymore
I'm no longer giving free content to Reddit, and I have better things to do than argue with redditors about my own use cases
morethanevil 08/02/2023 12:54 PM
Understandable I prefer Lemmy, I really love it by now 🥰
morethanevil 08/02/2023 10:32 PM
Just did a few things, I tried the policy and it works great, thanks again
Next step was to write a "quick" tutorial for rclone with minio and s3drive
@s3drive Please review my guide and add it to your FAQ / Wiki / whatever. So users can see how it works. The guide is in my cryptpad here:
You can use my screenshots too, they are not case sensetive, it was a vm
Nextcloud link will be available 3 days (automatic deletion)
@s3drive Please review my guide and add it to your FAQ / Wiki / whatever. So users can see how it works. The guide is in my cryptpad here:
That's great, thanks for your work. Before we're done with MkDocs, we could add that our Github and reference back from the website. In any case the required format would be MD. I don't really want to put any burden on you, but would it be possible for you to prepare it in the MD format? Please find the e.g. instruction that we have for Backblaze: and corresponding raw MD: The images could be placed in the: perhaps it would make sense to create a specific folder for the instruction. If you're happy with that approach. please fork: and create the pull request to the repo.
That's great, thanks for your work. Before we're done with MkDocs, we could add that our Github and reference back from the website. In any case the required format would be MD. I don't really want to put any burden on you, but would it be possible for you to prepare it in the MD format? Please find the e.g. instruction that we have for Backblaze: and corresponding raw MD: The images could be placed in the: perhaps it would make sense to create a specific folder for the instruction. If you're happy with that approach. please fork: and create the pull request to the repo.
morethanevil 08/03/2023 7:01 AM
Okay I fork and add everything in there in MD. GitHub has a great preview and editor 😊
morethanevil 08/03/2023 7:49 AM
Pull request is done 🙂
alex_50852 joined the server. 08/03/2023 9:33 AM
Okay I fork and add everything in there in MD. GitHub has a great preview and editor 😊
Thanks for the article. I've moderated it a bit, fixed typos, casing, added some headings / warnings and then moved location within the repo: It landed here:
👍 1
morethanevil 08/03/2023 4:54 PM
Glad I could help a little bit. Typos etc were to be expected. I am not a native speaker 😅
Glad I could help a little bit. Typos etc were to be expected. I am not a native speaker 😅
No worries, I am sure that native speakers make typos as well 😉
morethanevil 08/03/2023 4:57 PM
@s3drive I was thinking about creating a green Contributor role, it isn't much but still a nice way to recognize individuals who go out of their way to help the project out, what do you think about it?
@s3drive I was thinking about creating a green Contributor role, it isn't much but still a nice way to recognize individuals who go out of their way to help the project out, what do you think about it?
I like that. It seems that Github displays that if there is a pull request merged into repo, certainly we should have something like that on Discord. (edited)
Good, I'll do that then
Good, I'll do that then
Feel free to add yourself then, you've helped already a lot ! 🙂
Maybe later 😊
morethanevil 08/03/2023 6:37 PM
Issues don't count anymore 🫤 I read you need to have your profil public in your settings 🤔
helios6509 joined the server. 08/04/2023 11:49 AM
redsolver joined the server. 08/04/2023 12:19 PM
Hi 👋
Click to see original message
lol this thing
Welcome, Helios, we hope you've brought sunshine (edited)
morethanevil 08/05/2023 5:15 AM
Sunshine would nice 🌞
I found a little bug and opened an issue on GitHub ☺
@morethanevil Thanks, we will get to that next week. Backup module wasn't looked after for quite a while awaiting crucial changes in order to make background upload possible.
👍 1
I cannot subscribe to this, it tells me my card was declined... Would be nice to have other payment options like iDEAL or Paysafecard :/
I cannot subscribe to this, it tells me my card was declined... Would be nice to have other payment options like iDEAL or Paysafecard :/
Hi @helios6509, sorry that you face these issues, we use Stripe to handle the payments and don't have exactly full control over the card decline criteria. Since iDEAL is supported by Stripe I am going to have a look if that's something I can enable. In the meantime, all I can do is to ask you to try again or using different card. I've also PM'd you with a payment link which may help your transaction to pass through. Thanks !
I cannot subscribe to this, it tells me my card was declined... Would be nice to have other payment options like iDEAL or Paysafecard :/
Thank you for your suggestion, iDEAL is now enabled. If you have any troubles with the payment or S3Drive feel free to reach out to me directly. (edited)
Thank you for your suggestion, iDEAL is now enabled. If you have any troubles with the payment or S3Drive feel free to reach out to me directly. (edited)
Hey @s3drive any chance we will get S3Drive in Linux as a Flatpak?
Hey @s3drive any chance we will get S3Drive in Linux as a Flatpak?
Yes, this is a work in progress (, there were couple challenges that we've mostly solved and likely within couple next weeks it shall be live on Flathub.
👍 1
Hey @s3drive any chance we will get S3Drive in Linux as a Flatpak?
In the meantime on top of: AppImage you can find deb package in the releases: if that's any use for you.
👍 1
morethanevil 08/06/2023 6:54 PM
Tried the new update. Passwort-Manager works fine, thanks 🐱
But this keeps popping up everytime I go back to the bucket 😁
Hint: you already got 5 stars ☺
👍 1
Tested autofill as you wished on GitHub, works as aspectedfor E2EE and adding profiles 👍
Tested autofill as you wished on GitHub, works as aspectedfor E2EE and adding profiles 👍
That's great thank you for this suggestion. It's super helpful yet was super easy to build.
But this keeps popping up everytime I go back to the bucket 😁
Does it go away if you click Maybe later or No thanks? We're not keen on integrating with Google APIs (privacy issues) in order fetch if comment was already added and improve this prompt experience, so basically this will bug user from time to time until: "No thanks" is clicked. I am going to check it again, perhaps there are some issues with the library that's supposed to decide when to show the dialog.
morethanevil 08/06/2023 7:16 PM
It does not matter which I choose As soon as I come back from the menu it shows up
yibo3878 joined the server. 08/07/2023 5:28 AM
打开文本文件的时候 要弹出的
morethanevil 08/07/2023 6:05 AM
How do I fix it? It won't install.
打开文本文件的时候 要弹出的
morethanevil 08/07/2023 6:05 AM
When you open a text file, it's a pop-up.
Translated with deepl
i want open it using another app,but i can not
it is oneplus 11
when i using iphone, can open it with another app
It does not matter which I choose As soon as I come back from the menu it shows up
This shall be now addressed with the most recent update.
morethanevil 08/07/2023 8:21 AM
Yes it is fixed now ☺
greatscott1170 joined the server. 08/07/2023 9:16 PM
frenchtoucan joined the server. 08/08/2023 2:59 PM
@s3drive problem with latest upgrade hanging.. happening pretty much constantly.. android version
@s3drive problem with latest upgrade hanging.. happening pretty much constantly.. android version
Thanks for your feedback. Can you create #support item please? Can you describe how does it look like? On what screen this hanging happens? Does it get worse or get better after certain action? Do you have E2E enabled? Do you find anything interesting in Logs? We've deployed many smaller releases over the past two weeks Do you remember what was the last version that worked for you? What's your Android version and phone model?
test_36022 joined the server. 08/09/2023 8:56 AM
Hello @test_36022, what are we testing today?
Your patience blobowoevil
Will do!
dgr8shogun joined the server. 08/09/2023 11:47 AM
bingofps joined the server. 08/12/2023 3:04 PM
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 joined the server. 08/13/2023 12:35 AM
pjort.kat joined the server. 08/13/2023 11:54 AM
ad267088 joined the server. 08/14/2023 10:04 PM
Hey fellas, I'm trying out the app using Storj as the back end. I have encryption enabled on my Android, but when I try to download my data on my desktop, the data downloaded in both photos and videos are empty. Edit: I plugged in the my encryption key on my desktop using the web app, and this is the error I'm getting: Error: FormatException: Invalid Key IV: [longnumber] Edit2: It looks like I'm still using the deprecated encryption. I plugged it in the other option, and now the files are showing up. Moreover, when using the web app, downloads always fail and awfully slow for a 2mb photo. With the app, it works as normal, but similar download speeds. Since I'm using a deprecated password, how would I go about updating it? Create a new password, and re-upload my files? (edited)
Hi @ad267088, If you get: "Invalid Key IV" that indicates that you've objects encrypted using deprecated AES-GCM encryption scheme. S3Drive can open them, but you'll need to set up key using: AES-GCM key (deprecated) button whenever you want to access your files. This is because it needs to process your key using base64 encoding instead of plaintext (default for Rclone). In any case all existing AES-GCM encrypted data will remain readable, but whenever you update it or write new file it will use Rclone encryption scheme using your current key (whether a new plaintext or legacy base64). You don't need to re-upload your files, both schemes are supported and before we remove AES-GCM support we will give more than enough time. It is possible to use the AES-GCM password in Rclone CLI if you ever need. Given your AES-GCM password is: czNkcml2ZQ== using this command: echo "czNkcml2ZQ==" | base64 -d | rclone obscure - you can generate a password, e.g.: AQbZ5H8mrzlnkNj9MXnjpxS5QmxbRpw which can be used in Rclone config: rclone config file as indicated in this post: Speaking of decryption speeds in browser, let's continue in the support item that I've created: (edited)
jeannesbond joined the server. 08/15/2023 7:44 PM
paradoxdude joined the server. 08/17/2023 7:14 AM
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paradoxdude 08/17/2023 7:14 AM
dantheman61 joined the server. 08/17/2023 6:01 PM joined the server. 08/19/2023 10:12 PM
muntasim joined the server. 08/21/2023 7:54 PM
szirok_03617 joined the server. 08/23/2023 6:54 AM
szirok_03617 08/23/2023 6:57 AM
i have rclone encrypted files, file names and content, there is in config dump password1 and password2, i tried to set p1 and also p2 in s3 web drive, but it does not decrypt, why?
so is it compatible with rclone e2e yes or no?
i have rclone encrypted files, file names and content, there is in config dump password1 and password2, i tried to set p1 and also p2 in s3 web drive, but it does not decrypt, why?
Please set up your Rclone as mentioned in this post: rclone password dump gives obscured password. You need to use your original text password. Alternatively you'll need to use "password reveal" on your obscured password. We're not supporting Rclone 2nd password, but it's part of our roadmap: We're supporting default Rclone salt: I've created additional two roadmap items to support your use case: Please vote on them, so the priority is pushed higher. If you have any more issues with S3Drive, please create a support item: Thanks (edited)
so is it compatible with rclone e2e yes or no?
It is entirely compatible, but we're not yet supporting 2nd password. You need to set up S3Drive and Rclone using just one password.
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paradoxdude 08/23/2023 8:27 PM
I was trying to create a support post but, I am unable to
To report a bug
In app
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 08/24/2023 4:09 PM
Hi all, is there a place for low priority feature requests 😄 I have got one
Hi all, is there a place for low priority feature requests 😄 I have got one
Hi, you can request them in #support, there's a tag for that, don't worry about priorities yet since this community isn't very active at the moment
👍 1
yossie_54569 joined the server. 08/26/2023 6:07 AM
coldfusion0015 joined the server. 08/26/2023 11:49 PM
currawong. joined the server. 08/27/2023 11:29 AM
szirok_03617 09/01/2023 7:48 AM
please add support to download using save file as, not into browser storage. Lets say on c: drive i have 1gb free space, so i want to save 5gb file on e: drive where i have 200gb free space. i cant because web app downloads to cache on c
please add possibility to download using save file as at start, not first to cache
aquib42 joined the server. 09/01/2023 6:34 PM
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Hi, welcome!
drcody joined the server. 09/04/2023 9:22 AM
definitelynotblackbeard joined the server. 09/04/2023 11:43 AM
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definitelynotblackbeard 09/04/2023 11:43 AM
definitelynotblackbeard 09/04/2023 12:01 PM
Hey @s3drive , I would like to buy the pro version since I want the mounted drive option. But I've had less than sub par experiences with other mount drive applications, which is how I landed up with yours. Is there a way to get like a 7 day trial to test the mounted drive option to see if it is worth it?
Hey @s3drive , I would like to buy the pro version since I want the mounted drive option. But I've had less than sub par experiences with other mount drive applications, which is how I landed up with yours. Is there a way to get like a 7 day trial to test the mounted drive option to see if it is worth it?
Hi @definitelynotblackbeard , Our billing integration with Stripe doesn't yet support trial, but you can test all app's capabilities by creating a free account ( and use the free 10GB allocated storage plan, as long as you login to S3Drive app with the same credentials. Behind the scenes there is an S3 cluster that we manage. Pro version allows you to use all these features but with your custom S3 endpoint. (edited)
definitelynotblackbeard 09/04/2023 1:52 PM
Gotcha thank you i will try trhat out
Also, follow up. I know the app is not open source, but do you all have a contribers system where other devs can help fix issues / add features?
Hey @s3drive , I would like to buy the pro version since I want the mounted drive option. But I've had less than sub par experiences with other mount drive applications, which is how I landed up with yours. Is there a way to get like a 7 day trial to test the mounted drive option to see if it is worth it?
Behind the scenes we're using:, so if that option works for you, S3Drive works pretty much the same, except it's "clickable" from the app. You can also use Rclone mount yourself outside S3Drive, but the data (including encrypted data) will stay compatible between S3Drive and Rclone. (edited)
🤟 1
Also, follow up. I know the app is not open source, but do you all have a contribers system where other devs can help fix issues / add features?
For this to work the app doesn't need to be FOSS, but at least source open. Whilst we've had that in mind it doesn't fit with our current revenue stream. We don't have enough capacity to properly manage open-source community and at this stage we think that having full control on the project direction allows us to focus on deliverables, build lean and deploy fast. With open-source we would likely receive dozens of pull requests for features which are not part of the streamline, yet we would have to dedicate resources to maintain, test, fix, refactor etc. As long as we get enough revenue from selling data plans (due to be released Q4 - - monthly/yearly), and not the software itself, we could then think of making clients open source: as both sides may benefit from this move. (edited)
definitelynotblackbeard 09/04/2023 2:06 PM
gotcha that makes a lot of sense. So for now it's feature requests and github issues that will push the development forward from our side? Is there a tiered system such as if you have x license we prioritize your issues etc?
gotcha that makes a lot of sense. So for now it's feature requests and github issues that will push the development forward from our side? Is there a tiered system such as if you have x license we prioritize your issues etc?
Mostly yes. We don't have any formal decision process on this. If something gets added by the community we then prioritize internally based on multiple factors, general interest, development time etc. For bigger number of licenses and very custom features (not part of the general roadmap) we have an Enterprise plan - where we can provide quotes on custom features/integrations and discounts. Do you have anything in mind in terms of features / bugs? We can discuss this here or via different channels. (edited)
definitelynotblackbeard 09/04/2023 2:21 PM
Gotcha. Yeah this is not on an enterprise level altough I work with large companies who might benefit from this app. I am gonna test it and if it works well I might recommend it to our project teams. We currently use Gladinet which works fine but your client(s) seem so much smoother etc. As for features and bugs, I like identifying possible new features and bugs especially if I like the app so if I can communicate them here that would be cool. Just started using this today but the things I have for now are: - When you close the desktop client, in windows, it should auto minimize to tray to ensure sync jobs keep on running. Right now, I go in, change stuff or look for a file and then when I hit the X it closes the whole app.
- File offloading / Cloudnas. If we could add a feature where files in a targeted folder will be checked for last modified etc and if it hasn't been modified in x days (whatever user specifies) it is removed from the local machine but still stays in the s3 bucket. Kinda how onedrive / wasabi cloud nas does it
Gotcha. Yeah this is not on an enterprise level altough I work with large companies who might benefit from this app. I am gonna test it and if it works well I might recommend it to our project teams. We currently use Gladinet which works fine but your client(s) seem so much smoother etc. As for features and bugs, I like identifying possible new features and bugs especially if I like the app so if I can communicate them here that would be cool. Just started using this today but the things I have for now are: - When you close the desktop client, in windows, it should auto minimize to tray to ensure sync jobs keep on running. Right now, I go in, change stuff or look for a file and then when I hit the X it closes the whole app.
We've got that one internally, but created public roadmap item: At the moment you can use tray icon and "Hide" option or simply minimize the app. It's a small item, but then the actual solution given our tech / cross-platform wasn't entirely easy we haven't implemented it straight away.
🤟 1
- File offloading / Cloudnas. If we could add a feature where files in a targeted folder will be checked for last modified etc and if it hasn't been modified in x days (whatever user specifies) it is removed from the local machine but still stays in the s3 bucket. Kinda how onedrive / wasabi cloud nas does it
That's interesting. I've added an item: Do you have some additional docs about the behavior / use-cases?
jguzmansulb joined the server. 09/04/2023 2:31 PM
That's interesting. I've added an item: Do you have some additional docs about the behavior / use-cases?
definitelynotblackbeard 09/04/2023 2:58 PM
Yeah this is a game changer. If wasabi wasn't so damn expensive with this tech it would be paid for already. This explains it well :
It basically leaves behind a tiny little file that seems to be the actual file and when you try to access it, wasabi quickly downloads it from the bukcet to the location it is supposed to be in and then it works. But I mean even if you forego that feature, the automatic offloading of cold data is such a massive help
But with this cloudnas you can basically house like 8TB of storage on a 500GB drive .Which is what we are doing at some clients
It basically leaves behind a tiny little file that seems to be the actual file and when you try to access it, wasabi quickly downloads it from the bukcet to the location it is supposed to be in and then it works. But I mean even if you forego that feature, the automatic offloading of cold data is such a massive help
Quick question. Do you install Wasabi Cloud NAS on the end computer or on a local server and then share this via network mount within the organisation?
definitelynotblackbeard 09/04/2023 3:36 PM
So you can do both. But what we've done is install it on a file server. point it to a secondary drive, say G:. Then we share folders in that drive using SMB like normal. Wasabi obfuscates the offloading process using these stub files so from the consumers of the SMB shares, they know no difference but then on the file server, wasabi cloud nas offloads the cold storage. Lemme know if that answered the question lol
So you can do both. But what we've done is install it on a file server. point it to a secondary drive, say G:. Then we share folders in that drive using SMB like normal. Wasabi obfuscates the offloading process using these stub files so from the consumers of the SMB shares, they know no difference but then on the file server, wasabi cloud nas offloads the cold storage. Lemme know if that answered the question lol
Got it. I am trying to understand what's possible what's not. We're currently running FUSE mount which basically gives you access to unlimited cloud NAS (S3 based). There is also VFS cache which could be tweaked to emulate "hot storage onloading", which would be the other way round from what you describe. The file that you've accessed recently would end up stored in a local cache, so next time when you access it, it's read from the local cache directly (no latency). The challenge with "cold storage offloading" is that this feature must be closely integrated with the native file system and since S3Drive is supposed to run on multiple OS's (and not all FS's would support this), that means we would have to make this feature e.g. Windows only or "move it away" (exactly the same way the Wasabi Cloud NAS does that) to separate software (probably would have to be Windows, due to NTFS support of which I don't think it's possible on Linux and Mac) which would then have to be network mounted. The somewhat convoluted alternative would be to use FUSE mount as it is now, but providing custom cache implementation which would either read file from a local file system or cloud/S3 (depending on the availability). The S3Drive would also take care of cleaning up idle / cold data from the local FS based on some settings (e.g. 90 days). From a user point of view they would see hot files only in their local FS location and "all files" in the FUSE mounted location. They would have to be instructed to actually not use the local FS, but the FUSE mount instead. This would work on Windows, macOS and Linux. I am not sure how feasible is to share FUSE mount via SMB, I know that whilst technically possible, there are some challenges. Alternatively each user could work with their local FUSE mount, but any changes could be synced online via AMQ or other queue/notify mechanism) (edited)
definitelynotblackbeard 09/04/2023 4:46 PM
Yeah not sure about the techincality on this implementation. As you said the cross platform is a major issue as it will see compatibility issues. So with the current sync options , might be able to create one that does the normal sync such as to rmeote etc, but then add some extra params such as if the file has not been touched in 90 days we will sync it up and remove it from the local FS. This is not as fancy as the wasabi bottomless NAS idea but atleast it will reclaim space on machines where file space is limited
Yeah not sure about the techincality on this implementation. As you said the cross platform is a major issue as it will see compatibility issues. So with the current sync options , might be able to create one that does the normal sync such as to rmeote etc, but then add some extra params such as if the file has not been touched in 90 days we will sync it up and remove it from the local FS. This is not as fancy as the wasabi bottomless NAS idea but atleast it will reclaim space on machines where file space is limited
It's not as fancy as you say, but would be good start towards more advanced solutions and if SMB FUSE sharing works then from a user point of view they wouldn't see any difference, since the heavy lifting (in a slightly different way than Wasabi Cloud NAS) would be done by the S3Drive instance running on some Windows Server node. EDIT: It seems Rclone FUSE SMB sharing indeed works: (edited)
Yeah not sure about the techincality on this implementation. As you said the cross platform is a major issue as it will see compatibility issues. So with the current sync options , might be able to create one that does the normal sync such as to rmeote etc, but then add some extra params such as if the file has not been touched in 90 days we will sync it up and remove it from the local FS. This is not as fancy as the wasabi bottomless NAS idea but atleast it will reclaim space on machines where file space is limited
I can also see that it's not even about: "last modified", but more about: "last accessed".
Yeah not sure about the techincality on this implementation. As you said the cross platform is a major issue as it will see compatibility issues. So with the current sync options , might be able to create one that does the normal sync such as to rmeote etc, but then add some extra params such as if the file has not been touched in 90 days we will sync it up and remove it from the local FS. This is not as fancy as the wasabi bottomless NAS idea but atleast it will reclaim space on machines where file space is limited
When user adds a new file what should happen? Should it be automatically synced to Wasabi or should stay storred locally and only be synced to Wasabi when cold? (edited)
definitelynotblackbeard 09/04/2023 5:37 PM
Wasabi you can adjust it but by default I think it should sync it to wasabi so a backup is made and then when it goes cold it should be offloaded from local storage to clear space
@s3drive did you use go daddy or similar for setting up your website? i'm looking at a similar format / log in account / payment.
Wasabi you can adjust it but by default I think it should sync it to wasabi so a backup is made and then when it goes cold it should be offloaded from local storage to clear space
Great, I've modified this card to reflect what we've discussed and what I've researched so far: Can't give any exact ETA, but we will get to this.
@s3drive did you use go daddy or similar for setting up your website? i'm looking at a similar format / log in account / payment.
It's a NextJS based layout, payments and login use some ready libraries, but had to be heavily customized. I am not sure what GoDaddy offers, but if you have some "off-the-shelf" definitely go for it. (edited)
It's a NextJS based layout, payments and login use some ready libraries, but had to be heavily customized. I am not sure what GoDaddy offers, but if you have some "off-the-shelf" definitely go for it. (edited)
great, thanks
i think there are quite a few, ready to go but its somewhat undefined what it can do.. i'll do more research!
pogox7587 joined the server. 09/06/2023 10:36 AM
@tom Hi Tom, do you have a png or similar of your logo we can link from our website? (edited)
maloboi joined the server. 09/09/2023 12:39 PM
@tom I've got a Pro Standalone account on my profiles - is that backup going onto backblaze and i'm assuming it is limited to 10GB?
@tom I've got a Pro Standalone account on my profiles - is that backup going onto backblaze and i'm assuming it is limited to 10GB?
With Pro Standalone you can manage multiple profiles and configure them separately, but backup will work on currently selected one. There is a feature request to support multiple accounts operation: As far I am concerned Backblaze offers free 10GB account: They're in the middle of the pricing changes which if I understand will make the free account even better (more egress): You don't need Pro Standalone to use external Backblaze account or backup as such. You can also use free 10GB account that we manage. You don't need Pro Standalone to use the advanced features on account managed by us, we provide them together in one package. I hope this helps to understand our offering.
ok to be honest I just signed up to support the project without thinking too much about the user case. I guess I can see why it would be useful to have multiple backup accounts on different providers for belt and braces security - ie your precious data backed up in more than one place. I would be interested in the use case that was originally intended for this feature?
gm1k. joined the server. 09/10/2023 8:52 PM
lucky_otter_54541 joined the server. 09/10/2023 10:03 PM
degenjef joined the server. 09/10/2023 10:06 PM
hey @buzz69.
@s3drive just upgraded and i think this app is very useful
sejjj joined the server. 09/10/2023 10:10 PM
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Good afternoon good folks
Hullo jefffj
I'm having issue with my albums showing under the media backup tab
Any tips?
But, they're their
try making a support ticket? #support
... there's 8 of us
Plus I didn't see
yeah i meant maybe someone will see it there and help
t_rott joined the server. 09/10/2023 10:23 PM
Yo great proj
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solidgord joined the server. 09/10/2023 10:40 PM
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jeffrey5166 joined the server. 09/11/2023 12:01 AM
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👍 1
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Scprime boys blowing it up in here 😂
it reads like @s3drive uses an S3 cloud storage platform for hosted S3Drive accounts
Prob should peek at XNS
I'm using S3Drive on my selfhosted relayer, works perfect
Just set the fam up for iPhone backups. Using for relayer with minio. Working perfect. 🤘
👍 1
yeah same did you get the paid version
big spender
tom's getting paid todsay
It’s priced very well
yeah its great
sent like 7k photos from my phone. impressed how it wirked
Yah getting there my self. House pipe slow upload. Need to go over to colo and warp speed 😂
hi guys, glad you made it here, @degenjef already mentioned XNS to Tom 😎
👍 2
sent like 7k photos from my phone. impressed how it wirked
yeah, really works well on xns.. and xns performs better than backblaze too
💪 1
Backblaze is annoying.. Installed it for a comparison a while back
Too many pop ups
Would be great to get XNS added to the list of officially supported clouds for S3Drive
I second that
Still uploading. Oofff lots of phone backups. 30GB so far and two more phones to go. 😂😎
ya. I use S3Drive with XNS as well. backed up all me photos.
background proccesses will be nice but my 60GB will be done by then
Hi, I believe you all come from another community that's around XNS, thanks for passing by!
hey yeah we did! we are running XNS cloud relayers and using S3Drive with them
works really great
keeps the data backed up and very secure
and affordable
I mean, as should any S3-compatible provider behave :p
you'd hope so!
$7/tb, pay as you go, no expensive egress and all E2E encrypted
are you from the XNS marketing department?
im a licensed reseller 😉
and an angel investor
ah, explains you want to spread the word
we're speading your word too
telling our users to try S3Drive
that's cool, however I'm afraid S3Drive is unable to promote any specific provider, we want to remain a pure S3 implementation and not recommend anything in particular
i believe @buzz69. is writing up a tutorial
tutorials are fine, however general conversations shouldn't diss any provider, and your affiliation should definitely be disclosed
thats totally fair and im happy to disclose
liquidbread joined the server. 09/11/2023 4:32 PM
$7/tb, pay as you go, no expensive egress and all E2E encrypted
please do whenever you send a message like that, most people here are users and not providers or affiliated to them, so we expect feedback to be from other standard users by default 😉
liquidbread 09/11/2023 4:33 PM
Oh hai
haven't been green leaf in awhile
thats fair. i was more speaking to you directly about those features tho
a bunch of us liked your app, and we saw you have a discord so we joined in
yeah, no problem, I'm able to ask as well, I'm saying just in case since this community is slowly growing
👍 1
but we'll be community minded
a cool idea might be letting users select roles based on their clouds? maybe giving app to cloud support if needed
just_mike2411 joined the server. 09/11/2023 4:37 PM
that's cool, however I'm afraid S3Drive is unable to promote any specific provider, we want to remain a pure S3 implementation and not recommend anything in particular
so i when i installed I saw this message
Support for AWS S3, Backblaze, Wasabi, Scaleway, Storj, MinIO and any other S3 compatible provider. Sign-up for a free account, no credit card required.Aug 22, 2023 S3Drive: Cloud storage on the App Store - Apple
So thats what I meant would be cool to get XNS added to
less a promo, and more simply recognized
I'll be honest, even Scaleway and Storj are a stretch so we should probably shorten this by only mentioning the major players that definitely don't need any recognition
You certainly know or can at least guess the challenges of publishing an app, where keywords matter and only what we believe will be searched will figure
yeah ofc
i just saw that list of apps, esp including stroj (since XNS is distributed and blockchain) and wanted to ask about inclusion
but i think we're here to USE this app not just shill
which is understadable, asking is always a good idea
i paid for pro and a lots of these guys did or will too i think (edited)
so we're gonna use it lots
I did too, I'm talking in the name of S3Drive for this specific matter but I'm not a developer myself
i appreciate your honest convo too.
i paid for pro and a lots of these guys did or will too i think (edited)
liquidbread 09/11/2023 4:48 PM
Yup, will most likely be using this within the week
full disclosure, I worked a few years for Scaleway, I already left when I discovered S3Drive… and I believe it should be removed from the list doggokek
Storj's free tier was heavily reduced, so they're probably going to be removed too
full disclosure, I worked a few years for Scaleway, I already left when I discovered S3Drive… and I believe it should be removed from the list doggokek
That's confirmed. We're removing Storj and Scaleway.
yeah i was asking to be added to a list if that list was growing, but if its being pared, then totally understand
sincere QQ - what do you charge for hosted cloud service?
(and i think i really misread that business model)
As this grows I think a channel for wish list functionality would be good. I have a few items that I think would be good for the mobile app. I don’t want to clog gen pop up with them though.
(and i think i really misread that business model)
nm thats on the main site lol
As this grows I think a channel for wish list functionality would be good. I have a few items that I think would be good for the mobile app. I don’t want to clog gen pop up with them though.
Ok thank you. Perfect.
Excited to see this move forward
yeah bucket auto discovery would be great for self hosted
as a self-hosted MinIO user, I'm not against it :p
especially for path-style URLs, where buckets behave more like root-level directories
yeah, modern IAM gives admin privs to keys but setting up multiple profiles is a PITA
anyways, here for the growth!
$S3D to the moon… wait
wen pancake swap SECRET_KEY
aws s3 cp wallet.dat boket:/sekrit
for real now, if you want to try this, I can hook you up with credits
just for knowledge
maybe one day, but I don't have much free time to allocate for testing at the moment
im stuck at home on my weekened with covid so too much free time lol
I have 12 TB (replicated) with my MinIO server, I paid like $700 for the hardware, it's way cheaper for me as a sysadmin to self-host
yeah but whats your 3-2-1- backup solution ;P (edited)
duh (edited)
4x4 TB in RAID 5 so 12 TB usable, the whole volume has a daily backup to cold storage priced at around 2€/TB/month, and that 12 TB volume is only a copy when I talk about important data
if I lose my memes, eh, I just have to scroll my DMs with friend lol
haha yeah
we're def more SMB/Enterprise looking. Sincerly plan on suggesting your app to all my clients. I'm US based and talk a lot about data control. Getting their backups off Apple/Meta/ Etc
Phone app especially for these users
4x4 TB in RAID 5 so 12 TB usable, the whole volume has a daily backup to cold storage priced at around 2€/TB/month, and that 12 TB volume is only a copy when I talk about important data
I know some that use Glacier Deep Archive, that's $0.00099 per GB. You don't really want to lose your data as if you add the restoration costs and bandwidth it gets pretty expensive... but well if you lose some data then you might well decide to drop it or suck the costs.
yeah i saw a quote about two kinds of people. Those who havent lost data and those who backup properly
For me it's worth it as long as I don't restore my data more than once a year… which is alright, if my NAS dies once a year I'm replacing it because it's definitely not a good one
yeah i saw a quote about two kinds of people. Those who havent lost data and those who backup properly
see, that's where I'm smart and belong to the third kind: I lost someone else's data doggokek
in my defense, I was a kid and accidently dropped my mom's external hard drive
currypaul joined the server. 09/12/2023 3:49 PM
eelee7153 joined the server. 09/12/2023 7:25 PM
I wanted to try the system, but what was putting me off when i see a page that doesnt have any company address, name or identification in which country it operates. Many people would not trust with their data or skip it due to fear of scam. Friendly advice would be that you place transparent info about the team, where is the company based and where are the servers positioned.
I wanted to try the system, but what was putting me off when i see a page that doesnt have any company address, name or identification in which country it operates. Many people would not trust with their data or skip it due to fear of scam. Friendly advice would be that you place transparent info about the team, where is the company based and where are the servers positioned.
you can also use your own S3 buckets. S3Drive works really slick that way.
👍 1
I wanted to try the system, but what was putting me off when i see a page that doesnt have any company address, name or identification in which country it operates. Many people would not trust with their data or skip it due to fear of scam. Friendly advice would be that you place transparent info about the team, where is the company based and where are the servers positioned.
That's entirely fair point. You can find our current business address at the relevant places where you can get the software, that is App Store, Google Play and Microsoft Store. We're providing software (for you to use with your S3 account), but we're not providing the service just yet (except technical preview of free 10GB account). We're in the process of changing our operational model and switching the company type to something which is compatible with providing privacy friendly SaaS that's also responsible for keeping customers data safe. This is actually one of the things that's blocking us from providing paid managed account. We're working heavily on tech, but also exploring different laws and jurisdictions to make conscious decision compatible with what we do, but also where we live. Just to give you an idea, registering a business (limited company) + director service and virtual address takes couple hours to couple days, anyone could do that and present that on their website straight away. We're going little bit different route. You can expect more information about our new company, operational model etc. around Q2 2024. Stay tuned. (edited)
👍 5
xenthys pinned a message to this channel. 09/12/2023 9:02 PM
Thanks for that great info Tom.
ya good info
@s3drive are you going to build your own data center?
that requires a lot of money and people to take care of it, not the plan afaik
Yeah I assumed!
So the plan is to resell?
like the current trial is based on Backblaze, that seems to be the most sensible solution nowadays
What if I could get you $4.99/tb pay as you go. No added fees?
Not trying to shill at all. Trying to work together on the same thing
That's not customer price. I'll talk to founder if you're interested in being a reseller
We give 2x free egress too
Yay 3x free egress coming to B2 in October
Large file downloads get stuck at processing for some reason
Shared links
Yay 3x free egress coming to B2 in October
we have free egress at home doggokek
What if I could get you $4.99/tb pay as you go. No added fees?
I'll be honest with you. It's unlikely we would make any provider change at this stage. Our APIs / auth are already integrated closely and it's a cost/time/risk for us to make such change. We've been exploring this for quite a while and decided that we'll stick to reasonably priced, but reputable one. Before I worked for S3Drive, I've been using Backblaze as a dev for many years. Naturally I've suggested it for S3Drive. How much we pay for data is one thing... but the consequences when provider loses people's data is the other thing. Cheapest was iDrive (, comes out at $1.5/TB, can you beat it? We're not interested in being a reseller at all, however if you are interested to resell S3Drive under your brand and your storage we can handle this via Enterprise package ( We've got different tiers and billing modes (per user or percentage fee). If you're interested, please drop us an e-mail at:, and include some details: Do you have an idea how S3 credentials would be managed? How users register on your website, is it e-mail/password or other forms of auth? Do you expect S3Drive to be integrated tightly with your auth system? Alternatively do you provide some means of credentials export (e.g. a formatted text, QR code, exported file etc.) that we could seamlessly import into S3Drive? How would you like to manage software releases and software updates? Do you have accounts on App Store / Google Play and are you comfortable managing them? We would then be able to come back to you and give you some rates. Thanks ! (edited)
The sorting is random for some reason
The sorting is random for some reason
Is it Backblaze or some other provider?
I'll be honest with you. It's unlikely we would make any provider change at this stage. Our APIs / auth are already integrated closely and it's a cost/time/risk for us to make such change. We've been exploring this for quite a while and decided that we'll stick to reasonably priced, but reputable one. Before I worked for S3Drive, I've been using Backblaze as a dev for many years. Naturally I've suggested it for S3Drive. How much we pay for data is one thing... but the consequences when provider loses people's data is the other thing. Cheapest was iDrive (, comes out at $1.5/TB, can you beat it? We're not interested in being a reseller at all, however if you are interested to resell S3Drive under your brand and your storage we can handle this via Enterprise package ( We've got different tiers and billing modes (per user or percentage fee). If you're interested, please drop us an e-mail at:, and include some details: Do you have an idea how S3 credentials would be managed? How users register on your website, is it e-mail/password or other forms of auth? Do you expect S3Drive to be integrated tightly with your auth system? Alternatively do you provide some means of credentials export (e.g. a formatted text, QR code, exported file etc.) that we could seamlessly import into S3Drive? How would you like to manage software releases and software updates? Do you have accounts on App Store / Google Play and are you comfortable managing them? We would then be able to come back to you and give you some rates. Thanks ! (edited)
thanks for all this, i saw your whitelabel offer and its def in the back of my mind. But i'm working mostly on SME and trying to leverage them off hypercloud. BUT i will be referring them to all use your app.
The sorting is random for some reason
One question is it the order when you fetch the existing results from Backblaze or just after the upload? When you refresh, is it consistently "broken" or always random? (edited)
Screenshot taken now. Uploaded yesterday
👍 1
Seems consistent
Screenshot taken now. Uploaded yesterday
Thanks for reporting. There is indeed issue related to folders. We will have that addressed. Does issue apply to already uploaded files? In a previous screenshot you've posted some files, but can I assume it's just view straight after upload? Regardless, we'll try to fix the order of uploaded files as well.
Thanks for reporting. There is indeed issue related to folders. We will have that addressed. Does issue apply to already uploaded files? In a previous screenshot you've posted some files, but can I assume it's just view straight after upload? Regardless, we'll try to fix the order of uploaded files as well.
I'd say around 5 mins after upload
Wait I'll open the same directory now
Yea same
Oh I do have to mention they were uploaded with rclone
Oh I do have to mention they were uploaded with rclone
Ah, fair enough. As such we're not ordering results coming from S3. Since files with encrypted filename have original filepaths encrypted their order isn't actuall inline with the expected after decryption. This will have to wait until this gets implemented: Thanks for the heads up, I wasn't aware of this myself.
Screenshot taken now. Uploaded yesterday
The folder order will get fixed in a next release.
👍 1
I'd say around 5 mins after upload
Improvements were released to Android, I would appreciate if you could check folder order (as well as Rclone uploaded file order), it should work now. Other platforms will receive this update over the next few days. If you have any more issues or would like to add a feature request please use #support, so we don't clutter up this channel.
brizio___ joined the server. 09/14/2023 12:53 PM
Nice I'll try
brizio_54600 joined the server. 09/14/2023 4:32 PM
Is there a process for Android updates? I don't see an update in the play store
just log onto play store Jef, S3drive also provides prompt if you need to update..
cubityfirst joined the server. 09/15/2023 12:06 PM
Welcome Cubity
snoo_Wave 1
jggcvghhhh joined the server. 09/17/2023 1:21 AM
emilia.a joined the server. 09/19/2023 4:30 PM
Deal breaker is no background backup solution for the app. Meaning, you gotta stay in the app while the app does a backup of everything.
I believe it is a work in progress
I believe it is a work in progress
Any ETA?
Only Tom would be able to answer, I can't guarantee anything at my level
paper5590 joined the server. 09/20/2023 1:50 AM
Hey all! Just found this project by searching "rclone" on Mac's App Store, a very interesting surprise!
I'm interested to know how are photo thumbnails stored, is a thumbnail cache stored in S3? Or is it local only and therefore requires downloading all photos beforehand? (edited)
Deal breaker is no background backup solution for the app. Meaning, you gotta stay in the app while the app does a backup of everything.
It is high on our priorities list, however we've ran out of allocated time to implement it properly on both iOS/Android (very different approaches) and switched to other important features. We'll be revisiting this topic again. Realistically this is something we will address in Q1 2024, however there is a small we will have it ready before Christmas.
Hey all! Just found this project by searching "rclone" on Mac's App Store, a very interesting surprise!
That's interesting. Search results positioning on App Store is always bit of a magic to me. BTW. We release S3Drive on Mac App Store with some delay, so if you want to be always up to date please use the signed AppImage:
I’ll wait with buying enterprise for my company company then. (edited)
I’ll wait with buying enterprise for my company company then. (edited)
If you have any specific questions/needs regarding enterprise please drop us an e-mail leaving some info about your use case. It's an entirely different product with its own set of priorities.
I'm interested to know how are photo thumbnails stored, is a thumbnail cache stored in S3? Or is it local only and therefore requires downloading all photos beforehand? (edited)
We load full file version and keep it in a local thumbnail cache. Yes it does require downloading all photos beforehand. In our legacy photo backup product, we've been generating thumbnails the moment when photos were backed up. We plan to implement this feature. Since S3Drive supports also existing file systems we would have to implement a process to generate thumbnails for existing resources, this would require fetching full image locally anyway (I mean we could offload to the back-end, but this would go against the E2E encrypted privacy model), so we haven't rushed this. (edited)
a_j_o_n joined the server. 09/20/2023 2:16 PM
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👋 1
fardinahmedshovon 09/21/2023 5:21 AM
when will auto backup system enable in s3 drive android app?
when will auto backup system enable in s3 drive android app?
What backup do you have in mind? Currently we can backup your albums as soon as you configure/select them. Backup needs app to be "open running" before we get to the background mode:
👍 1
oqitriad joined the server. 09/21/2023 12:47 PM
mizele joined the server. 09/21/2023 6:11 PM
morethanevil 09/21/2023 6:43 PM
Made a post about this on Mastodon ☺
👍 1
very nice!
@s3drive I'm trying to update the app (MacOS), but it keeps telling me I have an outdated version. I downloaded the app through the website multiple times now, but still the same result
@s3drive I'm trying to update the app (MacOS), but it keeps telling me I have an outdated version. I downloaded the app through the website multiple times now, but still the same result
We've just updated macOS builds to the newest 1.5.3 - Please try now install newest DMG from our website. It should resolve your issues. What message did you get exactly from the app? Was it update more recent version available or perhaps that your version has expired? (edited)
pedro_52643 joined the server. 09/22/2023 7:49 PM
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I really love your product!! That was definitely missing…. Simple, rclone, cross platform
👍 1
ruhascalin_ joined the server. 09/23/2023 5:17 PM
mondo_magic joined the server. 09/25/2023 10:27 AM
I really love your product!! That was definitely missing…. Simple, rclone, cross platform
Thank you for these words. Please consider leaving us a review on App Store / Google Play and spread the words about the app. It really help us ! (edited)
👍 1
mondo_magic 09/25/2023 4:07 PM
Why do I see the error "Bucket quota exceeded"?
Why do I see the error "Bucket quota exceeded"?
Hi ! It's likely that you've exceeded the allocated storage. Bear in mind that by default all accounts have enabled versioning, so even if you delete file it counts towards quota until you do the hard delete or delete all file versions. Can you go to the left drawer and refresh the storage statistics?
mondo_magic 09/25/2023 4:14 PM
I see 14.88 GB of 12 GB used 10.35 GB of current data 4.54 GB of versions
So the storage it's not unlimited?
Now I have deleted the trash and it's 11.16 GB of 12 GB used 10.35 GB of current data 836.14 MB of versions
So the storage it's not unlimited?
Right, so you've managed to clean up things a little bit. Pardon my question, but where did you get this information that the storage is unlimited? (edited)
Right, so you've managed to clean up things a little bit. Pardon my question, but where did you get this information that the storage is unlimited? (edited)
mondo_magic 09/25/2023 4:50 PM
I was searching on Google Play unlimited cloud storage and it gave me the result S3Drive app (edited)
I was searching on Google Play unlimited cloud storage and it gave me the result S3Drive app (edited)
Fair enough, we don't offer unlimited storage and don't use that keyword anywhere, however using S3Drive you can connect to any S3 compatible back-end. This in principle gives you unlimited storage... but it doesn't necessarily imply free.
Is rclone used behind the hood? Would it be easy to support Webdav in addition to S3? Just curious (edited)
morethanevil 09/26/2023 1:36 PM
A small bug for importing all buckets from an endpoint: I already setup some buckets and they were imported again . Maybe the import should skip those buckets, which are already setup 🤔 Now I have duplicates, but I can easily remove them This is only a cosmetic bug
A small bug for importing all buckets from an endpoint: I already setup some buckets and they were imported again . Maybe the import should skip those buckets, which are already setup 🤔 Now I have duplicates, but I can easily remove them This is only a cosmetic bug
I assume that you've had the encryption keys set up for buckets that were duplicated? Currently new buckets are "merged in", but configuration item with encryption and without encryption key is treated separately. We should probably skip them, instead of creating duplicating entries. Going make a note.
Is rclone used behind the hood? Would it be easy to support Webdav in addition to S3? Just curious (edited)
I am not sure what version are you using, but it's been added in 1.5.1 already:
I am not sure what version are you using, but it's been added in 1.5.1 already:
Not Webdav server, webdav client
Not Webdav server, webdav client
I see, well, for now we are fixated on S3, we have plans of supporting different back-ends though ( There is some bigger internal work required to abstract S3 away. Once we have it done, we would then be able to implement any back-end relatively easy. Unfortunately that's not something we will be able to implement this year. Out of curiosity, do you mind sharing what's your use case? Where are you trying to connect?
I see, well, for now we are fixated on S3, we have plans of supporting different back-ends though ( There is some bigger internal work required to abstract S3 away. Once we have it done, we would then be able to implement any back-end relatively easy. Unfortunately that's not something we will be able to implement this year. Out of curiosity, do you mind sharing what's your use case? Where are you trying to connect?
Oh, it's just Hetzner Storage Share, not a big deal (not Storage Box, which I believe it's lower performance) (edited)
Oh, it's just Hetzner Storage Share, not a big deal (not Storage Box, which I believe it's lower performance) (edited)
I am not aware of performance differences between these two, but probably the only supported way so far would be to set up CIFS mount to Storage Box (or the other one) and then expose it using S3 via MinIO, Garage, SeaweedFS or anything alike. (edited)
👍 1
morethanevil 09/26/2023 5:58 PM
I used storageboxes before I switched to my own VPS with MinIO. The performance is awesome and the prices are very good, but limited functions.
I assume that you've had the encryption keys set up for buckets that were duplicated? Currently new buckets are "merged in", but configuration item with encryption and without encryption key is treated separately. We should probably skip them, instead of creating duplicating entries. Going make a note.
morethanevil 09/26/2023 5:59 PM
Yes the ones with encryption were doubled.
mdavide joined the server. 09/28/2023 11:40 AM
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micahflee joined the server. 09/30/2023 10:45 PM
Hi @mdavide !
Hello @micahflee !
howyay joined the server. 10/03/2023 11:58 AM
barrrrtek joined the server. 10/05/2023 4:57 PM
A feature request... I try to accomplish the following scenario: store data at home on my own SBC and rclone to my s3 account. Use s3drive to access the files from remote. This serves as a backup and easy possibility for remote access without opening my firewall (or use a VPN). I need read only, so this is fine that rclone only copies data in one direction. If I sync via rclone, the file (e.g. PDF) cannot be opened by s3drive app because the preview cannot be loaded (there is an error message). I assume that when files are handled via s3drive, the thumbnail is generated additionally - which does not happen with rclone obviously and opening the file fails in s3drive ("File preview not available") (edited)
A feature request... I try to accomplish the following scenario: store data at home on my own SBC and rclone to my s3 account. Use s3drive to access the files from remote. This serves as a backup and easy possibility for remote access without opening my firewall (or use a VPN). I need read only, so this is fine that rclone only copies data in one direction. If I sync via rclone, the file (e.g. PDF) cannot be opened by s3drive app because the preview cannot be loaded (there is an error message). I assume that when files are handled via s3drive, the thumbnail is generated additionally - which does not happen with rclone obviously and opening the file fails in s3drive ("File preview not available") (edited)
Are you using Linux? This is the only platform where PDF preview isn't yet supported due to lack of unified renderer. I've added a roadmap item to track it:
Well, my SBC is Debian and using rclone 0.65. I try to open the PDF on iOS where it fails. My scenario (maybe clearer): stored data on linux SBC (raspberry) is sent via rclone to S3 and encrypted. Use iOS app to view the S3 bucket and try to open a synced PDF - and then the error message occurs in the iOS app and no file content is shown (edited)
Well, my SBC is Debian and using rclone 0.65. I try to open the PDF on iOS where it fails. My scenario (maybe clearer): stored data on linux SBC (raspberry) is sent via rclone to S3 and encrypted. Use iOS app to view the S3 bucket and try to open a synced PDF - and then the error message occurs in the iOS app and no file content is shown (edited)
Can you please create an item at please? In principle there shouldn't be any issue with previewing a PDF on iOS. Perhaps there is an issue with the Rclone setup / decryption. (edited)
I will... (edited)
I will... (edited)
In which case the issue is somewhere around caching with the app when file preview runs. I am going to pass that for devs to check. Thanks for letting me know ! (edited)
Gm community
markpash joined the server. 10/07/2023 10:58 AM
tranquil_puppy_33809 joined the server. 10/10/2023 9:16 AM
strwb.moon joined the server. 10/11/2023 10:02 AM
Hi people! I am not sure where I should ask this so sorry if I am mistaken but do you have plans to introduce a CLI app?
Hi, you can ask here no worries, I have however don't have the answer so you'll have to wait for @s3drive to see it
Hi people! I am not sure where I should ask this so sorry if I am mistaken but do you have plans to introduce a CLI app?
Hi there ! It's a matter of time. We plan to modify the current executable, so user can pass file path as an argument to upload: This will likely grow over time with more and more options. What exactly would you like to achieve with a CLI? Bear in mind that since we're compatible with Rclone crypt you can achieve lots with an Rclone CLI:
👍 1
gabrielebonini99 joined the server. 10/15/2023 3:45 PM
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gabrielebonini99 10/15/2023 3:47 PM
gabrielebonini99 10/15/2023 4:03 PM
Hello, is S3Drive going to replace PhotoSync for S3?
Hello, is S3Drive going to replace PhotoSync for S3?
Hi, eventually yes, but no rush. We're solely focused on S3Drive for the past year or so. There are still couple features missing in S3Drive in order to reliably replace PhotoSync. Background upload features are still experimental in S3Drive and there is no function to check already uploaded assets. It will take us some time to deliver these features, before then PhotoSync can still be used. It has certain unique strenghts on Anrdroid that S3Drive doesn't yet. (edited)
gabrielebonini99 10/15/2023 9:53 PM
Ok, thanks for the reply. Will there be the possibility to zoom photos on S3Drive?
A feature request: faceID … currently, the app is not protected and the password is in plain text
A feature request: faceID … currently, the app is not protected and the password is in plain text
👍 1
Ok, thanks for the reply. Will there be the possibility to zoom photos on S3Drive?
Do you mean to zoom them during preview? If so, certainly we will have it added !
👍 1
Just checking in, if I buy the subscription for S3Drive
and then it expires
Due to the fallback license, I'll be able to continue to use two way sync?
And when it says Self-hosted, does that just include the S3-compatible storage? Or is there a server component for S3Drive that I'm missing?
Due to the fallback license, I'll be able to continue to use two way sync?
That's correct, once your subscription expires you will still be able to use all functions and features that were available at the moment that you've bought yearly subscription. You will get bugfixes and security updates and certain improvements, but some new paid functions (that were released after) may not be available to you until you buy a new license. (edited)
And when it says Self-hosted, does that just include the S3-compatible storage? Or is there a server component for S3Drive that I'm missing?
In this case we're providing just the software / clients. It's at your discretion to self-host or alternatively buy S3 from someone (it means that we're not providing S3 storage). I think we're going to change this slogan, as it causes some confusion. (edited)
cubityfirst 10/16/2023 3:40 PM
Yeah, it reads strangely.
ronco7120 joined the server. 10/17/2023 2:27 PM
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confident_rabbit_87075_49035 10/17/2023 5:46 PM
zoftzoft joined the server. 10/20/2023 11:41 AM
Hi @zoftzoft, welcome to S3Drive channel ! joined the server. 10/20/2023 2:34 PM
rootdgc joined the server. 10/21/2023 7:18 AM
i already upgraded to pro, but after new version update I can't access all profiles, need help
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manu4529 joined the server. 10/21/2023 10:04 AM
i already upgraded to pro, but after new version update I can't access all profiles, need help
.rimdumdim joined the server. 10/22/2023 5:41 AM
ichigaya.9029 joined the server. 10/22/2023 2:52 PM
Ok, thanks for the reply. Will there be the possibility to zoom photos on S3Drive?
Hi, this is to let you know that zooming photos will be included in a next release early next week !
👍 3
gabrielebonini99 10/22/2023 6:07 PM
Ok, thank you 🙂
DamianPL joined the server. 10/23/2023 4:31 PM
simplewuji joined the server. 10/23/2023 4:53 PM
uplad joined the server. 10/25/2023 5:20 PM
saramcruiz_77863 joined the server. 10/26/2023 6:48 AM
krysius joined the server. 10/28/2023 10:53 AM
lorian9144 joined the server. 10/28/2023 6:17 PM
profrichd joined the server. 10/29/2023 9:14 PM
captivating_piglet_85648 joined the server. 10/30/2023 8:43 AM
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captivating_piglet_85648 10/30/2023 8:49 AM
Good Morning everyone, perhaps it is just me, but I am currently not 100% sure about the licensing options. I would like to use S3drive with my own Minio storage and don't want to use the S3drive storage. If I would buy the lifetime license I would need to sign in and therefore would automaticly have the S3drive storage mounted right? How would the setup look like in my case without having my apps signed in? I want to use this strictly with my storage and it currently looks that the windows app offers all features without signing in?
Click to see original message
Good morning, If you buy the lifetime license you'll be able to use all of the current and future features permanently (we'll be constantly updating this list - Our current packages are designed to be used with 3rd party S3 endpoints, MinIO included. We're evolving and we may adjust our offer, licensing options or pricing in the future, but this wouldn't apply retroactively. That is, if you buy the Lifetime today, you simply keep these terms as it is unchanged. The main reason that you need to login to S3Drive using the registered e-mail/password is so that we can fetch the license and enable the Pro/Ultimate features in your app. That's true, that we currently include ~10GB testing account, it's optional though and included even in the free account. In the future we may sell the managed accounts as per our Roadmap: however this something we still work on and won't happen this year. (edited)
Good Morning everyone, perhaps it is just me, but I am currently not 100% sure about the licensing options. I would like to use S3drive with my own Minio storage and don't want to use the S3drive storage. If I would buy the lifetime license I would need to sign in and therefore would automaticly have the S3drive storage mounted right? How would the setup look like in my case without having my apps signed in? I want to use this strictly with my storage and it currently looks that the windows app offers all features without signing in?
Speaking of some features being available on Windows. What features you refer to specifically? It's true that some of them (e.g. two-way sync) are available for free currently, this is because they're during Beta phase, and as per our: we say that "Basic" account which is free gets the: "Beta features preview". ... also if you use our managed 10GB account (currently only for testing) then all of the features are naturally available (but only on this account - you can connect to your MinIO or other S3 endpoint by using the "Switch profile" option in the Settings menu or top right profiles icon). This actually allows you to play with the app little bit, before you decide to connect to your S3 endpoint. We'll make it all more clear (especially with the 10GB testing account), I can fully understand your confusion. (edited)
Good Morning everyone, perhaps it is just me, but I am currently not 100% sure about the licensing options. I would like to use S3drive with my own Minio storage and don't want to use the S3drive storage. If I would buy the lifetime license I would need to sign in and therefore would automaticly have the S3drive storage mounted right? How would the setup look like in my case without having my apps signed in? I want to use this strictly with my storage and it currently looks that the windows app offers all features without signing in?
How would the setup look like in my case without having my apps signed in? I want to use this strictly with my storage and it currently looks that the windows app offers all features without signing in?
At the moment you need to be signed with your login/e-mail password, so we can fetch the license, but you can select any other S3 endpoint and use it, be it MinIO, AWS, Backblaze or anything. In the future we may actually introduce concept of an "offline" license, so logging to the S3Drive client with your e-mail/password wouldn't be necessary, but this doesn't come without drawbacks as well. Some anti-abuse mechanisms would have to be implemented, so we don't end up like Windows's FCKGW-RHQQ2... license. This would either mean that you would have to generate some activation key on our website from time to time and paste it to the app... or once you activate features in your app with some activation key you would have to deactivate it before you could use it on some other Window's client.
captivating_piglet_85648 10/30/2023 9:27 AM
Thanks @s3drive got it. And I double posted the question on Discord as there was no confirmation message after I used the form on the website, so I was not sure that it has been sent.
I don't mind to be logged in with the client for the license 🙂
Thanks @s3drive got it. And I double posted the question on Discord as there was no confirmation message after I used the form on the website, so I was not sure that it has been sent.
In principle that's how multiple profiles look like.
Thanks @s3drive got it. And I double posted the question on Discord as there was no confirmation message after I used the form on the website, so I was not sure that it has been sent.
Thanks for letting me know about no confirmation message. We've "offloaded" that form to Formcarry and it seems there was some change on their end. We'll have it fixed. At least the message went through ! 🙂 (edited)
👍 2
Requiring S3Drive to be online doesn't seem weird to me, I don't believe many people would use such an application offline, or rather in air-gaped environments. Allowing licensing servers in firewalls is quite common if you're on a restricted network, but even that should represent a minority. For mobile devices, they tend to be on BYOD networks or straight out over 4G/5G connections without any filtering. If you were offering a design software then sure, but for something that is connected by design it feels like a waste of time to me.
👍 2
Hi there ! 👋 (edited)
borrk_ joined the server. 11/01/2023 12:22 PM
Where can I find sync documentation? What is the difference between those options:
Where can I find sync documentation? What is the difference between those options:
Hi, unfortunately there is no documentation yet as the development on this is still going. Please find excerpt from the code: tocloud, // Upload to remote, delete remotely if file was deleted locally tocloud_keepdeleted, // Won't remove file remotely if it was deleted locally tocloud_compat, // If file is removed remotely, local won't know that, it will be reuploaded on a next ocassion In principle: "To remote" will upload file to remote and delete it remotely if it was deleted locally. If file is deleted remotely it won't get re-uploaded again. "To remote (don't delete remotely)" - the same as "To remote", except it will keep file on the remote even if it was deleted locally. The above 2 options require bucket versioning support. The "compatibility mode" doesn't require versioning API, however that makes it not aware of any file changes in between, so it's simply blind one way copy instead of sync. I hope that helps little bit. We'll build documentation once we sort couple challenges related to E2E encryption with syncing, as depending how we manage to solve these problems it may influence the available options.
What's the ETA for syncing to/from android and background service for android? (edited)
and do we get transfer stats somewhere? I just set the tool to upload ~2k files (20GB total) and I'm curious whether this will be done in a few minutes, or in a few days.
What's the ETA for syncing to/from android and background service for android? (edited)
There are significant improvements to Android background mode awaiting release (1.6.0) which will be deployed within a ~week. This will be part of: "Media backup" functionality. We will then be releasing the background mode on generic files/folders on Android combined with syncing modes, but there is no ETA just yet. We may release an MVP end of this year. There are no stats or aggregated info just yet... so far there is only "Transfers" tab with per file details, but nothing summarized as such. You may be able to get the required information from the Logs tab where you may find date and time when operations started and finished. (edited)
Do you have debug logging? Now the tool is stuck processing single 86mb file and everything else is on waiting. The logs in GUI only say this:
Do you have debug logging? Now the tool is stuck processing single 86mb file and everything else is on waiting. The logs in GUI only say this:
Is that one-way sync output? What platform? We know that sometimes upload queue gets stuck and timeout mechanism doesn't always reliably retry the process, but we haven't yet got to this.
One way, Windows 10 to Backblaze.
One way, Windows 10 to Backblaze.
Is this issue consistent on your end? In other words if you restart the app does it fail in a same way? Anyway, I am going to prioritise this issue internally.
drak4r joined the server. 11/02/2023 9:31 AM
umbragestudio joined the server. 11/02/2023 6:10 PM
Is this issue consistent on your end? In other words if you restart the app does it fail in a same way? Anyway, I am going to prioritise this issue internally.
Sadly, it is. I already restarted a few times and it's same story (though I think on different files).
umbragestudio 11/02/2023 10:41 PM
Hi there, question about usage. I'm using a tester account and I'm a bit confused. What is managed login? and how does it relate to the method of login where i connect with my access key and s3 endpoint etc? I guess it's showing up as two different profiles? Will a user be able to save a s3 bucket to a username and pw?
Hi, managed user accounts are currently used for licensing and managed storage beta. They aren't mandatory and cannot be used to sync your app settings.
umbragestudio 11/02/2023 11:34 PM
Can I still have a user and Pw login which is connected to my s3 buckets without having to enter access keys to access them everytime?
Can I still have a user and Pw login which is connected to my s3 buckets without having to enter access keys to access them everytime?
If I understand you correctly, you're looking for a way to store and synchronize your S3 API credentials. It's pretty sensitive task and it's a job for a password manager, e.g. Bitwarden that we already support:
If I understand you correctly, you're looking for a way to store and synchronize your S3 API credentials. It's pretty sensitive task and it's a job for a password manager, e.g. Bitwarden that we already support:
umbragestudio 11/03/2023 1:48 PM
Thanks Tom, I'll check that out. My use case is that Im looking to give s3 bucket access to several members of a startup team some of whom may not be technical at all. I would like them to be able to login easily with their own permissioned access key and be able to access some files periodically while in the field. I thought s3drive could be that interface for them since it is available on all platforms and mobile as well. I guess I am confused about the current intended use case scenario for the app, where the login vs access key login are completely different profiles. If you could, please help me understand
Thanks Tom, I'll check that out. My use case is that Im looking to give s3 bucket access to several members of a startup team some of whom may not be technical at all. I would like them to be able to login easily with their own permissioned access key and be able to access some files periodically while in the field. I thought s3drive could be that interface for them since it is available on all platforms and mobile as well. I guess I am confused about the current intended use case scenario for the app, where the login vs access key login are completely different profiles. If you could, please help me understand
I know it may be little confusing, but that's because we support multiple platforms, use-cases and user bases. In principle, S3Drive connects directly to S3 endpoint (we call it profile) which is identified and authorized by the couple details (Key ID, secret, gateway, bucket name, region etc.). These details are something we don't manage, can't access nor store on our servers. Our software makes a connection to these details and it's up to the user to configure S3Drive so it knows where to connect. To the best extent we make some guesses (e.g. we allow user to select existing buckets) or we auto-detect region, but still at the very minimum Key ID, secret and S3 provider name/gateway would be required. Some of the app features are behind the paywall (that's how we can support development of S3Drive). On mobile you can buy such features through in-app purchase. Since there is no single unified payment mechanism for all platforms we've built one, so you can buy "all-platforms" package on our website. These are assigned to an e-mail/password account that we manage which is used by S3Drive to determine if you can use paid features (in the future account may be used by couple other features, e.g. online sync between devices, but let's not complicate it for now). Additionally when you login using e-mail/password managed by us, you can access test 10GB+ account to test the app's functionality. Behind the scenes it's S3 credentials, but we generate and supply them for you based on your e-mail/password. In the future we will be providing managed accounts (e.g. 100GB, 500GB, 2TB etc.), which will be expansion of our current model. We aim to remain 100% S3 compatible and allow user to connect to external S3 endpoint (they may buy it from some S3 cloud/provider or they even might host S3 on their own using MinIO, SeaweedFS, Garage, OpenStack Swift, Ceph etc.) I hope that helps you to understand how it works and why we support different account types. ... (edited)
Thanks Tom, I'll check that out. My use case is that Im looking to give s3 bucket access to several members of a startup team some of whom may not be technical at all. I would like them to be able to login easily with their own permissioned access key and be able to access some files periodically while in the field. I thought s3drive could be that interface for them since it is available on all platforms and mobile as well. I guess I am confused about the current intended use case scenario for the app, where the login vs access key login are completely different profiles. If you could, please help me understand
... Since you want your coworkers securely login to the S3 endpoint there must be a way of passing the S3 details to the app. This can be an external mechanism, e.g. through password manager or app built-in mechanism (e.g. Single sign-on (SSO)), where user could provide their login/password (managed by some auth provider - where you can be an admin for instance). S3Drive would then contact that auth provider, authorize user and then request S3 credentials. I am happy to help you out on your use case. Do you mind sharing some info whether you have some auth system that's possible to connect to ... and where you get the S3 from? Does each user share bucket (and files as a result) with the other user? Is some private space/bucket required which shouldn't be by default accessible to other users? If you're not comfortable providing these details here, feel free to DM me. (edited)
... Since you want your coworkers securely login to the S3 endpoint there must be a way of passing the S3 details to the app. This can be an external mechanism, e.g. through password manager or app built-in mechanism (e.g. Single sign-on (SSO)), where user could provide their login/password (managed by some auth provider - where you can be an admin for instance). S3Drive would then contact that auth provider, authorize user and then request S3 credentials. I am happy to help you out on your use case. Do you mind sharing some info whether you have some auth system that's possible to connect to ... and where you get the S3 from? Does each user share bucket (and files as a result) with the other user? Is some private space/bucket required which shouldn't be by default accessible to other users? If you're not comfortable providing these details here, feel free to DM me. (edited)
umbragestudio 11/03/2023 3:12 PM
Appreciate you taking the time! I am setting this up from scratch so there is no current system. Open to any solutions. The s3 will be wasabi or back blaze b2 with cloudflare to start with. Some bucket files will be shared with multiple users, some with only specific users and there is different levels of permission so some files are not accessible by default
It is mostly me setting up the buckets and file systems and making them available to be accessed for reference by the users. They will not usually be uploading or sharing but it could happen
Appreciate you taking the time! I am setting this up from scratch so there is no current system. Open to any solutions. The s3 will be wasabi or back blaze b2 with cloudflare to start with. Some bucket files will be shared with multiple users, some with only specific users and there is different levels of permission so some files are not accessible by default
To not overcomplicate things from start, you could configure buckets, user API credentials and then restrict certain actions / locations using IAM (Wasabi does seem to support it) or simple restrictions that Backblaze offers - (e.g. namePrefix) ... and then generate a JSON file, pass it to the user which could load it in-app using import feature. Not all details are required below, but this is to give you an idea that e.g. client-side encryption is also configurable. E.g. JSON: [ { "bucketName": "acme-internal-files", "keyId": "EVLJ2eXJukWUR9U17dyQqq6NPTi9mUu6scqpLCau", "applicationKey": "X9EiaepygvDK2S0fmMmFayehHoETDOphNP1r96PI", "endpoint": "", "region": "us-west-004", "host": "", "port": 443, "useSSL": true, "encryptionKey": "cG90YXRv", "rclonePlaintextKey": true, "filepathEncryptionEnabled": true, "rcloneDerivedKey": [ 116, 85, 199, 26, 177, 124, 134, 91, 132, ... ] } ] This may be a good start. We plan to implement QR code login, but the QR size limitation makes QR not a solution for all use cases. There are other means, e.g. QR code could transfer the "place holder ID" which would be then used to fetch the required details, but then again this setup would require more moving parts. We're very much open on this. (edited)
App keys control access to accounts and buckets.
Appreciate you taking the time! I am setting this up from scratch so there is no current system. Open to any solutions. The s3 will be wasabi or back blaze b2 with cloudflare to start with. Some bucket files will be shared with multiple users, some with only specific users and there is different levels of permission so some files are not accessible by default
We've technical capabilities to integrate with any provider and we've built direct integration with Backblaze management API, however this is something we can currently offer through Enterprise package only: as it's not the off-the-shelf product which end user can easily install and then configure with couple clicks. (edited)
Sadly, it is. I already restarted a few times and it's same story (though I think on different files).
We've dug down into this part of code and spotted couple issues and inefficiencies, expect improvements in this area in a next release within a ~week. In the meantime if you face any other challenges please let me know. Thanks !
To not overcomplicate things from start, you could configure buckets, user API credentials and then restrict certain actions / locations using IAM (Wasabi does seem to support it) or simple restrictions that Backblaze offers - (e.g. namePrefix) ... and then generate a JSON file, pass it to the user which could load it in-app using import feature. Not all details are required below, but this is to give you an idea that e.g. client-side encryption is also configurable. E.g. JSON: [ { "bucketName": "acme-internal-files", "keyId": "EVLJ2eXJukWUR9U17dyQqq6NPTi9mUu6scqpLCau", "applicationKey": "X9EiaepygvDK2S0fmMmFayehHoETDOphNP1r96PI", "endpoint": "", "region": "us-west-004", "host": "", "port": 443, "useSSL": true, "encryptionKey": "cG90YXRv", "rclonePlaintextKey": true, "filepathEncryptionEnabled": true, "rcloneDerivedKey": [ 116, 85, 199, 26, 177, 124, 134, 91, 132, ... ] } ] This may be a good start. We plan to implement QR code login, but the QR size limitation makes QR not a solution for all use cases. There are other means, e.g. QR code could transfer the "place holder ID" which would be then used to fetch the required details, but then again this setup would require more moving parts. We're very much open on this. (edited)
umbragestudio 11/04/2023 5:32 PM
Thanks Tom, I tested the json solution and it seem to be a simple solution. I think we will go ahead with this and see how it works
Thanks Tom, I tested the json solution and it seem to be a simple solution. I think we will go ahead with this and see how it works
Cool, if you have some thoughts about that I am more than happy to hear it out. In principle import functionality was designed to supplement current export functionality and the format isn't the most optimal if the JSON is to be built outside of the app. For instance there is a repetition: host / gateway, or if you want to set the encryption key, both encryptionKey and generated: rcloneDerivedKey must be provided. If there is a need we could certainly simplify the format, so things gets smartly derived if not present. (edited)
Cool, if you have some thoughts about that I am more than happy to hear it out. In principle import functionality was designed to supplement current export functionality and the format isn't the most optimal if the JSON is to be built outside of the app. For instance there is a repetition: host / gateway, or if you want to set the encryption key, both encryptionKey and generated: rcloneDerivedKey must be provided. If there is a need we could certainly simplify the format, so things gets smartly derived if not present. (edited)
umbragestudio 11/06/2023 6:35 PM
so right now the best way to do this is to generate the json by exporting from the app and send it out to be imported? It certainly could be easier to build them outside of the app. If encrypting the files, what would you recommend using to decrypt the files? There will be non-technical people handling this so I'm not sure adding another app will be easier
so right now the best way to do this is to generate the json by exporting from the app and send it out to be imported? It certainly could be easier to build them outside of the app. If encrypting the files, what would you recommend using to decrypt the files? There will be non-technical people handling this so I'm not sure adding another app will be easier
Hi @umbragestudio, If you don't need encryption to be enabled by default, generating JSON by hand is rather easy. If you need encryption, then you can either instruct your users to set up some password (possible preshared if you want data from all users to be readable with a single key) after they import profile or please wait ~two weeks (we're busy at the moment with transfer tab fixes and iOS background uploads) and we will be able to improve the JSON, so only encryptionKey field is required to setup the encryption. Speaking of decryption, it's an open format. Naturally you can use S3Drive (on any platform) to access encrypted data (you'll need to access bucket with data and setup E2E with the same password that was initially used for encryption). You can also mount data using as network drive (that's possible from S3Drive after clicking on tray icon). Alternatively you can access data using rclone command, as we're 1:1 compatible with their encryption: In that case please visit our docs to understand how you can set up rclone command: Then you would be able to use commands like copy: or sync: or couple others depending on your needs. There are couple options out there. (edited)
r1ant joined the server. 11/07/2023 9:08 AM
Hi, is this normal?
Hi, is this normal?
Having a result of 2/68 is normal yes, there's always a few false positives due to the software being able to do "dangerous" things such as encrypt and transfer files, which is something done by ransomware for example.
👍 3
That detection in your screenshot is based on machine learning, not known signatures, so this is a model that says "hmm, I'm having low suspicions this could be problematic software" and that's all. They can analyze features but not intent, that's their main issue.
Hi, is this normal?
Alternatively you can use Microsoft verified binaries: Most people prefer .exe, however some prefer certain guarantees of Microsoft Store
lord_haliax. joined the server. 11/08/2023 6:53 AM
ner.u joined the server. 11/08/2023 4:22 PM
lore_90852 joined the server. 11/09/2023 3:45 PM
ouhznai joined the server. 11/10/2023 1:03 AM
dan_16543 joined the server. 11/11/2023 12:31 AM
Quite a lot of newcomers, welcome all!
dvijuha. joined the server. 11/13/2023 9:21 AM
barfittc joined the server. 11/13/2023 5:07 PM
nerdmuch joined the server. 11/14/2023 1:23 PM
hugh198_99550 joined the server. 11/15/2023 12:10 AM
enthiran_3.0 joined the server. 11/15/2023 12:55 AM
hugh1988 joined the server. 11/15/2023 2:43 AM
abrahamicworks joined the server. 11/16/2023 10:04 PM
Thanks Tom, I tested the json solution and it seem to be a simple solution. I think we will go ahead with this and see how it works
Hi @umbragestudio, I've wanted to let you know that we've improved and simplified JSON import in our today's release. You can use this example minimal version: [ { "bucketName": "bucket-photos", "keyId": "keyId", "applicationKey": "applicationKey", "endpoint": "", "encryptionKey": "cG90YXRv" } ] This would configure all necessary things and enable encryption with password: potato, the encryptionKey is base64 encoded plaintext password. (edited)
funtrade joined the server. 11/21/2023 4:16 AM
Click to see original message
hi, wondering if there any way to log in via web app and not have to put s3 credentials in each time? any way to have s3Drive remember them? thanks
hi, wondering if there any way to log in via web app and not have to put s3 credentials in each time? any way to have s3Drive remember them? thanks
Hi ! Configured buckets once setup should persist as they're stored in browser storage. Isn't it the case for you? Do you talk about managed credentials (login/password) or external S3 that you use? Once you setup your buckets you can then export them to JSON and have them re-imported on Web or other device. Alternatively you can create such JSON file by hand according to this format:
Hi @umbragestudio, I've wanted to let you know that we've improved and simplified JSON import in our today's release. You can use this example minimal version: [ { "bucketName": "bucket-photos", "keyId": "keyId", "applicationKey": "applicationKey", "endpoint": "", "encryptionKey": "cG90YXRv" } ] This would configure all necessary things and enable encryption with password: potato, the encryptionKey is base64 encoded plaintext password. (edited)
umbragestudio 11/21/2023 11:54 PM
Thanks Tom, I'll try it out and see how it works!
Hi ! Configured buckets once setup should persist as they're stored in browser storage. Isn't it the case for you? Do you talk about managed credentials (login/password) or external S3 that you use? Once you setup your buckets you can then export them to JSON and have them re-imported on Web or other device. Alternatively you can create such JSON file by hand according to this format:
Hi tom, no it doesn't remember. I sign out and then sign back in and it only has my managed account with no s3 bucket attached.
arkeror joined the server. 11/23/2023 4:28 AM
zen_lynx_34763 joined the server. 11/23/2023 11:06 AM
manu4529 joined the server. 11/23/2023 10:05 PM
jskaall joined the server. 11/26/2023 3:24 PM
splat__ joined the server. 11/27/2023 9:59 PM
mr0v0 joined the server. 11/28/2023 7:42 AM
Easy-to-use client that converts any S3 server into your personal encrypted file storage. Rclone compatible, mount as drive, WebDav server, file versioning.
Hi there, do you have any question regarding our desktop clients? joined the server. 11/29/2023 4:18 AM
jeannesbond 11/29/2023 1:19 PM
hi, when i click upload files, the app always loading like this
Hi @jeannesbond, can I ask you what's your platform and S3Drive version?
Hi @jeannesbond, can I ask you what's your platform and S3Drive version?
jeannesbond 11/29/2023 1:22 PM
I'm using Xubuntu and S3Drive 1.6.4
I'm using Xubuntu and S3Drive 1.6.4
Thanks. Would that be .deb, .AppImage or Flathub release?
Thanks. Would that be .deb, .AppImage or Flathub release?
jeannesbond 11/29/2023 1:23 PM
That's interesting. Can I ask you to check if there is anything useful in Logs?
That's interesting. Can I ask you to check if there is anything useful in Logs?
jeannesbond 11/29/2023 1:28 PM
no Logs menu?
no Logs menu?
It's inside the "About" section.
It's inside the "About" section.
jeannesbond 11/29/2023 1:29 PM
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Right, nothing useful there. How about: "Upload folder" options, does it work for you? What's your Xubuntu version? Just wondering what's the major difference between e.g. Ubuntu. Currently running the .AppImage release on 23.04 and Upload files seem to be working just fine.
Right, nothing useful there. How about: "Upload folder" options, does it work for you? What's your Xubuntu version? Just wondering what's the major difference between e.g. Ubuntu. Currently running the .AppImage release on 23.04 and Upload files seem to be working just fine.
jeannesbond 11/29/2023 1:34 PM
nothing happened when Upload Folder clicked. I'm using Xubuntu 23.10
nothing happened when Upload Folder clicked. I'm using Xubuntu 23.10
It's likely related to different "file chooser" implementation on Xubuntu/Xfce, we're using library which apparently supports only: zenity, qarma and kdialog. I will add this item to our internal items and try to play around in Xubuntu. In the meantime would you be happy to try out the Flathub version? (Please note that it awaits 1.6.4 release which will be likely available later today or tomorrow). (edited)
nothing happened when Upload Folder clicked. I'm using Xubuntu 23.10
Alternatively can you try installing either: zenity or kdialog on your OS and see if it solves the issue? It it does we will add it as a dependency to .AppImage.
Some users of my application have reported a problem: the native FileChooser on Linux, using XFCE desktop, never shows. Instead, the JUCE one shows. I of course make sure that I set the “useOSNativeDialogBox” to true when instantiating the FileChooser. On any other system I tested (Windows, Mac, Linux (Ubuntu/Mint), this works fine though, so ...
Alternatively can you try installing either: zenity or kdialog on your OS and see if it solves the issue? It it does we will add it as a dependency to .AppImage.
jeannesbond 11/29/2023 1:48 PM
i'm install zenity and now can upload folder
i'm install zenity and now can upload folder
That's good news. I assume you can also: "Upload files"? I am going to include zenity in our releases.
That's good news. I assume you can also: "Upload files"? I am going to include zenity in our releases.
jeannesbond 11/29/2023 1:51 PM
yes can Upload Files too
yes can Upload Files too
Perfect, thank you for taking time to report this !
That's good news. I assume you can also: "Upload files"? I am going to include zenity in our releases.
jeannesbond 11/29/2023 1:52 PM
thank you so much for your help🙏
ravalash joined the server. 11/30/2023 5:44 PM
laure_79992 joined the server. 12/02/2023 12:54 PM
._mg. joined the server. 12/03/2023 6:34 PM
athrune joined the server. 12/03/2023 7:52 PM
When I first put the S3 in S3Drive and it was successful, I saw the contents of my S3 (I only opened the folder) but why does my internet feel like it's downloading/uploading?
Even though all I did was open the folder and didn't open the file or download/upload anything
I opened S3Drive, the internet immediately changed to like it was downloading/uploading
I closed S3Drive, the internet returned to normal, so I didn't dare open S3Drive because it would suck up my internet
I deleted the data + reinstalled then put my s3 data into s3drive again, it still didn't work the internet remains in the download/upload position
The problem is like this
I don't do any file transfers but my internet network does things like downloading/uploading
Hi @ner.u, Thank you for you report. I would bet that it tries to generate an image thumbnails which unfortunately require whole file to be downloaded internally. Once thumbnail generation started, then even if you change the folder which doesn't contain images, the generation is still going in the background until it's done and the cache is built. Can you perhaps try disabling Image thumbnails in the settings and see if it helps? It's a tough problem (thumbnails) to solve with things like S3, because in order to generate an image thumbnail whole file must be downloaded. We could in theory offload your mobile/data plan and generate thumbnail on our servers, but that would break the E2E encryption model where by definition the unencrypted content isn't supposed to go outside your phone. We also generate video thumbnails, but that is surprisingly less intensive, because we can decode only first frames of a video in order to obtain an image, which weighs usually way less than a high quality picture. Please let me know if disabling image thumbnails helped to mitigate this issue. We could also implement a switch, e.g. load thumbnails only on Wifi or similar.
Hi @ner.u, Thank you for you report. I would bet that it tries to generate an image thumbnails which unfortunately require whole file to be downloaded internally. Once thumbnail generation started, then even if you change the folder which doesn't contain images, the generation is still going in the background until it's done and the cache is built. Can you perhaps try disabling Image thumbnails in the settings and see if it helps? It's a tough problem (thumbnails) to solve with things like S3, because in order to generate an image thumbnail whole file must be downloaded. We could in theory offload your mobile/data plan and generate thumbnail on our servers, but that would break the E2E encryption model where by definition the unencrypted content isn't supposed to go outside your phone. We also generate video thumbnails, but that is surprisingly less intensive, because we can decode only first frames of a video in order to obtain an image, which weighs usually way less than a high quality picture. Please let me know if disabling image thumbnails helped to mitigate this issue. We could also implement a switch, e.g. load thumbnails only on Wifi or similar.
I did that by turning off 'Show image/video thumbnails' and I didn't have any problems with my network anymore.. Thank you for helping resolve sir
👍 1
I did that by turning off 'Show image/video thumbnails' and I didn't have any problems with my network anymore.. Thank you for helping resolve sir
Glad I could help !
backwards152 joined the server. 12/04/2023 8:46 PM
drannex joined the server. 12/04/2023 9:42 PM
Hi @ner.u, Thank you for you report. I would bet that it tries to generate an image thumbnails which unfortunately require whole file to be downloaded internally. Once thumbnail generation started, then even if you change the folder which doesn't contain images, the generation is still going in the background until it's done and the cache is built. Can you perhaps try disabling Image thumbnails in the settings and see if it helps? It's a tough problem (thumbnails) to solve with things like S3, because in order to generate an image thumbnail whole file must be downloaded. We could in theory offload your mobile/data plan and generate thumbnail on our servers, but that would break the E2E encryption model where by definition the unencrypted content isn't supposed to go outside your phone. We also generate video thumbnails, but that is surprisingly less intensive, because we can decode only first frames of a video in order to obtain an image, which weighs usually way less than a high quality picture. Please let me know if disabling image thumbnails helped to mitigate this issue. We could also implement a switch, e.g. load thumbnails only on Wifi or similar.
Have you considered creating your own version of thumbs.db that windows used to use? that way a thumbnail that has already been autogenerated (on first load/upload) can be used? It wouldn't work (could, if offloaded into the windows/apple cache location) on mounted drives, but would inside the app/other views. (edited)
Also, currently on the website if you attempt to sign up for a plan, this is all that you see. This is in the latest Firefox on Windows, with uBlock + Tracking protection turned off.
console log of the data payload { "url": "/api/create-checkout-session", "data": { "price": { "id": "price_1NyfLNEv31gUd4RDtzV41wix", "interval": "year", "currency": "EUR", "unit_amount": 0 } }, "res": {} } (edited)
alexmanea. joined the server. 12/04/2023 10:55 PM
Have you considered creating your own version of thumbs.db that windows used to use? that way a thumbnail that has already been autogenerated (on first load/upload) can be used? It wouldn't work (could, if offloaded into the windows/apple cache location) on mounted drives, but would inside the app/other views. (edited)
Thanks for your suggestion. We've got a pretty loose item in our Roadmap: Yes we plan to implement thumbnail generation and store it in one location, so other S3Drive instances (and if possible other viewers e.g. native OS file explorer) could utilize it. If the OS caches are available to integrate with without too much hacking then you can expect we'll have it implemented over the next couple months.
Once generated and stored, this would speed up thumbnail loading times on different devices, reduce stutter and reduce bandwidth usage dramatically.
Also, currently on the website if you attempt to sign up for a plan, this is all that you see. This is in the latest Firefox on Windows, with uBlock + Tracking protection turned off.
Thanks, this is now resolved, sorry for the trouble.
foxtrotsierra joined the server. 12/05/2023 6:05 PM
jrd0701 joined the server. 12/06/2023 4:20 AM
hey just paid for a ultimate account and its telling me i have a testing account
hey just paid for a ultimate account and its telling me i have a testing account
Hi @jrd0701, thank you for supporting the project. Testing account dialog is displayed once you "click into" the e-mail/password credentials regardless of whether you have Business, Ultimate, Pro or free account. There is a ~10-12GB account allocated, so user can test the app without need of connecting to external S3 provider. In order to set up new buckets please click the top right icon, you will then end up on Profiles page, from which you shall be able to add (or you can import via JSON - ) more buckets. In both Profiles page and drawer menu (as per attached screenshots) you shall be able to see your current plan name, e.g. Ultimate. If your license wouldn't work you would receive a yellow prompt as on the attached screenshot, if this is not what you're getting things shall be working just fine. Please let me know if this helps to resolve your issue. Thanks ! (edited)
Zero Knowledge E2E encrypted storage compatible with any S3 provider
did this previously and was getting drive mount requires pro error when trying to mount drive, just followed your steps again and still getting same error
did this previously and was getting drive mount requires pro error when trying to mount drive, just followed your steps again and still getting same error
Ok clearly this isn't how it's supposed to work. Let me check couple things. I will get back to you promptly. (edited)
👍 1
did this previously and was getting drive mount requires pro error when trying to mount drive, just followed your steps again and still getting same error
In fact we've had an issue related to Business license which is now resolved. You shouldn't need to logout/login, but if you could visit Profiles page first (once again) and then try to set up the drive mount. (edited)
In fact we've had an issue related to Business license which is now resolved. You shouldn't need to logout/login, but if you could visit Profiles page first (once again) and then try to set up the drive mount. (edited)
it appears to be working now, is there any way to automate the profile import ?, we are looking to deploy this for a client who needs to centralise there storage for off shore graphics designer team they have.
it appears to be working now, is there any way to automate the profile import ?, we are looking to deploy this for a client who needs to centralise there storage for off shore graphics designer team they have.
That's great, thanks for letting me know. In our standard version we have the JSON import: We plan to come up with a workflow where end user could provide e.g. HTTPS address of SAML / OIDC SSO provider which could then in return reply the necessary S3 credentials for app to pick up and log user in. Once its built I am not sure if it's going to end in our public release, it might end up in our Enterprise version anyway. What would be your preferred approach for credentials management? (edited)
not to sure JSON import and having to install winfsp makes it a manual process and hard to change the bucket access key if a staff member leaves.
not to sure JSON import and having to install winfsp makes it a manual process and hard to change the bucket access key if a staff member leaves.
We'll be improving in these areas. Rclone will be bundled with the app. Speaking of WinFSP, we shall be able to automate it little bit, at best detect and install it on the OS if it doesn't exist... at worst display clear dialog prompting user to click on and install software.
not to sure JSON import and having to install winfsp makes it a manual process and hard to change the bucket access key if a staff member leaves.
Speaking of credentials import, we need to spend some time to think about the options. Certainly some party needs to take this integration burden on them. We've modules to integrate with MinIO and Backblaze, but it's not really much given that every S3 provider has different API for managing credentials... so we've thought we'll kick start this by providing minimialistic generic API for credentials exchange, so our clients could implement it (and automate to some degree) themselves. There will be time in the future to further expand in this area, but our current priorities are elsewhere.
heavenly_kiwi_23017 joined the server. 12/06/2023 8:38 PM
Upgraded myself from Pro Yearly to Ultimate Lifetime on the website then cancelled my Pro Yearly on Stripe, I hope this won't cause issues on your or Stripe's end. I also believe an automated cancellation is expected when you get another license, would I have been billed if I didn't check Stripe after upgrading?
Upgraded myself from Pro Yearly to Ultimate Lifetime on the website then cancelled my Pro Yearly on Stripe, I hope this won't cause issues on your or Stripe's end. I also believe an automated cancellation is expected when you get another license, would I have been billed if I didn't check Stripe after upgrading?
Thank you for upgrading it really means a lot and helps us to deliver quicker on our: Since our Stripe integration isn't currently aware of the upgrade, with our current implementation you would've been billed again. We'll be automating this process, in the meantime we're handling upgrades/refunds manually. Given that you obtain two valid licenses now, one perpetual fallback Pro (we've discontinued "perpetual fallback" model, but existing licences are valid forever - and second one Ultimate, do you want me to cancel and refund (prorate'd) the Pro or perhaps you want to reassign it to a different account?
I don't want a refund that's for sure, but I don't need the license either since I have a better one now. How about a giveaway here?
The giveaway doesn't need to be a discontinued perpetual fallback license either, it could be a standard 6-months Pro license for example.
In conclusion, feel free to do as you please as I don't really mind. I haven't used the app for some time and just got the Ultimate Lifetime license to support you.
❤️ 1
morethanevil 12/07/2023 12:22 PM
Any ways to make a onetime donation for supporting? I buyed the Android version and it fits my need
Any ways to make a onetime donation for supporting? I buyed the Android version and it fits my need
I am really happy to hear that. I really do appreciate your donation offer, but I think the best support that we can get at this stage is to spread the love and information about S3Drive, leave us a review, or leave comment/recommendation on Reddit or other social media platform. We'll be soon needing help with the translations if that's something you would be interested in. If you ever need to upgrade your Android license to all devices (Ultimate Lifetime license): please do let me know ! (edited)
morethanevil 12/07/2023 12:37 PM
And how about a pro license for one year as a giveaway? 🤔
People can try it out this way
You are the only one providing a working flatpak for S3 😁
🐧 1
I don't think S3Drive is mature enough to host giveaways, raising money is something but adding burden isn't worth it for now in my opinion.
Picked up an Ultimate Lifetime license aswell, I look forward to seeing where this goes c:
cubityfirst 12/10/2023 1:09 PM
I'm not sure if I'm just blind or something
but I can't find where to activate the license in the app lol
heavenly_sparrow_07956 joined the server. 12/10/2023 1:35 PM
Picked up an Ultimate Lifetime license aswell, I look forward to seeing where this goes c:
Thanks for supporting the project. Our roadmap ( is full of features and despite of our constant releases it actually grows faster than we can deliver, so if you would like us to prioritize certain features please express your interest by either adding a vote or just simply mention it here. Speaking of next major releases. We're on track to deliver support for plenty other back-ends: (please find the list) that will further open-up possibilities within the app.
but I can't find where to activate the license in the app lol
Once you get it you'll need to login using your account within S3Drive. You should then be able to see your managed/license account in the Profiles like this, allowing you to use all of the Pro and Ultimate features.
cubityfirst 12/10/2023 4:06 PM
Got it. Thanks 🙂
exboxtop joined the server. 12/11/2023 9:06 AM
Click to see original message
Welcome !
_shld joined the server. 12/16/2023 10:56 AM
busy_dove_40283 joined the server. 12/17/2023 12:25 AM
coldfusion0015 12/18/2023 7:17 AM
Hi Tom! Just bought the S3 Drive lifetime ultimate. Love your work. I might have a little bit of a unique use case, but wanted to submit a minor feature request. I'm running an S3 object storage on my home server (using minIO driver) and your app works with it very well. I have a large media library and was wondering if it's possible to allow streaming content directly into the built in media (video and audio) players on the Android (14) system? Rather than the app? (Using Content Provider component, and content://... URLs?)
❤️ 1
I'm open to adding the feature myself if those parts of the app are open source.
Also was wondering if file syncing (from cloud to phone storage) is currently possible on Android?
Hi Tom! Just bought the S3 Drive lifetime ultimate. Love your work. I might have a little bit of a unique use case, but wanted to submit a minor feature request. I'm running an S3 object storage on my home server (using minIO driver) and your app works with it very well. I have a large media library and was wondering if it's possible to allow streaming content directly into the built in media (video and audio) players on the Android (14) system? Rather than the app? (Using Content Provider component, and content://... URLs?)
Hi there and thank you for supporting the project. Since we run a cross-platform project, we're not using native players on each platform, but library which in turn may or may not use native media player, but still aims to be optimized enough to provide a good playback experience. The reason that we've went with that library was that on top of fair mobile experience it provided pretty good desktop playout (including H/W support)... also we provide streaming of encrypted videos (which is somewhat complicated and fragile) and we were looking for a single library which we could adjust rather than doing that critical changes for every player on every platform. What's your goal behind using built-in player? Would you like to stream/player the video outside of S3Drive somehow or our existing player experience doesn't match your expectations? Technically we could fallback to on Android, but since we try to find a good balance between usability/functions/features and dev/maintenance costs we would really need to find a good reason to do so.
Hi Tom! Just bought the S3 Drive lifetime ultimate. Love your work. I might have a little bit of a unique use case, but wanted to submit a minor feature request. I'm running an S3 object storage on my home server (using minIO driver) and your app works with it very well. I have a large media library and was wondering if it's possible to allow streaming content directly into the built in media (video and audio) players on the Android (14) system? Rather than the app? (Using Content Provider component, and content://... URLs?)
Speaking of content://, since we operate on network resources, what we get with S3 is just a network URL, that we don't store locally (except the video cache) and pass directly to the video player. Since data isn't stored on Android device locally I don't think there is a method to expose it as a content URI. If I understand little bit more about your use case I might be able to come up with some other approach. (edited)
coldfusion0015 12/18/2023 9:50 PM
Understood. My main reason for wanting to use a built in player is that the current music player view doesn't have any playback controls when playing audio and just shows a black screen while playing the audio. Not sure how easy it is to fix that, or if it's just easier to pass on a stream URL to an external player. My use case: Occasionally explore my data store, playing media content here and there (usually looking for something in the hierarchy of folders) before syncing it down to my device. Ideal use case: Just play everything right in the S3Drive app removing the need to sync files to my device, but I understand that S3Drive is not a media player. That's why I was wondering if it could be possible to integrate it with system media players.
paradoxdude 12/18/2023 9:54 PM
Do I have any offers on lifetime purchase. Please ?
Or any promotion code
Understood. My main reason for wanting to use a built in player is that the current music player view doesn't have any playback controls when playing audio and just shows a black screen while playing the audio. Not sure how easy it is to fix that, or if it's just easier to pass on a stream URL to an external player. My use case: Occasionally explore my data store, playing media content here and there (usually looking for something in the hierarchy of folders) before syncing it down to my device. Ideal use case: Just play everything right in the S3Drive app removing the need to sync files to my device, but I understand that S3Drive is not a media player. That's why I was wondering if it could be possible to integrate it with system media players.
S3Drive aims to be versatile in terms of supported files and media formats, so if audio playing isn't working as expected we will have a fix for that pretty soon. (edited)
Understood. My main reason for wanting to use a built in player is that the current music player view doesn't have any playback controls when playing audio and just shows a black screen while playing the audio. Not sure how easy it is to fix that, or if it's just easier to pass on a stream URL to an external player. My use case: Occasionally explore my data store, playing media content here and there (usually looking for something in the hierarchy of folders) before syncing it down to my device. Ideal use case: Just play everything right in the S3Drive app removing the need to sync files to my device, but I understand that S3Drive is not a media player. That's why I was wondering if it could be possible to integrate it with system media players.
In a next release there will be experimental player that supports playlists (you would be able to Play multiple audio files)... and supports background play-out. It's not perfect and there is no dark mode just yet, but it should work way better than what we have currently. Soon we shall be able load metadata, album name, cover picture... but we need to analyze what's feasible. How does that sound?
Do I have any offers on lifetime purchase. Please ?
Hey, You've convinced me to do the last one this year and before the price hike. Please use: WINTER20 to get 20% 🛒 discount for Lifetime license s3drive. There are only 3 codes to redeem, so whoever is fastest gets S3Drive cheaper. Happy buying ! 🛍
s3drive pinned a message to this channel. 12/19/2023 10:49 AM
jeannesbond 12/19/2023 4:37 PM
Hi, i'm trying to run S3Drive 1.6.5 AppImage on Void Linux, but only show blank white page. Are there any dependencies that might need to be installed?
Hi, i'm trying to run S3Drive 1.6.5 AppImage on Void Linux, but only show blank white page. Are there any dependencies that might need to be installed?
Hi @jeannesbond, we received couple user reports that AppImage doesn't work as expected and we've included many improvements (related to dependencies and framework updates), these are already included in a next 1.7.0 release which is due to be released end of this month. I've created dev build for you to try out early and see if it resolves your issues, can you please give it a go and let me know if you get anything else than a blank white page?
Hi @jeannesbond, we received couple user reports that AppImage doesn't work as expected and we've included many improvements (related to dependencies and framework updates), these are already included in a next 1.7.0 release which is due to be released end of this month. I've created dev build for you to try out early and see if it resolves your issues, can you please give it a go and let me know if you get anything else than a blank white page?
jeannesbond 12/19/2023 5:17 PM
I have tried version 1.7.0 and still blank white page like before
I have tried version 1.7.0 and still blank white page like before
Is this running under a VM or some container perhaps?
Is this running under a VM or some container perhaps?
jeannesbond 12/19/2023 5:19 PM
no, i'm running on real machine (laptop)
no, i'm running on real machine (laptop)
I can't tell exactly what's the issue and we weren't able to try all distros, but the usual cause of a blank screen was lack of GPU H/W acceleration which our UI depends on (hence I asked about VM environment where H/W not always work properly). Does your environment have H/W acceleration enabled? Can you please tell the output of: glxinfo | grep "direct rendering" ? (edited)
I can't tell exactly what's the issue and we weren't able to try all distros, but the usual cause of a blank screen was lack of GPU H/W acceleration which our UI depends on (hence I asked about VM environment where H/W not always work properly). Does your environment have H/W acceleration enabled? Can you please tell the output of: glxinfo | grep "direct rendering" ? (edited)
jeannesbond 12/19/2023 5:29 PM
If you have an AMD GPU yes that should do. (edited)
I can't tell exactly what's the issue and we weren't able to try all distros, but the usual cause of a blank screen was lack of GPU H/W acceleration which our UI depends on (hence I asked about VM environment where H/W not always work properly). Does your environment have H/W acceleration enabled? Can you please tell the output of: glxinfo | grep "direct rendering" ? (edited)
jeannesbond 12/19/2023 5:41 PM
return "Direct Rendering : Yes"
return "Direct Rendering : Yes"
... and despite that still white screen? Can you please try resizing this blank windows, any visible change / screen artifact?
... and despite that still white screen? Can you please try resizing this blank windows, any visible change / screen artifact?
jeannesbond 12/19/2023 5:44 PM
still blank white in full screen
still blank white in full screen
I will make an internal ticket, can you please provide me your GPU details, desktop environment (xfce, GNOME, etc) and Void linux release version?
still blank white in full screen
In the meantime would you be happy to try out the Flathub release?
I will make an internal ticket, can you please provide me your GPU details, desktop environment (xfce, GNOME, etc) and Void linux release version?
jeannesbond 12/19/2023 6:00 PM
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon R4/R5 Graphics DE: Xfce Release version: rolling release
In the meantime would you be happy to try out the Flathub release?
jeannesbond 12/19/2023 6:02 PM
i will learn about it
In a next release there will be experimental player that supports playlists (you would be able to Play multiple audio files)... and supports background play-out. It's not perfect and there is no dark mode just yet, but it should work way better than what we have currently. Soon we shall be able load metadata, album name, cover picture... but we need to analyze what's feasible. How does that sound?
coldfusion0015 12/19/2023 7:27 PM
PLAYLISTS, background play and metadata? That sounds amazing! Can't wait for the next release now 😁
Seriously, that sounds awesome.
coldfusion0015 12/19/2023 7:37 PM
Just bought an ultimate lifetime for all platforms.
❤️ 1
aaronthibault joined the server. 12/20/2023 12:29 PM
aaronthibault 12/20/2023 12:42 PM
Love that you're doing this, it's what I was looking for. I have a question about S3 behavior and pricing. My understanding from reading through their replication FAQ is that any update to a file in S3 creates a copy and incurs a cost because the default is files that are uploaded are all immutable objects . Since I'll have a lot of large files I'm concerned about this -- can you help me understand, is my fear unfounded, or is there a strategy I need to employ - maybe using S3Drive helps with this - to keep my storage from ballooning, maybe with atomic file updates? Just concerned about 'surprise' AWS bills.
Hi, editing large files will indeed require uploading the whole file every time. If you overwrite the old file and don't enable versioning, you should be fine because you don't store more data once the upload is finished, and AWS doesn't bill you for ingress to my knowledge. You will however need to be careful about egress fees if you automatically download new versions elsewhere, and operations themselves since more files (no matter their size) means more operations as a whole. You may want to wait for the Rclone integration, use a more standard file storage system for live files such as Google Drive, then use S3 to archive the ones you no longer plan to edit but still want to keep around.
The best way to know would be to perform a small scale test, see how everything behaves and analyse your S3 operations and costs on the AWS console.
_guest_45813 joined the server. 12/20/2023 3:22 PM
Hi, editing large files will indeed require uploading the whole file every time. If you overwrite the old file and don't enable versioning, you should be fine because you don't store more data once the upload is finished, and AWS doesn't bill you for ingress to my knowledge. You will however need to be careful about egress fees if you automatically download new versions elsewhere, and operations themselves since more files (no matter their size) means more operations as a whole. You may want to wait for the Rclone integration, use a more standard file storage system for live files such as Google Drive, then use S3 to archive the ones you no longer plan to edit but still want to keep around.
aaronthibault 12/20/2023 6:28 PM
Thanks for your reply, it’s helpful and I’ll check out Rclone.
Thanks for your reply, it’s helpful and I’ll check out Rclone.
You can wait for the next S3Drive update that will include Rclone features, so you won't have to install multiple software for the same task
👍 1
And you're welcome, glad I could help!
roberto_20232 joined the server. 12/22/2023 1:51 PM
alluring_sparrow_69851 joined the server. 12/26/2023 11:43 AM
cam00552 joined the server. 12/26/2023 5:46 PM
adamk3014 joined the server. 12/27/2023 6:55 PM
avantartist joined the server. 12/28/2023 4:52 PM
nlitend1_99179 joined the server. 12/28/2023 10:52 PM
eldvara joined the server. 12/29/2023 10:12 AM
mondo_magic 12/29/2023 1:36 PM
Hello! @everyone joined the server. 12/30/2023 6:12 AM
janhjanh joined the server. 01/01/2024 1:16 PM
whimsical_chipmunk_80199 joined the server. 01/01/2024 9:18 PM
motorolo_61023 joined the server. 01/03/2024 10:33 AM
ix23 joined the server. 01/03/2024 1:39 PM
Hi, i'm trying to run S3Drive 1.6.5 AppImage on Void Linux, but only show blank white page. Are there any dependencies that might need to be installed?
jeannesbond 01/04/2024 4:17 PM
after updating my operating system today, now the app is working😁
👍 1
Good news, although that means we won't know what caused the issue 😄
😆 1
Good news, although that means we won't know what caused the issue 😄
jeannesbond 01/04/2024 4:29 PM
one of the updates was glibc, I don't understand about system but could it be because of that?
depends on the version you had and what S3Drive requires, but even Debian's glibc should be alright so unless VoidLinux was seriously outdated I doubt it
👍 1
hi all, I tried using the flatpak version but it only shows a blank white screen, it also seems like its not updated yet (still at 1.7.0, while latest is 1.7.1 i believe)
for the meantime im using the 1.7.1 appimage which works well
also, i noticed an issue with moving files, it prepended the destination directory to the "file-to-be-moved"?? so moving a file named file.png to test/ would rename it to testfile.png and the file is not moved the directory
for now im renaming the files manually like this, which seemed to work x)
anyways, as a new user, i gotta say, the idea of using s3 for personal storage is really cool. i can now make use of cheap s3 services from my local hosting provider to host my files rather than paying to google, really love the idea. tho the app is kinda buggy sometimes, i hope it could get more polished in the future <3
i have a bit of a rant, i really need to know how deep i'm opening a folder is. it'd be awesome to have this display breadcrumbs instead of the name of the current folder. thanks
hi all, I tried using the flatpak version but it only shows a blank white screen, it also seems like its not updated yet (still at 1.7.0, while latest is 1.7.1 i believe)
There is a delay before Flathub picks up our release, we don't know how to resolve it just yet, so we wait patiently. We'll likely will have to tweak sandbox / folder permissions for the 1.7.1 sync feature to be able to interact with the local FS.
👍 1
also, i noticed an issue with moving files, it prepended the destination directory to the "file-to-be-moved"?? so moving a file named file.png to test/ would rename it to testfile.png and the file is not moved the directory
Sorry for that. It seems that we've introduced couple bugs related to copy/move in 1.7.0, we've now prioritized this and shall be able to release a hotfix at some point today.
i have a bit of a rant, i really need to know how deep i'm opening a folder is. it'd be awesome to have this display breadcrumbs instead of the name of the current folder. thanks
Cool idea, I've added it as a feature request: Since it's a small feature with pretty good value it's likely it will be implemented by the end of this month.
mrburzel joined the server. 01/05/2024 10:04 AM
thanks tom for the quick response!
Stupid question - I forgot my password ( ) , the reocvery process sends me an email with a token, now I can view my lifetime purchase, but can't change or set a new password…
Easy-to-use client that converts any S3 server into your personal encrypted file storage. Rclone compatible, mount as drive, WebDav server, file versioning.
passwort rest works now with android app but not on my mac
@mrburzel E-mail/password change is available in the S3Drive web settings - There is a link at the bottom of the account page. You should be logged in automatically if you're logged in on In the future account details change will be possible on our main website.
👍 1
Hi Tom, does changing folder names only available to paid accounts?
Hi Tom, does changing folder names only available to paid accounts?
Hi, do you mean folder rename within bucket? Nope, it's free 🙂 Do you have any issue with folder name change?
all is good after updating. I used to get "Invalid Header"
mrherbs_16732 joined the server. 01/09/2024 4:42 PM
starvstheforcesofevil joined the server. 01/10/2024 2:47 AM
vripan joined the server. 01/10/2024 11:24 AM
skybrow_1 joined the server. 01/12/2024 10:09 PM
Hi, do you mean folder rename within bucket? Nope, it's free 🙂 Do you have any issue with folder name change?
Looks like I'm able to replace the folder name, but when I open the app again the folder name reverts back to original name, Same behaviour when creating a new folder
Looks like I'm able to replace the folder name, but when I open the app again the folder name reverts back to original name, Same behaviour when creating a new folder
What's your S3 provider? When you say "same behaviour when creating a new folder", do you mean that the newly created folder doesn't persist or anything else?
What's your S3 provider? When you say "same behaviour when creating a new folder", do you mean that the newly created folder doesn't persist or anything else?
That's right. S3 provider is Storj
Has the android drive mount been implemented yet?
That's right. S3 provider is Storj
Can you make sure that Versioning is disabled in the Settings? Storj doesn't support versioning just yet, but enabling this option might cause such weird behavior.
Has the android drive mount been implemented yet?
It's released, but it doesn't seem to be visible on anything below Android 14 and is read-only. Within a couple days we shall have it fixed and if possible we may implement basic write operations.
It's released, but it doesn't seem to be visible on anything below Android 14 and is read-only. Within a couple days we shall have it fixed and if possible we may implement basic write operations.
I'm on Android 14. All I can see are OneDrive and Google Drive
Can you make sure that Versioning is disabled in the Settings? Storj doesn't support versioning just yet, but enabling this option might cause such weird behavior.
Thanks, this fixes the folder renaming issue
pietroblu joined the server. 01/13/2024 4:19 PM
kino.pi joined the server. 01/13/2024 9:15 PM
I'm on Android 14. All I can see are OneDrive and Google Drive
We're awaiting a 1.7.4 fix release regarding the drive mount on Android. It's still read-only, but the visibility issues shall be resolved.
👍 1
harmonious_hare_52812 joined the server. 01/16/2024 1:21 AM
morethanevil 01/16/2024 7:53 AM
A small improvement request. When viewing file details, it would be nice if the size would be in a human readable format.
A small improvement request. When viewing file details, it would be nice if the size would be in a human readable format.
Hi there, our aim was to display raw data in that functionality, so user has chance to verify the file integrity. Adding e.g. suffix (889KB) wouldn't hurt though, we will get it added in a next release !
👍 1
I'm on Android 14. All I can see are OneDrive and Google Drive
Hi, 1.7.4 is there. I am wondering if you can now see S3Drive? Please make sure that you've mount enabled in the settings (you can also try toggle off, then on again to reset settings). Another issue that we find is that on some phones e.g. Samsung mount isn't visible in the installed Files app, probably such space is reserved only for Big Guys, but no worries you can actually enable the native Files app either from the phone settings menu or by installing a shortcut to it:
This app is a shortcut to the file manager of the settings app.
A small improvement request. When viewing file details, it would be nice if the size would be in a human readable format.
As promised, we'll have it included in a next release:
morethanevil 01/16/2024 12:13 PM
Cool thank you It helps me to quick check if a certain backup is successful ☺
Hi, 1.7.4 is there. I am wondering if you can now see S3Drive? Please make sure that you've mount enabled in the settings (you can also try toggle off, then on again to reset settings). Another issue that we find is that on some phones e.g. Samsung mount isn't visible in the installed Files app, probably such space is reserved only for Big Guys, but no worries you can actually enable the native Files app either from the phone settings menu or by installing a shortcut to it:
I can now see it mounted on my Files app. Amazing work, Tom!
Deleted User joined the server. 01/17/2024 2:19 AM
tengas23 joined the server. 01/17/2024 2:22 AM
jlykos joined the server. 01/17/2024 2:29 AM
frpnzxxx joined the server. 01/17/2024 2:33 AM
HI! When connected to Google Drive, i cannot view the images, I have to download it to view, here is a screenshot
HI! When connected to Google Drive, i cannot view the images, I have to download it to view, here is a screenshot
It may be because it's encrypted?
is there any way to view the images?
May I ask what is the maximum storage capacity? 👇 If I consumed 4TB Storage what is the cost? Thanks in advance (edited)
HI! When connected to Google Drive, i cannot view the images, I have to download it to view, here is a screenshot
Hi, We haven't yet implemented image preview for non-S3 back-ends, it will be available around Q1/Q2 2024 -
May I ask what is the maximum storage capacity? 👇 If I consumed 4TB Storage what is the cost? Thanks in advance (edited)
Hi, We're not selling storage just yet, the Ultimate plan allows you to use all of the available features of the app, but you'll need to choose the storage provider yourself, please find the guide: Once you click on the registered account regardless if you have a free or Ultimate plan you are getting 10GB testing account. there is a relevant monit to let you know that it's only for testing purposes. We will be providing plans this year, including 4TB and potentially lifetime deals, but that's not yet ready.
Zero Knowledge E2E encrypted storage compatible with any S3 provider
👍 1
If I could have a lifetime 10 TB deal I'd be so stoked, it would cost so much upfront tho 💸
stem_76511 joined the server. 01/17/2024 3:14 PM
stem_20361 joined the server. 01/17/2024 8:18 PM
mrfreed. joined the server. 01/18/2024 12:39 AM
Click to see original message
chriso1 joined the server. 01/18/2024 11:16 PM
piffio joined the server. 01/19/2024 12:10 PM
hey tom, is there difference in github apk vs playstore?
@ad267088 Hi, currently yes, APK supports folder syncing from local FS: Google Play release doesn't yet support it, but we're working on convincing Google that this use case is legitimate. (edited)
I see. is that why I wasn't able to move files? With folder sync, it basically backs up (if chose to) my desired folder? (edited)
oh and does it auto update?
meticoeus joined the server. 01/21/2024 8:35 AM
I see. is that why I wasn't able to move files? With folder sync, it basically backs up (if chose to) my desired folder? (edited)
Sorry, can you refresh me on the move files issue? If issue still persist, can you please create a support item? Regardless, it's not related to Android permission issue that I've mentioned. Speaking of sync modes, there are 4 of them. On desktop it uses "file watcher" to sync immediately, on mobile syncing starts when app starts (configurable in the settings). Periodic sync (e.g. once every 15 minutes) will come soon at some point we will also implement "foreground live sync", that will run constantly, however we still haven't exactly decided how to implement with battery life in mind. (edited)
kimon.k joined the server. 01/22/2024 11:11 AM
Click to see original message
Click to see original message
archerallstars joined the server. 01/23/2024 1:44 AM
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astrohgalaxy joined the server. 01/27/2024 12:31 PM
Hi hi
jeannesbond 01/27/2024 6:32 PM
Hello, I'm trying to install s3drive .deb version, but libmpv1 not available on debian bookworm repo
morethanevil 01/27/2024 6:47 PM
Libmpv1 is outdated, use flatpak
👍 1
The .deb package should accept libmpv2 tho
I believe @s3drive will have to see if that dependency is supported and can be allowed within the Debian package metadata, aka. install either libmpv1 or libmpv2.
Hello, I'm trying to install s3drive .deb version, but libmpv1 not available on debian bookworm repo
Hi there, Would you be happy to try out this pre-release? I've added the: libmpv2 as an alternative, but don't really have capacity at the moment to test things out. Ideally movies should play out as normal, as MPV dependency is required by media library that we use: (edited)
I believe @s3drive will have to see if that dependency is supported and can be allowed within the Debian package metadata, aka. install either libmpv1 or libmpv2.
Thanks for the hint with the .deb alternative !
Hi there, Would you be happy to try out this pre-release? I've added the: libmpv2 as an alternative, but don't really have capacity at the moment to test things out. Ideally movies should play out as normal, as MPV dependency is required by media library that we use: (edited)
jeannesbond 01/27/2024 7:46 PM
Installed successfully and running normally😁
Installed successfully and running normally😁
That's great, so we've managed to fix it all together. Thanks ! (edited)
s3drive 2
💪 1
Deleted User joined the server. 01/28/2024 8:42 PM
alaska9123 joined the server. 01/28/2024 8:43 PM
povey joined the server. 01/28/2024 11:37 PM
yesbad joined the server. 01/29/2024 2:25 PM
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benoit_52236 joined the server. 01/29/2024 3:32 PM
benoit_52236 01/29/2024 3:48 PM
Just did a flatpak install on fedora and then flatpak run gives me: /app/extra/local/lib/s3drive/kapsa: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (This is first time I've used flatpak though I did a test install on another app and that ran ok.) I can see that /var/lib/flatpak/app/ has (not 2) and that ldd on /var/lib/flatpak/app/ shows => not found Have I done something wrong or is the package incorrect?
It appears to be a package issue, S3Drive works with both to my knowledge so it should take any available between .1 and .2
Just did a flatpak install on fedora and then flatpak run gives me: /app/extra/local/lib/s3drive/kapsa: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (This is first time I've used flatpak though I did a test install on another app and that ran ok.) I can see that /var/lib/flatpak/app/ has (not 2) and that ldd on /var/lib/flatpak/app/ shows => not found Have I done something wrong or is the package incorrect?
Thanks for your report. It seems we've introduced a bug with a recent release which in theory was supposed to pick up right: libmpv version. We're working to have it resolved promptly, please bear with us.
Just did a flatpak install on fedora and then flatpak run gives me: /app/extra/local/lib/s3drive/kapsa: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (This is first time I've used flatpak though I did a test install on another app and that ran ok.) I can see that /var/lib/flatpak/app/ has (not 2) and that ldd on /var/lib/flatpak/app/ shows => not found Have I done something wrong or is the package incorrect?
Hey, this is now fixed: but changes on Flathub takes some time to propagate, so if the build time updates here: to something more recent than on the attached image, then it means it ended up in the official release. If you're in hurry you can build the Flatpak yourself using: git clone --recursive cd flatpak-builder --user --install --force-clean build-dir ... however it does require some prior environment setup, like: flatpak install flathub org.freedesktop.Sdk//23.08 flatpak install flathub org.freedesktop.Platform flatpak install org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.vala/x86_64/23.08 We will be providing full guide, "how to compile Flatpak". (edited)
Hey, this is now fixed: but changes on Flathub takes some time to propagate, so if the build time updates here: to something more recent than on the attached image, then it means it ended up in the official release. If you're in hurry you can build the Flatpak yourself using: git clone --recursive cd flatpak-builder --user --install --force-clean build-dir ... however it does require some prior environment setup, like: flatpak install flathub org.freedesktop.Sdk//23.08 flatpak install flathub org.freedesktop.Platform flatpak install org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.vala/x86_64/23.08 We will be providing full guide, "how to compile Flatpak". (edited)
It is now live on Flathub.
skelhost_66575 joined the server. 01/30/2024 12:57 AM joined the server. 01/30/2024 2:13 AM
It is now live on Flathub.
benoit_52236 01/30/2024 9:04 AM
Great - reinstalled & it's starting now. Thanks a lot.
👍 1
svanggaard_43528 joined the server. 01/31/2024 4:27 PM
jamie_07275 joined the server. 01/31/2024 7:11 PM
mblerandd joined the server. 01/31/2024 8:14 PM
cliff_41894 joined the server. 01/31/2024 9:14 PM
Hi Newcomers 👋 !
s3drive 1
thg666 joined the server. 02/01/2024 2:38 AM
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jeannesbond 02/13/2024 6:54 PM
Hello teams, just want to report, yesterday i'm trying to run S3Drive AppImage on Fedora (Xfce), but after double click, nothing happened (app not open). Today I try to run S3Drive Deb & AppImage on Debian 12.5 (Xfce), the result same as yesterday...
Hello teams, just want to report, yesterday i'm trying to run S3Drive AppImage on Fedora (Xfce), but after double click, nothing happened (app not open). Today I try to run S3Drive Deb & AppImage on Debian 12.5 (Xfce), the result same as yesterday...
When you start AppImage, do you get anything in logs, e.g. : ./S3Drive-x86_64.AppImage (kapsa:2730352): Gdk-CRITICAL **: 09:39:57.636: gdk_window_get_state: assertion 'GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed package:media_kit_libs_linux registered. flutter: *** sqflite warning *** You are changing sqflite default factory. Be aware of the potential side effects. Any library using sqflite will have this factory as the default for all operations. *** sqflite warning *** method call InitAppWindow method call InitSystemTray SystemTray::set_system_tray_info title: (null), icon_path: /tmp/.mount_S3DrivJ2GgY2/data/flutter_assets/assets/logos/logo_42.png, toolTip: (null) method call CreateContextMenu value_to_menu_item type:label, label:Show value_to_menu_item type:label, label:Hide value_to_menu_item type:label, label:Start drive mount value_to_menu_item type:label, label:Stop drive mount value_to_menu_item type:label, label:Start WebDav value_to_menu_item type:label, label:Stop WebDav value_to_menu_item type:label, label:Support value_to_menu_item type:label, label:Visit Website value_to_menu_item type:label, label:About value_to_menu_item type:label, label:Changelog value_to_menu_item type:label, label:Logs value_to_menu_item type:label, label:Version 1.7.11 method call SetContextMenu Just a question, did you try running Flatpak format?
Contribute to flathub/ development by creating an account on GitHub.
When you start AppImage, do you get anything in logs, e.g. : ./S3Drive-x86_64.AppImage (kapsa:2730352): Gdk-CRITICAL **: 09:39:57.636: gdk_window_get_state: assertion 'GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed package:media_kit_libs_linux registered. flutter: *** sqflite warning *** You are changing sqflite default factory. Be aware of the potential side effects. Any library using sqflite will have this factory as the default for all operations. *** sqflite warning *** method call InitAppWindow method call InitSystemTray SystemTray::set_system_tray_info title: (null), icon_path: /tmp/.mount_S3DrivJ2GgY2/data/flutter_assets/assets/logos/logo_42.png, toolTip: (null) method call CreateContextMenu value_to_menu_item type:label, label:Show value_to_menu_item type:label, label:Hide value_to_menu_item type:label, label:Start drive mount value_to_menu_item type:label, label:Stop drive mount value_to_menu_item type:label, label:Start WebDav value_to_menu_item type:label, label:Stop WebDav value_to_menu_item type:label, label:Support value_to_menu_item type:label, label:Visit Website value_to_menu_item type:label, label:About value_to_menu_item type:label, label:Changelog value_to_menu_item type:label, label:Logs value_to_menu_item type:label, label:Version 1.7.11 method call SetContextMenu Just a question, did you try running Flatpak format?
jeannesbond 02/15/2024 3:16 PM
the app not open after i click execute, both appimage and deb version (edited)
the app not open after i click execute, both appimage and deb version (edited)
By any chance, can you start from command line?
satvika_39647 joined the server. 02/16/2024 8:01 AM
By any chance, can you start from command line?
jeannesbond 02/16/2024 4:02 PM
doom.blah joined the server. 02/16/2024 9:23 PM
aristorn joined the server. 02/18/2024 10:44 PM
sitenevnews joined the server. 02/19/2024 10:42 AM
n1trotoluol 02/19/2024 1:20 PM
A very interesting program, thanks to the developers. I want to buy the lifetime version. Are there any promotions or discounts planned using promotional codes? And another question: will the program be translated into other languages?
A very interesting program, thanks to the developers. I want to buy the lifetime version. Are there any promotions or discounts planned using promotional codes? And another question: will the program be translated into other languages?
Thanks for the good words ! We did have a pretty good Black Friday, however since we've added Rclone support end of December we plan to increase the price slightly, yet it's still possible to get the Lifetime before the price hike. We do have plans to translate it to other languages, however we haven't got to that just yet: and given our ambitious roadmap: at best we may translate app only partially by the end of 2024.
infomealbox.it_97535 joined the server. 02/19/2024 3:07 PM
infomealbox.it_97535 02/19/2024 4:18 PM
good afternoon
👋 1
good afternoon
Buonasera !
Thanks for the good words ! We did have a pretty good Black Friday, however since we've added Rclone support end of December we plan to increase the price slightly, yet it's still possible to get the Lifetime before the price hike. We do have plans to translate it to other languages, however we haven't got to that just yet: and given our ambitious roadmap: at best we may translate app only partially by the end of 2024.
n1trotoluol 02/20/2024 7:04 AM
Greetings! Thank you very much for your quick response! I continue to study and test the capabilities of the application and have encountered the following problem: I want to synchronize media files with Backblaze storage, but it is important that the original file creation date is preserved when saving/restoring files from the storage to the device (since files in the gallery are sorted by creation date and if Do not restore the file creation date, then there will be chaos in the gallery). Is it possible to save/restore the creation or modification date of original files during synchronization?
Greetings! Thank you very much for your quick response! I continue to study and test the capabilities of the application and have encountered the following problem: I want to synchronize media files with Backblaze storage, but it is important that the original file creation date is preserved when saving/restoring files from the storage to the device (since files in the gallery are sorted by creation date and if Do not restore the file creation date, then there will be chaos in the gallery). Is it possible to save/restore the creation or modification date of original files during synchronization?
Can you please let me know what platform you use and whether you use Media Backup (mobile) or Sync (all platforms)? Modification date shall be preserved, we've added this in a : "[1.7.1] - 2024-01-04" release ( Creation date is trickier to implement reliably given that not all filesystems support it on platforms that we support and underlying Rclone library that we use for syncing doesn't use creation dates either. We will certainly think of implementing creation date, especially for macOS and Windows platform, or Unix the answer isn't simple.
Can you please let me know what platform you use and whether you use Media Backup (mobile) or Sync (all platforms)? Modification date shall be preserved, we've added this in a : "[1.7.1] - 2024-01-04" release ( Creation date is trickier to implement reliably given that not all filesystems support it on platforms that we support and underlying Rclone library that we use for syncing doesn't use creation dates either. We will certainly think of implementing creation date, especially for macOS and Windows platform, or Unix the answer isn't simple.
n1trotoluol 02/20/2024 9:02 AM
I use S3Drive 1.7.10 on a phone with Android 12. I created a synchronization task for a folder on the phone (sending from the phone to Baskblaze), "Sync" synchronization mode. The "modification date" is not saved and cannot be restored.
mikel_94510 joined the server. 02/20/2024 4:38 PM
Deleted User joined the server. 02/20/2024 9:06 PM
cojonees. joined the server. 02/20/2024 9:22 PM
Hey guys, I wanted to ask if I got a ultimate license for my andriod if I can use the MacOS app to download files with it. The reason I ask is because when I try to download a zip on the app it says I need a ultimate license but I know I bought one in Google Play
Hi - I'm coming from S3 Browser and they have an option to use a custom domain name that replaces the s3 url. See Attachment. I read somewhere this was planned for S3Drive. Is this still the case? Or is it already implemented and I cant find it in the app. Thanks for your time.
Hi - I'm coming from S3 Browser and they have an option to use a custom domain name that replaces the s3 url. See Attachment. I read somewhere this was planned for S3Drive. Is this still the case? Or is it already implemented and I cant find it in the app. Thanks for your time.
Something similar was requested along the lines: and Sounds like we may have to prioritize it. Quick question, what's the use case for: "Custom host name" for you? Would that be, so in the shared URLs you have shorter name? What's the list of URLs on your screen? Can you connect to your bucket using your "Custom host name"? In which case you could pass it as a Gateway during login screen.
penguin_fai joined the server. 02/21/2024 8:57 AM
gigabitgirlboss joined the server. 02/21/2024 9:13 PM
gigabitgirlboss 02/21/2024 9:14 PM
sup chads
👋 1
How many gb you are offering on lifetime plan for 50 dolar
mixih joined the server. 02/21/2024 11:24 PM
Hi, I'm getting a "Error: Exception: corrupted on transfer: md5 encrypted hash differ" on a one-way copy-mode sync (local->remote) to an encrypted vault in a S3 bucket (versioning on, object lock off) in IDrive E2 on android and Linux. Any idea how to fix this? Thanks! (edited)
Something similar was requested along the lines: and Sounds like we may have to prioritize it. Quick question, what's the use case for: "Custom host name" for you? Would that be, so in the shared URLs you have shorter name? What's the list of URLs on your screen? Can you connect to your bucket using your "Custom host name"? In which case you could pass it as a Gateway during login screen.
Thanks for your time. - what's the use case for: "Custom host name" for you? We use our buckets to provide downloads of our assets for our customers. Videos and photos (Video production company) We use iDRIVE with multiple regions. All I'm looking to do is mask the domain name with our domain name. Everything else stays the same. I'm only using S3 APP to upload to our bucket and grab the original link from iDrice to give to the cutomer to download. Example S3 link from iDrive: When we convert to our own domain it looks like this: http:// Would that be, so in the shared URLs you have a shorter name? Yes - It also looks legitimate from our domain name. Also when i Drive uses the cNAME domain name, the original idrive url is hidden. (And no one knows the actual bucket link) What's the list of URLs on your screen? All S3 browser does is mask the original link. The screenshot shows the original link, however, if you type your own domain name into the custom domain host name, those links will change from to your domain name. That's all it does. Can you connect to your bucket using your "Custom host name"? Yes - because we already have a CNAME for the domain example: configured. idrive guide here but I'm assuming others have a similar solution to cname:
Use your own domain name with IDrive® e2. Add and manage a CNAME record.
Thanks for your time. - what's the use case for: "Custom host name" for you? We use our buckets to provide downloads of our assets for our customers. Videos and photos (Video production company) We use iDRIVE with multiple regions. All I'm looking to do is mask the domain name with our domain name. Everything else stays the same. I'm only using S3 APP to upload to our bucket and grab the original link from iDrice to give to the cutomer to download. Example S3 link from iDrive: When we convert to our own domain it looks like this: http:// Would that be, so in the shared URLs you have a shorter name? Yes - It also looks legitimate from our domain name. Also when i Drive uses the cNAME domain name, the original idrive url is hidden. (And no one knows the actual bucket link) What's the list of URLs on your screen? All S3 browser does is mask the original link. The screenshot shows the original link, however, if you type your own domain name into the custom domain host name, those links will change from to your domain name. That's all it does. Can you connect to your bucket using your "Custom host name"? Yes - because we already have a CNAME for the domain example: configured. idrive guide here but I'm assuming others have a similar solution to cname:
Thanks for your detailed feedback, I can confirm that we'll be adding this feature. Hard to give any ETA, but next month certainly possible. (edited)
😍 1
Thanks for your detailed feedback, I can confirm that we'll be adding this feature. Hard to give any ETA, but next month certainly possible. (edited)
Cheers Tom - Appreciate it - Thanks for your time.
memger joined the server. 02/22/2024 2:51 PM
mkfs joined the server. 02/22/2024 6:25 PM
Click to see original message
Cheers Tom - Appreciate it - Thanks for your time.
Hi @chriso1, we've got preview of this feature deployed to our web client. There are two options, one to not create a signature, the other one is to set custom domain. Once custom domain is set once, this setting will be preserved for this bucket. Please let me know whether this works for you and if you have any thoughts, then we can apply tweaks and include it in next release to other platforms. cc @xenthys Hi there, correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't you requested similar feature in the past?
😍 1
Yes, you may want to note that unsigned URLs don't have an expiration since it's linked to the signature, I don't know if it's possible to make the UI actually show that to the end user
Yes, you may want to note that unsigned URLs don't have an expiration since it's linked to the signature, I don't know if it's possible to make the UI actually show that to the end user
Good call, we'll replace the Link expiration with a warning once Unsigned URL option is selected.
Otherwise good thanks, raw presigned + unsigned was indeed what I'm after!
Hi @chriso1, we've got preview of this feature deployed to our web client. There are two options, one to not create a signature, the other one is to set custom domain. Once custom domain is set once, this setting will be preserved for this bucket. Please let me know whether this works for you and if you have any thoughts, then we can apply tweaks and include it in next release to other platforms. cc @xenthys Hi there, correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't you requested similar feature in the past?
Perfect! I just tested the unsigned url with a custom domain. That is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!
gigabitgirlboss 02/22/2024 11:30 PM
me haves questions
one really
so do I need to enable "end to end" encryption to make my data transferred securely
or am i stupid and its already encrypted when transmitted or something
by default it's transmitted over HTTPS, so it's secure
gigabitgirlboss 02/22/2024 11:36 PM
ok swag just making sure
https my beloved
end-to-end is when you don't trust the host, aka. it's encrypted and decrypted on the client
gigabitgirlboss 02/22/2024 11:36 PM
i was confused if i was gonna have to enable https myself lol
there was a lame joke here, too lame to stay (edited)
there was a lame joke here, too lame to stay (edited)
gigabitgirlboss 02/22/2024 11:41 PM
another question
if i select to auto backup recent which contains everything would it back all of the seperate folders or combine it into one giant glob
that's a good question, I don't have the answer sorry, maybe @s3drive will
gigabitgirlboss 02/22/2024 11:44 PM
this app is swag
gigabitgirlboss 02/23/2024 12:16 AM
@s3drive tom do u kno
gigabitgirlboss 02/23/2024 1:25 AM
omg hi dunk
@gigabitgirlboss from what I can see everything is uploaded into the same folder, also hi
Lemme see if just selecting recent will actually capture most folders properly or if it'll be unreliable
Seems to successfully grab everything, though again it's all just placed in the root of the backup location instead of being organised the same as it would be locally
Seems to successfully grab everything, though again it's all just placed in the root of the backup location instead of being organised the same as it would be locally
gigabitgirlboss 02/23/2024 1:41 AM
ah so you're saying it doesn't keep the subfolders and shit organized
Yeah, sadly no subfolders, though since it's early days it may get added
gigabitgirlboss 02/23/2024 1:43 AM
lomsor joined the server. 02/23/2024 4:16 AM
Hey Everyone. Been researching for days for ways to make S3 storage somewhat usable and still secure as well as looking into alternatives to S3 altogether but nothing came close to the requirements ... What I am missing is Mobile and and SSO on Mobile. I saw there has been talk about it a while back as well as some vague mentions on the website. I would be grateful to hear what the current status is on the matter of SSO in S3Drive (edited)
if i select to auto backup recent which contains everything would it back all of the seperate folders or combine it into one giant glob
gigabitgirlboss 02/23/2024 12:45 PM
oh noes i even did everything with individual albums and my b2 didnt seperate everything into seperate folders aaaaaah
its so over
oh noes i even did everything with individual albums and my b2 didnt seperate everything into seperate folders aaaaaah
Hi @gigabitgirlboss, In a next couple months we plan to improve media backup tool, so it preserves the album names as folders. Current version was primarily focused on reliably backing up photos/videos (incl. background mode) and there aren't any additional photo management options. Stay tuned ! (edited)
cdprotector joined the server. 02/23/2024 2:01 PM
Hi @gigabitgirlboss, In a next couple months we plan to improve media backup tool, so it preserves the album names as folders. Current version was primarily focused on reliably backing up photos/videos (incl. background mode) and there aren't any additional photo management options. Stay tuned ! (edited)
gigabitgirlboss 02/23/2024 2:03 PM
tbh it's pretty great so far good job focusing on making things work first before adding 38261 features
👍 1
Hey Everyone. Been researching for days for ways to make S3 storage somewhat usable and still secure as well as looking into alternatives to S3 altogether but nothing came close to the requirements ... What I am missing is Mobile and and SSO on Mobile. I saw there has been talk about it a while back as well as some vague mentions on the website. I would be grateful to hear what the current status is on the matter of SSO in S3Drive (edited)
Hi @lomsor, We haven't exactly started work on SSO. Would you be happy to tell me little more about your use case? We plan to execute work on SSO in a next couple months, although we don't have a clear designs just yet. In principle the idea is that you user will provide the SSO endpoint which after successfull auth could then inject S3 credentials (and custom config) into S3Drive and login user to the specified bucket. (edited)
cdprotector 02/23/2024 2:06 PM
hi, I am testing available SW products for S3 storage /idrive e2/ direct mount to Linux/Mac/Win. For some strange reason Mountainduck is not working asking for Region server for every file/folder created on client OSs. So far only Expandrive is working. On reddit I get link to S3drive and now here I got problem: S3 connect is working, it mounts drive in Win/Linux but when I create folder/file in OS Explorer/Dolphin - the change does not amke into real S storage bucket. What I am doing wrong ?
When I create file in S3drive app - change is immediately visible also in S3 bucket
Tom will have to confirm, but mounts typically see a lot of file changes compared to individual uploads, it's probable files are flushed from time to time or on exit to reduce bucket operations costs
cdprotector 02/23/2024 2:16 PM
I tested to manualy invoke SYNC from Local to Remote to get changes "applied" but that does not take OS mounted drive changes into account. maybe I am understanding S3drive functionality wrong ? I wanted to have just mounted S3 bucket to local PC/notebooks the same way as Mapped drives in Windows.
I am open to pay for such functionality if it requires Ultimate account
Not sure about anything in the current state as I only use the mobile app myself, it could also be an issue, I recomment posting in #support so Tom can handle it as soon as he's available, it'll end up there if it's a bug and will stay for future reference (edited)
cdprotector 02/23/2024 2:23 PM
Thanks, will do more testing on mobile too
theone_63096 joined the server. 02/23/2024 2:53 PM
Hi @lomsor, We haven't exactly started work on SSO. Would you be happy to tell me little more about your use case? We plan to execute work on SSO in a next couple months, although we don't have a clear designs just yet. In principle the idea is that you user will provide the SSO endpoint which after successfull auth could then inject S3 credentials (and custom config) into S3Drive and login user to the specified bucket. (edited)
Thanks for the update Tom. TLDR: We would like to use the temporary credentials generated trough "IAM Identity Center" or "AWS CLI Login" to access and mount S3 Buckets in S3Drive. If I interpret your plan correctly this sounds like what I am looking for. rclone seems to support this type of authentication ( trough I don't see a (non headache inducing) way for me to get the credentials to rclone on mobile and I would like to have minimal setup for future users. We are using AWS best practices which state that the bucket shouldn't be publicly accessible and that there shouldn't be any long term credentials for it. This means no IAM Users with permanent access to resources like S3, instead IAM roles should be assumed trough IAM Identity center (SSO). Which generates temporary credentials with three elements with one of them being a time limited token. I would like to have all business applications be reachable trough SSO, either SAML2 or OAuth2. There are a couple of desktop apps for S3 that can work with temporary credentials but none for mobile. Currently on desktop it works like this: either the application or some script triggers "aws login" with the aws profile being preconfigured once beforehand. A browser opens and the user approves or logs in (password, MFA, etc.), then the three element credentials are generated (access key id, secret access key, session token) and saved in a credentials file and/or the environment variables. Then the app either looks at the environment or directly at the file and uses these credentials for access to S3. Ideally the token would be refreshed before it expires. (edited)
hi, I am testing available SW products for S3 storage /idrive e2/ direct mount to Linux/Mac/Win. For some strange reason Mountainduck is not working asking for Region server for every file/folder created on client OSs. So far only Expandrive is working. On reddit I get link to S3drive and now here I got problem: S3 connect is working, it mounts drive in Win/Linux but when I create folder/file in OS Explorer/Dolphin - the change does not amke into real S storage bucket. What I am doing wrong ?
On what OS you find this behavior? Can you please make sure that your: "Mount cache mode" is set to "Minimal"? This shall skip the Rclone VFS cache and make operations blocking until they end up on S3.
I tested to manualy invoke SYNC from Local to Remote to get changes "applied" but that does not take OS mounted drive changes into account. maybe I am understanding S3drive functionality wrong ? I wanted to have just mounted S3 bucket to local PC/notebooks the same way as Mapped drives in Windows.
Hi, can you please create #support item? In principle sync and mount maybe used for similar purposes, but they are fundamentally different. You would usually use mount if you want to interact with remote file system directly. If you need "blocking" behaviour, please set cache mode to Minimal (In the Settings). If you want to work as if it was "local" path, which will be eventually consistent on the remote side (once Rclone finalizes the upload), then use "Writes" or even "Full" cache - the issue with these cache modes is that there is no clear indication if process to copy changes to remote has finished. Another issue with mount cache is that your directory listing might be stale, especially if there is other user or process which modified changes remotely (S3) without your knowledge. You would usually use sync if you want to work locally and flush changes automatically (with file watchers) and periodically (with the timer set in the settings).
Thanks for the update Tom. TLDR: We would like to use the temporary credentials generated trough "IAM Identity Center" or "AWS CLI Login" to access and mount S3 Buckets in S3Drive. If I interpret your plan correctly this sounds like what I am looking for. rclone seems to support this type of authentication ( trough I don't see a (non headache inducing) way for me to get the credentials to rclone on mobile and I would like to have minimal setup for future users. We are using AWS best practices which state that the bucket shouldn't be publicly accessible and that there shouldn't be any long term credentials for it. This means no IAM Users with permanent access to resources like S3, instead IAM roles should be assumed trough IAM Identity center (SSO). Which generates temporary credentials with three elements with one of them being a time limited token. I would like to have all business applications be reachable trough SSO, either SAML2 or OAuth2. There are a couple of desktop apps for S3 that can work with temporary credentials but none for mobile. Currently on desktop it works like this: either the application or some script triggers "aws login" with the aws profile being preconfigured once beforehand. A browser opens and the user approves or logs in (password, MFA, etc.), then the three element credentials are generated (access key id, secret access key, session token) and saved in a credentials file and/or the environment variables. Then the app either looks at the environment or directly at the file and uses these credentials for access to S3. Ideally the token would be refreshed before it expires. (edited)
I will get back to you on that once I manage to try out couple things with our team. We would be really keen to push some SSO workflow forward. Speaking of desktop apps that you've used and worked for your use case, do you happen to recommend any of them? I would be happy to test that workflow personally and see if that's something we would be willing to incorporate in S3Drive.
gigabitgirlboss 02/23/2024 6:42 PM
i have a lot of work ahead of me lol
nez1136 joined the server. 02/23/2024 9:21 PM
I will get back to you on that once I manage to try out couple things with our team. We would be really keen to push some SSO workflow forward. Speaking of desktop apps that you've used and worked for your use case, do you happen to recommend any of them? I would be happy to test that workflow personally and see if that's something we would be willing to incorporate in S3Drive.
Thanks! Back when I first set this up I didn't find many so I went with a tool called 'TntDrive'. It does work but I wouldn't recommend it. For my use case I had to write a script that injects the credentials into the environment, the tool was able to be set to read from them. It also required to be elevated. S3Browser from the same devs has an integrated authentication solution that works with SSO, I asked them why it wasn't in TntDrive and they said that the focus there was to be a service without requiring user interaction. In my recent research I came across a few more that seem a bit more streamlined. Cyberduck and Mountain Duck seems alright. I know they can do SSO but don't know if they also require an external script. I was on the lookout for mobile so didn't try anything new that didn't at least have support for Mobile OS.
alexandros3897 joined the server. 02/24/2024 9:57 AM
marmotte73_08656 joined the server. 02/24/2024 5:18 PM
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mcosby joined the server. 02/27/2024 1:47 AM
n1trotoluol 02/28/2024 7:54 AM
There are two options for backing up folders with media files, the first is using the "Media backup" mechanism, the second is simply adding the necessary folders to synchronization jobs with the "Sync" mode. I have a question. What is the difference between "Media backup mode" and folder synchronization in "Sync" mode? What are the pros and cons?
Hello team, I don't have much of a technical background but I have managed to connect my s3 storage (free backblaze for now) to s3drive. Thanks for your instructions in the docs 😊 I would like to buy the lifetime offer, but I have one question first. Is my s3 storage automatically e2e encrypted after the purchase? Or do I have to do something technical? I mainly want to use S3Drive as a drive mount under windows and also be able to access the storage via your app on my smartphone. And the entire cloud should of course be encrypted.
Hello team, I don't have much of a technical background but I have managed to connect my s3 storage (free backblaze for now) to s3drive. Thanks for your instructions in the docs 😊 I would like to buy the lifetime offer, but I have one question first. Is my s3 storage automatically e2e encrypted after the purchase? Or do I have to do something technical? I mainly want to use S3Drive as a drive mount under windows and also be able to access the storage via your app on my smartphone. And the entire cloud should of course be encrypted.
Thanks for you message. In order to use E2E you will need to set it up on your devices using same passphrase. You can enable it in the settings and once it's set up, an indicator on the Files screen (lock icon) will appear. (edited)
👍🏻 1
There are two options for backing up folders with media files, the first is using the "Media backup" mechanism, the second is simply adding the necessary folders to synchronization jobs with the "Sync" mode. I have a question. What is the difference between "Media backup mode" and folder synchronization in "Sync" mode? What are the pros and cons?
Media backup mode is tightly integrated with the Android/iOS ecosystem, it allows you to select specific albums, supports background backup (on Android photo is uploaded almost instantly), displays statistics, has wifi/charger/low battery constraints etc. Sync is "just" an operation of files and folders powered by Rclone library. It's not aware of the underlying platform. It needs raw file system to work. Mobile OS's doesn't easily expose raw file system. We've managed to get accepted on Google recently, but on iOS that's not possible, so media backup is the only option. Since it's a new feature it doesn't yet support background backup or upload constraints. Feel free to try both and decide which works for you better. (edited)
nanosonde joined the server. 02/28/2024 5:26 PM
alexandros3897 02/28/2024 8:33 PM
S3drive completely freezes on MacOS and I have to force quit it.
S3drive completely freezes on MacOS and I have to force quit it.
Thank you for your report. Are you using mount feature? If so, what are your settings are you using FUSE mount (recommended) or NFS (experimental)? App freezes during normal quite when NFS mount is used, we're looking to fix that. Can you please let me know if possible under what conditions the app freezes, is it when you upload multiple files/folders, sync folders etc.?
noko joined the server. 02/29/2024 4:35 AM
_zwani joined the server. 02/29/2024 12:46 PM
Thank you for your report. Are you using mount feature? If so, what are your settings are you using FUSE mount (recommended) or NFS (experimental)? App freezes during normal quite when NFS mount is used, we're looking to fix that. Can you please let me know if possible under what conditions the app freezes, is it when you upload multiple files/folders, sync folders etc.?
alexandros3897 02/29/2024 7:57 PM
I initially did try mount, but I disabled it and still the S3drive app freezes. I'm on M3.
I initially did try mount, but I disabled it and still the S3drive app freezes. I'm on M3.
Does it freeze immediately after app starts or at some point during run? Do you have any sync settings? Can you verify whether you don't have mount autostart setting enabled - in that case mount would start even if you don't use it causing potentially app freeze during quit.
therealmutlusen joined the server. 02/29/2024 8:31 PM
Click to see original message
therealmutlusen 02/29/2024 8:31 PM
Thanks for you message. In order to use E2E you will need to set it up on your devices using same passphrase. You can enable it in the settings and once it's set up, an indicator on the Files screen (lock icon) will appear. (edited)
Bought lifetime yesterday and activated e2ee at my storage 👍🏻 Were files that were uploaded before the e2ee was activated now subsequently encrypted? Or are they still unencrypted? If so, how can I see whether a file is encrypted or not?
👍 1
Bought lifetime yesterday and activated e2ee at my storage 👍🏻 Were files that were uploaded before the e2ee was activated now subsequently encrypted? Or are they still unencrypted? If so, how can I see whether a file is encrypted or not?
Thank you for your purchase. After enabling E2E only newly uploaded files will be encrypted. In order to encrypt existing files you would have to download them and then reupload. We haven't exactly provided a clear workflow, but I would suggest downloading all your data from the bucket using Rclone and then reuploading them to a different bucket where encryption is enabled. You can do so from the app itself using Sync functionality (we're using Rclone internally). You could set up two buckets in S3Drive, one source bucket (your existing) with encryption disabled and one destination bucket with encryption enabled and then set up Remote -> Remote sync. There isn't convenient way to tell if file is encrypted or not, because in order to get that information file would have to be queried individually to check the content, but there are two things that can be observed. 1) File which content is encrypted is 32 bytes bigger. 2) If file has filename encrypted, than after disabling filename encryption in S3Drive you can see its name turning into some random looking characters. If you've had both content/filename encryption enabled than you could technically use these two indicators to determine if a single file was encrypted or not... but a fool proof way for multiple ways is to reupload it altogether. We'll be providing more detailed and tested workflow how to migrate data. In the meantime I would be keen to know if you manage to reencrypt your data. It's not recommended to mix encrypted data with not encrypted data within same bucket. S3Drive can deal with it, however internal tools that we're integrated with are more strict.... so for instance if you enable E2E and use drive mount, your unencrypted data won't be listed in your virtual drive... despite that they're shown by S3Drive. (edited)
😯 1
Man, it's been a while since I've said it but I love S3Drive. You really handled the raw signed / unsigned URLs well.
❤️ 3
Thank you for your purchase. After enabling E2E only newly uploaded files will be encrypted. In order to encrypt existing files you would have to download them and then reupload. We haven't exactly provided a clear workflow, but I would suggest downloading all your data from the bucket using Rclone and then reuploading them to a different bucket where encryption is enabled. You can do so from the app itself using Sync functionality (we're using Rclone internally). You could set up two buckets in S3Drive, one source bucket (your existing) with encryption disabled and one destination bucket with encryption enabled and then set up Remote -> Remote sync. There isn't convenient way to tell if file is encrypted or not, because in order to get that information file would have to be queried individually to check the content, but there are two things that can be observed. 1) File which content is encrypted is 32 bytes bigger. 2) If file has filename encrypted, than after disabling filename encryption in S3Drive you can see its name turning into some random looking characters. If you've had both content/filename encryption enabled than you could technically use these two indicators to determine if a single file was encrypted or not... but a fool proof way for multiple ways is to reupload it altogether. We'll be providing more detailed and tested workflow how to migrate data. In the meantime I would be keen to know if you manage to reencrypt your data. It's not recommended to mix encrypted data with not encrypted data within same bucket. S3Drive can deal with it, however internal tools that we're integrated with are more strict.... so for instance if you enable E2E and use drive mount, your unencrypted data won't be listed in your virtual drive... despite that they're shown by S3Drive. (edited)
I have to test that, also the mount drive. Will setup it this weekend 😊
Thank you for your support 😊
Are there any plans to support iOS shortcuts/automation functionality?
Didn’t see anything in the roadmap, so I thought I’d ask.
Are there any plans to support iOS shortcuts/automation functionality?
We haven't planned anything around iOS shortcuts/automation just yet. Can you tell us little bit more how would you want to use this all together? We'll certainly add a feature request: and based on the couple factors execute sooner or later. (edited)
Mostly just want to add your app to existing shortcuts I have for processing and uploading files via the share sheet
Another app that has this functionality exists but it only does S3, or ftp, and it’s via separate apps, I like how yours has it all in one
Dunno if I’m allowed to link to a “competitor” app but here’s the one I mean if you want to see: If you don’t want the link feel free to delete my message.
We haven't planned anything around iOS shortcuts/automation just yet. Can you tell us little bit more how would you want to use this all together? We'll certainly add a feature request: and based on the couple factors execute sooner or later. (edited)
Thanks for responding, it’s not a big urgent need for me or anything, I’d just appreciate if it’s on the radar at all :)
Thanks for responding, it’s not a big urgent need for me or anything, I’d just appreciate if it’s on the radar at all :)
Thank you for taking time to request new feature. I need to say I am personally quite new to the iOS world and haven't used shortcuts myself, I am going to research and play with this little more. We'll certainly have it implemented, it's just hard to tell at this stage when exactly, given lots of other features we try to squeeze in. Link to other app is fine, it serves here as an example. Thanks !
It’s understandable if it’s a low priority item anyway, I initially found your app while looking for something specifically for iOS and only later realized your app is cross platform
r1z0m joined the server. 03/02/2024 9:47 AM
felix250490 joined the server. 03/03/2024 10:03 AM
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motorolo_21613 joined the server. 03/03/2024 12:01 PM
Deleted User joined the server. 03/04/2024 2:09 AM
jeannesbond 03/05/2024 7:13 PM
hello, just want to ask. if we buy ultimate packages on web, will it be automatically detected in the S3Drive Android application that we have made a purchase? a little confused by the words "all platforms".
hello, just want to ask. if we buy ultimate packages on web, will it be automatically detected in the S3Drive Android application that we have made a purchase? a little confused by the words "all platforms".
Hi there, once you buy through our website you can then use Ultimate features on all your devices / all platforms as long as you're logged in using e-mail/password account that made the purchase. If you buy through in-app purchase, then you can use it on all your devices (only on specific platform Android or Apple), as long as your devices are using the same Google / Apple account that made the purchase. (edited)
Hi there, once you buy through our website you can then use Ultimate features on all your devices / all platforms as long as you're logged in using e-mail/password account that made the purchase. If you buy through in-app purchase, then you can use it on all your devices (only on specific platform Android or Apple), as long as your devices are using the same Google / Apple account that made the purchase. (edited)
if i buy with my Gmail in website, Is it only my Gmail account that can enjoy all the features, or can my other S3 accounts enjoy it too? (edited)
just report that S3Drive welcome email showing plain code like this
jazzysnazzyben joined the server. 03/06/2024 3:19 AM
if i buy with my Gmail in website, Is it only my Gmail account that can enjoy all the features, or can my other S3 accounts enjoy it too? (edited)
You will be able to use all the features including Multiple accounts. Your Gmail account here is only needed for licensing purposes.
You will be able to use all the features including Multiple accounts. Your Gmail account here is only needed for licensing purposes.
Get it. Thanks for explaining 🙏
glazingon joined the server. 03/06/2024 5:45 PM
pewka91 joined the server. 03/06/2024 6:51 PM
.matt3o. joined the server. 03/07/2024 12:34 PM
mydsi joined the server. 03/07/2024 7:43 PM
How much storage is there on the s3 drive account?
How much storage is there on the s3 drive account?
Thank you for buying the Ultimate license. You're looking at 10GB testing account regardless if you have Ultimate or Free license. You would normally use Ultimate plan together with an external account utilizing Ultimate features, including possibility of using multiple external accounts: In other words, Ultimate license is suited to be used with external account which you can add from the Profiles screen or login screen. Testing account that you're looking at, it's just to get the feel of the app. In the future it will be ready to be bought separately, as storage in nice packages (e.g. 100GB, 500GB, 2TB etc.), but it's not yet ready. (edited)
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
Thank you for buying the Ultimate license. You're looking at 10GB testing account regardless if you have Ultimate or Free license. You would normally use Ultimate plan together with an external account utilizing Ultimate features, including possibility of using multiple external accounts: In other words, Ultimate license is suited to be used with external account which you can add from the Profiles screen or login screen. Testing account that you're looking at, it's just to get the feel of the app. In the future it will be ready to be bought separately, as storage in nice packages (e.g. 100GB, 500GB, 2TB etc.), but it's not yet ready. (edited)
Thanks for the response:) In regards to entreprise solutions what are the price range?
How much storage is there on the s3 drive account?
You can find list of supported providers (including S3 clouds) here: (edited)
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
Thanks for the response:) In regards to entreprise solutions what are the price range?
It really depends on your use case, level of customization and whether white-labeling / rebranding is needed. There are discounts for sustained use, number of licenses and upfront payments (yearly). We support couple different pricing models (per user or percentage fee of end price - for resell) which make sense for different use cases. Feel free to PM me, so I can better understand what you're looking for and guide you through what we can offer. (edited)
yeumaibeo joined the server. 03/08/2024 5:05 PM
p.obeja joined the server. 03/09/2024 1:01 PM
_bodega joined the server. 03/09/2024 10:37 PM joined the server. 03/09/2024 11:40 PM
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How often is the windows store version updated? Says last update was 1-12-2023, I personally would prefer installing through that method for the auto updates. But for now sticking with the regular exe since it has bug fixes for iDrive corruption so figured I'd not risk it yet. (edited)
How often is the windows store version updated? Says last update was 1-12-2023, I personally would prefer installing through that method for the auto updates. But for now sticking with the regular exe since it has bug fixes for iDrive corruption so figured I'd not risk it yet. (edited)
It's usually couple releases behind the .exe, however the date that you refer to is the initial release date, not the last update. I honestly don't know where Microsoft reports the current version, but I can confirm that we have actually 1.7.16 released, with the next release awaiting Microsoft approval.
👍 1
💟 1
h13ronim joined the server. 03/10/2024 9:43 PM
mix9311 joined the server. 03/10/2024 11:50 PM
amz_x joined the server. 03/11/2024 1:05 PM
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turnercore joined the server. 03/13/2024 3:49 AM
drni joined the server. 03/13/2024 9:21 AM
ai_potatos joined the server. 03/13/2024 10:03 AM joined the server. 03/13/2024 5:47 PM
bernd73 joined the server. 03/14/2024 9:34 AM
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balk7777 joined the server. 03/16/2024 7:02 AM
Hi, how can I upgrade from monthly to annual subscription?
Hi, how can I upgrade from monthly to annual subscription?
You can either cancel your monthly subscription and then order a new one at the end of your purchased monthly plan. You can also cancel your monthly plan, order yearly immediately and then send us a quick message to support @, so we can refund your unused monthly period or extend your annual plan using the unused monthly amount. (edited)
👍 1
yz123 joined the server. 03/17/2024 4:38 PM
Hi! Nice app. 🙂 Where is the best place to ask a few questions or point out a few minor UX issues?
Hi! Nice app. 🙂 Where is the best place to ask a few questions or point out a few minor UX issues?
Hi, you can ask here or create a #support item if you think that it may take a multiple iterations before we exhaust the topic. (edited)
Question 1: I wanted to add a sync to a subpath of a Backblaze bucket - I haven't quite understood if that's possible. Then I found the Media backup tab which was the better fit for my use case to begin - so I don't need that feature atm. Just wanted to understand if it's possible at all
Question 1: I wanted to add a sync to a subpath of a Backblaze bucket - I haven't quite understood if that's possible. Then I found the Media backup tab which was the better fit for my use case to begin - so I don't need that feature atm. Just wanted to understand if it's possible at all
Sync tool allows you to select specific folder on both local and remote side, however depending on platform it has certain limitations and doesn't support backgroun backup on mobile (media backup does support background operation). Do you refer to iOS or Android?
Question 2: currently it's uploading a few GB of pictures and there are a few errors in my transfer tab (transient things like socket exploded, etc). If I click on re-upload it says it can't do that. So I am wondering if it will automatically retry the upload at some point?
Sync tool allows you to select specific folder on both local and remote side, however depending on platform it has certain limitations and doesn't support backgroun backup on mobile (media backup does support background operation). Do you refer to iOS or Android?
The Android app - and I haven't seen a way to select a subfolder
Question 2: currently it's uploading a few GB of pictures and there are a few errors in my transfer tab (transient things like socket exploded, etc). If I click on re-upload it says it can't do that. So I am wondering if it will automatically retry the upload at some point?
The retry which doesn't work
Question 2: currently it's uploading a few GB of pictures and there are a few errors in my transfer tab (transient things like socket exploded, etc). If I click on re-upload it says it can't do that. So I am wondering if it will automatically retry the upload at some point?
If there is an error during media upload, then media shouldn't be marked as uploaded, therefore it shall be picked up by the upload process during next iteration.
Question 2: currently it's uploading a few GB of pictures and there are a few errors in my transfer tab (transient things like socket exploded, etc). If I click on re-upload it says it can't do that. So I am wondering if it will automatically retry the upload at some point?
I think that app can't restart failed upload that came from media backup tool, as there is some virtual file system involved. I need to double check that.
If there is an error during media upload, then media shouldn't be marked as uploaded, therefore it shall be picked up by the upload process during next iteration.
Question 3: the three dots don't do anything if no file is selected
I think that app can't restart failed upload that came from media backup tool, as there is some virtual file system involved. I need to double check that.
I actually don't care that much about being able to retry manually - it's more about communicating that everything is ok 🙂 (edited)
Sorry, had to go away for a couple minutes. Getting back to your questions.
The Android app - and I haven't seen a way to select a subfolder
You can select subfolder by either cling Remote or Local
Sorry, had to go away for a couple minutes. Getting back to your questions.
No worries, thanks for answering on a Sunday anyway - it's not time critical at all!
The Android app - and I haven't seen a way to select a subfolder
Then you can select either remote path (screenshot attached) or local one (Android folder selector shall open).
Question 3: the three dots don't do anything if no file is selected
That's a good point. It's an UI issue. Three dots shouldn't really appear if no file is selected as I understand. We will have it resolved in a next release. (edited)
Then you can select either remote path (screenshot attached) or local one (Android folder selector shall open).
Oh! I didn't notice the + that's exactly what I meant. I checked the documentation as well to see if it's possible at all. But yeah that's what i meant
Oh! I didn't notice the + that's exactly what I meant. I checked the documentation as well to see if it's possible at all. But yeah that's what i meant
Yeah, it's pretty new stuff, released early this year and we haven't made any documentation just yet. We're still solving couple performance issues (especially on iOS), once we're done we'll create a nice guide detailing how to use it... it's rather powerful feature, since you can set multiple sync modes between local and remote or even between remotes. You can import files from other clouds or backup them. I guess that eventually we'll actually learn ourselves how users actually ab(use) that feature 🙂 (edited)
Yeah, it's pretty new stuff, released early this year and we haven't made any documentation just yet. We're still solving couple performance issues (especially on iOS), once we're done we'll create a nice guide detailing how to use it... it's rather powerful feature, since you can set multiple sync modes between local and remote or even between remotes. You can import files from other clouds or backup them. I guess that eventually we'll actually learn ourselves how users actually ab(use) that feature 🙂 (edited)
Fair enough and congrats on the new feature! I found my way around and set up everything as I wanted to. I just wanted to give some feedback about a few minor UX issues I have seen as an ignorant first time user. But love it so far!
❤️ 1
I am just happily watching how my files upload - one feature idea which came to my mind is: multi threaded file uploading
The announcement callout on the help page has very low contrast
Currently it's OOMing a lot - I'll try to restart the app:
I am just happily watching how my files upload - one feature idea which came to my mind is: multi threaded file uploading
We've had to explicitly switch to single-threaded mode to avoid/reduce freeze issues. Eventually we will improve in this area.
The announcement callout on the help page has very low contrast
Thanks, I need to say we were using some defaults and balance between showing announcement and not making it too invasive. Personally looks balanced on my screen.
Currently it's OOMing a lot - I'll try to restart the app:
That's interesting, out of curiosity, do you have E2E enabled?
We've had to explicitly switch to single-threaded mode to avoid/reduce freeze issues. Eventually we will improve in this area.
Fair! Totally understood
Currently it's OOMing a lot - I'll try to restart the app:
... and if I can ask what's your phone model and OS version?
Thanks, I need to say we were using some defaults and balance between showing announcement and not making it too invasive. Personally looks balanced on my screen.
I find the announcement hard to read. Maybe I have set my phone screen to be too dark 🤷‍♂️
That's interesting, out of curiosity, do you have E2E enabled?
No, as far as I can tell I run a very thin sync here
... and if I can ask what's your phone model and OS version?
Pixel 7, Android 14, AP1A.240305.019.A1 (I just installed the March security update a few days ago) (edited)
Fair enough, so specifications shouldn't be an issue at all. We need to investigate that. Sorry for this issue. If you feel you're not convinced whether photos are uploaded, you can use Reset and Match feature. In other words, you can use "Reset" to remove local cache of uploaded media files and then use: "Match" to fetch from remote whatever is uploaded and match by name with local media file. This would then update counters and reassure if anything that was supposed to be uploaded was uploaded. (edited)
No worries, it's not my main backup method (yet). But I can run a sense check after the upload is complete
Quick question did you start it via: "Start backup" button, or was it started automatically when app was started (or resumed via app switcher) or perhaps it was initiated by you taking a new photo?
Quick question did you start it via: "Start backup" button, or was it started automatically when app was started (or resumed via app switcher) or perhaps it was initiated by you taking a new photo?
I forced it via start backup. Tbh I haven't seen it automatically resuming the backup just yet.
froodliedoo joined the server. 03/17/2024 11:02 PM
alvesas joined the server. 03/18/2024 9:45 AM
andrei_filimonov joined the server. 03/19/2024 4:29 AM
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andrei_filimonov 03/19/2024 4:29 AM
Hi. I have a problem with sharing. When I share one file everything works OK. But if I try to share more then one link gives error. I use digital ocean object space. Has somebody met this problem? One plus 9rt. Android 13 (edited)
Hi. I have a problem with sharing. When I share one file everything works OK. But if I try to share more then one link gives error. I use digital ocean object space. Has somebody met this problem? One plus 9rt. Android 13 (edited)
Hi, Your bucket is likely missing CORS setup required for web browser. Please try setting CORS from the Settings, similar question:
Hi, Your bucket is likely missing CORS setup required for web browser. Please try setting CORS from the Settings, similar question:
andrei_filimonov 03/19/2024 11:17 AM
Thanks for reply. What domain do I need to put there?
Hi, Your bucket is likely missing CORS setup required for web browser. Please try setting CORS from the Settings, similar question:
andrei_filimonov 03/19/2024 11:26 AM
It works. Thanks
andrei_filimonov 03/19/2024 11:39 AM
Is it possible to show thumbnails for shared files?
Is it possible to show thumbnails for shared files?
We will add thumbnails eventually. Just because there are some performance issues with rendering thumbnails on Web (especially when encryption is enabled), we've disabled them by default. There is an item: which we're working on, once it's finished we will enable thumbnails for shared files. (edited)
Once generated and stored, this would speed up thumbnail loading times on different devices, reduce stutter and reduce bandwidth usage dramatically.
👍 1
Has anyone successfully set up the desktop version on Ubuntu 22.04? I’ve tried now three times with no success. I’m sure I’m missing something… feel like I’m following guides fairly well.
My end goal is to connect IMMICH to file share if possible
Has anyone successfully set up the desktop version on Ubuntu 22.04? I’ve tried now three times with no success. I’m sure I’m missing something… feel like I’m following guides fairly well.
Have you tried our Flathub release?
Is it possible to install libmpv2 via alternative packages on your OS?
i will try this and get back
Click to see original message
We will add thumbnails eventually. Just because there are some performance issues with rendering thumbnails on Web (especially when encryption is enabled), we've disabled them by default. There is an item: which we're working on, once it's finished we will enable thumbnails for shared files. (edited)
great news
Hey! I tried setting up rclone of a directory previously used with s3drive (based on a guide here but I can't see decrypted folder content.. I can see encrypted contents in s3drive_remote, but s3drive_crypt listing shows no content at all. Using Backblaze backend btw, setup it with type = s3, any hints how to get this working? (edited)
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
Have you tried our Flathub release?
Ok I got it installed with flatpak. The files show up in the s3drive software but, when I mount it, it shows the files but I can not view the file or even look at properties. If I click on view image in preview image app, I get error: Error reading from file: input/output error
Hey! I tried setting up rclone of a directory previously used with s3drive (based on a guide here but I can't see decrypted folder content.. I can see encrypted contents in s3drive_remote, but s3drive_crypt listing shows no content at all. Using Backblaze backend btw, setup it with type = s3, any hints how to get this working? (edited)
Rclone is picky when it comes to displaying mixed encrypted and unencrypted files, so when you enable E2E encryption on your bucket, all your existing files (non-encrypted) won't appear on mount, but all new ones (encrypted) shall appear correctly. We have couple ideas how to overcome this, but we haven't exactly decided just yet. Please let me know if this addresses your issue.
Ok I got it installed with flatpak. The files show up in the s3drive software but, when I mount it, it shows the files but I can not view the file or even look at properties. If I click on view image in preview image app, I get error: Error reading from file: input/output error
What's your provider? Do you have E2E encryption enabled? I assume that you can open files from S3Drive just fine - your user/IAM has the read access to files? (edited)
Rclone is picky when it comes to displaying mixed encrypted and unencrypted files, so when you enable E2E encryption on your bucket, all your existing files (non-encrypted) won't appear on mount, but all new ones (encrypted) shall appear correctly. We have couple ideas how to overcome this, but we haven't exactly decided just yet. Please let me know if this addresses your issue.
Thanks for the info, but I don't think that's the case since all my files have been encrypted using e2e from the moment I started uploading using s3drive. I tried one more test and it behaves like this: uploading a file using s3drive makes it inivisble in rclone [s3drive_crypt], uploading the file via rclone makes it available in rclone [s3drive_crypt], but file appears as encrypted once opened in s3drive. Maybe something to do with salt? I used "rclone obscure -" to obscure the password I used in e2e s3drive.
Thanks for the info, but I don't think that's the case since all my files have been encrypted using e2e from the moment I started uploading using s3drive. I tried one more test and it behaves like this: uploading a file using s3drive makes it inivisble in rclone [s3drive_crypt], uploading the file via rclone makes it available in rclone [s3drive_crypt], but file appears as encrypted once opened in s3drive. Maybe something to do with salt? I used "rclone obscure -" to obscure the password I used in e2e s3drive.
In S3Drive you'll need to provide your plaintext password (not obscured). Password obscuration happens internally within S3Drive and creates mount config which is then fed to Rclone. If you use custom salt or 2nd password, this is not supported by S3Drive natively just yet: you would need to configure your back-end using Rclone config screen, instead of standard S3 screen: (edited)
In S3Drive you'll need to provide your plaintext password (not obscured). Password obscuration happens internally within S3Drive and creates mount config which is then fed to Rclone. If you use custom salt or 2nd password, this is not supported by S3Drive natively just yet: you would need to configure your back-end using Rclone config screen, instead of standard S3 screen: (edited)
Hmm.. I have a plaintext password in s3drive, obscured password is only used in rclone config. Salt and 2nd password is not used as well, I created rclone config based on the data on following page:
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
Hmm.. I have a plaintext password in s3drive, obscured password is only used in rclone config. Salt and 2nd password is not used as well, I created rclone config based on the data on following page:
I assume you've used similar command to obscure password? echo "secretpassword" | rclone obscure - Can you provide your full Rclone config for your remote / back-end and crypt (remove your password sensitive credentials / access key etc.)
I assume you've used similar command to obscure password? echo "secretpassword" | rclone obscure - Can you provide your full Rclone config for your remote / back-end and crypt (remove your password sensitive credentials / access key etc.)
[s3drive_remote] type = s3 provider = Other access_key_id = <redacted> secret_access_key = <redatced> endpoint = [s3drive_crypt] type = crypt filename_encoding = base64 remote = s3drive_remote:bucket_name password = <password generated with echo "password-from-e2e-in-s3drive" | rclone obscure -> filename_encryption = standard directory_name_encryption = true suffix = none
[s3drive_remote] type = s3 provider = Other access_key_id = <redacted> secret_access_key = <redatced> endpoint = [s3drive_crypt] type = crypt filename_encoding = base64 remote = s3drive_remote:bucket_name password = <password generated with echo "password-from-e2e-in-s3drive" | rclone obscure -> filename_encryption = standard directory_name_encryption = true suffix = none
That looks fine indeed. What's your Rclone version?
That looks fine indeed. What's your Rclone version?
rclone version, I guess you've provided S3Drive version?
rclone version, I guess you've provided S3Drive version?
yes, that was s3drive version sorry, rclone: v1.53.3-DEV - os/arch: linux/amd64 - go version: go1.18.1
yes, that was s3drive version sorry, rclone: v1.53.3-DEV - os/arch: linux/amd64 - go version: go1.18.1
We haven't tested that with anything below 1.6.5, I can't recall exactly, but there was some issue with S3Drive <> Rclone compatibility below that version. Would you be keen to upgrade your Rclone version and see if that config works for you?
We haven't tested that with anything below 1.6.5, I can't recall exactly, but there was some issue with S3Drive <> Rclone compatibility below that version. Would you be keen to upgrade your Rclone version and see if that config works for you?
sure thing, on it
[s3drive_remote] type = s3 provider = Other access_key_id = <redacted> secret_access_key = <redatced> endpoint = [s3drive_crypt] type = crypt filename_encoding = base64 remote = s3drive_remote:bucket_name password = <password generated with echo "password-from-e2e-in-s3drive" | rclone obscure -> filename_encryption = standard directory_name_encryption = true suffix = none
directory_name_encryption = true - do you also have filename/filepath encryption enabled on the S3Drive side?
directory_name_encryption = true - do you also have filename/filepath encryption enabled on the S3Drive side?
yes I do
We haven't tested that with anything below 1.6.5, I can't recall exactly, but there was some issue with S3Drive <> Rclone compatibility below that version. Would you be keen to upgrade your Rclone version and see if that config works for you?
well, upgrading to 1.66.0 and regenerating obscured password did the trick, thanks! there probably is some breaking change in rclone, since I'm unable to decrypt the file uploaded via rclone version 1.53.3: 2024/03/21 14:49:41 NOTICE: q6iai7p6mlrj2joi3k4pvp6nio: Skipping undecryptable file name: not a multiple of blocksize (edited)
👍 1
I’m using minio on another system on my lan. Yes everything works just fine in the S3Drive program. I’m going to assume yes on the Read question for I AM as I can use the S3Drive program to its full function? No I do not have EE encryption enabled. (edited)
Ok, so with a little bit more sleauthing here is what i have been able to do: I can mount S3Drive in settings and all works fine I can see the "existing files" that were in the S3 bucket, in the mounted folder/drive but can not open them on the local machine that S3Drive is on I downloaded an image from google and saved it in the Mounted Folder and I am able to view the image on s3Drive and i can open the image in the mounted folder/drive and view it.
So im going to isolate my question to specifically being able to view files that are existing in the s3 bucket, prior to installing s3drive. Thank you for your continued responses as im sure you are busy with current updates. This is a great program and solution. I look forward to continuing to utilize it. I can move this convo to support if you would like to not clutter up the gen-pop channel.
babypop joined the server. 03/21/2024 7:22 PM
cyberkiller40 joined the server. 03/22/2024 7:53 AM
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cyberkiller40 03/22/2024 9:36 AM
hi, I stumbled on this tool today, I'm looking on and off for something to be able to use a cheap pay as you go s3 storage, instead of shelling upfront for terabytes of google drive or dropbox, and this seems like it could be what I'm looking for
that is if I manage to get it working, as I hit a problem on my OpenSUSE, posted a bug on the support chat
Click to see original message
hi, I stumbled on this tool today, I'm looking on and off for something to be able to use a cheap pay as you go s3 storage, instead of shelling upfront for terabytes of google drive or dropbox, and this seems like it could be what I'm looking for
Indeed that was one of the initial idea when starting this project. Ability to use reasonably priced commodity storage as the file cloud with an option to self-host if needed (e.g. MinIO).
that is if I manage to get it working, as I hit a problem on my OpenSUSE, posted a bug on the support chat
We'll try to address your issue as soon as possible. We use Linux based distro ourselves for app development and we love it, but believe me that it's somewhat tricky to get it all right across all Linux distributions (especially if combined with budget/resource planning and Linux tiny userbase vs Windows/Mac) (edited)
We'll try to address your issue as soon as possible. We use Linux based distro ourselves for app development and we love it, but believe me that it's somewhat tricky to get it all right across all Linux distributions (especially if combined with budget/resource planning and Linux tiny userbase vs Windows/Mac) (edited)
cyberkiller40 03/22/2024 7:27 PM
That's cool. I'm a senior engineer myself, so I should be able to provide you with all the debug info needed
sifayne joined the server. 03/24/2024 7:11 PM
akrv7591 joined the server. 03/25/2024 6:44 AM
1azytrip joined the server. 03/26/2024 3:39 PM
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raas9176 joined the server. 03/26/2024 8:00 PM
Deleted User joined the server. 03/28/2024 4:40 PM
Deleted User 03/28/2024 4:42 PM
Hi I just found s3drive today. I’ve been trying to upload a video file but each time I try it just fails half way through. I’ve tried via the app on iOS and the web browser. Any solution ?
Deleted User
Hi I just found s3drive today. I’ve been trying to upload a video file but each time I try it just fails half way through. I’ve tried via the app on iOS and the web browser. Any solution ?
Can you please create a support item? #support Please specify the error (you will probably find one in the Transfers tab), S3 provider, whether encryption is enabled and the approximate file size. Thanks.
👍 1
riccardobellanova joined the server. 03/29/2024 9:13 PM
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riccardobellanova 03/29/2024 9:19 PM
Hello 👋🏻, I'm looking for a long time something works as a drive with Cubbit S3 storage... Does it the right place? It's a dream?
Hello 👋🏻, I'm looking for a long time something works as a drive with Cubbit S3 storage... Does it the right place? It's a dream?
Hi Riccardo, we've got quite a few users using S3Drive with Cubbit S3.
Hi Riccardo, we've got quite a few users using S3Drive with Cubbit S3.
riccardobellanova 03/29/2024 9:53 PM
Top! I will try it in these days.. Thank you
gm325 joined the server. 03/30/2024 3:47 AM
So im going to isolate my question to specifically being able to view files that are existing in the s3 bucket, prior to installing s3drive. Thank you for your continued responses as im sure you are busy with current updates. This is a great program and solution. I look forward to continuing to utilize it. I can move this convo to support if you would like to not clutter up the gen-pop channel.
Sorry, I've missed this. Please go ahead, create a support item from after which we can hopefully find out where the problem lies.
Hi Tom, I remember I was able to download (not to my phone) individual media for offline use, and now the offline option is only available for folders.
Deleted User 03/30/2024 4:57 PM
Does anyone know any zero knowledge clouds with encryption/vault that can be used via s3drive ?
kefir1797 joined the server. 03/30/2024 9:49 PM
Hi, I'm busy backing up my files to a remote s3 storage, in essence migrating away from Google photos. But I'm curious about the roadmap and the "Photo management tools" on the roadmap for 2024. I often search my media files by face recognition, by geographic location, and by date/time. How will that work with the planned s3drive features? Will a shared database/index be stored on s3, or will an index be local to a device? Will I have to re-index/process all files before they can be searched?
arundhati_2024 joined the server. 03/31/2024 6:18 AM
Hi Riccardo, we've got quite a few users using S3Drive with Cubbit S3.
arundhati_2024 03/31/2024 6:20 AM
Hii I just installed this app nd it's saying this can u pls help me out?
zengnostic_68549 joined the server. 03/31/2024 7:56 AM
riccardobellanova started a thread. 03/31/2024 9:51 AM
Deleted User 03/31/2024 7:52 PM
Has anyone used koofr or koofr vault with the s3drive app ? if so can anyone help me please
How much does cubbit cost?
Their pricing page says nothing
staks_51158 joined the server. 04/01/2024 10:15 AM
.beli3ver joined the server. 04/02/2024 9:43 AM
Thank you. That's all I want to say. Just thanks to you. All other providers don't really allow me to preview video and images when I encrypt them. Or no mounting on Linux as a drive. Thank you. Really, thank you.
Thank you. That's all I want to say. Just thanks to you. All other providers don't really allow me to preview video and images when I encrypt them. Or no mounting on Linux as a drive. Thank you. Really, thank you.
Thanks for the good words. We're doing our best to make the encrypted experience as seamless as possible and constantly working on improving cipher in terms of security and performance. I hope that in the near future we will be able to provide even more encrypted features, as we're actively working on cipher improvements:
We're running S3Drive (GUI for S3 on desktop, mobile, web) and recently aligned with Rclone's encryption scheme for better interoperability and features like drive mount and Webdav that we ...
darshanthakraldotcom joined the server. 04/02/2024 1:26 PM
@s3drive Can you support an encrypted export of the config ?
@s3drive how can I sync a folder from the system without copy it to the storage? I use B2 and want to sync my /home/user/.ssh folder. Thanks.
@s3drive Can you support an encrypted export of the config ?
I've just added this as a feature request: We will have it added likely in a couple months or sooner if we have some spare time.
@s3drive how can I sync a folder from the system without copy it to the storage? I use B2 and want to sync my /home/user/.ssh folder. Thanks.
Sorry, I didn't get that. You can select local path, like on the attached screenshot and then select remote. Wouldn't that work?
Found it, but when I click on the clock next to the time, I just see this:
Just a black overlay but no window to set the sync time
Just a black overlay but no window to set the sync time
Oh dear, it seems there is a regression after we've updated our dependencies and our tests haven't captured that. I've passed that for fixing, in the meantime you can use the default "sync every" setting. Thanks for spotting that.
Android the same 😄
no problem just reporting it 🙂
Should I test it with iOS too 😄
no problem just reporting it 🙂
Apparently the "quick" workaround would be to set the theme to Light (instead of Dark - this can be done in the Settings after opening a drawer menu), setting your preferred time and then reverting Theme settings back to your preferred. (edited)
Should I test it with iOS too 😄
Nope, it's broken on all platorms.
Thanks, the workaround works
darktoxicola joined the server. 04/03/2024 10:29 AM
jsmrcaga joined the server. 04/03/2024 7:25 PM
albertomg03 joined the server. 04/04/2024 6:44 PM
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albertomg03 04/04/2024 6:44 PM
emporiobreak joined the server. 04/05/2024 5:27 AM
energetic_92449 joined the server. 04/05/2024 6:59 PM
ahte joined the server. 04/06/2024 8:26 PM
vaterxi joined the server. 04/06/2024 8:52 PM
Hi Tom, what's your 3-2-1 back up implementation? I'm looking for a way to automate my local backup. Keeping tabs of which ones I haven't backed up yet on a local drive is tedious. What I'm thinking since I'm already using S3Drive-BackBlaze, is to back up BackBlaze to a local drive via spare mac mini I have laying around that does auto-back up when it detects new files. Kind of like Syncthing (Not sure if you're familiar with it). Thoughts?
Hi Tom, what's your 3-2-1 back up implementation? I'm looking for a way to automate my local backup. Keeping tabs of which ones I haven't backed up yet on a local drive is tedious. What I'm thinking since I'm already using S3Drive-BackBlaze, is to back up BackBlaze to a local drive via spare mac mini I have laying around that does auto-back up when it detects new files. Kind of like Syncthing (Not sure if you're familiar with it). Thoughts?
I wouldn't say my setup is perfect or automated. I usually use old fashioned: rsync -av --exclude='cache' --exclude='build' source dest to sync data to other local machine and then archive things and send it compressed and password protected to Backblaze: 7z -mhc=on -mhe=on -pVeryHardPasswordHere a $folder.7z /home/tom/$folder/* AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<key> AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<access> aws --endpoint s3 cp $folder.7z s3://my-backup-bucket I use S3Drive to backup media from my phone to cloud and for online access to other media files (mostly older photos). I am yet to find perfect backup strategy for photos, but I would say at this stage bigger problem is to keep things tidy, organized and deduplicated. Eventually I will get to that. (edited)
cyberkiller40 04/08/2024 7:33 AM
if I may cut in... tools like this here, or other synced storage apps aren't really a good backup solution. It's only a backup in case of hardware failure, but not in other data loss scenarios. E.g. you delete a file by accident and that deletion get immidiately propagated to the remote storage, you lose both copies. A good backup tool takes snapshots periodicaly, and keeps a number of changed versions, so in case you delete a local copy, there is an earlier one that you can get back to. For cloud object storage I know of 2 pretty good backup tools. One is Restic, which can cooperate with Rclone to provide support to a huge number of providers, and compresses and encrypts the backups. Another is closed source CloudBerry Backup, though to get reasonable features you have to get a paid version and still it's mostly limited to S3 and Swift types. Restic requires to script around it, setup cron jobs or timers, drop old snapshots, prune storage etc (prunning takes a lot of bandwidth so it's a seldom operation), CloudBerry has a built-in scheduler. In any case, both are nice and most of all, you setup once and don't have to maintain this much later. (edited)
if I may cut in... tools like this here, or other synced storage apps aren't really a good backup solution. It's only a backup in case of hardware failure, but not in other data loss scenarios. E.g. you delete a file by accident and that deletion get immidiately propagated to the remote storage, you lose both copies. A good backup tool takes snapshots periodicaly, and keeps a number of changed versions, so in case you delete a local copy, there is an earlier one that you can get back to. For cloud object storage I know of 2 pretty good backup tools. One is Restic, which can cooperate with Rclone to provide support to a huge number of providers, and compresses and encrypts the backups. Another is closed source CloudBerry Backup, though to get reasonable features you have to get a paid version and still it's mostly limited to S3 and Swift types. Restic requires to script around it, setup cron jobs or timers, drop old snapshots, prune storage etc (prunning takes a lot of bandwidth so it's a seldom operation), CloudBerry has a built-in scheduler. In any case, both are nice and most of all, you setup once and don't have to maintain this much later. (edited)
I've also heard positive comments about tool, though I haven't used it personally.
A good backup tool takes snapshots periodicaly, and keeps a number of changed versions, so in case you delete a local copy, there is an earlier one that you can get back to.
I am not saying that I would recommend it (given that plenty other tools suited for backup purposes exist), but this could be achieved with Rclone and even S3Drive (if someone is afraid of Rclone + Cron CLI). There are 3 ingredients: - S3 bucket with enabled versioning, - Sync mode with periodic timer (e.g. every 24 hours), - Lifecycle policy to clean up older versions
cyberkiller40 04/08/2024 7:45 AM
a versioned bucket is ok if you want to restore just single files, but if you'd want a directory tree from a particular date, then it's going to be a chore to select all those objects.
I haven't heard of kopia before, but the features look nice
though one thing that I feel missing from restic is support for cold storage like glacier or ovh archive; with e.g. using a separate hot bucket for metadata and the cold one just for data blobs
a versioned bucket is ok if you want to restore just single files, but if you'd want a directory tree from a particular date, then it's going to be a chore to select all those objects.
You're right, but it's a matter of finding the right tooling to do the restore, because all of the data is materialized as versions with the proper timestamps in the S3 bucket. For instance you could tell... I want this directory with all of the files as of 3rd Jan 2022 2:00PM and it should retrieve the relevant data and restore the hierarchy. (edited)
cyberkiller40 04/08/2024 7:49 AM
in fact, I havent seen any modern tools which could do it, apart from Bareos (used with aws tape storage emulator), but I wouldn't call it modern 😉 (edited)
in any case, it's always a matter of effort needed to use these kind of tools, having any backup is always good, even if it's just a copied floppy disk like we did in the 90s ;-D
in any case, it's always a matter of effort needed to use these kind of tools, having any backup is always good, even if it's just a copied floppy disk like we did in the 90s ;-D
I am fine to spend little bit more effort on the restore side (as long as it works) and less on the backup side, since the frequency of these two is quite different. In other words I rely on backups more like disaster recovery, rather than some working copy to use.
cyberkiller40 04/08/2024 7:53 AM
oh yes, definitely
my hobby server data survived the great OVH fire in 2021 (zero data lost!), so I take it my strategy is good enough (used restic daily snapshots, and pushed to swift in another datacenter location) (edited)
👍 1
neoth joined the server. 04/08/2024 9:54 AM
greetings gents
🫡 2
yusarina joined the server. 04/08/2024 3:16 PM
karahashi joined the server. 04/08/2024 5:06 PM
Is it normal that you cannot upload files to the Bucket via the mount drive? If I upload a file via the S3Drive application, it can also be seen later in iDrivee2 and in the mounted drive of s3Drive. If a file is placed directly in the mounted drive, it is not loaded into the bucket of iDrivee2.
Is it normal that you cannot upload files to the Bucket via the mount drive? If I upload a file via the S3Drive application, it can also be seen later in iDrivee2 and in the mounted drive of s3Drive. If a file is placed directly in the mounted drive, it is not loaded into the bucket of iDrivee2.
Depending on the cache settings (available in the app) if file is copied to the mount drive, it shall either appear immediately in the bucket (cache: Off) or with with some small delay (depending on the connection speed, file size etc.). If file never appears, then there might be some issue involved in the upload process. What cache settings you use? Do you have E2E enabled? What region you use for iDrivee2? (edited)
Depending on the cache settings (available in the app) if file is copied to the mount drive, it shall either appear immediately in the bucket (cache: Off) or with with some small delay (depending on the connection speed, file size etc.). If file never appears, then there might be some issue involved in the upload process. What cache settings you use? Do you have E2E enabled? What region you use for iDrivee2? (edited)
Mount cache mode is "writes", e2ee enabled, reagion is frankfurt, germany
but im not in cached mode
Mount cache mode is "writes", e2ee enabled, reagion is frankfurt, germany
Thanks. Is name / filepath encryption also enabled? I will set up test environment on my end and will let you know if I've found anything later today.
👍🏻 1
yes it is
yes it is
Hi, I've found the issue. If "Default encryption" setting is enabled on the iDrive side, then they return different object hashes which makes the integrity checks to fail for the mount. We can fix that by setting the: server_side_encryption = aws:kms in the config, which we've checked solves the issue, the challenge is that we don't know if user actually enabled that setting on the iDrive side. The quick fix is to turn off the: "Default encryption" setting for the iDrive bucket, then the mount shall upload objects to iDrive without issues. We need to spend more time on this to research if we can detect this setting or whether we need to implement prompt/question for the user and provide configurable setting. (edited)
Hi, I've found the issue. If "Default encryption" setting is enabled on the iDrive side, then they return different object hashes which makes the integrity checks to fail for the mount. We can fix that by setting the: server_side_encryption = aws:kms in the config, which we've checked solves the issue, the challenge is that we don't know if user actually enabled that setting on the iDrive side. The quick fix is to turn off the: "Default encryption" setting for the iDrive bucket, then the mount shall upload objects to iDrive without issues. We need to spend more time on this to research if we can detect this setting or whether we need to implement prompt/question for the user and provide configurable setting. (edited)
Tom you are the best! 😊 i have indeed Default encryption enabled at iDrive. I used your documentation for bucket setup and there is also default encryption enabled. But as you wrote there you used Backblaze. Maybe there its not a problem. You could add there the information that for idrive it should be disabled. I did the quick fix and now its working, Thank you very much!
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
👍 1
Tom you are the best! 😊 i have indeed Default encryption enabled at iDrive. I used your documentation for bucket setup and there is also default encryption enabled. But as you wrote there you used Backblaze. Maybe there its not a problem. You could add there the information that for idrive it should be disabled. I did the quick fix and now its working, Thank you very much!
Thanks for letting me know. I am glad it works now. In a next release once you try to setup iDrive or AWS mount you will get a prompt, which will allow you to keep Server Side encryption enabled.
👍🏻 1
awesome 😊
mazufa joined the server. 04/10/2024 11:04 PM
Hello! 🙂
👋 1
Thanks for letting me know. I am glad it works now. In a next release once you try to setup iDrive or AWS mount you will get a prompt, which will allow you to keep Server Side encryption enabled.
just curious, does this work the same way for B2? They also have an encrypt at rest option.
just curious, does this work the same way for B2? They also have an encrypt at rest option.
For B2 it has no effect on hashes, their encryption is transparent to the user.
👍 1
Hi @mazufa !
gregintheweb joined the server. 04/11/2024 1:53 PM
cyberkiller40 04/12/2024 8:01 AM
a general question, the website mentions s3drive is capable of video playback... but can it play audio files too? and will it auto advance to the next file when playing? I mean, is it possible to use it like a music player with the files stored on a backend?
a general question, the website mentions s3drive is capable of video playback... but can it play audio files too? and will it auto advance to the next file when playing? I mean, is it possible to use it like a music player with the files stored on a backend?
Yes, we can decrypt audio stream on the fly. These features are somewhat new, so if you find certain format that doesn't work well please let us know. Speaking of auto advance, it depends. On Android and iOS we've implemented audio player (with background playout) that has it's own playlist, which needs to be "configured" by selecting multiple files from the Files screen. In such case the auto-advance shall work. If you select a single file, then auto-advance won't work and you will have to navigate manually to next file. We are open for improvements, but we're facing couple challenges with our current audio player (for instance in 1.8.3 Windows release we've had to revert to use video player for audio) that we need to solve first, before we unify this environment. EDIT: On iOS/macOS there were couple other challenges related to strict format detection, we've released improvements in yesterday's 1.8.3 release. (edited)
cyberkiller40 04/12/2024 9:54 AM
Ok good to know. As for improvements, the Mega sync app has a very good feature set for audio playback, you can look at that for ideas
Nothing fancy, just treating all files in 1 directory as the playlist, repeat and shuffle, playback buttons, nothing else.
👍 1
E2E encryption,will its Switches and Policies and Passwords be synced to another device which is same account same Configuration information in s3drive and not to easy on all my devices ?
E2E encryption,will its Switches and Policies and Passwords be synced to another device which is same account same Configuration information in s3drive and not to easy on all my devices ?
Settings (especially related to security / E2E) are not synchronized between devices regardless if you're logged in to managed account or not.
789know joined the server. 04/13/2024 4:14 PM
I know there is a description of the cache modes, but I'm not sure. if i am working with a program that needs to access the files from the mounted drive regularly (for reading and writing), which is the best cache mode?
I know there is a description of the cache modes, but I'm not sure. if i am working with a program that needs to access the files from the mounted drive regularly (for reading and writing), which is the best cache mode?
We still sort of haven't figured it out exactly the best setting. It really depends on the use case and required compatibility. If you're single user of a bucket and agree with eventual consistency behaviour (copied local file to the mount will be uploaded eventually, but it will take some time), then you can use Full. If multiple user use the bucket and you always want fresh copy when reading (avoiding stale cache issue if someone else modified then file in between), then you can use Writes. If you need strict behaviour that your copied file ends up in the remote destination once the copy/move operation finishes, then you could try using: Off and switch to: Minimal only if your app / process / file editor etc. doesn't cooperate well with the FS side effects like: "Files can't be opened for both read AND write". We will prepare a more detailed guide eventually, in the meantime if you have some feedback what works for you and what doesn't work that would be pretty useful feedback for us.
👍🏻 1
hi, I got error when trying to setup sync from local to cloud
file permission error, I have enabled access to local storage instead
hi, I got error when trying to setup sync from local to cloud
Hi, What's your Android version? (edited)
hi, my android is android 10
We still sort of haven't figured it out exactly the best setting. It really depends on the use case and required compatibility. If you're single user of a bucket and agree with eventual consistency behaviour (copied local file to the mount will be uploaded eventually, but it will take some time), then you can use Full. If multiple user use the bucket and you always want fresh copy when reading (avoiding stale cache issue if someone else modified then file in between), then you can use Writes. If you need strict behaviour that your copied file ends up in the remote destination once the copy/move operation finishes, then you could try using: Off and switch to: Minimal only if your app / process / file editor etc. doesn't cooperate well with the FS side effects like: "Files can't be opened for both read AND write". We will prepare a more detailed guide eventually, in the meantime if you have some feedback what works for you and what doesn't work that would be pretty useful feedback for us.
I am the only user of the bucket. I work with music and video programs which are using wav, mp3, mp4 etc. I would also store the project files of the programs directly on the mounted drive. During the workflow, everything can be cached locally, but when the data is no longer actively used, it should be promptly moved to the bucket and should free the local storage again. Write sounds right to me, I'll give it a try.
I am the only user of the bucket. I work with music and video programs which are using wav, mp3, mp4 etc. I would also store the project files of the programs directly on the mounted drive. During the workflow, everything can be cached locally, but when the data is no longer actively used, it should be promptly moved to the bucket and should free the local storage again. Write sounds right to me, I'll give it a try.
Then you either can use modes: Writes or Full (combined with not yet configurable via S3Drive: vfs-cache-max-age setting, default 1h; In other words after 1h of not accessing files, they will be evicted from cache). If you switch to: "Old mount experience" in the Settings and have Rclone CLI installed, you can then lookup the exact command in the Logs and play with the settings yourself (based on this doc: We could then provide more configuration options in S3Drive ... or you are free to keep using Rclone outside of the S3Drive ecosystem. (edited)
👍🏻 1
andentri9074 joined the server. 04/14/2024 10:18 AM
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andentri9074 04/14/2024 10:19 AM
Hi. I'm looking for the iOS app in iOS France App store and cannot find it. Is it planned to release it in France ?
❔ 1
Hi. I'm looking for the iOS app in iOS France App store and cannot find it. Is it planned to release it in France ?
There are some encryption laws in France which prevent us from releasing S3Drive without obtaining prior approval, please find more about that:
Hi! If I click on your web link to install the s3drive app on my device, the App Store says that it's not available in my country (France). BTW, discord links do not work also... (the ones in t...
Hi, What's your Android version? (edited)
android 10, color OS 7
android 10, color OS 7
We'll need to address it for Android older than 11.
jeannesbond 04/14/2024 2:24 PM
Hello, I try to set Sync on S3Drive appimage, but when I try to choose local folder, nothing happen. Seems like missed dependencies. What dependencies should I install?
juergen_bader_21511 joined the server. 04/14/2024 2:37 PM
Hello, I try to set Sync on S3Drive appimage, but when I try to choose local folder, nothing happen. Seems like missed dependencies. What dependencies should I install?
Hi, If file / directory picker doesn't open that would usually be: zenity package missing on the host OS, alternatively kdialog can be installed. What's your OS? (edited)
Hi, If file / directory picker doesn't open that would usually be: zenity package missing on the host OS, alternatively kdialog can be installed. What's your OS? (edited)
jeannesbond 04/15/2024 1:17 PM
Sorry for late replies, After install zenity, now file dialog can show. I'm using Void linux
jeannesbond 04/15/2024 1:37 PM
try to sync remote to local, but return error
it's okay to share the error logs here? (edited)
try to sync remote to local, but return error
Can you please create #support item? Does directory /home/jeannesbond/S3Drive exist on your machine? I would also recommend using external S3 account: instead of testing account, as it's not always stable enough just yet. It's great you've included logs !
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
kinda random for S3Drive, but on Windows I use Bvckup 2 to sync an external drive shared from another Windows computer to a local drive. I see that S3 supports the SMB protocol, is it theoretically possible to use S3Drive as a backup client interface (similar to something like luckyBackup or Grsync) to sync a folder from one drive to another one? Seems like with RClone it should be possible:
kgolfer_49503 joined the server. 04/16/2024 2:19 PM
kinda random for S3Drive, but on Windows I use Bvckup 2 to sync an external drive shared from another Windows computer to a local drive. I see that S3 supports the SMB protocol, is it theoretically possible to use S3Drive as a backup client interface (similar to something like luckyBackup or Grsync) to sync a folder from one drive to another one? Seems like with RClone it should be possible:
Hi, You can configure SMB with S3Drive in a similar way as other protocols, e.g config: "smb": { "host": "", "pass": "<obscuredPass>", "type": "smb", "user": "usersomething" } Then you can set up Sync (from/to) or use the back-end in a same way as any other Rclone within S3Drive. (edited)
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
👍 1
Hi, You can configure SMB with S3Drive in a similar way as other protocols, e.g config: "smb": { "host": "", "pass": "<obscuredPass>", "type": "smb", "user": "usersomething" } Then you can set up Sync (from/to) or use the back-end in a same way as any other Rclone within S3Drive. (edited)
that's what I figured! Kinda unintuitive to use an app called "S3Drive" for a local folder sync solution, but I prefer a good UI over some batch scripts when possible 🙂
that's what I figured! Kinda unintuitive to use an app called "S3Drive" for a local folder sync solution, but I prefer a good UI over some batch scripts when possible 🙂
Great, if you come across any issues or have any feedback then please us know ! Speaking of name, well, Rclone integration wasn't entirely planned from start. Idea to align ciphers with Rclone started around June 2023 where we were looking to provide our users with an open and standarized way to export their encypted data to avoid vendor lock-in. This idea evolved later in 2023 where we've realized how powerful would it be to integrate with Rclone lib to support other back-ends. It took us couple months to build and this is where we are, functionality geared up, yet name remain unchanged. Not that long ago, because in 2022 we were called: "Sync for Backblaze B2" and then later: "PhotoSync for S3". ( We've rewritten project completely and called it "S3Drive", as the idea was to expand it on all file types and all platforms (not just Android), but we never dreamed that eventually all these upgrades will be combined with most major back-ends and protocols. I need to say I am quite excited about all that. We've got couple other ideas how to expand this further with more integrations coming where eventually S3Drive will become part of bigger ecosystem / suite, not "just" app to manage files. (edited)
s3drive 1
👏 1
hi, I got error when trying to setup sync from local to cloud
Fix (support for Android 10 and older) will be included in a next release within couple days.
👍 1
🙏 1
znemesis joined the server. 04/17/2024 3:12 AM
angel_ab joined the server. 04/17/2024 9:40 AM
Great, if you come across any issues or have any feedback then please us know ! Speaking of name, well, Rclone integration wasn't entirely planned from start. Idea to align ciphers with Rclone started around June 2023 where we were looking to provide our users with an open and standarized way to export their encypted data to avoid vendor lock-in. This idea evolved later in 2023 where we've realized how powerful would it be to integrate with Rclone lib to support other back-ends. It took us couple months to build and this is where we are, functionality geared up, yet name remain unchanged. Not that long ago, because in 2022 we were called: "Sync for Backblaze B2" and then later: "PhotoSync for S3". ( We've rewritten project completely and called it "S3Drive", as the idea was to expand it on all file types and all platforms (not just Android), but we never dreamed that eventually all these upgrades will be combined with most major back-ends and protocols. I need to say I am quite excited about all that. We've got couple other ideas how to expand this further with more integrations coming where eventually S3Drive will become part of bigger ecosystem / suite, not "just" app to manage files. (edited)
In addition to providing Rcloneaxcrypt E2E encryption, can other encryption algorithms be provided?
When will release 1.8.5 app version ,upload to play store directly ?
In addition to providing Rcloneaxcrypt E2E encryption, can other encryption algorithms be provided?
We have Cryptomator support on the radar: What other algorithms do you have in mind? (edited)
When will release 1.8.5 app version ,upload to play store directly ?
Please find the answer in the topic you've already asked about that:
@s3drive can the upgraded app licence moved to another phone?
@s3drive can the upgraded app licence moved to another phone?
If it's an in-app purchase, then you need to login to your Apple/Google account that made the purchase. If it's website purchase then you can simply login to S3Drive using your email/password credentials on your new phone. (edited)
There are some encryption laws in France which prevent us from releasing S3Drive without obtaining prior approval, please find more about that:
andentri9074 04/20/2024 11:19 AM
Thx for the head up
what's a legal hold for backblaze B2 bucket single file encryption ,should it be opened , how to object lock and What does it do?
what's a legal hold for backblaze B2 bucket single file encryption ,should it be opened , how to object lock and What does it do?
It protects your data from deletion for certain period. Imagine you have some important customer data that you must protect at all times and prevent from deletion... or perhaps you have some server backups that you would like to keep for e.g. 3 months.
I understand Now I do.
unlawfulcactus joined the server. 04/23/2024 2:41 PM
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unlawfulcactus 04/23/2024 2:44 PM
hi hi
unlawfulcactus 04/23/2024 2:58 PM
Hi, I'm new to Discord so excuse me if I do something weird. I was looking for a way to encrypt my files before syncing them to the cloud and came across rclone and S3Drive. I've been trying it out on Android 13 a bit and got the impression it's really early days but you guys are really motivated and working on it, which is great! I took some notes thinking user feedback is what will help you improve the app. Here they are, just some things I noticed, ran into or missed. O, I'm using an rclone config file with a WebDAV host and a crypt, and I'm syncing/copying (still on the free version) from internal storage to the crypt: 🔹 When activating cached mode the sort order changes (A-Z suddenly comes before a-z) and dot files are hidden 🔹 File timestamps only show date, not time, which for a syncing tool is not enough 🔹 Setting theme to System default sets it to Dark when you exit and re-enter the app 🔹 Light theme in new design has dark text and icons at the top of the screen instead of light (old design has light as it should be) 🔹 Dial to set sync interval is cumbersome; the dial in Google Clock and lots of other Android apps has a similar style but you can pick the hours separately, which is much faster when you want to set a long interval, e.g. once a day 🔹 Sync screen is sorted first to last added, no way to sort differently, e.g. alphabetically 🔹 In Settings, "Show image thumbnails" and "Show video thumbnails" are disabled and greyed out, but there's no mention why 🔹 The Trash screen says: Something went wrong Null check operator used on a null value 🔹 The logs don't mention what files were transferred or deleted
Hi, I'm new to Discord so excuse me if I do something weird. I was looking for a way to encrypt my files before syncing them to the cloud and came across rclone and S3Drive. I've been trying it out on Android 13 a bit and got the impression it's really early days but you guys are really motivated and working on it, which is great! I took some notes thinking user feedback is what will help you improve the app. Here they are, just some things I noticed, ran into or missed. O, I'm using an rclone config file with a WebDAV host and a crypt, and I'm syncing/copying (still on the free version) from internal storage to the crypt: 🔹 When activating cached mode the sort order changes (A-Z suddenly comes before a-z) and dot files are hidden 🔹 File timestamps only show date, not time, which for a syncing tool is not enough 🔹 Setting theme to System default sets it to Dark when you exit and re-enter the app 🔹 Light theme in new design has dark text and icons at the top of the screen instead of light (old design has light as it should be) 🔹 Dial to set sync interval is cumbersome; the dial in Google Clock and lots of other Android apps has a similar style but you can pick the hours separately, which is much faster when you want to set a long interval, e.g. once a day 🔹 Sync screen is sorted first to last added, no way to sort differently, e.g. alphabetically 🔹 In Settings, "Show image thumbnails" and "Show video thumbnails" are disabled and greyed out, but there's no mention why 🔹 The Trash screen says: Something went wrong Null check operator used on a null value 🔹 The logs don't mention what files were transferred or deleted
Such comments are extremely useful, so we can improve S3Drive, thank you ! Let me reply one by one.
When activating cached mode the sort order changes (A-Z suddenly comes before a-z) and dot files are hidden
This will be fixed in a next release in a few days. (See screenshot attached)
File timestamps only show date, not time, which for a syncing tool is not enough
We've added an option to display long date format. (See screenshot attached)
Setting theme to System default sets it to Dark when you exit and re-enter the app
This will be fixed in a next release in a few days.
Light theme in new design has dark text and icons at the top of the screen instead of light (old design has light as it should be)
That's default color scheme used by Google's Material 3 (you're right that previous one used white text color in the headings for the light theme instead), at this stage which we consider "best default". Eventually we will provide more flexibility in that area based on feedback that we get.
Dial to set sync interval is cumbersome; the dial in Google Clock and lots of other Android apps has a similar style but you can pick the hours separately, which is much faster when you want to set a long interval, e.g. once a day
We've used off-the-shelf library and will aim to replace it if we find a better candidate. Added feature request:
Sync screen is sorted first to last added, no way to sort differently, e.g. alphabetically
Added feature request:
In Settings, "Show image thumbnails" and "Show video thumbnails" are disabled and greyed out, but there's no mention why
It's not yet implemented.
Hi, I'm new to Discord so excuse me if I do something weird. I was looking for a way to encrypt my files before syncing them to the cloud and came across rclone and S3Drive. I've been trying it out on Android 13 a bit and got the impression it's really early days but you guys are really motivated and working on it, which is great! I took some notes thinking user feedback is what will help you improve the app. Here they are, just some things I noticed, ran into or missed. O, I'm using an rclone config file with a WebDAV host and a crypt, and I'm syncing/copying (still on the free version) from internal storage to the crypt: 🔹 When activating cached mode the sort order changes (A-Z suddenly comes before a-z) and dot files are hidden 🔹 File timestamps only show date, not time, which for a syncing tool is not enough 🔹 Setting theme to System default sets it to Dark when you exit and re-enter the app 🔹 Light theme in new design has dark text and icons at the top of the screen instead of light (old design has light as it should be) 🔹 Dial to set sync interval is cumbersome; the dial in Google Clock and lots of other Android apps has a similar style but you can pick the hours separately, which is much faster when you want to set a long interval, e.g. once a day 🔹 Sync screen is sorted first to last added, no way to sort differently, e.g. alphabetically 🔹 In Settings, "Show image thumbnails" and "Show video thumbnails" are disabled and greyed out, but there's no mention why 🔹 The Trash screen says: Something went wrong Null check operator used on a null value 🔹 The logs don't mention what files were transferred or deleted
The Trash screen says: Something went wrong Null check operator used on a null value
How did you manage to enter Trash screen from the Rclone back-end? Currently it's implemented for S3 buckets that support versioning as it relies on the Versioning API
The logs don't mention what files were transferred or deleted
Current Logs are mostly to save some erroneous behavior or error, so user can then share it with us. We will aim to improve logging to provide better transparency. File logs/changes is a good idea, the challenge is that files are modified from a couple other places, either from our codebase itself or from the Rclone binary (mount, sync etc.), so it's not entirely straightforward for us to provide "merged" view of all operations. We need to think about that.
mandarin5637 joined the server. 04/23/2024 10:40 PM
Sorry to hear about it, just because much failure of upload from s3drive
castlec joined the server. 04/24/2024 3:59 AM
Click to see attachment 🖼️
If you're getting connection issues or timeouts when using Backblaze I can only suggest trying different provider (Cloudflare, Wasabi etc.). There isn't much we can do if your internet connection to Backblaze gets somehow limited or interfered by your ISP or VPN. You can also try using connecting to Backblaze using Rclone method ( to rule out any issues that you might be having with our native S3 implementation... but we ourselves (and plenty of our users) use Backblaze on a daily basis without any problems. The fact that we're not listed on their integrations page doesn't make us less or more compatible, it's just an entry on their website. They are compatible with the S3 protocol, so is our software. Improvements in the areas of retry and timeout are coming: You seem to comment on this issue multiple items in #support. Additional comments here on #general won't speed up our progress on that and clutter this chat for other users. Please stick to commenting under relevant #support item that you've opened and stay tuned for the updates. Thank you. (edited)
👍 1
ialexpw joined the server. 04/24/2024 11:11 AM
Click to see original message
Click to see original message
.catreal joined the server. 04/24/2024 1:15 PM
Such comments are extremely useful, so we can improve S3Drive, thank you ! Let me reply one by one.
When activating cached mode the sort order changes (A-Z suddenly comes before a-z) and dot files are hidden
This will be fixed in a next release in a few days. (See screenshot attached)
File timestamps only show date, not time, which for a syncing tool is not enough
We've added an option to display long date format. (See screenshot attached)
Setting theme to System default sets it to Dark when you exit and re-enter the app
This will be fixed in a next release in a few days.
Light theme in new design has dark text and icons at the top of the screen instead of light (old design has light as it should be)
That's default color scheme used by Google's Material 3 (you're right that previous one used white text color in the headings for the light theme instead), at this stage which we consider "best default". Eventually we will provide more flexibility in that area based on feedback that we get.
Dial to set sync interval is cumbersome; the dial in Google Clock and lots of other Android apps has a similar style but you can pick the hours separately, which is much faster when you want to set a long interval, e.g. once a day
We've used off-the-shelf library and will aim to replace it if we find a better candidate. Added feature request:
Sync screen is sorted first to last added, no way to sort differently, e.g. alphabetically
Added feature request:
In Settings, "Show image thumbnails" and "Show video thumbnails" are disabled and greyed out, but there's no mention why
It's not yet implemented.
unlawfulcactus 04/24/2024 7:03 PM
Nice, you guys were already on it! Just installed the update. Ability to show modified time, sort order case insensitive in cached mode, theme stays on System default when selected... it's all there! 👍🏻 Cached mode still ignores the Hide dotfiles setting though. As for a better time picker, I think it's provided by Android: But I guess you want something cross-platform that looks exactly the same on both Android and iOS?
How did you manage to enter Trash screen from the Rclone back-end?
Simply from the drawer, see attached screenshot.
👍 1
Nice, you guys were already on it! Just installed the update. Ability to show modified time, sort order case insensitive in cached mode, theme stays on System default when selected... it's all there! 👍🏻 Cached mode still ignores the Hide dotfiles setting though. As for a better time picker, I think it's provided by Android: But I guess you want something cross-platform that looks exactly the same on both Android and iOS?
How did you manage to enter Trash screen from the Rclone back-end?
Simply from the drawer, see attached screenshot.
Cached mode still ignores the Hide dotfiles setting though.
We'll address that in a next release. Thanks
As for a better time picker, I think it's provided by Android:
The challenge (and the beauty at the same time) is that we use cross-platform technology (, so whatever Android provides in terms of UI we can't really use it directly and must rely on Flutter packages ( or build one ourselves. The beauty is that once we get it working once, it works on all platforms.
Simply from the drawer, see attached screenshot.
I see, this option shall be removed to be honest, it's an UI mistake on our end. There isn't Trash concept / API with Rclone back-ends. (Exception, some back-ends support it e.g. Google Drive - and setting: trashed_only = true) Stay tuned for the updates, in the meantime if you have any feedback don't hesitate to reach out. ... also I would like to thank you for your input. If you have registered an account I would happily assign you Ultimate license for one year - if that's something that would interest you.
what's a , I don't know which object storage provider they're
Cached mode still ignores the Hide dotfiles setting though.
We'll address that in a next release. Thanks
As for a better time picker, I think it's provided by Android:
The challenge (and the beauty at the same time) is that we use cross-platform technology (, so whatever Android provides in terms of UI we can't really use it directly and must rely on Flutter packages ( or build one ourselves. The beauty is that once we get it working once, it works on all platforms.
Simply from the drawer, see attached screenshot.
I see, this option shall be removed to be honest, it's an UI mistake on our end. There isn't Trash concept / API with Rclone back-ends. (Exception, some back-ends support it e.g. Google Drive - and setting: trashed_only = true) Stay tuned for the updates, in the meantime if you have any feedback don't hesitate to reach out. ... also I would like to thank you for your input. If you have registered an account I would happily assign you Ultimate license for one year - if that's something that would interest you.
unlawfulcactus 04/25/2024 3:23 PM
Awesome, I won't say no to that! I'll DM you the e-mail address I used to sign up 📨
tranquil_dragon_84393_84892 joined the server. 04/25/2024 3:37 PM
what's a , I don't know which object storage provider they're
unlawfulcactus 04/26/2024 2:13 PM
It seems to be S3Drive themselves, if you go to in a browser you end up on
It seems to be S3Drive themselves, if you go to in a browser you end up on
I kinda like the name kapsa more than s3drive tbh 🙂 the flatpak is also named kapsa, kinda interesting:
Thank u
Wasabi said I must paid for it 6.99$ per month even if I use space less than 1TB storage,It didn't fit with my pay-as-you-go habit, so I gave up and deleted my account directly 😅
I kinda like the name kapsa more than s3drive tbh 🙂 the flatpak is also named kapsa, kinda interesting:
unlawfulcactus 04/26/2024 4:18 PM
Agree! Don't know what it stands for, but it seems quite unique (maybe a made up word) and has more charm than the generic S3Drive.
Wasabi said I must paid for it 6.99$ per month even if I use space less than 1TB storage,It didn't fit with my pay-as-you-go habit, so I gave up and deleted my account directly 😅
I've closed s3drive during a sync. It's still syncing. The application exists in task manager but not in taskbar or system tray. Launching the application again has no effect. How can I stop the sync gracefully? (edited)
I've closed s3drive during a sync. It's still syncing. The application exists in task manager but not in taskbar or system tray. Launching the application again has no effect. How can I stop the sync gracefully? (edited)
You might try clicking start and then stop again immediately, it will then cancel existing job(s) by its unique name based on the settings entry, which should also cancel the existing job. We will aim to add a kill switch in-app to kill sync jobs. In one of the future releases we will replace the standard app bar (the one with X close button) with custom one, so we can intercept "Quit" and then ask users if they want to e.g. stop mount, stop all transfers etc. (edited)
The problem is I have no user interface in which to do this. s3drive appears in task manager but there is no window or system tray icon to interact with, and launching the app again does nothing
kp_90 joined the server. 04/27/2024 7:19 AM
The problem is I have no user interface in which to do this. s3drive appears in task manager but there is no window or system tray icon to interact with, and launching the app again does nothing
Is it one-way sync or bisync/two-way? If it's one-way you can certainly kill it without much consequences, it will start again next time (by fetching file metadata on both end and deciding about remaining uploads/downloads). We will investigate this "certainly not edge case" on our end, so we can improve how app behaves before sync has finished. (edited)
Thankfully it's only one way copy, so I could kill the process, but I thought I'd ask about what's the intended graceful solution
Maybe a popup on application exit confirming I do indeed want to exit while syncing is ongoing?
Maybe a popup on application exit confirming I do indeed want to exit while syncing is ongoing?
Yep, it will come, but as mentioned in the post above, we need to replace system app bar, as current "quit" doesn't give us time before app gets closed by the OS. Thanks for mentioning about this, it clearly tells us we need to address this issue. (edited)
Maybe a popup on application exit confirming I do indeed want to exit while syncing is ongoing?
What's your OS by the way? (edited)
wingdemon joined the server. 04/27/2024 8:51 PM
Click to see original message
sacha1083 joined the server. 04/28/2024 11:22 AM
gpkvt joined the server. 04/29/2024 5:35 AM
streveg joined the server. 04/29/2024 9:52 AM
unlawfulcactus 04/29/2024 9:06 PM
@s3drive Here are some more things I ran into while working with S3Drive version 1.8.7 on Android 13 in the past few days. I've completed my setup now and everything is running smooth, so this will probably be my last report for now. Cheers! 🔹In the Sync screen, when you press play on a stopped item, you're asked "Would you like to start sync process now or wait until schedule is met?" and your options are Cancel or Start. When asked "now or wait?" I'd expect to be able to answer Now and Wait. As it is now, when you tap Cancel it interpretes that as wait, but I'd expect a Cancel button to cancel the action I just initiated, i.e. pressing the play button. But the item doesn't return to stopped/disactivated state when tapping Cancel. So it seems Cancel should actually be labeled Wait. 🔹Total storage space for one of my hosts is listed as 9 instead of 10 GB. It seems it's using GiB instead of GB and simply doing a math.floor() on that, hence misrepresenting the total by 10%. 🔹 When without internet connection, but with a VPN that reports "connected" (Proton VPN does this, no matter how long you've been offline; I can imagine local VPNs used for blocking certain types of traffic also do this), in most screens the loading spinner is permanently overlayed on the screen, which is also blurred when "Blur screen when loading" is enabled. The app is navigable but the back gesture doesn't work in the affected screens (using the UI to navigate back works fine). 🔹 The time picker for "Sync every x minutes" always opens at 30 minutes, regardless of the current setting (e.g. it's set to 1200 minutes, which is 20 hours, and you want to change it to 22 hours but you have to start from 30 minutes, which is especially cumbersome since the picker acts like a clock you have to forward manually) . (edited)
🔹 My log is filled with tens or hundreds of entries like this one: #230 Rclone (1/3) initialization failed. Error: MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method RcloneRPCBackground on channel kapsa/librclonemobile) Is this to do with background syncing being a work in progress, or is it something else? 🔹 Last time when you reacted to my notes you said you added some feature requests to Is it your intention that we create an account there and vote for the features we'd like to see? (edited)
chaneira joined the server. 04/30/2024 6:02 AM
@s3drive Here are some more things I ran into while working with S3Drive version 1.8.7 on Android 13 in the past few days. I've completed my setup now and everything is running smooth, so this will probably be my last report for now. Cheers! 🔹In the Sync screen, when you press play on a stopped item, you're asked "Would you like to start sync process now or wait until schedule is met?" and your options are Cancel or Start. When asked "now or wait?" I'd expect to be able to answer Now and Wait. As it is now, when you tap Cancel it interpretes that as wait, but I'd expect a Cancel button to cancel the action I just initiated, i.e. pressing the play button. But the item doesn't return to stopped/disactivated state when tapping Cancel. So it seems Cancel should actually be labeled Wait. 🔹Total storage space for one of my hosts is listed as 9 instead of 10 GB. It seems it's using GiB instead of GB and simply doing a math.floor() on that, hence misrepresenting the total by 10%. 🔹 When without internet connection, but with a VPN that reports "connected" (Proton VPN does this, no matter how long you've been offline; I can imagine local VPNs used for blocking certain types of traffic also do this), in most screens the loading spinner is permanently overlayed on the screen, which is also blurred when "Blur screen when loading" is enabled. The app is navigable but the back gesture doesn't work in the affected screens (using the UI to navigate back works fine). 🔹 The time picker for "Sync every x minutes" always opens at 30 minutes, regardless of the current setting (e.g. it's set to 1200 minutes, which is 20 hours, and you want to change it to 22 hours but you have to start from 30 minutes, which is especially cumbersome since the picker acts like a clock you have to forward manually) . (edited)
As always, thank you for such a great feedback. Please find reponses in line.
I'd expect to be able to answer Now and Wait.
In a next release we will tweak the wording. Behavior will remain unchaged, it's just the button labels will match the action.
Total storage space for one of my hosts is listed as 9 instead of 10 GB.
You were right, the base that our filesize library is using, is 1024 instead of 1000 and there was a rounding issue as well. Expect this to be fixed in a next release.
The time picker for "Sync every x minutes" always opens at 30 minutes, regardless of the current setting
This won't be an issue in a next release.
My log is filled with tens or hundreds of entries. #230 Rclone (1/3) initialization failed. Error: MissingPluginException [...]
We've been trying to narrow down the issue where Rclone methods were not always available to Android and implement some retry mechanism to check if "Rclone is ready" multiple times with certain back-off. It produces some noise, but ultimately this solution worked, so now we can probably disable this log. Unless you see: Rclone initialization failed. Please contact support[...] which indicates that after multiple tries the initialization failed, then nothing to worry about.
Is this to do with background syncing being a work in progress, or is it something else?
Some app functionality is dependent on great powers of Rclone library, however we need to call this library from the "background", so the app UI doesn't freeze. As such it doesn't have anything to do with the Android's background execution, but it's more of an internals about how we call Rclone library itself even when the app is in the foreground.
When without internet connection, but with a VPN that reports "connected" [...] The app is navigable but the back gesture doesn't work in the affected screens (using the UI to navigate back works fine).
We will investigate that, never tested app with a VPN honestly.
🔹 My log is filled with tens or hundreds of entries like this one: #230 Rclone (1/3) initialization failed. Error: MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method RcloneRPCBackground on channel kapsa/librclonemobile) Is this to do with background syncing being a work in progress, or is it something else? 🔹 Last time when you reacted to my notes you said you added some feature requests to Is it your intention that we create an account there and vote for the features we'd like to see? (edited)
Last time when you reacted to my notes you said you added some feature requests to Is it your intention that we create an account there and vote for the features we'd like to see?
Canny is our current place where users can vote on the features (and technically even add them). I think our "best so far" workflow is to discuss features on Discord and then I add them to Canny myself. Unfortunately it's not linked with our auth, so if user wants to vote they need to create an account. I am sure that with some help of @xenthys we may even integrate it with Discord, so there is a single platform and less barriers. Our intention is to integrate voting system with our auth and website (so no additional account is needed), but since we're awaiting changes to our auth system it's put on hold for a bit.
unlawfulcactus 04/30/2024 9:47 AM
Alright, so no need for me to create a Canny account if I understand correctly.
Unless you see: Rclone initialization failed. Please contact support[...] which indicates that after multiple tries the initialization failed, then nothing to worry about.
This is exactly what I see, here's an example:
Alright, so no need for me to create a Canny account if I understand correctly.
Unless you see: Rclone initialization failed. Please contact support[...] which indicates that after multiple tries the initialization failed, then nothing to worry about.
This is exactly what I see, here's an example:
Crap, it's haunting us for quite a while. Do you happen to know if log entry was created after starting app fresh or perhaps when resuming an app (from the task bar, er I meant app switcher)... or perhaps it was created in the "background" (if you use media backup with background mode enabled) ? We can't reliably reproduce this and can see this being intermittent issue. Anyway, don't worry if you're not sure about that one. Any hints are welcomed, however it's on us to "play" with it and trace it down. (edited)
unlawfulcactus 04/30/2024 11:45 AM
No task bar on Android... ah, I'm using a phone, not a tablet or Chromebook. I get the idea it happens when I haven't been using the app. For example yesterday it was listed in the log around 21:45, whereas I hadn't opened the app all day, my sync jobs we're scheduled at 22:00 (but not expected to run as I'm given to understand background sync is not yet implemented). When I opened the app around 22:30 they ran just fine (per the Start sync after app starts setting). The Sync jobs are set to run every 20 hours, but had the app actually automatically done that in the background, that would've been around 21:05. Looking at the logs again, it did actually start all sync jobs around 21:40, listing Shall sync and Starting sync entries but never Finished sync. Which I can confirm, because before manually opening S3Drive at 22:30 I compared the contents of my local and remote backup in another app and changes had not been synced yet. However, the "Rclone initialization failed" entries that started at 00:40 and stopped at 00:50 (so lasted 10 minutes) were NOT preceded by any sync events. I don't have Media backup enabled at all, but I did try it out earlier, including Background backup. It's now disabled, but it still has a now non-existing album listed as selected, since the app complains when you remove the last album. I can't get a good understanding of when the app syncs and doesn't sync, but I haven't mentioned it before as I assume it's still a work in progress. For example, I have sync job A set with an interval of 20 hours and Start sync after app starts is enabled. In my testing, when still within 20 hours after the last sync, new files will not be synced when opening or even restarting the app. They will when opening the app after the 20 hours have expired. Then at other moments I tested, it actually synced upon starting the app, regardless of how long ago the last sync had taken place.
👍 1
But if I disable the setting Start sync after app starts it stops doing that. Yet at other times, such as now, when I have recently opened the app, it will sync files in synced (watched?) folders immediately. Like, I create a new file locally, then immediately list my remote with another app and see it has been synced. All the while in all the unexpected sync situations described, the Sync jobs still say Last: x hours ago, even though files just got synced. Hope that helps. If taking a logcat would be helpful, just let me know. I have no job and no family to take care of so I've got plenty of time on my hands and am glad to help out 🙂 (edited)
A lot of Android apps that need to run in the background use a permanent notification to stay active, otherwise even with battery optimizations disabled the system is still quite agressive when it comes to killing apps you haven't opened for a few hours or days. I use both FairMail and Gotify that implement this mechanism, I took the risk to disable the Gotify notification and I have to relaunch it from times to times.
when you mount a drive, you show a popup asking the user if default encryption is used on the bucket, if they say yes, you write "kmsEncryption":true in the json config, but may I also suggest writing server_side_encryption = aws:kms in the rclone config
I suggest this because I came across this issue in s3drive:
Scripts to reproduce this bug can be found here: We wanted to make sure it wasn't tied to our particular environment, so the above scripts can be ...
(I was using s3drive to sync, and it was giving me md5 errors similar to the above)
adding server_side_encryption = aws:kms in the rclone config manually will be overwritten by s3drive removing it
when you mount a drive, you show a popup asking the user if default encryption is used on the bucket, if they say yes, you write "kmsEncryption":true in the json config, but may I also suggest writing server_side_encryption = aws:kms in the rclone config
Once: kmsEncryption is set to true in the config, then we should already be setting: server_side_encryption = aws:kms in the Rclone config. Does S3Drive behave differently? The issue that we're aware of is that we only display dialog which sets the: kmsEncryption value when you mount a drive (we ask that for AWS and iDrive only). We need to fix that, so dialog is displayed also for Sync and other functionalities which internally use Rclone. Even though I don't necessarily recommend modifying app's config, a temporary solution might be setting: kmsEncryption: true in the config (ideally when app is disabled) and then starting app. What's your S3 provider by the way? (edited)
Once I select "Yes" in the prompt when mounting iDrive, I can see: server_side_encryption being set in the Rclone config. Isn't what you finding? (edited)
I deleted and set up my configuration again manually, including the sync, making sure to mount the drive before doing any syncs, and now the rclone config is keeping the server_side_encryption setting properly. I don't know what happened. I still have the json config timestamped Sunday, ‎21 ‎April ‎2024, ‏‎12:57:39 AM with "kmsEncryption":true, inside of it.
I don't remember what sequence of steps I did 2 weeks ago to set it up to reproduce the issue, sorry.
Just a quick thing, couldn't see it mentioned but it may have been! When using encryption within the app, thumbnails for images still seem to work fine, but for videos they're showing as black boxes. Is this just how it is at the moment? I'm using Backblaze for the storage provider.
.etaoin joined the server. 05/03/2024 5:40 AM
kajo_c joined the server. 05/03/2024 10:17 AM
Getting this trying to buy a plan?
🆗 1
use another browser
Thanks fair, gonna have to wait to get the card I don’t have passwords saved on Edge
That's odd you got an alert, especially an empty one, I believe @s3drive will want to know more or may already have a clue
Getting this trying to buy a plan?
Hi there, sorry for this issue. Quick question was it one-time issue, did you try again? If problem persists can you please let me know what's your browser? Is it possible by any chance for you to open Console log and see if there is anything useful there? If you DM me your e-mail I can get you 3 months trial just to kick-start things ! (edited)
randrakman joined the server. 05/04/2024 8:43 PM
ankan_65412 joined the server. 05/05/2024 3:31 PM
ankanb2904 joined the server. 05/05/2024 3:43 PM
Hi All. I am new to this kind of set up. I wanted to ask you all how much charges do we incur for about 500GB of storage through S3 and then host it on S3Drive? I currently use about 125GB overall on OneDrive.
@s3drive Was that you I was talking to on reddit?
Hi All. I am new to this kind of set up. I wanted to ask you all how much charges do we incur for about 500GB of storage through S3 and then host it on S3Drive? I currently use about 125GB overall on OneDrive.
Hi @ankanb2904 and welcome to our channel. 👋 It was indeed myself. Each S3 provider has a slightly different billing model: Just for start you can try free 10GB account at Backblaze, setup a bucket and connect from the app: If you were to store 125GB, you would pay approximately 0.125*$6 = 0.75 US$ per month based on current ($6 per TB/mo) There are other things to watch out for, that is egress (if you were to download more than 3x125GB month = 375GB) or use a lot of API calls (e.g. run some backup syncing very frequently). You can use S3Drive entirely for free and if you need more advanced features or encryption feel free to check our paid offering: (edited)
👋 1
Thank you so much. I will try to start doing this. Looks a tad complicated but certainly helps. Thank you again.
No task bar on Android... ah, I'm using a phone, not a tablet or Chromebook. I get the idea it happens when I haven't been using the app. For example yesterday it was listed in the log around 21:45, whereas I hadn't opened the app all day, my sync jobs we're scheduled at 22:00 (but not expected to run as I'm given to understand background sync is not yet implemented). When I opened the app around 22:30 they ran just fine (per the Start sync after app starts setting). The Sync jobs are set to run every 20 hours, but had the app actually automatically done that in the background, that would've been around 21:05. Looking at the logs again, it did actually start all sync jobs around 21:40, listing Shall sync and Starting sync entries but never Finished sync. Which I can confirm, because before manually opening S3Drive at 22:30 I compared the contents of my local and remote backup in another app and changes had not been synced yet. However, the "Rclone initialization failed" entries that started at 00:40 and stopped at 00:50 (so lasted 10 minutes) were NOT preceded by any sync events. I don't have Media backup enabled at all, but I did try it out earlier, including Background backup. It's now disabled, but it still has a now non-existing album listed as selected, since the app complains when you remove the last album. I can't get a good understanding of when the app syncs and doesn't sync, but I haven't mentioned it before as I assume it's still a work in progress. For example, I have sync job A set with an interval of 20 hours and Start sync after app starts is enabled. In my testing, when still within 20 hours after the last sync, new files will not be synced when opening or even restarting the app. They will when opening the app after the 20 hours have expired. Then at other moments I tested, it actually synced upon starting the app, regardless of how long ago the last sync had taken place.
I can't get a good understanding of when the app syncs and doesn't sync, but I haven't mentioned it before as I assume it's still a work in progress. For example, I have sync job A set with an interval of 20 hours and Start sync after app starts is enabled. In my testing, when still within 20 hours after the last sync, new files will not be synced when opening or even restarting the app. They will when opening the app after the 20 hours have expired.
In order for Sync to run app needs to run, if it's mobile it needs to run in the foreground. No background sync has been implemented just yet. In a next Android release there will be an improvement preventing app from going sleep when sync runs.
But if I disable the setting Start sync after app starts it stops doing that. Yet at other times, such as now, when I have recently opened the app, it will sync files in synced (watched?) folders immediately. Like, I create a new file locally, then immediately list my remote with another app and see it has been synced. All the while in all the unexpected sync situations described, the Sync jobs still say Last: x hours ago, even though files just got synced. Hope that helps. If taking a logcat would be helpful, just let me know. I have no job and no family to take care of so I've got plenty of time on my hands and am glad to help out 🙂 (edited)
In a next Android release there will be certain improvements around Sync (and other Rclone functionality) in general. Currently it was all slightly bottlenecked (if one operation was running it was blocking other operations). "Last" field indicates when last full sync was executed. When file sync is triggered from the watcher it doesn't update the "Last" field, since the sync was only partial and there is a risk that there are other changes awaiting sync (it technically shouldn't happen given the file watchers are there), but better to be safe than sorry. Initially we will add a tooltip improving clarity of this field. In the long-run once we're sure that watchers pick-up all the changes we can perhaps provide real-time info based on last full sync and subsequent diff sync. (edited)
👍 1
unlawfulcactus 05/05/2024 6:26 PM
What host or service (e.g. Google Analytics) does the Android app use for error reporting? I normally disable all telemetry on apps I use, but I'd like to help out here. However, I use AdGuard DNS and there's no way to make an exception for one app, so I wonder if keeping the setting enabled actually does anything useful on my device.
What host or service (e.g. Google Analytics) does the Android app use for error reporting? I normally disable all telemetry on apps I use, but I'd like to help out here. However, I use AdGuard DNS and there's no way to make an exception for one app, so I wonder if keeping the setting enabled actually does anything useful on my device.
If error reporting is enabled in the Settings as per our privacy policy, some errors (usually unhandled ones) go to our self-hosted Sentry instance:
somenerd_85971 joined the server. 05/05/2024 8:14 PM
If error reporting is enabled in the Settings as per our privacy policy, some errors (usually unhandled ones) go to our self-hosted Sentry instance:
unlawfulcactus 05/05/2024 8:23 PM
Alright, good to know. That won't be blocked by AdGuard DNS then 👍
e_wind joined the server. 05/05/2024 9:40 PM
Alright, so no need for me to create a Canny account if I understand correctly.
Unless you see: Rclone initialization failed. Please contact support[...] which indicates that after multiple tries the initialization failed, then nothing to worry about.
This is exactly what I see, here's an example:
This issue should be gone in a current Android release or at least this log shouldn't appear as often.
@s3drive Here are some more things I ran into while working with S3Drive version 1.8.7 on Android 13 in the past few days. I've completed my setup now and everything is running smooth, so this will probably be my last report for now. Cheers! 🔹In the Sync screen, when you press play on a stopped item, you're asked "Would you like to start sync process now or wait until schedule is met?" and your options are Cancel or Start. When asked "now or wait?" I'd expect to be able to answer Now and Wait. As it is now, when you tap Cancel it interpretes that as wait, but I'd expect a Cancel button to cancel the action I just initiated, i.e. pressing the play button. But the item doesn't return to stopped/disactivated state when tapping Cancel. So it seems Cancel should actually be labeled Wait. 🔹Total storage space for one of my hosts is listed as 9 instead of 10 GB. It seems it's using GiB instead of GB and simply doing a math.floor() on that, hence misrepresenting the total by 10%. 🔹 When without internet connection, but with a VPN that reports "connected" (Proton VPN does this, no matter how long you've been offline; I can imagine local VPNs used for blocking certain types of traffic also do this), in most screens the loading spinner is permanently overlayed on the screen, which is also blurred when "Blur screen when loading" is enabled. The app is navigable but the back gesture doesn't work in the affected screens (using the UI to navigate back works fine). 🔹 The time picker for "Sync every x minutes" always opens at 30 minutes, regardless of the current setting (e.g. it's set to 1200 minutes, which is 20 hours, and you want to change it to 22 hours but you have to start from 30 minutes, which is especially cumbersome since the picker acts like a clock you have to forward manually) . (edited)
These issues (Sync now/wait text tweaks, GiB / GB discrepancies and time picker persistence) shall be addressed in a most recent Android release.
valandreev joined the server. 05/07/2024 7:28 AM
riccardobellanova 05/07/2024 8:08 AM
Good morning, there's a way to contribute for Italian translation? Or it's too early?
Hi there, sorry for this issue. Quick question was it one-time issue, did you try again? If problem persists can you please let me know what's your browser? Is it possible by any chance for you to open Console log and see if there is anything useful there? If you DM me your e-mail I can get you 3 months trial just to kick-start things ! (edited)
Seems to have fixed itself now, it was only on chrome but chromes the only browser with a saved card on my pc so it was an issue. I’ve checked now and all works as it should
👍 1
It was chrome 124
Seems to have fixed itself now, it was only on chrome but chromes the only browser with a saved card on my pc so it was an issue. I’ve checked now and all works as it should
Thanks for letting me know. In the meantime we've added some more verbose error messaging, so at least the error isn't empty !
hal joined the server. 05/07/2024 7:24 PM
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cjohlandt joined the server. 05/08/2024 1:20 AM
unlawfulcactus 05/08/2024 12:54 PM
Just noticed the improvements! 😃👍🏻
👍 1
Just noticed the improvements! 😃👍🏻
Great to hear that, you were driving these changes ! If you have any more ideas / feedback we would be glad to include them in our planning or next releases. Thank you. PS(A): Anyone can send us some improvement ideas / bug reports even as small ones as the ones above. (edited)
Hi, can this feature not be used?
Hi, can this feature not be used?
On iOS we don't have access to local filesystem. In the future we plan to implement this using local folder tied to the S3Drive which then could be subseqently shared to other apps.
I will wait for the update then. Thanks!
Hey, is there an official support email or something? I still don't have any answers on my thread in the support forum.
Hey, is there an official support email or something? I still don't have any answers on my thread in the support forum.
Hi sorry, it seems we've missed your item here: which I've now replied to. If Discord doesn't work for you for any reason, you can reach us via standard support e-mail or:
parkerkane joined the server. 05/09/2024 6:18 PM
clpreaper joined the server. 05/09/2024 7:42 PM
@tom when I renamed a file , the old file still exist, is this expected behaviour or bug ?
@tom when I renamed a file , the old file still exist, is this expected behaviour or bug ?
It's certainly unexpected, might be a bug or bucket misconfiguration. What's your S3 provider? Does your bucket has versioning enabled or disabled? What's your Versioning setting in S3Drive?
It's certainly unexpected, might be a bug or bucket misconfiguration. What's your S3 provider? Does your bucket has versioning enabled or disabled? What's your Versioning setting in S3Drive?
I use idrive e2, will check again about versioning
I try to enable versioning but that warning came up
is it need to be enabled to correct the bug ?
is it need to be enabled to correct the bug ?
This is relatively new check that actually prevents incorrect settings. Your versioning is disabled on the bucket level, therefore it should stay disabled on the S3Drive as well. (edited)
unlawfulcactus 05/11/2024 11:30 AM
It's just a minor thing but... will the Android app get an adaptive icon in the future?
xy16644 joined the server. 05/11/2024 1:17 PM
Just disocvered S3Drive woohoo 😀 Couple questions: Does S3Drive support Filen and/or IceDrive?
z98._. joined the server. 05/11/2024 4:36 PM
unlawfulcactus 05/11/2024 6:37 PM
@xy16644 Hey, I'm not affiliated with S3Drive, just an end user like you, but I had a look and as far as open protocols go Filen seems to have “WebDAV client and rclone integration” on their roadmap¹ for 2023/2024 and IceDrive supports WebDAV². So IceDrive can already be set up through S3Drive's Rclone support and Filen may in the future. Do note that using the WebDAV protocol has its limitations³. ¹ ² ³
Filen – Next Generation End-To-End Encrypted Cloud Storage. Get started with 10 GB of free space.
Rclone docs for WebDAV
😍 1
jason.robinson joined the server. 05/12/2024 10:25 PM
.tenzin joined the server. 05/13/2024 9:34 PM
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paradoxdude 05/14/2024 5:33 PM
keith_90931 joined the server. 05/15/2024 2:59 AM
captivating_flamingo_35504 joined the server. 05/15/2024 1:22 PM
It's just a minor thing but... will the Android app get an adaptive icon in the future?
Certainly we'll have them implemented soon. Added to our feature requests, so we can track it. Thanks for reminding us about that ! (edited)
👍 1
vivacious_quail_37686 joined the server. 05/17/2024 11:19 AM
Certainly we'll have them implemented soon. Added to our feature requests, so we can track it. Thanks for reminding us about that ! (edited)
Will there be a different icon in the works as well?
Does the mount function work similar to having a microSD? I'd like the ability to export daily backup function to automatically place the file in S3 rather than the stock files app
spaceb0t joined the server. 05/18/2024 8:31 AM
blokzinciri joined the server. 05/18/2024 8:33 AM
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blokzinciri 05/18/2024 8:34 AM
Hello I'm newbie on S3Drive and docs has no sufficient info to use it with services. Why there is no tutorials with examples? BTW I cannot sign up even with dozen characters strong password.
blokzinciri 05/18/2024 8:43 AM
Appimage stucks when try to login.
cant close etc. only via killing/terminate closes it
flatpak version also stuck
Appimage stucks when try to login.
Hi @blokzinciri Can you please create a support item and include information (OS system at least)? If you run Flatpak or AppImage from the command line do you get any output? It's possible there is an issue with libsecret. (edited)
Hello I'm newbie on S3Drive and docs has no sufficient info to use it with services. Why there is no tutorials with examples? BTW I cannot sign up even with dozen characters strong password.
Hi ! You can find S3 bucket setup (using Backblaze as an example) here: For any other provider, there is a list with some examples here: Please let us know what are you trying to achieve, so we can help you set things up. Please use channel. Thank you.
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
pizzabed joined the server. 05/19/2024 4:41 AM
Hello, I couldn't find this in the FAQ but is the S3Drive Windows application capable of displaying images and videos in an rclone crypt remote in a gallery view?
Hello, I couldn't find this in the FAQ but is the S3Drive Windows application capable of displaying images and videos in an rclone crypt remote in a gallery view?
Hi, it's not yet available, however it's something we will implement possibly later this year. Hard to give an exact ETA though, as it does require some changes to the rclone first (there is no streaming interface that we could use). (edited)
Hi, it's not yet available, however it's something we will implement possibly later this year. Hard to give an exact ETA though, as it does require some changes to the rclone first (there is no streaming interface that we could use). (edited)
If there's no streaming interface, how can S3Drive do on-the-flly video playback?
If there's no streaming interface, how can S3Drive do on-the-flly video playback?
That applies to S3 back-ends, Rclone support was added recently.
If there's no streaming interface, how can S3Drive do on-the-flly video playback?
We've implemented S3 natively, outside of Rclone and can do way more, due to custom nature of our implementation.
Oh, I'm sorry, I was under the impression S3Drive was some kind of rclone frontend with optional hosting features
For some reaso, I thought it was some kind of GUI that sits on top of rclone
Oh, I'm sorry, I was under the impression S3Drive was some kind of rclone frontend with optional hosting features
No worries, I think there are multiple use cases for S3Drive and the name that we've chosen back in 2022 probably doesn't help here. As such S3Drive is a simple back-end for Rclone, technically in some ways it is a GUI that sits on top of Rclone, but that's our additional feature, not the core one. The core one revolves around S3 support and storage plans will be available later this year. We still plan to expand support for Rclone back-ends, including preview, thumbnails etc.
For some reaso, I thought it was some kind of GUI that sits on top of rclone
One of the crucial features that we aim to implement is native support for back-ends configuration, so you wouldn't need to setup Rclone on your desktop first to setup OAuth2 back-ends: Instead one would simply give login/password to their, IDK, Google Drive and then we would be able to obtain all the required API tokens on behalf of the user. (edited)
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
Alright, gotcha, I guess I'll check it out from time to time to see how the rclone stuff comes along. I don't really use S3 which I guess I should've paid more attention to the name of the app itself lol It's just I saw a couple posts about this on rclone threads on Reddit and I saw rclone mentioned quite a bbit on the website so I guess my dumb monkey brain just automatically assumed it's a dedicated rclone client
Alright, gotcha, I guess I'll check it out from time to time to see how the rclone stuff comes along. I don't really use S3 which I guess I should've paid more attention to the name of the app itself lol It's just I saw a couple posts about this on rclone threads on Reddit and I saw rclone mentioned quite a bbit on the website so I guess my dumb monkey brain just automatically assumed it's a dedicated rclone client
Fair enough, speaking of Rclone, are there any specific back-ends you are mostly interested about?
Nothing in particular really, I use a bunch of em, Google Drive, Box, OneDrive, OneDrive (Sharepoint), Mega I was just looking for a client that is able to show quick thumbnails for images and videos without grinding to a halt on large files because that is what happens when I mount a remote as a drive and view the thumbnails
Especially for large video files
While Windows Explorer is trying to generate a thumbnail for it, it grinds to a halt until the video finishes downloading completely which is also not ideal since the whole point of using rclone mount is to save on disk space
Nothing in particular really, I use a bunch of em, Google Drive, Box, OneDrive, OneDrive (Sharepoint), Mega I was just looking for a client that is able to show quick thumbnails for images and videos without grinding to a halt on large files because that is what happens when I mount a remote as a drive and view the thumbnails
Got it, thanks. We'll keep that in mind, so we can implement efficient thumbnails for images/videos including encrypted resources. That work is partially there for S3 back-ends, but still requires some improvements (encrypted videos aren't supported and thumbnail sizes could be dynamic + stored as an object on the back-end, so other clients can retrieve it). Speaking of Rclone, streaming interface is the first thing we will have to build (edited)
👍 1
Would E2E encryption be synthetic for every my devices when I login
Would E2E encryption be synthetic for every my devices when I login
I guess something was lost in translation. E2E encryption is managed separately on each your device, we don't manage your encryption password. That detail stays solely at your discretion.
aednichols joined the server. 05/19/2024 7:04 PM
anothershen joined the server. 05/20/2024 6:44 AM
n1trotoluol 05/20/2024 7:17 AM
@s3drive Hello! Question about using it on Android. When setting up synchronization of individual folders, is it possible to make sure that they are synchronized only if Wifi is available? Mobile traffic is much more expensive and I would like to synchronize files only within the Wi-Fi coverage area (edited)
@s3drive Hello! Question about using it on Android. When setting up synchronization of individual folders, is it possible to make sure that they are synchronized only if Wifi is available? Mobile traffic is much more expensive and I would like to synchronize files only within the Wi-Fi coverage area (edited)
Hi, it's not yet possible, but it's on our feature list:
korayem. joined the server. 05/20/2024 1:07 PM
xeeaxe_35586 joined the server. 05/21/2024 9:25 PM
giles_97848 joined the server. 05/23/2024 4:33 PM
charissa_61687 joined the server. 05/23/2024 11:47 PM
Hi Tom. I changed s3 provider recently and tried to login but received the following error: "Login: XmlTagException: Expected </hr>, but found </body>" The provider I currently using is Do you know what might cause it?
Hi Tom. I changed s3 provider recently and tried to login but received the following error: "Login: XmlTagException: Expected </hr>, but found </body>" The provider I currently using is Do you know what might cause it?
It's probably this endpoint responded with HTML instead of valid S3 XML. By any chance do you have any test credentials (feel free to PM me) that I could use? I would be happy to try it out and let you know in more detail. Thanks !
👍 1
Hi Tom. I changed s3 provider recently and tried to login but received the following error: "Login: XmlTagException: Expected </hr>, but found </body>" The provider I currently using is Do you know what might cause it?
Right, so I've got something. In order to validate whether credentials are fine we perform a read check on a some chosen non-existing key. S3 compliant provider shall return error code: NoSuchKey using XML format. on the other hand returns invalid error code (500 instead of 4xx) and invalid format, HTML instead of XML: Server: HyperCoreS3 <html> <head><title>500 Internal Server Error</title></head> <body> <center><h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1></center> <hr><center>openresty/</center> </body> </html> Once I've skipped the S3Drive read check (not possible currently from the app itself) I've actually managed to run couple actions, that is, list, copy/rename, delete. ... so there are two non-exclusive solutions. 1. Contact: so they can fix the issue with their S3 API and make it compliant with the standard. 2. S3Drive to allow user to skip the read check <--- this is something we would be willing to allow, but it would take use a while, as we're busy with other work at the moment.
lukky_974 joined the server. 05/25/2024 6:48 PM
fancypantspatches joined the server. 05/25/2024 7:17 PM
Every time I try to upload a large file, it errors?
I have nothing else open at all
Right, so I've got something. In order to validate whether credentials are fine we perform a read check on a some chosen non-existing key. S3 compliant provider shall return error code: NoSuchKey using XML format. on the other hand returns invalid error code (500 instead of 4xx) and invalid format, HTML instead of XML: Server: HyperCoreS3 <html> <head><title>500 Internal Server Error</title></head> <body> <center><h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1></center> <hr><center>openresty/</center> </body> </html> Once I've skipped the S3Drive read check (not possible currently from the app itself) I've actually managed to run couple actions, that is, list, copy/rename, delete. ... so there are two non-exclusive solutions. 1. Contact: so they can fix the issue with their S3 API and make it compliant with the standard. 2. S3Drive to allow user to skip the read check <--- this is something we would be willing to allow, but it would take use a while, as we're busy with other work at the moment.
Thank you for your great support. I contacted my provider and they were able to provide the fix. Now I can login normally using S3Drive.
👌 2
gil3se joined the server. 05/26/2024 11:53 AM
Deleted User joined the server. 05/26/2024 12:01 PM
el_gato_moroi joined the server. 05/26/2024 12:02 PM
Every time I try to upload a large file, it errors?
What's your OS? How do you upload these files, is it + icon file upload, folder upload drag&drop upload or anything else? Do you happen to know at what threshold (file size) problem starts? Do you use E2E encryption? Do you use multipart uploads (configurable in the settings)? Does the transfer of these files start at all? Before it fails, does the progress halt or it keeps going until it fails eventually? Do you have any antivirus software on your machine? Do you have any non-standard firewall on your network or your traffic is routed through some proxy? Finally, what's your broadband type and speed? If you don't mind feel free to PM me what's your country (if you think there maybe some relevance or you've faced similar issue in the past for other endpoints / software) I would appreciate if you could give us some of these details as it may help us to trace down the problem. Thanks ! (edited)
What's your OS? How do you upload these files, is it + icon file upload, folder upload drag&drop upload or anything else? Do you happen to know at what threshold (file size) problem starts? Do you use E2E encryption? Do you use multipart uploads (configurable in the settings)? Does the transfer of these files start at all? Before it fails, does the progress halt or it keeps going until it fails eventually? Do you have any antivirus software on your machine? Do you have any non-standard firewall on your network or your traffic is routed through some proxy? Finally, what's your broadband type and speed? If you don't mind feel free to PM me what's your country (if you think there maybe some relevance or you've faced similar issue in the past for other endpoints / software) I would appreciate if you could give us some of these details as it may help us to trace down the problem. Thanks ! (edited)
Thanks for the questions. I'll check and answer all of these in the morning
rrawb joined the server. 05/27/2024 2:13 AM
Click to see original message
@rrawb Hi there !
What's your OS? How do you upload these files, is it + icon file upload, folder upload drag&drop upload or anything else? Do you happen to know at what threshold (file size) problem starts? Do you use E2E encryption? Do you use multipart uploads (configurable in the settings)? Does the transfer of these files start at all? Before it fails, does the progress halt or it keeps going until it fails eventually? Do you have any antivirus software on your machine? Do you have any non-standard firewall on your network or your traffic is routed through some proxy? Finally, what's your broadband type and speed? If you don't mind feel free to PM me what's your country (if you think there maybe some relevance or you've faced similar issue in the past for other endpoints / software) I would appreciate if you could give us some of these details as it may help us to trace down the problem. Thanks ! (edited)
Multipart Upload might have fixed this
I didn't know that it would be off by default
I didn't know that it would be off by default
It's off by default, because even though it improves upload resilience it usually slows down the overall speed because chunk upload is sequential at the moment. (edited)
It's off by default, because even though it improves upload resilience it usually slows down the overall speed because chunk upload is sequential at the moment. (edited)
Is there any chance to have a custom limit / different limit as to where multipart engages as opposed to not?
R2 requires files above 4.995GiB to be uploaded as multi-part files, but anything below that doesn't matter
I can see that S3 Drive deals with it as any file >100MB
Is there any chance to have a custom limit / different limit as to where multipart engages as opposed to not?
I've added a feature reuqest: There will be 2 configurable params. Can't give any ETA, but it's not a big deal, so likely within a month or two it should land in a production release. (edited)
❤️ 2
👌 1
Thanks Tom, appreciate it
@s3drive Can I install on my iPhone and share app so Family can benefit using S3Drive & Media Backup? Is there any guidance on setting up please or just use same Key and endpoint for my S3 Bucket? Thank you
@s3drive Can I install on my iPhone and share app so Family can benefit using S3Drive & Media Backup? Is there any guidance on setting up please or just use same Key and endpoint for my S3 Bucket? Thank you
Hi, Thanks for your message. It all depends. In principle you would generate a separate API key for each family member regardless if it points to the same bucket or a different one. Such approach is usually better from a security point of view. Question is if you would like to have a single bucket available to each family member, separate buckets or some combination of shared and separate buckets. We plan to introduce family plans and more granular sharing / folder exchange between separate accounts, so by default information is private and you as a user / family member decide what folder would you like to share (for read or write or both)... however it's a work in progress.
@s3drive Can I install on my iPhone and share app so Family can benefit using S3Drive & Media Backup? Is there any guidance on setting up please or just use same Key and endpoint for my S3 Bucket? Thank you
Speaking of media backup setup, we don't have a guide as such, but it shouldn't be that hard. Initially you'll need to give permission to your media files (either all or some subset you can select), then you'd need to select albums that S3Drive would then upload. You might want tweak the upload path in the settings (by default it uploads to the Automatic Uploads/<phoneModel>) if by any chance you've set up same bucket for photo for all family members, you might want to double check upload path so there is no "name collision" if for instance you use two exactly same iPhone models. (edited)
@s3drive Can I install on my iPhone and share app so Family can benefit using S3Drive & Media Backup? Is there any guidance on setting up please or just use same Key and endpoint for my S3 Bucket? Thank you
If you have any specific problem with setting things up or more of a general question, I am happy to help out ! (edited)
Hi, Thanks for your message. It all depends. In principle you would generate a separate API key for each family member regardless if it points to the same bucket or a different one. Such approach is usually better from a security point of view. Question is if you would like to have a single bucket available to each family member, separate buckets or some combination of shared and separate buckets. We plan to introduce family plans and more granular sharing / folder exchange between separate accounts, so by default information is private and you as a user / family member decide what folder would you like to share (for read or write or both)... however it's a work in progress.
Thank you Tom. We have one shared bucket with multiple folders we can all access which is fine. I can create individual API Keys if that is best practice. I am trying to keep it simple for the family and myself! 😁
Speaking of media backup setup, we don't have a guide as such, but it shouldn't be that hard. Initially you'll need to give permission to your media files (either all or some subset you can select), then you'd need to select albums that S3Drive would then upload. You might want tweak the upload path in the settings (by default it uploads to the Automatic Uploads/<phoneModel>) if by any chance you've set up same bucket for photo for all family members, you might want to double check upload path so there is no "name collision" if for instance you use two exactly same iPhone models. (edited)
I’m looking to set up S3Drive with Media Backup for each family member. I have seen how this works from my device with the creation of folders, ‘Automatic Upload’ and then device model name, which I can rename. The issue is that having downloaded the app on my daughters mobile it is not starting the upload, even though full access has been given to the photo library and it is showing the count of photos (All) but it does not start uploading.
If you have any specific problem with setting things up or more of a general question, I am happy to help out ! (edited)
I have paid for the app for a month to test that this can work, as I think it should, ie in the background. I understood if I have paid for the app then via Apple family, my daughter would be able to download and benefit from the background upload but need to solve the initial issue of it not uploading any Media despite tapping ‘Start Upload’. Thank you for your help.
I have paid for the app for a month to test that this can work, as I think it should, ie in the background. I understood if I have paid for the app then via Apple family, my daughter would be able to download and benefit from the background upload but need to solve the initial issue of it not uploading any Media despite tapping ‘Start Upload’. Thank you for your help.
I do appreciate making a purchase and supporting the project. I assume that you've: "Backup when app starts" toggled on? In such case backup would start when app starts (or if app gets resumed), but it won't start automatically when apps run already (Start backup button needs to be tapped manually).
👍 1
I have paid for the app for a month to test that this can work, as I think it should, ie in the background. I understood if I have paid for the app then via Apple family, my daughter would be able to download and benefit from the background upload but need to solve the initial issue of it not uploading any Media despite tapping ‘Start Upload’. Thank you for your help.
Speaking of background mode, it's limited to default what iOS provides. Usually background backup would start if device is connected to charger and kept overnight. The issue is that background backup has limited execution time, so if you have plenty assets to backup it would certainly have to be executed multiple times in order for your assets to be fully uploaded. It might be more reliable to run the initial sync (foreground) and then rely on background backup to periodically sync the difference. (edited)
Speaking of background mode, it's limited to default what iOS provides. Usually background backup would start if device is connected to charger and kept overnight. The issue is that background backup has limited execution time, so if you have plenty assets to backup it would certainly have to be executed multiple times in order for your assets to be fully uploaded. It might be more reliable to run the initial sync (foreground) and then rely on background backup to periodically sync the difference. (edited)
Great. Understand re iOS background policy. Will try initial sync first then switch as you have explained. Thank you
Speaking of background mode, it's limited to default what iOS provides. Usually background backup would start if device is connected to charger and kept overnight. The issue is that background backup has limited execution time, so if you have plenty assets to backup it would certainly have to be executed multiple times in order for your assets to be fully uploaded. It might be more reliable to run the initial sync (foreground) and then rely on background backup to periodically sync the difference. (edited)
For clarity, once my daughter’s media has sync’d as you have explained, should the app on her iPhone allow Background backup to work, as I have purchased the app and it is shared via the Apple Family sharing option or not and we therefore need to purchase per iPhone? Thank you.
uncle_remus joined the server. 05/27/2024 7:24 PM
Click to see original message
uncle_remus 05/27/2024 7:25 PM
Great. Understand re iOS background policy. Will try initial sync first then switch as you have explained. Thank you
Just for the clarity, you would normally enable background backup, but you can (and probably should) leave the "Start sync when app starts" setting enabled.
👍 1
For clarity, once my daughter’s media has sync’d as you have explained, should the app on her iPhone allow Background backup to work, as I have purchased the app and it is shared via the Apple Family sharing option or not and we therefore need to purchase per iPhone? Thank you.
We haven't enabled Apple Family sharing, since it poses couple hard to solve challenges once we want to expand sharing experience to our other platforms (Android, PC etc.). We plan to implement family plans using our in-house billing and they will be available on all platforms (not just Apple) but it's not yet ready, so in principle at the moment you would need a separate license. The alternative would be to create an account on our website: and based on your existing I could enable Ultimate plan on it (feel free to DM me your e-mail, so I can enable the Ultimate monthly on it), then using such account you could login to S3Drive on your device and other family member only to obtain the Ultimate license. As such every user should use their own personal account (security wise mostly), but for license purposes it would work just fine... and we don't make any trouble if license is reused within family especially when we don't have any systematic way of handling this just yet.
hurricane2852 joined the server. 05/28/2024 8:08 AM
ollien3895 joined the server. 05/28/2024 10:51 PM
shadowzph joined the server. 05/29/2024 11:40 AM
Setting up CORS on mobile phone using BackBlaze (Already setup CORS here) states "Failed: entitled header"
Is there a step I'm missing?
toddletoon joined the server. 05/30/2024 5:44 AM
Is there a step I'm missing?
Hi, please find our Backblaze specific guide: There is a prompt/warning stating that in order to set up CORS, the API key requires access to "All" buckets. It's some quirk on the Backblaze side, but unfortunately that's how it works at the moment. (edited)
jt0103 joined the server. 05/30/2024 7:39 PM
Hi, please find our Backblaze specific guide: There is a prompt/warning stating that in order to set up CORS, the API key requires access to "All" buckets. It's some quirk on the Backblaze side, but unfortunately that's how it works at the moment. (edited)
Yea, I've followed the guide and I'm still getting the same error. I also made a test-bucket and a new app key with require access to "All" per the image below and still the same. Using Brave Browser if that makes a difference. (edited)
@ad267088 Are you trying to "Set up CORS" using desktop, mobile or web S3Drive client? I've did a quick test where I've created new API key with access to all buckets then created a new bucket and then used: "Set up CORS" in the settings menu which worked well. I've then set back CORS to default and tried again on Web, the flow is different with CORS prompt appearing at the bottom during login, but nevertheless it worked just fine. Speaking of CORS setup directly from the Backblaze page, I honestly can say I've never made it work regardless of chosen option, so I can't assist you on that. Please find the attached screenshots. Do you still get: "not entitled" error with the newly generated API key? (edited)
@ad267088 Are you trying to "Set up CORS" using desktop, mobile or web S3Drive client? I've did a quick test where I've created new API key with access to all buckets then created a new bucket and then used: "Set up CORS" in the settings menu which worked well. I've then set back CORS to default and tried again on Web, the flow is different with CORS prompt appearing at the bottom during login, but nevertheless it worked just fine. Speaking of CORS setup directly from the Backblaze page, I honestly can say I've never made it work regardless of chosen option, so I can't assist you on that. Please find the attached screenshots. Do you still get: "not entitled" error with the newly generated API key? (edited)
So it seems that the "CORS Rules" was messing up with the set up since I enabled share everything in this bucket. And since the instructions said to set up CORS rules in the admin panel meant literally "CORS Rules" tab. It's working now. Meanwhile, I'm testing the desktop app but it takes a while to load (I had to force quit the app multiple times)
mattyward2k joined the server. 06/01/2024 11:41 AM
So it seems that the "CORS Rules" was messing up with the set up since I enabled share everything in this bucket. And since the instructions said to set up CORS rules in the admin panel meant literally "CORS Rules" tab. It's working now. Meanwhile, I'm testing the desktop app but it takes a while to load (I had to force quit the app multiple times)
How it's going with the desktop app? Does it still not load properly? If you have some more details, please send us some more details in the #support channel, so we can have a look. Thanks
I have to use cyberduck to upload files more than 1GB to avoid OS errors every time instead of S3Drive
I feel so sad to do that.
E2E encryption is much more different from SSE-S3(AES-256) or SSE-KMS method. I had to switch back and forth.. (edited)
OS error: The remote host has forced the closure of an existing connection. (edited)
Yes uploaded success in cyberduck.
I'm having a difficulty uploading >100MB files in both Android & desktop. "Invalid argument. Invalid array length"
I have to use cyberduck to upload files more than 1GB to avoid OS errors every time instead of S3Drive
Bear with us, we're in the process of implementing "Upload retry on error", but before we roll it out we really want to make sure that any other obstacles are resolved first to avoid pointless repeated upload and wasting resources. Does the upload fail immediately or at some point e..g on 1/3 progress?
E2E encryption is much more different from SSE-S3(AES-256) or SSE-KMS method. I had to switch back and forth.. (edited)
Do you have any issue with E2E encryption? SSE-S3(AES-256) or SSE-KMS are Server Side Encryptions managed by AWS. It's transparent to the user and encryption happens on the AWS server. It's better than nothing, but it ranks pretty low from a privacy point of view, since S3 provider can see file contents at their discretion.
I'm having a difficulty uploading >100MB files in both Android & desktop. "Invalid argument. Invalid array length"
Does it refer to: "Upload files" functionality? Can you try changing Multipart (either disable or enable) in the settings and see if it helps?
Bear with us, we're in the process of implementing "Upload retry on error", but before we roll it out we really want to make sure that any other obstacles are resolved first to avoid pointless repeated upload and wasting resources. Does the upload fail immediately or at some point e..g on 1/3 progress?
no just at the beginning
Does it refer to: "Upload files" functionality? Can you try changing Multipart (either disable or enable) in the settings and see if it helps?
Disable and enable tires lot of times
no helps to backblaze
Do you have any issue with E2E encryption? SSE-S3(AES-256) or SSE-KMS are Server Side Encryptions managed by AWS. It's transparent to the user and encryption happens on the AWS server. It's better than nothing, but it ranks pretty low from a privacy point of view, since S3 provider can see file contents at their discretion.
No ,just because your s3drive cannot upload size more than 1GB on backblaze ,So I have to upload using cyberduck with SSE-S3 encryption ,In this case my files are being seen and I can't help it because of your upload errors all the time.
No ,just because your s3drive cannot upload size more than 1GB on backblaze ,So I have to upload using cyberduck with SSE-S3 encryption ,In this case my files are being seen and I can't help it because of your upload errors all the time.
I understand, do you have multipart upload enabled or disabled?
I'd just opened backblaze SSE-B2 also cyberduck SSE-S3 encryption there when uploading ,what would happen to my files ??
disabled current time
when enabled multipart upload error like this: timeoutException after 0:00:20.000000:Future not completed....
Whatever it's on or off,failed all the time.
When using Server-Side Encryption with Amazon S3-Managed Keys (SSE-S3), Amazon S3 encrypts your data as it writes it to disks in their data centers and decrypts it for you when you access it. Amazon S3 manages the encryption keys and uses one of the strongest block ciphers available, 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-256)1. However, it’s important to note that while SSE-S3 provides a high level of security by encrypting the data at rest, the S3 service itself can access the encrypted files. This is because the encryption and decryption are handled server-side by Amazon S3. For instance, when you request an object, Amazon S3 decrypts the object before returning it to you2. So, while others cannot see your files without proper authentication and authorization, the S3 service, as the provider, can technically access the encrypted files, although AWS has strict policies and controls in place to protect customer data3. If you require a higher level of control over the encryption keys, you might consider using Server-Side Encryption with AWS Key Management Service (SSE-KMS) or Server-Side Encryption with Customer-Provided Keys (SSE-C), which provide different levels of control and audit capability2.
So SSE-KMS is more safe anyway?I did not see SSE-C on cyberduck options
Does it refer to: "Upload files" functionality? Can you try changing Multipart (either disable or enable) in the settings and see if it helps?
I've tried both, but still the same error. I kept retrying and one file uploaded successfully, but this one 300MB file won't. Moreover, even select photos won't upload
So SSE-KMS is more safe anyway?I did not see SSE-C on cyberduck options
Both SSE-KMS or SSE-C are server side encryption methods. I wouldn't use SSE-C, why bother manging key and risk losing it if there isn't apparent security benefit, since you're sending key (leaking security context) to the S3 provider anyway.
what's a Time information on backblaze settings:
Another thing is I use a vpn+firewall, and it often disconnects my vpn when browsing S3drive. I'm looking at the logs and there aren't any block connections
ktc1016 joined the server. 06/02/2024 11:21 PM
brightsavanna joined the server. 06/03/2024 12:57 AM
what's a Time information on backblaze settings:
You can find some information in their docs: -> bucketInfo and -> Bucket Information
You can add key/value pairs as custom information associated with the bucket. [...] You can also set the cache-control policy for buckets. For example, if you want the client to cache files for five minutes, you add a name/value pair such as "Cache-Control" : "max-age=600"
anthony_72767 joined the server. 06/03/2024 7:06 PM
You can find some information in their docs: -> bucketInfo and -> Bucket Information
You can add key/value pairs as custom information associated with the bucket. [...] You can also set the cache-control policy for buckets. For example, if you want the client to cache files for five minutes, you add a name/value pair such as "Cache-Control" : "max-age=600"
Does max age larger better ??
Does max age larger better ??
If you're not sure about the consequences of that setting then you can safely keep the defaults. (edited)
593yb joined the server. 06/04/2024 6:58 PM
Hi @s3drive , thanks for creating this fantastic apps and services. I'm curios to know, if there is any company behind all this or if you are working as an freelancer. Also I would like to know which data is stored, especially if I have an account with my s3 logins and everything stored. I cannot find any Impressum on your page, which I thought is mandatory for doing business in the EU, so that's why I'm asking all this here
Hi @currypaul, Since at the moment we're just selling software licenses we're running somewhat simplified setup. Company is registered under my name, you can find its details in the respective app store or when you make a purchase (on the invoice). We're in the process of registering a legal entity which will then formally own the software and sell the storage. We'll then update our website to include all of the required company details, as well as some other necessary details (e.g. GDPR Data Protection Officer etc.) Regarding data processing you can find our privacy policy here: Your S3 logins are stored on your device, we're not transferring them or synchronizing between devices. On most platforms they're encrypted using available built-in OS tools (e.g. Keychain). If you have any other questions regarding how we operate as a company and/or software, or have some specific questions regarding how data is stored / encrypted, I would be more than happy to answer. (edited)
👍 1
b.b.m joined the server. 06/05/2024 12:55 PM
Click to see original message
I would strongly like to urge that old s3drive versions do not expire. It's fine to have nag screens on every launch informing the user of the latest version, but had I waited any longer to use s3drive again, I would have been locked out of doing so because of a bug that was introduced not even 2 weeks ago
Hi @currypaul, Since at the moment we're just selling software licenses we're running somewhat simplified setup. Company is registered under my name, you can find its details in the respective app store or when you make a purchase (on the invoice). We're in the process of registering a legal entity which will then formally own the software and sell the storage. We'll then update our website to include all of the required company details, as well as some other necessary details (e.g. GDPR Data Protection Officer etc.) Regarding data processing you can find our privacy policy here: Your S3 logins are stored on your device, we're not transferring them or synchronizing between devices. On most platforms they're encrypted using available built-in OS tools (e.g. Keychain). If you have any other questions regarding how we operate as a company and/or software, or have some specific questions regarding how data is stored / encrypted, I would be more than happy to answer. (edited)
Thanks for making that clear. I thin I know now what I need to know for data protection and private use. I just wanted to test the rclone features, especially the encryption. For this I need more than one account, as I need to set up the S3 service first and then the encryption service for that S3 server. So I definitely hit the limit of only one account. Is it possible to have an testaccount for a month? Another way could be to do pay via paypal. I really don't like to put creditcard data to every provider 😕
Thanks for making that clear. I thin I know now what I need to know for data protection and private use. I just wanted to test the rclone features, especially the encryption. For this I need more than one account, as I need to set up the S3 service first and then the encryption service for that S3 server. So I definitely hit the limit of only one account. Is it possible to have an testaccount for a month? Another way could be to do pay via paypal. I really don't like to put creditcard data to every provider 😕
Sure, please register an account and then click Join (that's required so the account gets transferred to billing system, but you can close it straightaway) on our pricing page: afterwards feel free to PM me, so I can enable test Ultimate on your account. Regarding payments, we're not handling your CC details directly through our system, but offload that to Stripe (they have relevant PCI certificate). What we get back is cryptographically signed payment confirmation. I still understand that not everyone feels comfortable giving out CC data. (edited)
👍 1
w0lfvn joined the server. 06/06/2024 8:05 AM
Any updated on how to connect koofr vault and s3 drive ?
Or WebDAV with koofr vault
Any updated on how to connect koofr vault and s3 drive ?
Please find this topic: Set up isn't entirely automated, but it's doable and proven to work. Please give it a go and if you're stuck we can assist. Thanks !
juanlucer_75492 joined the server. 06/06/2024 4:01 PM
Always saw different types of errors when uploading big files especially backblaze
re_2185 joined the server. 06/07/2024 2:12 AM
Hi, i have some questions regarding the app: 1. Given that i am using the free personal plan, then i upgrade and use ultimate plan (with the same s3 bucket), will it compatible? 2. With ultimate plan, can i use on multiple devices, each setup with one or more different buckets? Does it have any limit or restriction on this? Thanks.
Hi, i have some questions regarding the app: 1. Given that i am using the free personal plan, then i upgrade and use ultimate plan (with the same s3 bucket), will it compatible? 2. With ultimate plan, can i use on multiple devices, each setup with one or more different buckets? Does it have any limit or restriction on this? Thanks.
Yes, Ultimate plan is suitable for connecting to external S3 / Rclone endpoints. You can use it freely with all your devices as long as you login using email/password credentials (the ones to which the Ultimate license is tired) first and then switch to S3 / Rclone endpoint of your choice.
👍 1
_qwertyy joined the server. 06/07/2024 4:53 PM
fookwon_70005 joined the server. 06/08/2024 10:43 PM
virtram joined the server. 06/09/2024 5:20 PM
michiel_e joined the server. 06/09/2024 8:29 PM
cbnalica joined the server. 06/09/2024 11:05 PM
bituhh joined the server. 06/10/2024 6:03 AM
Hi, I have upgrade both my android and my IPhone to the ultimate life time plan. While the device is backing up the photos etc. I notice that only one upload is done at a time. Is there an option or a feature that enables multiple uploads? I love the app and it's potential.
Also background backup doesn't seem to be working right.
Hi, I have upgrade both my android and my IPhone to the ultimate life time plan. While the device is backing up the photos etc. I notice that only one upload is done at a time. Is there an option or a feature that enables multiple uploads? I love the app and it's potential.
Hi, Thank you for getting the Ultimate plan and supporting the project ! Concurrent file upload on mobile it's coming, the prototype is there, however we're still facing couple issues with the internals. We're somewhat dependent on these two issues or They're likely to get resolved within couple next months if not sooner, in which case we would be able to push our improvements. Stay tuned. (edited)
Also background backup doesn't seem to be working right.
Speaking of background backup do you refer to iOS or Android? On iOS its abilities are somewhat limited, on Android in principle it shall work fine for any external S3 or Rclone.
iOS mainly. The issue is when I minimise the app. I expect it to be uploading on the background, what would be the limitations in this case?
iOS mainly. The issue is when I minimise the app. I expect it to be uploading on the background, what would be the limitations in this case?
The biggest limitation comes from the OS itself, which doesn't really trigger the background job unless device it's connected to charger, fully charged and left for quite a while, which usually happens overnight. Once it runs the background time is limited which proves difficult to upload bigger files or finish uploading multiple files in one go. There are some improvements we will be doing, (e.g. allow upload pause/resume), so gradually even with limited background time it could eventually finish. The other bit is that there are some iOS specific tricks that can be done in order to squeeze more background time from the system. We'll be exploring these.
I see thank you very much. Love the project. I am an nodejs developer and have touched flutter very briefly a while back. If you every need any support with anything feel free to reach out.
👍 1
matrizxc joined the server. 06/10/2024 1:19 PM
unlawfulcactus 06/10/2024 1:38 PM
Time for my monthly check-in 😉 The app is running smoothly on my Android, just waiting for the full background sync functionality + writable mounts. I found some minor typos/text issues: - know: the whole word seems superfluous - report: the plural—reports—seems more fitting, but that might just be opinion - Thanks !: the space seems unnecessary
Ah, I get where that 'know' came from, a mixup of "we will notify you" and "we will let you know". Those brains of ours... fairly reliable but there's always the occasional hiccup 😄
andy_77045 joined the server. 06/10/2024 4:18 PM
Time for my monthly check-in 😉 The app is running smoothly on my Android, just waiting for the full background sync functionality + writable mounts. I found some minor typos/text issues: - know: the whole word seems superfluous - report: the plural—reports—seems more fitting, but that might just be opinion - Thanks !: the space seems unnecessary
Thanks for the heads up. We'll have it sorted in a next release. Speaking of exclamation mark, it's fun to learn, that I was actually using French notation, which isn't correct in English. I was 100% sure that this is the only right way... will take me a while to get used to the new notation! Speaking of these two features, writable mounts will likely happen first, since it's somewhat predictable task to implement resource wise. Can't give any close ETA though, possibly Q4. Background processing is always tricky to deal with, but it will come eventually. We'll need to improve resilience of multipart uploads and failure retries first, as this is crucial to get right in a resource constrained background environment. (edited)
❤️ 1
unlawfulcactus 06/10/2024 7:18 PM
O wow, that's interesting! I don't remember that from my French classes as a teenager. Then again, I presume there's a lot I was supposed to learn in school that I didn't retain 😅 There's no objective right way of course, only consensus and consistency. Maybe if the "Are you sure?" also had a space before the punctuation mark, I wouldn't have said anything 😄 Cheers!
datustram joined the server. 06/11/2024 5:20 PM
kp_90 joined the server. 06/11/2024 8:45 PM
joaotome1994_62921 joined the server. 06/11/2024 10:57 PM
arwen_07112 joined the server. 06/14/2024 9:12 PM
exa500 joined the server. 06/16/2024 10:38 PM
judge joined the server. 06/17/2024 1:44 AM
froshk joined the server. 06/17/2024 4:36 AM
triccum joined the server. 06/19/2024 2:25 AM
qinghong67 joined the server. 06/20/2024 8:44 AM
stillfigurin joined the server. 06/21/2024 2:40 PM
stillfigurin joined the server. 06/21/2024 2:41 PM
rtbgg joined the server. 06/21/2024 7:29 PM
hragon_22785 joined the server. 06/25/2024 12:36 PM
saltblanc_ joined the server. 06/25/2024 6:28 PM
Hey, I'm new to all of this and had a few questions to S3Drive and rclone I am using Proton Drive as my main Cloud, but it always bugged me that on-the-go playback was never possible on larger files. After searching around, I found S3Drive. Since it said it has the possibility to play videos without downloading them, I decided to give it a go. Now I've managed to install S3Drive with rclone onto my machine and connected it with my Proton Drive. Afterwards I clicked on "start mounting" within the client and it created a new network folder in my Windows Explorer. This new drive seems to be able to play videos on-the-go since it buffers before it plays in my video player (please correct me if I'm wrong). Furthermore I am wondering if my files still are secure, private and encrypted by Proton,.. are they when I access them via the new folder? Thanks and sorry again, total noob here ;-; tl;dr Are the files I playback from the mounted drive (S3Drive mounted drive which gets the files through my connected rclone>ProtonDrive connection) stored locally/take up space on my machine after they finish playing? Are the files from the mounted drive still encryped/secure once I connected Proton Drive with rclone?
Hey, I'm new to all of this and had a few questions to S3Drive and rclone I am using Proton Drive as my main Cloud, but it always bugged me that on-the-go playback was never possible on larger files. After searching around, I found S3Drive. Since it said it has the possibility to play videos without downloading them, I decided to give it a go. Now I've managed to install S3Drive with rclone onto my machine and connected it with my Proton Drive. Afterwards I clicked on "start mounting" within the client and it created a new network folder in my Windows Explorer. This new drive seems to be able to play videos on-the-go since it buffers before it plays in my video player (please correct me if I'm wrong). Furthermore I am wondering if my files still are secure, private and encrypted by Proton,.. are they when I access them via the new folder? Thanks and sorry again, total noob here ;-; tl;dr Are the files I playback from the mounted drive (S3Drive mounted drive which gets the files through my connected rclone>ProtonDrive connection) stored locally/take up space on my machine after they finish playing? Are the files from the mounted drive still encryped/secure once I connected Proton Drive with rclone?
Hi @saltblanc_ and welcome to our little World. Streaming on your mounted drive is possible, because Rclone itself (we use it internally) supports content streaming from various back-ends and at the same time supports Proton encryption. Streaming itself doesn't pose security risks, on the contrary, it might actually be a safer option (vs downloading whole file), that is because with streaming file isn't decrypted and saved to disk as a whole. Instead, only sequential chunks are encrypted whereas used/watched ones get discarded. Streaming encrypted media isn't inherently different to streaming unencrypted media. There is just one additional step in the middle, that is decrypting flow of encrypted bytes in to something that video player can understand. In-app streaming (not through mount) of encrypted video in S3Drive is currently supported for S3 protocol, but not for Rclone back-end (Proton included). We will add support for in-app streaming, formally added feature request: to track it.
Hey, I'm new to all of this and had a few questions to S3Drive and rclone I am using Proton Drive as my main Cloud, but it always bugged me that on-the-go playback was never possible on larger files. After searching around, I found S3Drive. Since it said it has the possibility to play videos without downloading them, I decided to give it a go. Now I've managed to install S3Drive with rclone onto my machine and connected it with my Proton Drive. Afterwards I clicked on "start mounting" within the client and it created a new network folder in my Windows Explorer. This new drive seems to be able to play videos on-the-go since it buffers before it plays in my video player (please correct me if I'm wrong). Furthermore I am wondering if my files still are secure, private and encrypted by Proton,.. are they when I access them via the new folder? Thanks and sorry again, total noob here ;-; tl;dr Are the files I playback from the mounted drive (S3Drive mounted drive which gets the files through my connected rclone>ProtonDrive connection) stored locally/take up space on my machine after they finish playing? Are the files from the mounted drive still encryped/secure once I connected Proton Drive with rclone?
Speaking of security and potential risk vectors that you should be aware of. Below actions are optional, but might further improve security. a) You may want to disable VFS mount cache in the S3Drive settings, so no file cache is written to disk. b) You may want to remove your username and password from the Rclone configuration after setting up Proton, please see my comment here: I haven't used that myself long enough, it may happen that at some point username and password will be required for the resetup if by any chance: client_refresh_token expires. In the future we will allow password striping in-app, so no manual step is required. c) In general you may monitor any undesired file access to config file, on Windows: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\rclone\rclone.conf, as this is where sensitive data is stored. In the future we will support Rclone encrypted config: (edited)
Hi @saltblanc_ and welcome to our little World. Streaming on your mounted drive is possible, because Rclone itself (we use it internally) supports content streaming from various back-ends and at the same time supports Proton encryption. Streaming itself doesn't pose security risks, on the contrary, it might actually be a safer option (vs downloading whole file), that is because with streaming file isn't decrypted and saved to disk as a whole. Instead, only sequential chunks are encrypted whereas used/watched ones get discarded. Streaming encrypted media isn't inherently different to streaming unencrypted media. There is just one additional step in the middle, that is decrypting flow of encrypted bytes in to something that video player can understand. In-app streaming (not through mount) of encrypted video in S3Drive is currently supported for S3 protocol, but not for Rclone back-end (Proton included). We will add support for in-app streaming, formally added feature request: to track it.
Thank you so much! Very thorough answers : ) One quick follow-up question: I am confused as to where the S3Drive mount lies. Like, it is listed as an online fileserver on my explorer, but where on my network does it lie? And does it have to be instantiated every time i restart my machine?
Thank you so much! Very thorough answers : ) One quick follow-up question: I am confused as to where the S3Drive mount lies. Like, it is listed as an online fileserver on my explorer, but where on my network does it lie? And does it have to be instantiated every time i restart my machine?
Currently it does create network share with a local letter e.g. Z: and remote handle, eg. \\server\s3drive_proton. In 1.9.2 version which is available as pre-release (and will be released to general public in a few days): we've added an option to disable network (and made it default setting) mount in case you don't want to share it. In order to start mount after reboot, you can use combination of: "Launch app at startup" and then: "Mount drive after app starts". In the future we will add an option to start the app in tray: so S3Drive windows doesn't pop up each time. (edited)
Thank you so much! Very thorough answers : ) One quick follow-up question: I am confused as to where the S3Drive mount lies. Like, it is listed as an online fileserver on my explorer, but where on my network does it lie? And does it have to be instantiated every time i restart my machine?
This is to let you know that in our main Windows release: you can toggle on/off network sharing. By default mount will end up in your File Explorer, but it won't be available on your network.
This is to let you know that in our main Windows release: you can toggle on/off network sharing. By default mount will end up in your File Explorer, but it won't be available on your network.
Oh man, thank you so so much! U're a hell of a dev for caring this much about your community ❣️
❤️ 1
Tom is the GOAT :)
Tom is the GOAT :)
Well, thanks, my job is a hell lot easier if you guys provide such a great feedback. s3drive
corsair400r. joined the server. 06/26/2024 2:17 PM
corsair400r. 06/26/2024 2:19 PM
Managed storage plans
Click to see original message
corsair400r. 06/26/2024 2:20 PM
Hi team, regarding this Managed storage plan (100GB, 500GB, 1TB, 5TB...) from the roadmap, are you planning to offer storage plans so we can pay you monthly, yearly and you will offer 1TB, 10TB, 30 TB, etc ? Am I understanding correctly?
Hi team, regarding this Managed storage plan (100GB, 500GB, 1TB, 5TB...) from the roadmap, are you planning to offer storage plans so we can pay you monthly, yearly and you will offer 1TB, 10TB, 30 TB, etc ? Am I understanding correctly?
That's right, it's all coming soon. The exact size distribution is to be confirmed, but we're likely provide stacking option, so you can combine plans. E.g. if you need 6TB, then 5TB + 1TB would be best option. What storage size would you suit you best?
gorbak25 joined the server. 06/26/2024 4:15 PM
Hi, I'm busy backing up my files to a remote s3 storage, in essence migrating away from Google photos. But I'm curious about the roadmap and the "Photo management tools" on the roadmap for 2024. I often search my media files by face recognition, by geographic location, and by date/time. How will that work with the planned s3drive features? Will a shared database/index be stored on s3, or will an index be local to a device? Will I have to re-index/process all files before they can be searched?
I think I've missed that one. We haven't made much progress on that. In the ideal scenario we would keep local state which could be then synced with other devices, with some periodic backup to S3. There are some projects which utilize S3 as a database, but given that there isn't proper locking mechanism is pretty hard to avoid corruption in the long-run. We haven't researched feasible options just yet. If you aim to replace Google Photos, you might try Ente project, these guys focus on photo management and support E2E. I haven't tried that project myself, but I've heard lots of positives. We will eventually catch up, but honestly not sure if we can make much progress on that this year. (edited)
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morethanevil 08/06/2023 7:03 PM
@xenthys I wanted to say thanks again for the policy. I said, I would share it and almost 20 people found it helpful within 12 hours 🌞
👍 1
This is on Lemmy ☺
@xenthys I wanted to say thanks again for the policy. I said, I would share it and almost 20 people found it helpful within 12 hours 🌞
You're welcome, glad it helped you, if it helps others that's a bonus haha
🌞 1
@xenthys I wanted to say thanks again for the policy. I said, I would share it and almost 20 people found it helpful within 12 hours 🌞
I am wondering if you also face directory cache listing issue on MinIO. Playing with MinIO and uploaded some files, then deleted them all, they've landed in Trash, but when I open Files, the directory structure remains even though these entries are effectively deleted. It's been many hours since delete took place, but the dir structure is still there. (edited)
morethanevil 08/07/2023 8:22 AM
Do you use versioning for this bucket?
Test upload to a bucket with versioning
Far better view 😁
👍 1
Deleted all with normal delete
I can reload the bucket as I want, those elements are not coming back in s3drive
Do you use versioning for this bucket?
I do have versioning enabled and problem only affects folders. In other words if you delete a folder with some files it seems that empty "folder entry" still appears in the listing.
morethanevil 08/07/2023 9:34 AM
Okay I test again
... and then once you refresh view, what happens? (edited)
morethanevil 08/07/2023 9:36 AM
Yes when I switch the tab I get your Problem
Yes folder reappears
Not reappears
It is recreated
I see the same in MinIO Webinterface
It seems it's related to this issue: I am going to investigate that, something's not right with Minio's behavior
morethanevil 08/07/2023 9:40 AM
Yes i tried to delete folder, it appears in the app as deleted but is still there in MinIO It does not get deleted in the first place
The app is correctly listing the bucket
Well they way it all works it's maybe not complex, but convoluted. There is no concept of directories in S3, so there are sort of virtual directory entries. There are explicit folder entries (e.g. if key: "folder/" - slash is important) gets created and there are implicit entries (e.g. if key: "folder/file.txt" exists) then "folder" gets "derived" from the path. (edited)
morethanevil 08/07/2023 9:43 AM
Okay nothing wrong I have a clue: You have versioning enabled, so deleted files are marked as deleted but are kept back The folder which contains is not empty in this case and can not get deleted I tried to normally delete in MinIO it did not work As i made hard delete (=deletes all versions) then it worked
So versioning is correctly working and S3Drive is listing right
Maybe you should add the option to show deleted files 🤔
A toggle in the menu would be okay
Well, Trash is supposed to show deleted files really. It's actually using Versioning API to display what's deleted. It seems that MinIO incorrectly displays the directory listings if there are Delete Markers left and guys from Nextcloud developed a workaround/hack: to hide these entries. (edited)
I am going to play with different S3 implementations to confirm my findings, but it seems this is purely MinIO related.
that's a MinIOops I guess
👍 2
😸 1
Well, Trash is supposed to show deleted files really. It's actually using Versioning API to display what's deleted. It seems that MinIO incorrectly displays the directory listings if there are Delete Markers left and guys from Nextcloud developed a workaround/hack: to hide these entries. (edited)
morethanevil 08/07/2023 9:58 AM
Is there an issue related to that on MinIO Page? 🤔
Is there an issue related to that on MinIO Page? 🤔
Bear in mind that most of the cases where S3 is used is simply key<>value storage, where files metadata and structure/hierarchy is being kept elsewhere. Directories on S3 is literally a hack (which actually works) and using S3 natively as FS (that's what we do) is rather an edge case. I haven't found anything official really, as I was wasting my time trying to search for some "cache" settings... but after x hours and then node restart I've realized that there is more to this. (edited)
morethanevil 08/07/2023 10:24 AM
I don't think it is about caching, it is more a point of view problem You have files in a folder and delete them. Now they are marked as deleted but versioning keeps them as expected. If you niw delete the folder and would get the mark of deleted, then you won't be able to restore the files because the folder is still deleted 🤔 And how would you list the deleted of deleted files?
Deletception 😂
MinIO would need to unmark the deleted files and would need to set it to the whole folder. But there is a expiry function for deleted files. This would be reset
This is what I think, or am I wrong
I don't think it is about caching, it is more a point of view problem You have files in a folder and delete them. Now they are marked as deleted but versioning keeps them as expected. If you niw delete the folder and would get the mark of deleted, then you won't be able to restore the files because the folder is still deleted 🤔 And how would you list the deleted of deleted files?
To put things simply, it works on AWS S3 it doesn't on MinIO. I am building some bash evidence and going to ask publicly on MinIO's Github. The issue isn't complex at all. Basically you have trash on Windows/Linux/macOS whatever. If you delete files from your computer, they land in Trash. We can say they're versioned as their latest version is available for restore. From a UI point of view, after deletion, you wouldn't expect for these deleted entries to appear in a location from where they were originally deleted. They're now in Trash (available for further deletion or restore) and shouldn't be present anywhere else. MinIO shows the folder hierarchy in the original location despite that it was all deleted and it's correct place is Trash. I don't think it's a correct behavior from purely "files&directories" UI point of view. (edited)
morethanevil 08/07/2023 10:41 AM
Yes this makes sense
... and it's also inconsistent, because it doesn't show deleted files, but it shows deleted directories only 🙂
morethanevil 08/07/2023 10:45 AM
If you opened an issue, I would like have a link. Want to keep an eye on this
If you opened an issue, I would like have a link. Want to keep an eye on this
Hey, how are you doing? I am not sure if I actually ever replied to you, but that's the issue: In the meantime we've found one more issue and inconsistency with AWS S3: In other words if you create a tree like this. PUT folder/ PUT folder/file.txt then: LIST folder might not return you the folder/file.txt Apparently they mention it in here: I am not sure, but we may have to change the way we create folders to overcome this issue. E.g. instead of folder/ we would rather create folder/.empty to not cause conflicting keys.
morethanevil 10/20/2023 7:02 PM
Thanks for the reply, I read the thread. If you now have a workaround, it is good 🌞
Thanks for the reply, I read the thread. If you now have a workaround, it is good 🌞
Hey, how are you? Just FYI, we've included MinIO workaround in 1.6.0 release:
morethanevil 11/25/2023 5:53 AM
Hey, I am fine but busy with my daughters ☺😁 I read about the workaround. Thanks
That implies at least two girls, lucky man ! 🙂
morethanevil 11/25/2023 9:09 AM
Twins ☝🏻😅 10y old
🤾‍♀️ 1
Hi, what's the difference between the playstore ultimate plan and the one available in the website?
I assume the Play Store one is more expensive? If so, that would be due to Google's fees, you can buy on the website directly if you're interested.
Hi, what's the difference between the playstore ultimate plan and the one available in the website?
Leaving price difference aside, in-app purchase on Android applies only Android. With iOS there is an Apple's Universal Purchase (, so it's also linked to desktop macOS version. Licenses sold on our website are valid on all platforms.
Leaving price difference aside, in-app purchase on Android applies only Android. With iOS there is an Apple's Universal Purchase (, so it's also linked to desktop macOS version. Licenses sold on our website are valid on all platforms.
Ok thank you, so purchase on playstore is android only got it. Other question, a couple of months ago i was checking the subscriptions and if i remember correctly you were able to buy an annual license and keep the features that were releaesed during that year. Is it still available?
That's our #general conversation, feel free to read the last few messages there blobwink
how to reset a password? the link that I am receiving to my email always logged me in, instead of resetting it 😓
web platform seems cannot reset a password properly, but I tried using my iPhone via Gmail to Safari it seems the app links get detected and properly goes to the Reset Password from the app. Thus, iOS app reset password works properly.
Hi @daison, thanks for reporting, we will check the web platform. In principle the reset password link logs you in automatically and then redirect you to the password change: We're in the process of improving our auth provider to further improve this workflow.
Easy-to-use client that converts any S3 server into your personal encrypted file storage. Rclone compatible, mount as drive, WebDav server, file versioning.
👍 1
I'm trying the music playlist feature, but no sound coming out even ringtones
I also noticed that APKs are not available anymore. Will you offer that in the future? Perhaps a self updating one? (edited)
And would it be possible to implement a media AI similar to Immich/Google Photos?
I'm trying the music playlist feature, but no sound coming out even ringtones
Thanks for letting me know. Does the play-out issue apply to all music media format? We've used APK as a workaround before Google approved our Folder sync permissions. We will likely provide APK in the future, but it does require some resources that we've redirected elsewhere. Media AI it's on the radar, but realistically we will start work on 2025, as 2024 is mostly about storage, syncing, integration with files and hosted plans.
Yes, FLAC, MP3, and OPUS. it plays the song but no sound.
Re: APK. Not a deal breaker. It's nice for folks who are trying to avoid the Google Play Store. Probably a long shot, but is it possible to remove Google libraries for the Github APK?
Re: Media AI. That's exciting! I'm pretty content with how the app progressed.
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 02/23/2024 4:49 PM
@ad267088 FWIW I was using Obtanium to get the apk directly from github
Yes, FLAC, MP3, and OPUS. it plays the song but no sound.
In a newer release we've improved the audio player. We haven't found any issues with audio no playing. Can you provide your phone model and OS version please?
@ad267088 FWIW I was using Obtanium to get the apk directly from github
Thanks for letting me know. I remember that I've used some alternative to Play Store, which wasn't using Google API, but could browse and install apps from Play Store. EDIT: Got it, it was Aurora Store (edited)
👍 1
In a newer release we've improved the audio player. We haven't found any issues with audio no playing. Can you provide your phone model and OS version please?
it's a base s23 on android 14/oneui6 app version 1.7.12. so when i click the mp3 file, it does nothing, but clicking the open with plays the file. is this the inteded behaviour?
it's a base s23 on android 14/oneui6 app version 1.7.12. so when i click the mp3 file, it does nothing, but clicking the open with plays the file. is this the inteded behaviour?
That's definitely not intended. As long as it's an audio file it should be recognized as such (there is an .mp3 icon regardless for every audio file), therefore tapping on it shall by default open the audio player. With next release there will be an improvement, so encrypted audio files will be decrypted on the fly and played out. Perhaps your file was encrypted? (edited)
how do I add the change log to an rss feed?
👍 1
how do I add the change log to an rss feed?
It's not yet RSS compatible, however great idea, we will make it work with RSS pretty soon.
Thanks for letting me know. I remember that I've used some alternative to Play Store, which wasn't using Google API, but could browse and install apps from Play Store. EDIT: Got it, it was Aurora Store (edited)
U mean wherever I download S3drive it was not reliable to Google gms Api,so we can use it on those android mobile phone's without GMS support
Hi @mix9311, I've moved your question here.
what's the difference between alist and rclone
I am not exactly sure, as I've just came across this project. The main difference to me is that alist has its own Web front-end, so you can self-host it yourself and then expose back-end to other users: With Rclone that's not possible yet, you can use: however there is no documentation how to "host" serve command permanently e.g. on your self-hosted server. One more difference is selection of supported back-ends. Alist seem to target Chinese providers which Rclone doesn't support at the moment.
Serve a remote over a protocol.
I think I understand. Thank you.
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S3Drive - Object lock / enterprise
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general / Object lock / enterprise
markus.berthold 06/30/2023 11:50 AM
Seems like the web client has the same issue:
No matter whether an object with the same name has existed before. (edited)
Currently it's Discord, or Since we already have it here, it's entirely fine, except it normally would be at our ( channel. (edited)
The web client is run from the same codebase, so behavior will usually be the same.
What would be the expectation? I guess proper error message. In other words instead of 400 HTTP code we shall display the issue related to Object Lock / Compliance mode, am I right?
You've also mentioned that no subsequent upload works. Do you mean that no new file can be uploaded since this error, even if the new upload shouldn't fail because of the compliance settings?
What would be the expectation? I guess proper error message. In other words instead of 400 HTTP code we shall display the issue related to Object Lock / Compliance mode, am I right?
markus.berthold 06/30/2023 12:11 PM
I have enabled the governance mode for the bucket. You can test on your own, I will send you the details in a direct message.
I have enabled the governance mode for the bucket. You can test on your own, I will send you the details in a direct message.
That's great, if you could send me the details then it will be helpful in understanding the issue (edited)
Thanks for the details, I've connected and got the issue: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Error><Code>InvalidRequest</Code><Message>Content-MD5 HTTP header is required for Put Object requests with Object Lock parameters</Message><RequestId>...</RequestId><HostId>...</HostId></Error> I remember we've solved this issue in S3Drive's predecessor: but this didn't end up in S3Drive just yet. Fix: In other words we need to add this header if compliance mode is enabled, but since we don't want to do it by default we'll likely add the configurable setting, which will get switched on automatically if we detect this error message. (edited)
Unless you have better idea how we could address that, that's the path we would likely take.
There is a challenge that we need to think how to address, which is related to E2E encryption. In order to calculate the object MD5, we need to know the object contents... but with E2E encryption enabled, MD5 will have to be calculated from the encrypted content, which isn't available (because it's streamed) the moment where we send the initial HTTP requests. (edited)
markus.berthold 06/30/2023 12:59 PM
Why do you need the unencrypted MD5 hash?
Or store additional properties in object metadata?
Avatar "If you configure a default retention period on a bucket, requests to upload objects in such a bucket must include the Content-MD5 header. For more information, see Put Object in the Amazon Simple Storage Service API Reference. " "The Content-MD5 header is required for any request to upload an object with a retention period configured using Amazon S3 Object Lock. For more information about Amazon S3 Object Lock, see Amazon S3 Object Lock Overview in the Amazon S3 User Guide. " Basically we would need to provide object's MD5 ahead of sending any data. With unencrypted data that's fine, we can calculate MD5 locally and then send the HTTP request. With the client-side encrypted data, this is more complicated, since we can't predict how the encrypted content would look like. We could for instance encrypt the object to local FS as a temporary file, then calculate MD5, then stream the encrypted version and then delete a temporary file. We could also do the same in-memory (wouldn't work for big files though). This has certain consequences and complexity though. (edited)
I am not sure if it's feasible, but we actually could follow the above mentioned workaround (streaming file before sending the HTTP request) for files < 5MB and for files >= 5MB we could use: API which doesn't seem to require Content-MD5. This API isn't available for files < 5MB, that's why for small files we would have to do it differently. We need to test if this workaround would work, because if it does, this feature would fit nicely in a work that we're doing at the moment: (edited)
markus.berthold 06/30/2023 1:41 PM
Now I know what you mean. But still all calculations must be done locally. I think MultipartUpload is the preferred way for bigger files. For file < 5MB the encryption +md5 hash could be calculated in memory IMHO.
I have a question about your E2E encryption: At the moment it looks like you are using a 128 Bit Master Key. What are your plans if you need to improve the E2E? In the future you maybe need to support different encryption types with different key length. This information should/could be part of the "key" which is presented or could be entered.
markus.berthold 06/30/2023 1:53 PM
Also for object lock, what are your plans for specifying an individual retention time?
Now I know what you mean. But still all calculations must be done locally. I think MultipartUpload is the preferred way for bigger files. For file < 5MB the encryption +md5 hash could be calculated in memory IMHO.
The UploadPart API to upload individual chunks still enforces the Content-MD5 though: so chunk size would still have to manageable size for in-memory encryption. If we've used min. size which is 5MB that's fine (memory-wise), except it would limit the upper file size limit to 10k (max chunks) * 5MB = 50GB which in some cases is too small. We'll likely introduce setting with the preferred size which either user could control or/and would be reasonably pre-filled based on e.g. desktop/mobile or RAM amount.
markus.berthold 06/30/2023 2:54 PM
Sounds good.
The Multi upload also would have the advantage that it might be faster. In my tests I only was able to utilize 8 Mbit/s per upload (with E2E). When multiple chunks are used (and you have multiple cpu cores) that might also be an improvement.
I have a question about your E2E encryption: At the moment it looks like you are using a 128 Bit Master Key. What are your plans if you need to improve the E2E? In the future you maybe need to support different encryption types with different key length. This information should/could be part of the "key" which is presented or could be entered.
Current E2E protocol based on AES-GCM is our 2nd revision. Prior to that we supported AES-CBC. There was a transitionary period where we supported both protocols. We could distinct which cipher to apply, because all of ther required encryption scheme information is part of object's metadata ( Next month or so we will be releasing improvements to our encryption scheme which will use STREAM protocol combined with AES-GCM: This change will reflect the object's metadata. New objects will use new encryption scheme, where as existing objects will remain readable as they are currently. The fact that we use metadata to keep information about encryption makes us pretty flexible if we ever need to improve E2E encryption.
I have a question about your E2E encryption: At the moment it looks like you are using a 128 Bit Master Key. What are your plans if you need to improve the E2E? In the future you maybe need to support different encryption types with different key length. This information should/could be part of the "key" which is presented or could be entered.
Master Key is currently 128 bit, however that's the KEK that encrypts CEK which is 256 bit. If we ever need to increase KEK size, that's fine.
markus.berthold 06/30/2023 3:02 PM
I have not had a look at the object properties but your approach is good.
I have not had a look at the object properties but your approach is good.
That's the approach that AWS used in their encryption scheme, so we've followed the same. This isn't the most universal approach, as there are some storages which do not support metadata, but since we're pretty fixed on S3, that's not an issue for us. (edited)
markus.berthold 06/30/2023 3:05 PM
At least from my point of view that's enough. And if enything is (or was) part of the protocol it's not so easy to remove it from the protocol, so I would say it should be safe.
All storages which claims to use S3 should be compatible with it.
The Multi upload also would have the advantage that it might be faster. In my tests I only was able to utilize 8 Mbit/s per upload (with E2E). When multiple chunks are used (and you have multiple cpu cores) that might also be an improvement.
Exactly as you say, there is a room for improvements in that area. With or without multipart upload we've been designing things, so parallelization is possible. For instance with AES-CBC you've had to encrypt "block by block", with AES-GCM you can parallelize encryption, but you would have to find pretty smart implementation or build your own that would allow you to do that. With recent STREAM (, we have the internal "chunks counter" and have more control over the encryption process (including breaking down encryption blob in to manageable chunks) without losing any of its properties (at least predictable size, random access, authentication, parallel encryption/decryption, reordering protection, truncation protection). (edited)
The Multi upload also would have the advantage that it might be faster. In my tests I only was able to utilize 8 Mbit/s per upload (with E2E). When multiple chunks are used (and you have multiple cpu cores) that might also be an improvement.
The only limit is the sky and our technical ability to improve the clients parallel operations (applicable also for other operations, e.g. copy / rename), but this will eventually come. (edited)
markus.berthold 06/30/2023 3:12 PM
I understand that at the moment object lock is not possible because of the missing md5 processing. I know it is hard to say but what is your estimation about the above? For the project I mentioned object lock and E2E are two things which are essential.
I understand that at the moment object lock is not possible because of the missing md5 processing. I know it is hard to say but what is your estimation about the above? For the project I mentioned object lock and E2E are two things which are essential.
Combined with E2E it's slightly more complex than I've initially anticipated. It would make sense to implement it together with the Multipart upload. Non binding estimate would be that mid-July we shall have a prototype, which will certainly require tweaks, testing. If things go well (that is no more surprises to the protocol requirements) by the end of July this shall land on production. Does it sound reasonable? (edited)
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We could workaround just for the sake of completeness and do it without Multipart upload (the local-file solution that I've mentioned). This would speed things up, but it's a double work for us (because ultimately it's a subpar solution which will require replacement anyway). With Multipart upload things are slightly longer, because we also need to combine it with the new encryption scheme release (in other words we don't want to fight with current non-streamable AES-GCM encryption combined with Multipart Upload). (edited)
The Multi upload also would have the advantage that it might be faster. In my tests I only was able to utilize 8 Mbit/s per upload (with E2E). When multiple chunks are used (and you have multiple cpu cores) that might also be an improvement.
8 Mbit/s is rather slow. I guess you might've tried file which is bigger than 100MB? Unfortunately this falls back to software encryption which is xx times slower. This will change once we release STREAM protocol next month, which will make hardware encryption apply for all files sizes. (edited)
8 Mbit/s is rather slow. I guess you might've tried file which is bigger than 100MB? Unfortunately this falls back to software encryption which is xx times slower. This will change once we release STREAM protocol next month, which will make hardware encryption apply for all files sizes. (edited)
markus.berthold 06/30/2023 7:09 PM
I made an test with 1 GB and this was the result. The smaller file sizes (10 MB) were realy quick.
I made an test with 1 GB and this was the result. The smaller file sizes (10 MB) were realy quick.
Great to hear, anything below <100MB would usually be limited by a network speed, as hardware AES-GCM is pretty fast on a modern CPU. There are also 5 upload isolates, so if user uploads multiple files the load shall distribute evenly between 5 threads. (edited)
Hi @markus.berthold I've just wanted to let you know that we've did some research and making good progress on the prototype. We shall have a beta version of S3Drive using new performant encryption scheme, supporting object lock, multipart upload and drive mount (on Windows, Mac and Linux) by the end of next week. Stabilizing these features would take us to the end of July, but we could certainly provide the (beta) build for you to have look. You've also mentioned possibility of setting up different passwords for different folders. We can certainly achieve it by implementing "vault" approach in a similar way as "rclone crypt" ( It's unlikely we will be able to make progress on that this month, but depending on the severity we could prioritize that over our other roadmap items. There are couple challenges that we're facing and we will have to decide to choose compatibility vs performance/security. In summary, we would like to use Rclone's disk mount (for its Windows support and pretty good caching settings), but we would have to make our cipher compatible with Rclone's which is subpar (no truncation protection, no key separation, not performant cipher (XSalsa20, 64KB chunks) for Web) comparing to what we've planned to release with STREAM approach. The other option would be to modify Rclone's to support our scheme, but then we lose compatibility that we could've accidentally gained and then we're ending up with a fork that we would have to maintain. Most realistically, in the short-term we could align with Rclone's ciphers even though it has some implications and web performance won't be great. In next stage we could squezze this model to the limit, perhaps we could liaise with Rclone maintainer's to align certain things, so we don't need to diverge at all. If this doesn't work we could then fork, upgrading cipher and maintaining compatbility with the older cipher is also easy, since Rclone's header contains the cipher versioning.
If you've some comments on this, that would be great, otherwise we're pushing with these changes... this will benefit anyone including companies and end-users. Did you find any other roadblocks with S3Drive? (edited)
markus.berthold 07/04/2023 1:35 PM
I have not had the chance for further tests. I hope I can continue by end of the week.
Regarding the project: We propably have an appointment with the server manufacturer which has involved us in the project in the next weeks. So it might be the project will be delayed which would be good for us. You don't have to rush with the folder topic. Maybe we can workaround when we get in contact with the customer. The E2E together with object lock is of course still be an important topic.
Thanks for letting me know. Speaking of E2EE, how important is the filename / filepath encryption? It would also be good to know to understand what are the requirements for the file sharing. Would files be shared within organisation or externally? There is an item which we need to execute to further improve security: the challenge is that if we've applied the Rclone's cipher then our "Secure sharing" idea no longer works. (edited)
Hi @markus.berthold, quick update from our side. Things went smoother than expected, so we've also decided to build and include filepath encryption in the next major release. We're pushing hard to release all of the improvements, including object lock support, drive mount (including Windows) and multipart upload as early as next week. If there is anything you would like to discuss I am available for a chat. (edited)
markus.berthold 07/13/2023 10:24 AM
Hi Tom, I am on a business trip this week abd very limited in time. I am interested to do further testing with object lock when it's available. How are your plans regarding the object lock retention configuration settings?
Hi Tom, I am on a business trip this week abd very limited in time. I am interested to do further testing with object lock when it's available. How are your plans regarding the object lock retention configuration settings?
We were mostly focused on technical solution in order to make Object Lock possible at all with E2E encryption given the requirements of MD5 hash generation. As such our testing environment had default retention configuration applied to bucket globally. We haven't really thought how to configure object lock mode from within the S3Drive, but since S3 provides these headers: x-amz-object-lock-mode: ObjectLockMode The Object Lock mode that you want to apply to this object. Valid Values: GOVERNANCE | COMPLIANCE x-amz-object-lock-retain-until-date: ObjectLockRetainUntilDate The date and time when you want this object's Object Lock to expire. Must be formatted as a timestamp parameter. x-amz-object-lock-legal-hold: ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus Specifies whether a legal hold will be applied to this object. For more information about S3 Object Lock, see Object Lock. Valid Values: ON | OFF It's a matter of providing sane settings UI where these settings can be applied. Depending on the requirements there could be multiple layers with override rules. For instance user could specify settings on the bucket level which would then be overridden by the settings on the folder level, then on the sub-folder level (and so on) down until the file level. We're open for suggestions how this should/could work.
markus.berthold 07/13/2023 3:26 PM
Your suggestion with default and folder override sounds very good.
Hi @markus.berthold, We've finally released things out, feel free to try out our recent major release: We're still resolving issues with Apple regarding the iOS and macOS releases, judging by the sluggish communication I would expect it would take couple more days. In principle you can use current iOS (1.4.0), but on macOS there is only unsigned .DMG version available which won't persist S3 credentials to Keychain properly. I would be glad to know if you find it an improvement and whether recent features satisfy your use case. In the meantime we're monitoring the release and working on couple improvements already.
markus.berthold 07/26/2023 11:53 AM
Hi Tom, I hope I will find the time to test everything in the near future. Unfortunately I am very busy at the moment. Regarding the project I talked with you about: From a contact I have heard that a competitor offered the following solution: So far I had no time to check the product. Maybe it could be interesting for you to know your competitors.
Hi Markus, From what I've initially understood, Teamdrive is more like a closed-source version of Nextcloud and is pretty well-established business / product which offers quite rich set of collaboration tools including Office suite. With Teamdrive this comes at the cost of managing multiple moving parts, components: and being responsible for multiple Docker, Apache, MySQL deployments, maintenance, updates and availability. Even the web client itself needs separate: "TeamDrive Webportal Server". This all needs to be handled on top of the S3 service that you either buy from 3rd party or host yourself. For some companies it's not a big deal, for some it's a deal breaker. Our idea behind S3Drive is entirely different. Our aim is to deliver value without putting on user burden of hosting anything else besides the S3. There is abundance of hosting providers which sell S3 as a service. Our web client is self-hosted and doesn't needs anything else than a modern browser. This comes at the huge challenge of building around the limitations of S3 protocol itself, but that's on us. Yes, there are many features which will never be as efficient on our side comparing to client<>server<>S3 architecture, but that's the price that we pay to stay compliant with the protocol. Some features with S3Drive might require external connection (e.g. cross-client sync) beside the S3, but our plan is to still use a open protocol (e.g. AMQP), so you can decide if you want to host the queue exchange yourself or buy AMQP as a service. We're all about protocols and recent move with 1:1 Rclone compatibility is another proof. TeamDrive is a different beast and we're not as feature rich, but if one needs pretty basic file management, backup, sync, that's where we shine and we can offer that for half the price. I do appreciate the link though and if you have more alternatives, I would be happy to digest, always good to learn ! (edited)
s3drive changed the channel name: Object lock / enterprise 07/31/2023 5:33 AM
Exported 50 message(s)
S3Drive - announcements
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News / announcements
Hi folks, Our macOS .DMG package (1.4.6) is now signed by Apple, so you shouldn't be required to tweak the security settings in order to run S3Drive. Even though we haven't received any response from Apple just yet, it all just magically started to work. All the best, Tom Related:
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We've updated our Microsoft Apps MSIX release (1.4.6) in case you prefer it over our standard .exe release: Tom
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Hi S3Drive and MinIO users, If you're using S3Drive with MinIO you maybe interested in this issue that we've just raised: Basically if you face some issues with directories not being properly deleted (when versioning is enabled), please have a look on this Github link, read and either vote or comment. Thank you ! cc @xenthys @morethanevil UPDATE 10th Aug 2023. Official MinIO's response: (Tl;dr; Their storage format doesn't make fixing this bug viable, they actually advertise it as a feature) (edited)
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Good news to our Linux users ! 🐧 🖥️ S3Drive is now available on Flathub: which is an alternative to our deb and AppImage packages: cc @helios6509 cc @morethanevil (edited)
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Exported 4 message(s)
S3Drive - changelog
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News / changelog
Hi folks, we've got a major update ready ! Today in a 1.3.0 release we've deployed early version of two-way and one-way sync for our desktop (Windows, macOS, Linux) clients. Over the next few months we will be adding new functions and features, improve sync performance and polish the conflict resolution algorithms. Please reach out to us if you come across an issue, as it vastly helps us to improve this tool ! (edited)
👀 1
July update PART 1 Full changelog: It was a longer and more challenging month for us than usual, due to how everything is interconnected and enforced improvements in multiple different components. We don't complain too much and used that as an opportunity to completely improve the ecosystem. Due to many technical limitation we've moved away from AWS's AES-GCM (existing files can be normally opened, don't worry) and even tough we've initially built: cipher, in the end we've decided to go with Rclone's: There are couple improvements that we'll need to apply, but we're communicating with Rclone maintainers first, to see if it's something we can push to the standard instead of deviating from the current implementation: This allowed us to use existing Rclone drive mount, which was added to our desktop clients and can be controlled from newly introduced system tray icon. This will also allow us to deliver: WebDav endpoint and automatically resolved the need for the open source export tool. We haven't stopped on this and implemented filename and directory name encryption and we've made it 100% compatible with Rclone. On top of the existing E2E content encryption, this protects your file metadata, so your S3 won't have a clue what files you store at their servers. Introducing new encryption scheme wasn't compatible with our existing HTML/JS sharing template which was only supporting AES-GCM cipher. We've used that as an opportunity to completely overhaul the sharing module and currently serve the shared content from within the web app. Anytime you generate sharing links, they will be opened and decrypted inside the browser version of S3Drive which is much better experience and automatically provides all of the web features like video playout, ZIP download etc. (edited)
July update PART 2 Full changelog: We were requested to build a support for default Object Lock ( configuration. This enforces: Content-MD5 header to be provided with the request. It was especially challenging when combined with E2E encryption, as this rendered the: "Chicken or the egg" dilemma, where we had to provide MD5 before sending any data, however when we encrypt data we auto-send it in chunks to not cause any memory issues. The solution was to implement Multipart Upload. It's a native S3 feature where file is uploaded in chunks. This allowed us to overcome any memory-hungry operations and divided upload of big files on a smaller manageable chunks. The positive side-effect is that if your file upload fails, when you retry file it will start from the last failure point (currently only works without encryption enabled). Finally, improving the encryption scheme allowed us to build decryption proxy, so we can convert the Rclone encrypted blob into video stream that's understandable by video players. That's how encrypted videos playout was implemented. It was deployed experimentally to all platforms. We didn't manage to build decryption proxy for Web and even if we did, the performance would be terrible (, so we're temporarily hosting the proxy in our infrastructure. Since it poses some privacy risks, we've implemented BIG WARNING to the user. We've also implemented ZIP download for multiple selected files and delivered lots of bugfixes and performance improvements as usual. (edited)
July update FINAL Full changelog: It's been a busy month, but a turning point for S3Drive. We've already received some feedback, bug reports and improvements requests, but it's still not enough to validate if we're going in the right direction. Please let us know, what would you like us to build next? Is there anything we can do to improve your experience with S3Drive? Stay secure, backed up and encrypted. Thank you ! Tom
In August we've already released two minor versions, they're now deployed to all platforms. Changes: [1.4.7] - 2023-08-02 Resolve credentials persistence issue during E2E setup, Fix trash ordering, Refresh listings after filename encryption change, Display raw key for Rclone instead of legacy base64, [1.4.6+1] - 2023-08-01 Fix UTF8 / emoji character issues in text edit, Improve filename of taken photos/videos, Add profile switcher icon Thank you @morethanevil for contribution, your feedback was extremely helpful ! (edited)
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[1.4.8] - 2023-08-06 Add integration with password managers, Resolve video decryption proxy issues on Web, Fix Request Signature issues for bigger files on some S3 providers,
August/September 2023 UPDATE 🚀 Most important features implemented: Allow sharing files from other apps and upload it to S3Drive (Android), Allow opening file externally, editing and saving it back to S3Drive - change is detected automatically, Add WebDav server for desktop, Import all buckets feature / autodiscovery, Folder ZIP download, Folder upload, Flathub release: Work in progress: Background media backup, Upload constraints (only wifi, only charger, battery not low), Custom backup location, Add a storage class option, Allow to share file from external app to S3Drive (iOS) Detailed changelog: ( [1.5.3] - 2023-09-22 Search by name, size, file type, date modified, Import all buckets feature, Folder ZIP download, Fix bucket listing for Web, Folder upload for Web [1.5.2] - 2023-09-14 Allow opening file externally, editing and saving it back to S3Drive, Fix alphabetic order of folders and filenames, Use “application/octet-stream” content type for encrypted paths, Allow refreshing results on mobile by pull, Add refresh button on desktop/web [1.5.1] - 2023-09-08 Allow sharing files from other apps and upload it to S3Drive, Add WebDav server for desktop, Fix version “prefix issue” match during hard delete, trash delete and rename operations, Fix remaining storage indicator invalid value [1.5.0] - 2023-08-21 Managed account with no bandwidth / API rate limit, Storage quota - display account plan capacity [1.4.9] - 2023-08-13 Fix swipe left/right on Android/iOS, Preserve folder path when quitting preview, Display port in profiles, Improve filename decryption for paths with mixed encrypted/unencrypted segments (edited)
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Up to date changelog: ( [1.7.0] - 2023-12-29 Add support for 70+ Rclone back-ends, Implement audio player with playlist and background play, Implement native mount on macOS without macFUSE or FUSE-T dependencies, Simplify mount on Windows, Linux, macOS, so no Rclone installation is required, Fix sort toggle setting not being preserved, Fix sub-folder issue during folder sync [1.7.1] - 2024-01-04 Introduce new syncing feature (copy, sync, two-way), Preserve file modification date using: x-amz-meta-mtime header [1.7.3] - 2024-01-08 Android file mount / integration with native file explorer (read-only), [1.7.5] - 2024-01-21 Introduce Android .APK release with local FS sync support, Add additional “Move” (Delete after copy) sync mode, Implement sync folder picker, Fix shared file whitespace issue on iOS [1.7.7] - 2024-01-27 Increase modification time precision, Improve character encoding to solve issues with Cubbit DS3, Add support for libmpv2 in .deb release, Resolve couple issues in Sync functionality (edited)
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Exported 9 message(s)
S3Drive - 2FA and E2E encryption differences
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support / 2FA and E2E encryption differences
all we need is 2 step auth method also End to End Decryption function ,additionally didn't your E2E decrypt same as E to E?which appears on pic
You need to setup 2FA on your provider's account: since we're not providing storage just yet, but the account that you register with S3Drive uses solely for licensing purposes. Having said that, 2FA is being planned and it seems you've already voted on it:
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
E2E it's entirely different thing to 2FA. Please find more about your files privacy:
Easily transform any S3, WebDAV or Rclone compatible back-end into your personal encrypted file storage. Drive mount, Sync, Backup, File Versioning, Search. Preview different file formats (pdf, markdown, txt, audio, video)
s3drive changed the channel name: 2FA and E2E encryption differences 04/02/2024 8:47 PM
I mean did End to End encryption = E2E encryption ?same thing?
Yes, that's the same thing.
Ok thank u
Exported 7 message(s)
S3Drive - Access bucket with encrypted folder (instead of whole bucket)
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support / Access bucket with encrypted folder (instead of whole bucket)
Hi, I got an existing bucket that uses rclone crypt inside a specific folder. I'm afraid of turning on the option on S3Drive to use end-to-end encryption, because I believe it assumes the whole bucket is encrypted and not just a specific folder? I tried specifying a folder in the bucket name, but it doesn't accept slashes (edited)
There is a feature that needs to be implemented: At the moment when E2E is enabled, it's being applied globally. Technically it is possible to setup two profiles pointing to same bucket, one encrypted globally and one unencrypted globally, but that setup isn't something we can recommend.
There is a feature that needs to be implemented: At the moment when E2E is enabled, it's being applied globally. Technically it is possible to setup two profiles pointing to same bucket, one encrypted globally and one unencrypted globally, but that setup isn't something we can recommend.
I think I'd be ok with setting up a 2nd profile of the same bucket. Would you be able to tell where to find S3Drive's config on MacOS? P.S.: Currently I don't need the profile of the bucket unencrypted (1st profile), if that helps avoiding bugs/quirks Edit: I'm trying to move the files to the root folder, so it works nicely in S3Drive. Will let it run overnight (edited)
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S3Drive - Access to Android data folder
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support / Access to Android data folder
Can your app find a way to directly access the app's file data in the Android / data / folder (first Android 13 / 14 restrictions, third party apps cannot directly access everything in this folder but can apply for appropriate permissions) to avoid such errors?
👍 1
Is it folder upload? Did S3Drive ask you for necessary folder permission during select mode? What's the source folder that causing these issues? Do you mean that other apps can read from that folder just fine?
Is it folder upload? Did S3Drive ask you for necessary folder permission during select mode? What's the source folder that causing these issues? Do you mean that other apps can read from that folder just fine?
no I've selected all the video files in the local
The path as you can see ordinary application access is not able to get any content under / Android / data file, but some videos are saved in such a file.
Was it: "Upload files" function?
Application developers need to write the appropriate code to request such permission to read the directory normally
s3drive changed the channel name: Upload files permission issue on Huawei 03/14/2024 9:14 AM
Access to Android/data have been severely restricted since Android 13. This guy explains how to access Android/data from native Files app, given you uninstall update first: There isn't much we can do with S3Drive. It seems that Google isn't really keen on changing that, based on: As you rightly suggested this can be workarounded with some Shizuku dependencies: but vast majority of users won't be able to go that way and it's not really a reliable way forwards. If there is any reliable way to have access to data in the future then we're keen to have it implemented. At the moment we have no idea if there is any way / workaround. More links:
s3drive changed the channel name: Access to Android data folder 03/17/2024 11:18 AM
Access to Android/data have been severely restricted since Android 13. This guy explains how to access Android/data from native Files app, given you uninstall update first: There isn't much we can do with S3Drive. It seems that Google isn't really keen on changing that, based on: As you rightly suggested this can be workarounded with some Shizuku dependencies: but vast majority of users won't be able to go that way and it's not really a reliable way forwards. If there is any reliable way to have access to data in the future then we're keen to have it implemented. At the moment we have no idea if there is any way / workaround. More links:
Could you perhaps add the shizuku workaround as an option for interested users / Or simply post an apk version with access to android data without necessarily posting any source code? Internet apk stores already have newer apk versions of your app since you dropped it from github. I believe it should be considered for pro android users who need it like me and OP. Thanks again for this app
Could you perhaps add the shizuku workaround as an option for interested users / Or simply post an apk version with access to android data without necessarily posting any source code? Internet apk stores already have newer apk versions of your app since you dropped it from github. I believe it should be considered for pro android users who need it like me and OP. Thanks again for this app
We will have this on the radar, however we can't tell exactly when we manage to research this Shizuku thing. Our APK was released on Github to loosen up storage/file permissions, but that has landed in official Google Play release, so the Github APK would've been exactly the same. These restrictions doesn't seem to be related to the way how we distribute the app, but rather what OS the end device runs. (edited)
provide shizuku tutorials and functions in S3drive in future features after a few months is just fine, for our personality users here, 60% users don't know about this or they don't realize this
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S3Drive - Account recovery - lost e-mail and password
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support / Account recovery - lost e-mail and password
I have access to my account via the app somehow. But I don’t have the login details anymore, neither do I have the email I registered with or remember the password as it was auto generated. Is there anyway I can obtain my password as I have a subscription to the ultimate plan. I have proof of purchase that’s all
I have access to my account via the app somehow. But I don’t have the login details anymore, neither do I have the email I registered with or remember the password as it was auto generated. Is there anyway I can obtain my password as I have a subscription to the ultimate plan. I have proof of purchase that’s all
Hi, sorry for the delay. I assume you don't know the e-mail address that you've used for S3Drive, however if we've found your e-mail address that was used for your account, would you be able to access it to reset the password? If you completely lost both your e-mail and password, then at most we would be able to reassign the license to a different account.
I know the email but I can’t recover it at all unless I have the password as I didn’t set up a backup email with it
Is there any data that you've stored on your account that's valuable to you or if we assign license to a new account that would be fine with you? (edited)
In any case, please register a new account and send the information about your account / license / proof of purchase that you possess to our support email in the domain. We will set up the Ultimate for you and then we could see if there are any options left to restore your account data (that would be any data stored on our test S3 - if you've used that). (edited)
I’ve contacted the email company (Proton) but I doubt they’ll get back to me. I’m gonna keep trying with a password a couple more times. But one thing I am able to do is that the app on iOS automatically login me into s3 drive but I’m unable to see my password
If there’s any way your system can see my password, I’ll be able to access everything not just via the app on iOS
If there’s any way your system can see my password, I’ll be able to access everything not just via the app on iOS
Your password was never stored on our end, so there is no option to restore it. We only keep protected hash of your password, so anytime when you login we can verify that your password matches without needing to store your plaintext password. That's how auth systems works in principal and we're not an exception here. (edited)
Your password was never stored on our end, so there is no option to restore it. We only keep protected hash of your password, so anytime when you login we can verify that your password matches without needing to store your plaintext password. That's how auth systems works in principal and we're not an exception here. (edited)
Oh I see
In the meantime is there anyway I can join koofr vault with s3. Can you give me a full step by step guide please
Please visit this topic to get more info: Let's continue Koofr related issues using the above channel.
s3drive changed the channel name: Account recovery - lost e-mail and password 05/14/2024 8:02 PM
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S3Drive - Adding Folders on Android
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support / Adding Folders on Android
stillfigurin 06/21/2024 9:47 PM
Can someone help me understand what adding folders to the "File" screen does on Android? I thought it was to tell s3drive to sync or copy files in those folders to my S3 service, but it stopped sending files once I locked my phone, it hasn't restarted when I unlocked my phone and visited the app, and it moved subfolders out from their parent folder. I"m very confused as to how this is supposed to work. #support
Hi, folder upload gets all files in directory and sub-directories and then adds them to the upload queue, S3Drive will then try to keep screen on for S3Drive (uploads really don’t work in the background just yet), when you pause the app (e.g open another one) smaller uploads in the queue might finalise just fine, but eventually it will stall. Now depending if app gets killed by the OS or not, next time when you open it it will either show items in the Transfers tab which you can then retry…or queue will be emptied without depending uploads finalized. That’s an obvious shortcoming that we will aim to fix. In the meantime if you want reliable upload/sync which can ensure that all files were uploaded, please use app Sync feature using copy mode. (edited)
stillfigurin 06/22/2024 1:33 PM
Thanks for the clarification.
Internal task to improve robustness of the Transfers tab. Part of this task is to migrate away from Hive and use Isar.
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S3Drive - Albums not showing in media sync
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support / Albums not showing in media sync
As the the title states, I have nothing showing in media sync tab. Android S22 running the most recent version of s3drive. I've allowed permissions Halp!!
👍 1
Hi, Can you try accessing media from the: "Albums" bottom nav? Are you getting the permission prompt at all? Would be also interesting to see if you have anything interesting inside logs (long-tap version number at the bottom of About page).
Everything seems to show normally in albums and files can open
Let me see logs
Sorry, but I somehow missed this. Are you still experencing this issue? Am I correct to understand that you can't see the: "Media backup" after clicking the item in the drawer menu?
s3drive changed the channel name: Albums not showing in media sync 10/23/2023 9:23 AM
To add to this, I have the same issue when trying to select albums to sync. All albums show correctly in the bottom nav, but when pressing the "cloud" button, it yields the same result, and infinitely loads. I've set up a sync job from a specific folder on my phone as a work-around. Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra Android 13 (root) App version 1.9.1
Hi @toddletoon, Thanks for report. We've found an issue which could've caused that and releasing a hotfix (build: 10090107) on Android. Depending on the release delay it may take couple hours to a day. I will let you know once it's live.
Hi again @toddletoon, It's all live. Please let me know whether it works for you. Thanks!
Excellent, just checked and working perfectly!
The underlying issue was that app have failed to load thumbnail for one of the albums. The fix is to not "fail" the whole functionality because of that. We're still not exactly sure why is that, perhaps you have some folder which contains some media in a different format? Can't tell exactly, but glad you can open it now. (edited)
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S3Drive - Allow sharing raw unsigned URLs
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support / Allow sharing raw unsigned URLs
When you share a file, you can decide to use the raw pre-signed URL instead of S3Drive's link. The signature is however not necessary when the bucket / directory / file is publicly readable. For example, I have a bucket with a /public/ directory which is configured as world-readable. Whenever I share a file from this bucket, I just want https://domain.tld/bucket/public/file.ext
👍 1
As an addition to this, having an option to choose the domain.tld infront of everything would be nice, so that you can bypass either using the S3 API link, or similar. For instance all three of the following links are technically valid, but from a shareable format for one of my buckets, the bottom would be most optimal, and being able to replace everything before the link and just appending */foldername/file.ext would be beneficial. - -
Thanks guys for your comments. Speaking of custom domain prefix (cc @cubityfirst), would this be applicable to signed URLs as well?
"When you share a file, you can decide to use the raw pre-signed URL instead of S3Drive's link. The signature is however not necessary when the bucket /
"As an addition to this, having an option to choose the domain.tld infront of everything would be nice, so that you can bypass either using the S3 API link, or
cubityfirst 09/19/2023 6:44 PM
Personally, I don't care that much about Signed URLs
Thanks for adding it to the Roadmap 😄
I only tagged it on here because I was talking to Xen about it in an other Discord :)
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S3Drive - A lot of errors in synchronization
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support / A lot of errors in synchronization
from remote to remote I met this error today,someone help me fixin' on it. Two different OBS providers remote synchronization.
Are these two different Huawei S3 buckets? If you retry does it fail again with a same error?
Not hauwei ,storj and scaleway s3 buckets
Are these two different Huawei S3 buckets? If you retry does it fail again with a same error?
still get errre
These errors usually are caused by S3 providers who use strict time checking for signing requests. This is usually caused when time or timezone on the device isn't set correctly. I am not sure if it's caused by Storj or Scaleway though. You can give it a go and replace Storj with something else or vice versa to rule out which provider is causing that. You can also double check if time and especially timezone on your device is set correctly.
These errors usually are caused by S3 providers who use strict time checking for signing requests. This is usually caused when time or timezone on the device isn't set correctly. I am not sure if it's caused by Storj or Scaleway though. You can give it a go and replace Storj with something else or vice versa to rule out which provider is causing that. You can also double check if time and especially timezone on your device is set correctly.
My time zone has always been Beijing time, but there is no error in the network, I do not understand what is going on, perhaps there is a problem with some aspects of the settings
It's hard to tell especially that it's error coming from an S3 endpoint we don't have control over. If possible please try to understand if an error is caused by Storj or Scaleway or both?. If you sync from Storj to Scaleway, you can for instance try syncing from Storj to Backblaze (to rule out Scaleway). You could then try to sync from Backblaze to Scaleway (to rule out Storj). That way we could know which provider is more picky about signature timestamps.
fine I will do it
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S3Drive - Android App: "Make available offline" has been replaced by "Download"
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support / Android App: "Make available offline" has been replaced by "Download"
The "Make available offline" button has been replaced by a new "Download" option. This new option Downloads the files into the "android files" part of the file system, making them not only available to other apps (like Files or Photos) but also not displaying them in the Offline section of the app either. The changelog does not mention anything related to this, and looking around in the app did not reveal any new location for that menu. How can I "Make available offline" again ? Thank you!
Hi, Make available offline is still available, but only for root files or folders. The option to make file and folder within directory was actually broken from start (files were not showing up in Offline properly) which made us remove in February 2024 to avoid any confusions or complaints. We've created feature request that we plan to address in order to reinstantiate that feature for hierarchies:
At the moment it's only possible to "offline" file or folder that's present in the root path.
s3drive changed the channel name: Android App: "Make available offline" has been replaced by "Download" 04/03/2024 8:33 PM
Thanks for the answer! I see, it was working perfectly for me before for files 3-depth (example: folder1/folder2/file.ext). The files are still available in the Offline section. Do you have any estimate on when this will be available again?
Hi @jsmrcaga, It's hard to give as hard estimate, but there is chance that we will have it done by the end of May. Speaking of your example, I guess you've had to click: Offline on the folder1 which is the root folder. Then all its sub-folders were correctly offlined, this shall still be possible - offlining root folders. The issue currently is that there is no way to offline folder2 alone, without offlining folder1. Did I get it right? (edited)
Hey Tom, thanks for the update! Really appreciate it, there's no rush. And for my specific example I was only putting specific files offline, not entire folders. So I would navigate: f0 -> f1 -> file_1.txt and click on "Make available offline" for that specific file (for many files of course)
I think one of the reasons for removing was that it wasn't safe (leading to potenial data lost). Imagine offlining: f0 -> f1 -> file_1.txt and then f2 -> f3 -> file_1.txt I think app couldn't handle that and was overriding the previous: file_1.txt even though that one is technically a different file from different source. I am not sure if it was the only issue, we just need to spend some time to rethink and deliver. Anyway, stay tuned. I am sure we'll get to that soon.
Makes absolute sense. Thanks again for the quick feedback! I'll stay tuned, really like the app!
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S3Drive - Android app player load .srt file
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support / Android app player load .srt file
Hello, I love the android app. Could you please add CC/subtitle feature for S3Drive player?
Hi, Thanks for your feedback. Great idea and definitely doable. I've added it as a feature: can't promise anything but we may have it implemented in the upcoming months.
👏 1
Great! I don't mind to pay another couple of bucks for the Android app if you implement the feature 😄 btw, if I encrypt it using S3Drive, will I be able to stream the video or I need to download the file first to play video?
S3Drive supports encrypted video play-out, but bear in mind that it puts more strains on resources and battery life. We're implementing concept of vaults, so you can encrypt files selectively, e.g. encrypt family videos, but don't encrypt movies that you would like to watch. Speaking of couple of bucks, if you already have a lifetime subscription or in-app purchase this update will be included in one of the next updates. (edited)
Exported 4 message(s)
S3Drive - Android file mount
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support / Android file mount
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 08/24/2023 5:49 PM
It would be awesome to have the content of the S3 mounts as Android File provider. I am not an Android developer but the Davx5 app does exactly that with their WebDav mounts. I went ahead and scanned their AndroidManifest.xml and this is how they do it (plus implementation of course). Thank you for your hard work, using S3 Drive and liking it a lot!
DAVx⁵ is an open-source CalDAV/CardDAV suite and sync app for Android. You can also access your online files (WebDAV) with it. - bitfireAT/davx5-ose
👍 3
Hi @confident_rabbit_87075_49035, Thanks for requesting this feature and providing some examples. We've got it on the radar:, we don't have any exact ETA, but since it's pretty important feature we will have it implemented rather sooner than later.
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 09/03/2023 7:07 PM
Hey thank you! It would definitely save me some sync troubles. My current workflow is: - download keepass db from S3 Drive - keepass merge from local - upload db to S3 Drive I could not find a better way but maybe there are others
Hi @confident_rabbit_87075_49035, I've wanted to understand this feature little bit better. At the moment you can open Keepass DB using S3Drive, the issue is that you can't save it back and have it synced automatically. I believe that you need to use "Save as" and then manually upload it to the remote location using S3Drive. If we allowed to "Save" back to the same file and then detected the file change and subsequently synced file using S3Drive automatically would this resolve your use case? Is there anything else that you were proposing with the DavX5 example?
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 09/05/2023 6:58 PM
yes, basically DAV mounts are visible in Android's main menu when you save
Keepassxc contains a save as feature but you cannot see the "Mount point" because S3 drive does not register a provider
this is what I see when I trigger the Save To
oops cannot send screenshots?
I see, so it's actually different thing. I haven't investigated the "Mount point" as such, so far I've checked the workflow that can be used with e.g. Google Drive. In other words you can open file and don't need to use "Save as" to select the "Mount point", but instead you simply click Save and the Google Drive can pick up the change. That's something we could implement initially. In the long-run we could implement both (including the File Provider mount). (edited)
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 09/05/2023 7:03 PM
👍 1
I see g drive but no option for S3 drive yeah
Fair enough, thanks for the example. We're going to investigate how we could implement it for S3Drive.
👍 1
s3drive changed the channel name: Android file mount 09/06/2023 10:41 AM
There is a clunky workaround before this gets implemented. Since S3Drive is 1:1 compatible with Rclone format (including the encryption) it would be possible to setup the WebDav endpoint to S3 using Rclone: and then mount it using the DavX5. This would require hosting Rclone on a desktop / server though. It may be possible to actually do it from within the mobile (no desktop/sever required) using Rclone for Android: (it seem to support encryption and WebDav), but I haven't tried that option. Since 1.5.1 S3Drive (due to be released) there will be an option to set up WebDav server on desktop. This also could be used together with DavX5. For a truly independent mobile experience though we need to implement it natively. We're building spec and will be able provide some timelines soon.
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 09/20/2023 3:45 PM
Yeah I think that would work - I was actually thinking of mounting the S3 folder with s3fs on linux and expose it via a WebDav server (cause Davx can use that as file provider)
Thank you Tom, I would honestly gladly pay for such a premium feature (alongside the rest of S3 drive) cause it saves so much time 😄
@confident_rabbit_87075_49035 WebDav server is already available on desktop clients: Alternatively you can use: s3fs and run the WebDav server yourself as you say, but you could also achieve the same with our native rclone mount which is likely going to be more performant than a POSIX compatible s3fs.
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 09/21/2023 3:19 PM
I'll have to try rclone - do you happen to know how come it is more performant then a file system mount?
s3fs is indeed quite slow here
In both cases they are FUSE mounts (virtual), but Rclone has additional VFS caching: There is a nice comparison of 3 different approaches: Tradeoffs: If I am correct, Rclone approach is similar to goofys, whereas s3fs offers maximum POSIX compatibility at huge cost. E.g. listing directory with 1000 files will take up to 1000! requests with s3fs, however it will take just one with rclone / goofys. (edited)
👍 1
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 09/21/2023 8:05 PM
thank you that's great to know!
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 09/21/2023 8:31 PM
@s3drive sorry to ask you this but I am not an expert here I wonder what the implications are for me if there is no uid/gid support... Does that mean that if mounted locally I won't be able to specify group permissions for, say, a dir?
I, too, was wondering if this is possible for Android. So, if I'm understanding this request correctly, we're able to mount S3Drive as a file system to replace Google Drive/One Drive? If so, that is something I'd be interested in. However, self-hosting a server is something I'd like to avoid.
@s3drive sorry to ask you this but I am not an expert here I wonder what the implications are for me if there is no uid/gid support... Does that mean that if mounted locally I won't be able to specify group permissions for, say, a dir?
@confident_rabbit_87075_49035 In principle S3 and S3Drive as is currently doesn't support/preserve native permissions or FS metadata (e.g. date modified / created). It is possible to emulate this (and that's what s3fs does - if I am correct) by storing that metadata on S3. The issue is that there is no easy way to query such data. Native S3 listing methods return up to 1000 results at once, but support only couple fields (file name, size, data uploaded etc.) and doesn't list any additional metadata, such metadata must be queried separately. Separate query means 1 request per single file, so basically s3fs in order to be POSIX compatible in some cases needs to issue 1000x times more requests. This has dramatic performance consequences. You're right you won't be able to specify group permissions for a dir. (Actually it may work, but such data won't be preserved when you remount). (edited)
👍 1
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 09/22/2023 6:56 PM
I see, thanks! Maybe I don't need Posix if I use rclone, I definitely need it for exposing it via web server cause I don't want to use root or root group (edited)
the dir I am using has got ten files and it is kinda slow
I, too, was wondering if this is possible for Android. So, if I'm understanding this request correctly, we're able to mount S3Drive as a file system to replace Google Drive/One Drive? If so, that is something I'd be interested in. However, self-hosting a server is something I'd like to avoid.
Can't tell exactly when, but native mount for Android will come this year without any Webdav mounts or other tricks. There is some development required which isn't entirely easy given our cross-platform framework which is great, but some native functionality requires little bit more work.
👍 1
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 09/22/2023 6:59 PM
oh no worries you guys are doing great work already and as I said I'd gladly pay for such a feature
👍 1
I see, thanks! Maybe I don't need Posix if I use rclone, I definitely need it for exposing it via web server cause I don't want to use root or root group (edited)
I am not exactly sure what's your setup / use case, but if I mount bucket directly from S3Drive (using tray icon), then the mount has the same user permission that app uses. No root required. Permissions of file&dirs: -rw-rw-r-- which is pretty default Rclone setting, but in principle we could add settings configuration to change it.
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 09/22/2023 7:07 PM
yeah I am not using a GUI though on the server, if your app works as daemon I can do that
yeah I am not using a GUI though on the server, if your app works as daemon I can do that
We haven't actually thought about this use case, but given that this mount can be directly replaced with rclone command it's probably not a high priority. When you go to the app logs, you will see exactly what commands app executed on rclone binary. You can replicate the same on your server if you wish.
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 09/22/2023 7:09 PM
I'll try that out at some point
Great, if you need my input I am happy to help out. I am pretty excited to see S3Drive to be used in a different scenarios 🙂
😃 1
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 10/03/2023 4:31 PM
FWIW I followed your advice @s3drive and I am now mounting my folder with goofys - it's another ball game
FWIW I followed your advice @s3drive and I am now mounting my folder with goofys - it's another ball game
Great to hear that. We've been playing with goofys and even had an AWS client-side encryption compatible prototype, ultimately we've replaced it with Rclone, however experience with goofys and its codebase was pretty good. (edited)
I'm interested in the same thing for iOS, using File Provider API. Same use-case of KeePass DB (edited)
Great to hear that. We've been playing with goofys and even had an AWS client-side encryption compatible prototype, ultimately we've replaced it with Rclone, however experience with goofys and its codebase was pretty good. (edited)
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 10/04/2023 7:11 PM
Client-side encryption is also important for my use case but fortunately KeePass databases are already encrypted
I'm interested in the same thing for iOS, using File Provider API. Same use-case of KeePass DB (edited)
We definitely plan to support provider API's on both Android and iOS, we're still looking for viable options of implementing this, as given our cross-platform framework this implementation isn't the easiest. Can't promise anything, but do hope we can get it running this quarter.
Client-side encryption is also important for my use case but fortunately KeePass databases are already encrypted
I am not sure if I missed that, but was there any specific reason you went for goofys instead of ? Did it perform better or perhaps being pure S3 was easier to set up?
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 10/04/2023 7:20 PM
goofys was easier to setup - I just added a line in my /etc/fstab
rclone would have been "a very tiny bit" more work (like, writing/finding a systemd service or a wrapper script) (edited)
I was hoping Flutter would take care of it 😮
That perfectly makes sense. Actually interesting how such a relatively small points play role in decision making.
I was hoping Flutter would take care of it 😮
On the contrary 🙂
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 10/04/2023 7:23 PM
yeah - well you are right, this is my home server and I have to do things during my "free" time - which of course is already close to zero
(I know you perfectly know what I am talking about lol) (edited)
one quirk of goofys is that it does not seem to work with the systemd automount feature (that mounts on demand)
oh wait a second - this rclone feature would have solved my issue
Mount the remote as file system on a mountpoint.
Hi @confident_rabbit_87075_49035, How are things? I've just wanted to let you know since couple weeks there is a new sync feature which may satisfy your Keepass workflow ( You can use: "Open with" feature on Android and open file externally in Keepass app. When you save your file this change shall be captured by the S3Drive and synced back to your S3 back-end. Similar mechanism apply for any other file type, e.g. you can open .txt file externally, modify it and then when you save it back it will be captured by the S3Drive. We are still working on File provider as requested, but perhaps this can also improve your workflow. I would be keen to hear if this works for you, thanks ! (edited)
Discord is the easiest way to communicate over voice, video, and text. Chat, hang out, and stay close with your friends and communities.
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 11/11/2023 8:09 PM
I will definitely try out, seems to fit well 😃
Exported 51 message(s)
S3Drive - App hangs on Android
Guild icon
support / App hangs on Android
When browsing files, scrolling down the pictures i'm trying to view appear slowly - when i click on image for preview, it sometimes loads, sometimes app stops and goes back to home screen or just freezes and I have to close. Seems like a phone memory issue.
👍 1
Thanks, do you have E2E enabled? If that's the case is it possible for you to disable E2E and see if there is any change? What's your phone model and Android version?
no, E2E disabled, my storage is backing up via node which encrypts. One plus 11 pro oxygen 13.1
The S3Drive app on windows also just hangs for me whenever I made a sync folder... It synced one file and now it just keeps getting stuck
s3drive changed the channel name: App hangs on Android 08/13/2023 4:14 PM
Exported 5 message(s)
S3Drive - Audio files preview on Windows / Linux client
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support / Audio files preview on Windows / Linux client
Audio files preview on Windows / Linux client
Exported 2 message(s)
S3Drive - A Way to Prevent Flattening of Folder Structure
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support / A Way to Prevent Flattening of Folder Structure
stillfigurin 06/23/2024 12:08 PM
When I add a folder to my sync list, the folder contents, not the folder itself, are synced. I.e., I added parent folder a, but on my bucket I don't see a, but it's subfolders are listed. Is there a way to retain the parent folder?
Folder contents are synced to selected destination. You can easily create destination folder and then select that folder as a destination. In such case you will sync all the contents including sub-folders to the inside of the selected destination folder. I am not sure if that helps and whether I’ve understood your issue.
stillfigurin 06/24/2024 1:17 AM
I think I understand. I assumed the parent directory would be copied, not just the subdirectories, but you're telling me that's not the case. Instead, I need to explicitly create a new parent directory which will be populated with the contents of the source parent directory,
I will pass that down, perhaps we could add a checkbox to configure that behaviour. Thanks for your feedback.
Folder contents are synced to selected destination. One can easily create destination folder and then select that folder as a destination.
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S3Drive - Azure Blob Storage configuration
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support / Azure Blob Storage configuration
How to add Azure blob OSS to s3drive?
s3drive changed the channel name: Azure Blob Storage configuration 04/06/2024 8:12 AM
Please refer to the Azure documentation: Principals from S3Drive point of view are the same, you need to create S3 credentials and provide the on the initial login screen.
Learn to create a storage account to store blobs, files, queues, and tables. An Azure storage account provides a unique namespace in Microsoft Azure for reading and writing your data.
I just don't where is the endpoint for adding for s3drive
It does seem that Azure Blob Storage doesn't natively support S3: You would need to configure some proxy yourself, e.g.: which in your case might be too much overhead. (edited)
Is there any native S3 API support planned for Azure Blob Storage? If not, it would be great to add it. Also, what is the recommended way (like OSS service etc.) to setup S3 API support for Azure Blob Storage? My use case is that, there are a few…
Access other storage backends via the S3 API. Contribute to gaul/s3proxy development by creating an account on GitHub.
so I must give up such object storage services providers and waiting for Mega S4
so I must give up such object storage services providers and waiting for Mega S4
It might be interesting once it's production ready.
would it be normal in Moving and Copying files and directory , always loading and no response and shut down happen so weird
would it be normal in Moving and Copying files and directory , always loading and no response and shut down happen so weird
Please report your issue providing relevant details (S3 provider, app version, operation system, number of files within the folder, bucket configuration (versioning, encryption etc.) at your provider and bucket configuration in the S3Drive settings). We can't help if we don't have these details, especially when there are so many variables. Thank you.
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S3Drive - B2 bandwidth alliance
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support / B2 bandwidth alliance
How do you route b2 files through CloudFlare to take advantage of bandwidth alliance?
You would need to configure your domain name on Cloudflare then configure your B2 bucket to use said domain name. With the Cloudflare proxy enabled, you would essentially be using your bucket as a CDN. Please note Cloudflare has a 100 MB upload limit and 512 MB download limit, which can be limiting depending on how you plan to use your bucket. This is also a general indication, not related whatsoever to S3Drive.
Within the app is it possible to use a custom domain name?
Whenever you connect to S3 bucket through S3Drive you need to provide gateway. In that case you wouldn't provide B2 gateway, but the Cloudflare proxy.
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S3Drive - Background audio playback - Add next, play again buttons
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support / Background audio playback - Add next, play again buttons
In the same folder should be generated audio playlist in the notification bar should be able to see the next play button, re-play the current audio and video button, please this is important!
👍 1
somebody help me out
Our playback function is pretty early we will be improving it in next releases. I've made a note to discuss with our team how can we add next / replay buttons. Thanks !
Our playback function is pretty early we will be improving it in next releases. I've made a note to discuss with our team how can we add next / replay buttons. Thanks !
s3drive changed the channel name: Background audio playback - Add next, play again buttons 03/14/2024 10:46 AM
Exported 5 message(s)
S3Drive - Background media backup on iOS
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support / Background media backup on iOS
Can’t backup media in background
👍 1
Hi, background sync on iOS is limited to what OS allows. In most cases it runs some time after charged is connected (especially overnight). We don't have much control over this. ...also the execution time is limited, so it's better to do the initial sync not in the background, and then leave background sync to send "diffs".
Quick checkup, how it's going with background sync? Did you manage to run it overnight?
Hi Tom, whats the best way to backup a significant amount of photos from an IOS device? I noticed there is a pay to use option now - just checking this is the best solution
Hi, there isn't much choice on iOS, since we don't have access to local FS comparing to other platforms, so the above media backup is probably your best/only bet. It will upload your selected media one by one to Automatic uploads location (you can change it in the settings). What "pay to use" option you have in mind? Background functions are in fact limited to Ultimate version, however honestly speaking you might not need them anyway if you start app from time to time. I hope this helps, please let me know if you've managed to backup your media succesfully. Thanks.
👍 2
yes, all good thanks
Hi, there isn't much choice on iOS, since we don't have access to local FS comparing to other platforms, so the above media backup is probably your best/only bet. It will upload your selected media one by one to Automatic uploads location (you can change it in the settings). What "pay to use" option you have in mind? Background functions are in fact limited to Ultimate version, however honestly speaking you might not need them anyway if you start app from time to time. I hope this helps, please let me know if you've managed to backup your media succesfully. Thanks.
Can I provide a license from the icloud account photo to backup and transfer photo data to S3?
Can I provide a license from the icloud account photo to backup and transfer photo data to S3?
If you refer to license in-app purchase, yes we do support it:
If you refer to license in-app purchase, yes we do support it:
nope,I mean direct authorization to log in to my iCloud account for album data migration, for example, some third-party file managers support authorization binding to log in to Google Cloud Drive directly manage the contents of my network drive
Unfortunately, it's not supported at the moment. We only can connect to S3 and Rclone back-ends. In the future we will simplify Rclone configuration, so you shall be able to login to your Google Cloud account using your login/e-mail. As far I am concerned iCloud isn't supported by Rclone just yet.
s3drive changed the channel name: Background media backup on iOS 03/14/2024 10:46 AM
Exported 11 message(s)
S3Drive - Batch rename / Bulk rename
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support / Batch rename / Bulk rename
would u support batch rename function whatever files or directory there, It's important for us to manage our data more easier, thank u
👍 1
Just a question. What's the use case for that?
Some files Need to be renamed at the same time because of unnecessary characters in the file name. Identical repetition of unnecessary characters.
Only if I have 100-1000+ numbers names need to be rename but we don't have enough time to do it one by one
Maybe the parts with the same name need to be removed and deleted, but I don't want to do it one by one, that is complicated and unnecessary work, but many vendors don't provide any renaming functionality in their browsers Management side…
We don't plan implementing that in the nearest future. You can use drive mount on desktop and Android mount (soon with write capabilities) and use 3rd party tools to rename files. Our job is to sync / upload / download files and/or expose them to the user via UI or API. It's up to the user to decide what they want to do, but we can't implement "everything". (edited)
s3drive changed the channel name: Batch rename / Bulk rename 04/24/2024 12:26 PM
Exported 7 message(s)
S3Drive - Black Video Thumbnail
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support / Black Video Thumbnail
Hi, sorry if my English is not very good, because here I use Google Translate, but I hope you can understand what I want to convey. I want to ask why the thumbnail of the video I uploaded only shows a black preview? I will provide some screenshots regarding the problem I am experiencing, and if this problem can be resolved, I plan to start subscribing because this application is very interesting! *Activate the image description feature so you can see my explanation for each image (edited)
Hi, no worries, I can understand you just fine ! What's your video format (.mov, .mp4 etc.?) It doesn't seem your file have an extension, which could make format guessing harder. Can you please add extension according to format (you can use rename) and try again?
Hi, no worries, I can understand you just fine ! What's your video format (.mov, .mp4 etc.?) It doesn't seem your file have an extension, which could make format guessing harder. Can you please add extension according to format (you can use rename) and try again?
I've used the mp4 format on every video, but the results are still the same...
Quick question, do you use E2E encryption?
Quick question, do you use E2E encryption?
Yes, you can see in the picture that I have attached
Ah yes sorry, I haven't zoomed in. Unfortunately we don't yet support thumbnails for encrypted videos just yet. The underyling library that we use for generating thumbnail doesn't yet understand the encrypted file. Given our exciting new features and roadmap. We will have this feature implemented, around ~Q3 2024. (edited)
after I experimented for a few hours, I found out what might be the problem.. when I enable E2E Encryption, the thumbnails on the videos don't appear, However, if E2E is not activated thumbnails will be visible
Ah yes sorry, I haven't zoomed in. Unfortunately we don't yet support thumbnails for encrypted videos just yet. The underyling library that we use for generating thumbnail doesn't yet understand the encrypted file. Given our exciting new features and roadmap. We will have this feature implemented, around ~Q3 2024. (edited)
it turned out exactly as I expected
That's right, but obviously if file is already encrypted then disabling E2E wouldn't help. Anyway, thanks for your feedback, I've created quick item to track this:
That's right, but obviously if file is already encrypted then disabling E2E wouldn't help. Anyway, thanks for your feedback, I've created quick item to track this:
Yes, what I mean is that when you disable E2E before uploading a video, the thumbnail will be visible
Yep, that's right. Stay tuned for the update 🙂
That's right, but obviously if file is already encrypted then disabling E2E wouldn't help. Anyway, thanks for your feedback, I've created quick item to track this:
sorry I have 2 last questions.. Firstly, why when I delete a file in storage/trash, the file appears again when I refresh it
Can you please open another support item please? Please also specify your S3 provider.
Can you please open another support item please? Please also specify your S3 provider.
i have tried two s3 providers, namely Synology C2 and Backblaze B2 but the results are still the same
even when I tried with a trial account without s3 service, I still had this problem
Exported 15 message(s)
S3Drive - Buckets with list only permissions
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support / Buckets with list only permissions
I'm trying to mount a s3 bucket that has a root that only has listbucket permission. What other permissions are required to mount what is essentially a directory index?
S3Drive performs a read check, trying to read some non-existent key which then shall respond with: NoSuchKey message. App as such wouldn't be usable with read permission, so we haven't really implemented support for listing only buckets. You may be better of using raw aws s3 or aws s3api commands. If you aim to mount your bucket you can do so outside of S3Drive, but in an S3Drive compatible manner, please find our guide how to configure bucket: I am not 100% sure whether Rclone requires anything else than listing permissions though, but in principle it should work. Then you can issue: manually. If you want to see the exact commands that S3Drive would've used, you can mount some other bucket from S3Drive and copy out commands from application logs (available on the about me page). What's your use case by the way? This will certainly help me to come up with something that works for you ! (edited)
Use case is replacing a VPN & a NAS for a small business. The NAS is archive data (customer/job intonation)
Thank you, i'll take a look at the advanced sample guide
... so in other words you're looking for a way to look at file names / directory structure without having specific read/write access to those files?
With the bucket root, yes
S3 browser works fine (too complicated for the users), and I found a different "S3 drive" that I was able to access the sub directories directly, but would prefer to access the root with a read only directory list, with permissions (already works) to access the sub directories.
From my understanding, I should be able to just add a missing permission to the root that allows s3drive to do it's read check with. I just need to know what permission is necessary
We perform on the: .s3drive_bucket_read_test key. Once you get past that check your listings should work just fine. We will add an option to get past that check in one of the next releases.
Retrieves objects from Amazon S3. To use GET , you must have READ access to the object. If you grant READ access to the anonymous user, you can return the object without using an authorization header.
I've tested behavior in our most recent (yet unreleased) 1.6.1 version. Given the S3 permissions: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:List*" ], "Resource": "*" } ] } bucket can be set up without problems despite the read check. Upload/download naturally wouldn't work, but that's expected. (Please note that these error responses come from 1.6.1 version which is due to be released. In older version errors might be rendered differently). Drive mount does also seem to mount properly and listing works. What's your permission set and S3 provider which gets you to: "Access denied"? I would be happy to try that out. Thanks ! (edited)
Thank you for the detailed response. My provider is wasabi, and here's the permissions Main bucket policy, shared by all users { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "AllowUserToSeeBucketListInTheConsole", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:GetBucketAcl", "s3:GetBucketCORS", "s3:GetBucketLogging", "s3:GetBucketNotification", "s3:GetBucketObjectLockConfiguration", "s3:GetBucketPolicy", "s3:GetBucketTagging", "s3:GetBucketVersioning", "s3:GetLifecycleConfiguration", "s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads", "s3:ListBucketVersions", "s3:ListMultipartUploadParts", "s3:ListAllMyBuckets", "s3:GetBucketLocation" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::*" }, { "Sid": "AllowStatement2A", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:ListBucket", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::buckentname", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "s3:delimiter": "/", "s3:prefix": "" } } } ] } policy for one of the sub directories { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "AllowRootAndHomeListingOfCompanyBucket", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:*", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::bucketname/Folder1/*" }, { "Sid": "AllowStatement2A", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:ListBucket", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::bucketname", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "s3:delimiter": "/", "s3:prefix": [ "", "Folder1" ] } } }, { "Sid": "AllowListingOfUserFolder", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:ListBucket", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::bucketname", "Condition": { "StringLike": { "s3:prefix": "Folder1/*" } } } ] }
s3drive changed the channel name: Buckets with list only permissions 11/21/2023 9:46 PM
Hi, I've had chance to test Wasabi and in fact there is: AccessDenied when trying to login using your attached: Main bucket policy. We'll support this use case and it will work with Wasabi. After setting a bucket user will receive a message: Read check has failed. S3Drive functionality may not work properly., but then will be able to proceed and list files. This will be available in a next 1.6.3 release available in a couple days. (edited)
Hi again, this is now partially deployed. It's released everywhere except iOS, macOS (only App Store, .dmg is released) and Windows (only Microsoft Store, .exe is released).
Exported 14 message(s)
S3Drive - Can't exit video player on iPad
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support / Can't exit video player on iPad
Can't exit video player on iPad. Do you have one, Tom? There's no X button or anything alike (edited)
I've had a quick look. It seems we need to improve the preview screens. You should get the "Preview" bar with the back arrow in the verical position, but apparently it's hidden (for videos) on the horizontal preview for a better preview experience. We will make it appear after touching the screen and make it disappear automatically after a short amount of time. Alternatively to quit the preview, you may try swipe left/right to "move away" from the video player to other file preview (if you have one). It seems that the swiping experience isn't greatest. We will try to make it more smooth. We will prioritize these topics and address them hopefully this month.
👍 1
Hi @paper5590 , we've made significant improvements to our preview functions. It's still an early release and few more improvements is coming. Most importantly you shall be able to quit the player with the "back arrow". More on preview improvements ( Implement photo zooming, Add smooth swipe left/right media preview, Fix album pictures preview, Add file name caption Please update your version. I would be keen to know if this resolved your issue. Thanks !
👍 1
Looks the issue I reported is fixed, but here's a new issue, the seek bar's position is too low, I'm on an iPhone mini now (edited)
Thanks for letting me know. We'll have it addressed in a next release. (edited)
Hi again, I've thought to ask how it's going and whether you face any other issues with the player? We've addressed the "seek bar" issue in one of the previous releases. Thanks !
Hi again, I've thought to ask how it's going and whether you face any other issues with the player? We've addressed the "seek bar" issue in one of the previous releases. Thanks !
I still can't seek, it's too close to the bottom
We'll further move it up in a next release within a ~week.
Hi again, we've further moved it up in our today's release. Please let me know if you're finding it any better. Thanks !
Hi again, we've further moved it up in our today's release. Please let me know if you're finding it any better. Thanks !
Hi, thanks for the update. It's tolerable, but not comfortable yet - the sweeping motion is often confused for the gesture for closing the app
It's tolerable in the sense that if I'm careful, I can seek the video, but not something that one does at first try
Thanks for your feedback, we'll aim to further improve this. We're taking lots of shortcuts to bring the most value out of the development time and focus on "quick wins". We'll further reiterate on this to make it comfortable. (edited)
👍 1
Still looking forward an improvement, still struggled a lot to seek (edited)
Actually, non full screen mode has the same issue, full screen is better
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. Can you please confirm if this issue applies purely to an iPad?
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. Can you please confirm if this issue applies purely to an iPad?
Confirmed, on iPhone mini it looks good. The iPad is an iPad Pro 11" in horizontal mode (edited)
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S3Drive - Can't open markdown file
Guild icon
support / Can't open markdown file
how to open it
The first prompt says (translated to english): "Allow "S3Drive" to install apps? Apps installed from external sources have not been checked for security. Is it allowed to install apps from this source? After allowing the installation, it will be detected online." I am not sure why, but your phone treats this .md as if it was the installation package (e.g. .apk) instead of opening list of apps, so you could select some text file editor. I suspect that this has something todo with your phone security settings, but may well be something in the file. Is it possible by any chance if you could send this file over? Feel free to send it to me directly:
s3drive changed the channel name: Can't open markdown file 08/07/2023 8:18 AM
i send markdown file to you just now, i can open this md file on apple iphone,but can't open it on this phone
👍 1
other text file,like json file also can't open
I can open this file in external text editor just fine, I am using Samsung with Android 13. It's hard for me to tell why on your phone it behaves differently, perhaps you could could mess around in the Default Apps settings to see what app is supposed to open text files:
i set txt default app ,it doesn't work
i am using oneplus 11
I will think about it, but I don't have a clue at the moment. We plan to implement in-app markdown preview: which shall at least help in your case. By the way, can you download file locally and then open it?
ok,tks ,i can open it locally
Cool, so did you have to download it first or it now opens OK?
I have to download first, then open anther app to find this file, it's not convenient😩
I don't really have OnePlus 11 to test things out. Let's leave this issue here, perhaps there are some other users affected in which case we'll try to find some pattern when it happens and think about the solution. Thanks for your report ! (edited)
ok ,thank you
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S3Drive - Can't purchase a subscription plan
Guild icon
support / Can't purchase a subscription plan
backwards152 12/04/2023 8:48 PM
Getting a blank pop up when trying to select the business plan on monthly. The popup is blank and it does nothing to my account.
👍 1
I have the same problem when I select any plan
Thanks for reporting. In fact we've had a technical issues during subscription purchase that we've now resolved. Sorry for the trouble.
s3drive changed the channel name: Can't purchase a subscription plan 12/07/2023 6:57 PM
Exported 4 message(s)
S3Drive - Capacity refresh failure
Guild icon
support / Capacity refresh failure
I am trying to refresh the storage space details, but after many minutes of circling the load, it is still loading. Sometimes it loads successfully but I get the wrong capacity display (less than it is). Can this be optimized in Windows, Android clients are like this, and I have a headache
Calculations are currently displaying GiB instead of GB, it will be fixed in a next release as mentioned here: We can't really speed up this process, as we need to retrieve all objects and their metadata from S3 provider in order to calculate this value.
I understand and It's not too much of a problem.
Unit conversion is deployed to Android, other platforms will receive this patch later this week.
thanks, Tom
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S3Drive - Changing password for E2E encryption
Guild icon
support / Changing password for E2E encryption
I have a question that I used to encrypt the data with an automatically generated E2E encryption key. Now I don't want to use that key and I want to use my own short and easy to remember key instead. What will I do with the files that have been encrypted with the original secret key encryption?
s3drive changed the channel name: Changing password for E2E encryption 03/21/2024 6:53 AM
How about this stuff
That's a good question. Currently we are using Rclone native encryption approach which doesn't support password change without data re-encryption. In the future we will improve that, so we generate Rclone encryption key which would be user password protected. It would then be possible to change the user password protected key without affecting underlying Rclone key. Alternatively we may support multiple decryption keys, so your new data will always be encrypted by your latest key, but your existing data will use sets of keys. Stay tuned, this is coming.
I also feel, hope can decrypt, and after I modify the password file to re-encrypt, there is a long list of automatically generated passwords is inconvenient to remember. So please 🥺
Exported 6 message(s)
S3Drive - Clicking a large html file crashes S3Drive
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support / Clicking a large html file crashes S3Drive
I have uploaded a Google Takeout using rclone, and I can browse the files using S3Drive. Google have helpfully included a huge html file called archive_browser.html in the root folder of the takeout, in my case it is just over 16MB. If I happen to click on this file in S3Drive, the app loads the entire file, and then promptly crashes. I've tried two or three times in a row now, running v1.8.5 that I've just upgraded now.
Thanks for your feedback. Given that currently S3Drive wouldn't show rendered HTML, but just a text I think the best way to go forwards would be to open file externally. I will add an item to check that whether we can improve memory usage when opening big text files (or perhaps load them incrementally / paginate - for view only, since for edit full file load would be required anyway) (edited)
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S3Drive - Clicking the X closes/hides the main window but app still runs in taskbar
Guild icon
support / Clicking the X closes/hides the main window but app still runs in taskbar
Also a warning before closing the app while a drive is mounted would be nice as well. Thanks!
Hi @hugh1988, thanks for reporting. Is that the macOS app? In principle macOS has issues closing itself if NFS mount is running. The temporary solution is to either use force exit or use macFUSE/FUSE-T mount as explained in our guide: We're working on improving this, but the ultimate solution is that macOS native integration with Finder, skipping the NFS/FUSE layes altogether. EDIT: I've now realized that you're probably using Windows based on your other support item. In which case it seems like app may not want to close if mount is performing any operations or e.g. file/folder is open without mount directory preventing mount from finishing gracefully. We will aim to add a relevant prompt ! (edited)
Ah sorry Tom, I didn't make that very clear this was a feature request rather than reporting a bug! It would be handy to be able to close s3Drive windo but still have the drive mounted, so any file transfers copying dont get interrupted if the window is closed. But perhaps just a warning that there is a drive mounted before quitting would be enough. Thanks
Thanks. I understand now. The best option is to use: "Hide" from the tray icon and not to misclick the X. We plan to modify X behaviour so app actually minimizes its window and moves to tray instead of quitting. If user wanted to quite the app they would have to do it explicitly by a quit option from an app or tray icon. Would that work for you?
Sorry to jump in but i wanted to add that this is a great solution.
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S3Drive - Connect to Google Drive
Guild icon
support / Connect to Google Drive
"and my last question is, Do we have to subscribe to Ultimate if we want to use Google Drive or other cloud storage?" "can i try to connect my google drive using just a basic account as a test?" originally asked by @eldvara
Please find a link to our documentation: which explains how to prepare a Google config which you would then import in the app:
Zero Knowledge E2E encrypted storage compatible with any S3 provider
Please find a link to our documentation: which explains how to prepare a Google config which you would then import in the app:
several hours have passed, but I still experience config errors, please help me 😭
Do you have rclone command installed on your desktop anywhere? Whilst running Rclone using Termux on Android might be suficient we've never tried that.
Can you let me know how did you generate your config?
Can you let me know how did you generate your config?
I just used a code editor application, after exporting the configuration from rclone, I edited the file name to json and changed some of the config a little...
I'm sure that's not the right way, but that's all I know 😌
Maybe later I'll just send a video so you can see where I went wrong
As you can see it's all not exactly user friendly, soon you will be able to login using your username/password, but currently the setup through Rclone is required... and this is little bit fragile. In principle you need to configure Google Drive on your desktop in a way that if you type: rclone ls driveName: shall give you some files in the listing. Alternatively you can use about command, e.g.: rclone about driveName: and you should get e.g.: Total: 7 GiB Used: 611.346 MiB Free: 6.403 GiB If you're not getting these results, STOP and try setting back-end again using: rclone config as mentioned here: If things are working good for you at this stage, then use: rclone config dump command in order to extract all configs, then manually select, copy and paste the relevant Google Drive config into S3Drive (click new "+" and import). (edited)
As you can see it's all not exactly user friendly, soon you will be able to login using your username/password, but currently the setup through Rclone is required... and this is little bit fragile. In principle you need to configure Google Drive on your desktop in a way that if you type: rclone ls driveName: shall give you some files in the listing. Alternatively you can use about command, e.g.: rclone about driveName: and you should get e.g.: Total: 7 GiB Used: 611.346 MiB Free: 6.403 GiB If you're not getting these results, STOP and try setting back-end again using: rclone config as mentioned here: If things are working good for you at this stage, then use: rclone config dump command in order to extract all configs, then manually select, copy and paste the relevant Google Drive config into S3Drive (click new "+" and import). (edited)
Actually, I don't really understand it, but I'll try
Thank you for helping me a lot, I am sure this application project will be successful in the future.. and in the near future I will start subscribing to this cool application
👍 1
I hope the 3 things I asked can be improved in the future ☺
Exported 13 message(s)
S3Drive - Copy/Move character encoding issue (SOLVED: v1.8.5)
Guild icon
support / Copy/Move character encoding issue (SOLVED: v1.8.5)
Create folder: 史密斯是美国人, then try to copy to e.g.: test folder.
👍 1
failed yet
Does the S3 protocol explicitly not support the migration and replication of Chinese directories and folders?
whatever Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese
We will fix that in a next release:
AWS has Guidelines that suggest only using safe characters for object keys. However, in my use case i have to deal with at least some of the special characters in object keys. Right now i'm try...
thank you so much,Thank you for taking care of Chinese speakers.
On the other hand, I've never seen you promote your products in Google searches. MultiCloud seems to be promoting their products all the time, even though it's in a different field.
Meet this again 1.8.5 win when uploading backblaze
settings here
thank you so much,Thank you for taking care of Chinese speakers.
This shall be now solved on Android. Can you try copy/move with Chinese characters? Thanks
There is a character limit
rename failed too
Does it work for shorter paths/filenames? What's the character limit you're facing? Does the limit apply just for Storj or did you try other providers?
I've just renamed folder on Storj to this without any problems.
Something wrong with \ but not Chinese characters?
If I try longer, then I get an error like this.
Something wrong with \ but not Chinese characters?
Hard to tell. Please provide a full path as text, I can't easily copy the exact characters and whitespaces from the screenshot that you've provided.
Backblaze is Okay
books城邦文化數位發展部團隊乘著影像時光機探訪1960台灣記憶城邦文化數位發展部團隊, 城邦文化事業股份有限公司乘著影像時光機探訪1960台灣記憶
This directory mame
Worked fine here
What's wrong with my storj
Perhaps anything interesting in Logs?
There is a character limit
What's your python code of this error, did u add some if else Analyzing conditions
I've just used "Rename" and used the path that you've provided in the comment above. (edited)
Logs here
Unfortunately it doesn't tell anything about your Copy/Move issue. Hard to tell why you get SocketException to me it does look more like a onetime connection issue. (edited)
now everything's done, good work
Meanwhile, would u support batch rename
Whatever files or directory
Please create new item #support / feature request and describe the use case.
Unfortunately it doesn't tell anything about your Copy/Move issue. Hard to tell why you get SocketException to me it does look more like a onetime connection issue. (edited)
Probability question?
Please create new item #support / feature request and describe the use case.
s3drive changed the channel name: Copy/Move character encoding issue (SOLVED: v1.8.5) 04/24/2024 2:51 PM
Exported 38 message(s)
S3Drive - Corrupted on transfer due to upper-/lowercase
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support / Corrupted on transfer due to upper-/lowercase
I get messages on sync with protondrive like: 2024/04/29 07:39:31 ERROR : rc: "sync/sync": error: corrupted on transfer: sha1 hash differ "CB6D7913466AF524C195FF39306DDE07BF37133C" vs "cb6d7913466af524c195ff39306dde07bf37133c" So the hash does match, it's just a matter of upper-/lowercase...
It's actually awaiting fix on the Proton-API-Bridge side which could then be included in a next Rclone release. Proton-API-Bridge: Rclone: Feel free upvote / comment on these. If there is no action in the next months we will backport one-liner fix into S3Drive: (edited)
👍 1
This is to let you know that we've developed a fix and released to all platforms. I would appreciate if could let us know if this has addressed this issue. Thanks !
Exported 3 message(s)
S3Drive - Corrupted on transfer - Rclone, sync local -> remote
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support / Corrupted on transfer - Rclone, sync local -> remote
Hi, I'm getting a "Error: Exception: corrupted on transfer: md5 encrypted hash differ" on a one-way copy-mode sync (local->remote) to an encrypted vault in a S3 bucket (versioning on, object lock off) in IDrive E2 on android and Linux. Any idea how to fix this? Thanks! Originally from here:
👍 1
Hi @mixih Thanks for your bug report. Quick question, is the vault remote configured manually via Rclone as crypt or is it configured by S3Drive automatically via E2E settings? Did I understand correctly, that on Linux it behaves exactly the same?
Hi, it's configured as a native s3 bucket as documented here: using a json file. I have a custom encryption key specified and path encryption enabled using the encryptionKey and filePathEncryption attributes respectively. I am encountering the same thing in the Linux flutter app (both are configured using the same json file if that may be causing it), where it seems to create the folder tree (though strangely there is no place holder file there, even though S3 is supposed to be a flat object store that emulates folders...), and then stop due to the MD5 mismatch. I can upload files and folders normally without any issue by using the manual upload button on both the Android phone and the Linux computer, it seems to be a problem specifically related to the custom path sync feature. (edited)
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
Thanks for letting me know. We'll release Rclone update from 1.65.1 to 1.65.2 in a next release end of this week / Monday, if this doesn't resolve this issue, then we'll escalate.
👍 1
Hi, I was wondering if you could try again using the newest available version (depending on the platform 1.7.15 - 1.7.17)? If this still doesn't work for you, can you please try to setup destination S3 bucket through S3 tab instead of Rclone? Then you can enable Rclone compatible E2E in the app settings, S3Drive in turn will automatically generate relevant Rclone entry which you can then easily select from the "Sync" tab. Thanks !
cc @mixih
Exported 6 message(s)
S3Drive - CORS setup Backblaze
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support / CORS setup Backblaze
avantartist 12/28/2023 6:08 PM
Hi. Looking for some basic setup help. I setup Backblaze B2 buckets and installed the S3Drive app. I was able to make connections to my buckets and able to upload files. I purchased lifetime ultimate S3 and can no longer connect to my backblaze, i had deleted the original profile that was created when I was testing. I can create and upload files on S3Drive apps but don't see them in my backblaze buckets. I've tried creating new buckets and creating new api's but now I can't get the api's to connect when i try and add a new profile. should my backblaze be connected to my ultimate managed profile? I'm receiving a XMLHttpRequest Error to set up CORS (I didn't do this originally) I tried setting them to: Share everything in this bucket with every origin. Please let me know what I'm doing wrong.
Hi, thank you for supporting us. You only need an Ultimate account for S3Drive to recognize your license, so you can use all of the paid features. I am not sure if you've seen it already, but we've got a specific guide to setting up Backblaze bucket: You'll need to setup CORS on your bucket first in order to use the web client:
Here is the: "Set up CORS" setting. If you have multiple accounts, including managed / ultimate account you obviously need to switch to your "Backblaze" bucket as indicated on screenshots I've just attached.
CORS setting needs to be applies for each new bucket separately... and last time when we've tested Backblaze's: "Share everything in this bucket with every origin" setting it didn't work for us.
avantartist 12/29/2023 2:49 PM
Hi @s3drive I’ll give it another try. What’s the specific CORS setting I should use?
If you use: "Set up CORS" option, S3Drive will set it up for you, if you would like to set it up yourself please find this post: (edited)
s3drive changed the channel name: CORS setup Backblaze 12/29/2023 4:05 PM
Here is the: "Set up CORS" setting. If you have multiple accounts, including managed / ultimate account you obviously need to switch to your "Backblaze" bucket as indicated on screenshots I've just attached.
avantartist 12/29/2023 5:54 PM
@s3drive I think I got it sorted out. Thanks for the prompt response!
👍 1
Exported 8 message(s)
S3Drive - Cubbit CORS issues in Web app "Exception: DioException [connection error]"
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support / Cubbit CORS issues in Web app "Exception: DioException [connection error]"
Everything downloads 0 bytes and gives this message when previewing a text file in the web app. Any idea why? Uploading files seems to work though
Hi, This one is likely something CORS related. Feel free to: "Set up CORS" from the settings menu (ideally from a mobile/desktop client) and try again. What's your S3 provider? I would give it a go and check where the issue might be. (edited)
ah okay. I tried to set up CORS but it get error "Failed: Not Implemented" so i guess my S3 provider does not support it yet. although they do advertise "100% S3 compatible". Perhaps i need to enable it some how. i'll ask them. thanks (edited)
Based on my experience and couple user's bug reports Cubbit is pretty far from being 100% S3 compatible, but most providers have its own quirks be it MinIO or Backblaze. If I can ask, what made you choose Cubbit? I can see some increased interest around them since couple weeks.
Of course! Yeah they're still in their early days for S3 which makes bug fixing for you difficult i bet! But they offered a pay-once option a few years ago where you connect your own hard drives to their 'cell' for cloud storage. It was a great idea but was reaaaly slow. They're shutting down their web app and old protocol, and moving completely to S3 so i've now got 4TB of S3 but no way to use it as a personal cloud. Until now! 😁 They have said they'll be making desktop and mobile apps at some point but i won't hold by breath! here's their kickstarter from 5 years ago if you're interested! Thanks again, really glad I found S3Drive!
World's first distributed cloud is here. Privacy by design, forever-free, lightning-fast, expandable up to 4TB and more. Join the Swarm
👍 1
s3drive changed the channel name: Cubbit CORS issues in Web app "Exception: DioException [connection error]" 11/23/2023 1:43 PM
So what should we do currently ?
It seems that they don't support PutBucketCors request, so it can't be set from S3Drive, but they haven't provided an alternative way how to set up CORS in their e-mail response. Most providers on top of S3 API to set up CORS from their admin panel and that's what Cubbit should also offer, however I haven't found any evidence of that. Feel free to ask them how you can set up CORS settings, so your bucket can be accessed from web browser context. The alternative way is to route traffic through some proxy (e.g. NginX) which can modify this response header: but I don't think this is a viable option for most users given the required overhead. (edited)
thanks a lot ,pretty sad for not supporting CORS
Exported 10 message(s)
S3Drive - Cubbit - Special characters 403
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support / Cubbit - Special characters 403
Aloha, I am using the S3Drive App on Android (v1.7.6). The error is currently happening for some files of various filetypes consistently. In this example I used a pdf. I can access other pdf files without a problem. I am connected to my s3 provider Over the webpage of the provider I can access the files without a problem.
👍 1
Hi @alaska9123, coincidentally we've improved character encoding for Cubbit in version 1.7.7 based on some user reports: Please update to 1.7.7 and let me know if problem still persist. The issue was caused by the: ( and ) and $ characters only for buckets where versioning was disabled. If you still face this problem even after updating the S3Drive, please send me the full filepath (including special characters - feel free to redact standard alphanumerics for privacy), bucket name and settings (versioning, object lock etc.). (edited)
s3drive changed the channel name: Cubbit - Encountering 403 01/28/2024 10:55 PM
The fix works on my machine 🙂 No error when I open the files. Thanks for the quick answer and your great work. I will cosider purchasing the app
👍 1
Hi, I would like to reopen this. I found another one. The app version I am using is 1.8.0 The name of the file is: Guy Haley - Dawn of Fire, Book 1 - Avenging Son path to file: \Archiv\Audiobook\Warhammer\W40k\Space Marines\Dawn of Fire - Indomitus Crusade\Guy Haley - Dawn of Fire, Book 1 - Avenging Son I get the identical error (edited)
Based on your filepath provided we'll try to reproduce the issue and squeeze the fix in a next release.
Hi @alaska9123, we can't really reproduce that one. Based on delimiter, is it Windows? Are you happy to remove special characters or any whitespaces from the filename or/and path and see if it helps? Would you be happy to make to move the source file to different location (e.g. with less directory nesting) and see if it helps? As long as we manage to figure out how which character is at fault we can then provide a hotfix. Thanks
Hi, I think it was the comma. (edited)
I only had the error when there was a comma in it
To your question I opened the file in the mobile app.
renaming was fine but not downloading
Hi @alaska9123, We've have found that if Cubbit bucket isn't versioned then indeed comma character causes some issues. We've added a quick fix which encodes command and will end up in a next release.
s3drive changed the channel name: Cubbit - Special characters 403 04/16/2024 8:23 AM
yes we can configure that at Cubbit. Didn't know this could cause this. I will consider this next time I write a error report here. I will share how I configure the bucket next time.
Exported 14 message(s)
S3Drive - Decrypt files on Android
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support / Decrypt files on Android
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 12/26/2023 3:16 AM
Hi there, here is one use case and feel free to dismiss it if there's a better way. I have a bunch of files encrypted with a GPG key on Backblaze. I don't trust the service with my keys so I rolled my very easy script for that. These files are app backups, configuration, etc... Now, on PC it's very easy to have a sync-ed folder and something that decrypts. On Android sometimes I need a backup file (for the email app, say). So I download it and decrypt it with OpenKeyChain. This is a bit cumbersome and it would be awesome to have a better way 😃 Thanks for listening!
... so you would be interested in S3Drive supporting PGP encrypted files natively? I will add this to our feature requests, we will consider implementing it once there is enough interest. At the moment we deem Rclone's encryption to be sufficient for files security and privacy. In the nearest future we plan to further improve cipher: and/or connect with Cryptomator cipher:
We're running S3Drive (GUI for S3 on desktop, mobile, web) and recently aligned with Rclone's encryption scheme for better interoperability and features like drive mount and Webdav that we ...
Zero Knowledge E2E encrypted storage compatible with any S3 provider
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 01/03/2024 6:21 PM
Yes well gpg via OpenKeychain, for instance, on Android would be awesome. Thanks for considering it!
The thing is rclone can't be used on Android can it?
We've been integrated with Rclone crypt since release: [1.4.0] - 2023-07-21 (, it can be enabled in the Settings (it's called E2E on our end, but it's essentialy 1:1 compatible). Most recent release: [1.7.0] - 2023-12-29 provides full integration with Rclone allowing you to use 70+ back-ends on top of S3 (more on that here: One of the back-ends is crypt ( which means you can use S3Drive to encrypt your data and store it on Dropbox or whenever you want. In a 1.7.1 release which we will release in a few days there will be an option to sync from local file system as well as (on Android, iOS and macOS this option won't be initially available due to different permission systems, we'll need to provide workaround), between different back-ends, so you can e.g. upload some files to Dropbox, some files to Google Cloud and then sync certain folders between them as you need. (edited)
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 01/04/2024 5:59 PM
Oh that's cool then - in terms of permissions, the pattern other apps follow is to let you specify a folder yourself, and to ask permission for accessing that only. I will try to post an example of that flow. I guess the next release will solve my problem then, I can use rclone on desktop and on Android. that's cool and will save me a lot of scripting 😄
this is from the Neo Store app
Actually 1.7.1 release is now a thing ! We love the idea of permissions to only specific folder, the challenge is that these operate on so called Content URIs instead of classic file system (you can notice on your video it starts with content://). That makes it incompatible with classic software, Rclone included. That's why our best solution so far is to aim for MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission which fortunately and unfortunately gives access to the filesystem: In the long run we could reimplement some syncing logic and make it compatible with these Content URIs... but since Rclone does damn good job already we're not really keen to reinvent the wheel, add maintenance/risks and spend at least couple months initially just to get it right. (edited)
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 01/04/2024 6:58 PM
It makes a lot of sense yeah. I guess it is fine to allow access to everything as temporary solution and then improve later. Many apps do that actually (but I always try to avoid giving that very broad permission if I can). Thanks for the thorough explanation!
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 01/05/2024 4:29 PM
So If I understand correctly I will be able to mount a bucket in Android and S3 will decrypt the contents of the files (and show me the files names?) transparently? (edited)
So If I understand correctly I will be able to mount a bucket in Android and S3 will decrypt the contents of the files (and show me the files names?) transparently? (edited)
You will be able to access S3 and other endpoints (regardless if they use client-side encryption), using native file explorer on Android, but that's a different feature than the one mentioned above: We're also working on it and making good progress. If things go well, then by the end of this month it will be available as an MVP (no streaming initially, so big files will require lots of RAM)
Implement virtual file system on Android using Storage Access Framework / File provider which would allow users to list/open/save files directly from S3Drive,
... but syncing is a different feature: which is almost there, except we need an approval from Google which we will hopefully get this month as well.
Currently S3Drive supports one-way media (photos&videos) backup to S3. We should add support for custom file type.
👍 1
Exported 13 message(s)
S3Drive - Decrypting AWS AES-GCM encrypted objects
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support / Decrypting AWS AES-GCM encrypted objects
gregintheweb 04/11/2024 2:20 PM
Howdy 🙂 Love S3, you do awesome work! One weird issue, on Windows, with S3 E2EE: when I upgraded from 1.7.17 to 1.8.3 all the files no longer decrypt. I checked the key is still present and correct, and it shows in the app. The files and key are still working on multiple android devices. On Windows, the files all download with the correct size, just... encrypted (or that's what it looks like if I open them in a text editor). There are no errors in the log. I tried downgrading to 1.8.2 and 1.8.0+3 without any change in behavior. I tried to downgrade to 1.7 but the app won't let me past the upgrade notice. I tried removing the app, installing, and readding the s3 & E2EE details, with the same result. The log still shows no issues (there are some notices, like e2ee enabled, for example, but no errors. Perhaps it is just me? Happy to try anything if the issue is elsewhere 🙂 Thanks!
Howdy 🙂 Love S3, you do awesome work! One weird issue, on Windows, with S3 E2EE: when I upgraded from 1.7.17 to 1.8.3 all the files no longer decrypt. I checked the key is still present and correct, and it shows in the app. The files and key are still working on multiple android devices. On Windows, the files all download with the correct size, just... encrypted (or that's what it looks like if I open them in a text editor). There are no errors in the log. I tried downgrading to 1.8.2 and 1.8.0+3 without any change in behavior. I tried to downgrade to 1.7 but the app won't let me past the upgrade notice. I tried removing the app, installing, and readding the s3 & E2EE details, with the same result. The log still shows no issues (there are some notices, like e2ee enabled, for example, but no errors. Perhaps it is just me? Happy to try anything if the issue is elsewhere 🙂 Thanks!
Hi there, thank you for your feedback. Just a question do you use filename encryption on top of E2E encryption? What's the behavior on 1.8.2 or 1.8.0+3, does it decrypt fine? Does this issue apply only to: "Download" or all other functions? Is this file previewable, if so, can you please try "Preview" within the app or perhaps can you try use "Open" function to open the file externally? What happens if you upload new file using 1.8.3, can you download it back properly? Using "Show info" can you please display the file details (especially Headers?)? Thanks
gregintheweb 04/11/2024 2:47 PM
Hi Tom!
No, I don't use filename encryption (its just number based file names from photos mainly, no overly long names or anything. The behavior in 1.8.2 or 1.8.0+3 was the same, no luck decrypting, no errors. The issue applies to preview and download. I haven't thought to upload a file, I'll try and grab a screen shot of the file info.
I suspect that this may be related to AES-256 GCM encryption, which was deprecated in August 2023 and subsequently removed in March 2024 1.8.0 release.
It depends for how long you've had E2E enabled. Did you set it up long time ago or just recently?
"Show info" would certainly help to show us the headers used (as they show encryption type)
gregintheweb 04/11/2024 2:56 PM
I think you're right 🙂 The old file has AWS encryption info, the new file does not. I've had E2E setup since early 2023.
The new upload works just fine. In android as well.
Ah, the file names don't populate, sorry! The 002.jpg is the old file that doesn't work, the trained.jpeg is the new file that works.
Right, sorry, we've had to make this breaking change as that's something which was holding us for quite a while. The challenge is that if you disable the AES-GCM E2E in a 1.7.17 you won't be able to enable the AES-GCM encryption again at least from the app UI (by default Rclone one will be enabled). I would recommend to download all of the files and then reupload them again. If you need to enable the AES-GCM encryption on your desktop it should likely be possible using import JSON (and crafting some fields) - If you need that I can help out here. (edited)
... perhaps you could export JSON on Android (where encryption still works) and then import it on desktop - this should preserve the AES-GCM setting.
gregintheweb 04/11/2024 3:03 PM
Ah, that's why it works in android, makes sense. Sorry, I was typing a story to try and figure out how to make it work on desktop and axed it as it'll be waay easier to just download the files in android and reup them it seems 🙂
Thanks! Any plans on breaking changes in android in the next couple weeks? no worries, just wondering the time line to grab my files 🙂
Just to follow up, if you export JSON from the Android, it will look like: { "bucketName": "bucket", "keyId": "somekey", "applicationKey": "key", "endpoint": "", "region": "us-east-1", "host": "", "port": 443, "useSSL": true, "encryptionKey": "cG90YXRv", "rclonePlaintextKey": false, "filepathEncryptionEnabled": true, "supportVersioning": false } The most important ones for you are: "encryptionKey": "cG90YXRv", "rclonePlaintextKey": false, where it tells app to NOT USE Rclone and then encryptionKey will be your base64 decoded AWS. If you reimport this to desktop (Function available in the Profiles - it's actually paid one, but I would be more than happy to give you free month, so you can handle that). (edited)
Thanks! Any plans on breaking changes in android in the next couple weeks? no worries, just wondering the time line to grab my files 🙂
If you haven't updated your Android, then stay with 1.7.17, as 1.8.2 is already released, with 1.8.3 awaiting final Google approval. 1.7.17 will expire end of April.
gregintheweb 04/11/2024 3:11 PM
Awesome! Thanks so much for your help!!! 🙂
s3drive changed the channel name: Decrypting objects encrypted using deprecated AES-GCM 04/11/2024 6:18 PM
s3drive changed the channel name: Decrypting AWS AES-GCM encrypted objects 04/11/2024 6:19 PM
One more alternative is to use something that we've implemented in 2022 related to now legacy PhotoSync S3 / Sync for Backblaze B2 projects. This web back-end allows you to access your bucket and decrypt AES-GCM encrypted objects given you provide encryption key: The only challenge might be that it will require CORS settings to be set up. Those from S3Drive would be fine except the domain would mismatch. You can either set them "open" in the S3 admin panel or use this template, but domain would have to be replaced: from: <AllowedOrigin></AllowedOrigin> to: <AllowedOrigin></AllowedOrigin>
Sync for S3 web client. Check out Android: Sync for S3 app to upload your media to cloud
gregintheweb 04/11/2024 7:45 PM
Even more helpful! Thanks so much for everything 🙂
Exported 22 message(s)
S3Drive - Default sort filter
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support / Default sort filter
The sort filter seems to reset when entering into the app or other folders. There does not seem to be to be way to have the filter stick through the session or just default to descending with date modified etc. which ends up with how I prefer sort things newest at the top. Maybe holding down on something to make it stick to the sort order would be nice or maybe i missed something. Another thing would be to reduce folder / preview view. Allowing me to either decrease image size to small, medium, large or huge. With this I could maybe get more than just 2 files side by side. The other bugs I have seem to be with folder cache duplication probably need to where I get 2 of each folder all the time. Hopefully does not come across as rant the app great just some things that are bothering me.
👍 1
Hi, thanks for this great feedback. It seems sorting behavior isn't intended, we'll have it fixed. Speaking of folder / preview view, do you mean that tiles in a grid view are too big by default and you would like more granular size control? Speaking of folder cache duplication, is there any chance that within that duplicated folder you have two files where one is encrypted and the other isn't? I would appreciate if you could send me an example or screenshot... perhaps there are some other commonalities? Does it apply to some folders more frequently etc.?
I think you are one to something but it’s maybe duplicate files I’ll do some testing but I have group of files that are category and and others that are specific. at times files will be both folders at least they would be the same hash but may not be the same name
Yeah I mean the grid view is just too large. Would cool to get some smaller grid sizes. Understand that there might be performance impact
Could not reproduce the in another bucket with same files. for the duplicate images. Wondering if something was a bit screwy with cache. I'll update if i see it again. I have since just decided to move buckets.
In the newest version the sort filter persistence issue shall be now resolved. We'll be working to improve grid mode in a next releases, possibly around March/April.
Thank you this is for ios?
I will say the cache issue sees to be back sadly. Something with the cache i think as if i go to the folder search icon and back it usually resolves it
Mind if i just direct message the screenshots if you need them?
Filter persistence shall be resolved on all platforms. Speaking of cache we haven't made any improvements just yet, but seeing your screenshots would certainly be helpful to resolve the issue !
So it looks like when going to cache mode it ends up not able to deal with folders well. The files do not have dupes just folder structure. When duplicated the first folder will be empty the second every time will have the actual files or sub folders. (edited)
We've identified a potential code where this may happen, however we can't actually reproduce it on a real S3 provider. What's your S3 provider if I can ask?
Can you also provide output of: "Show info" from each folder?
Finally, we've deployed a "blind fix" to Would you be happy to connect to your bucket (given your bucket provider allows CORS required for web connection), switch to cached entries and then see whether your issue is resolved? Thanks. cc @nez1136
Can you also provide output of: "Show info" from each folder?
I am using minio behind caddy. I can try direct minil and remove caddy from the picture. (edited)
I can do that yes let me see what i can dig up.
I get bad statement no element when trying to look at one of the bad folders.
for example a good folder i get back non-explicit folder prefix
no issues with cache on the webapp or my outdated flatpak
Caddy shouldn't really be problem here.
On what platform you experience these issues? Can you check what's your version?
iOS on an iPhone 1.7.15 which looks current
Exported 22 message(s)
S3Drive - Desktop app completely unresponsive (until resized)
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support / Desktop app completely unresponsive (until resized)
I was on version 1.8.5, and this version has expired so I've updated to the latest version (1.9.0), but on this version, s3drive is completely unresponsive. The UI displays, the cursor changes to indicate buttons are clickable, but clicking causing no action to occur. Also my files are not displayed. I've downloaded and installed 1.8.6 and the problem does not occur, and it has not expired (yet). I've downloaded and installed 1.8.7 and the problem occurs there, I've reinstalled 1.8.6 to have access to my files.
👍 2
Hi @znemesis, thanks for report. What's your OS? Are you connected to some S3 account or perhaps you refer to our testing account that we provide?
windows 10, I use both s3 accounts and rclone inside s3drive, not a testing account
the logs only report the following: created_at,level,context,message,stacktrace 2024-06-05 22:57:49.567665,LogLevel.INFO,"instance","RPC init (config/create)","" 2024-06-05 22:57:02.720062,LogLevel.INFO,"instance","RPC init (config/create)","" 2024-06-05 22:56:39.526929,LogLevel.INFO,"instance","RPC init (config/create)","" 2024-06-05 22:50:19.193307,LogLevel.INFO,"instance","RPC init (config/create)","" 2024-06-05 22:48:46.561695,LogLevel.INFO,"instance","RPC init (config/create)","" 2024-06-05 22:48:25.235644,LogLevel.INFO,"instance","RPC init (config/create)",""
By any chance do you remember if your Rclone was default account (selected in the Profiles page) when you've tried to run S3Drive newest version? It seems there is some loop related to Rclone configuration which prevents app from starting properly.
yes, I happened to last leave s3drive in a rclone drive
In other words, based on your log I presume that problem shouldn't happen if S3 account is selected by default. We're going to investigate that, try to reproduce and release a fix. We'll also consider extending app expiration periods. It's a double edged-sword, it really allows us to push changes (it's still early stage of this app) quicker without supporting certain stuff indefinitely (e.g. last AES-GCM cipher which was then replaced by Rclone)
yes, I happened to last leave s3drive in a rclone drive
specifically on a combine backend
Right, that's helpful. I will get back to you.
Ah, by any chance did you have any Sync configured or mount auto-start?
definitely not mount auto-start
sync configuration is currently empty, but I had used sync before and I don't remember if I've left it empty
Fair enough, thanks.
I have this problem occurring regularly now, even with v1.8.6, it seems to occur on most application launches, not necessarily if I close the application with the combine backend open. However, I have found a workaround. Resizing the window makes the application responsive again. While the application is not responsive, mouse clicks will still take effect, even to the point of selecting options within submenus, but I can not see any change on screen with the exception of the mouse cursor. Resizing the window will reveal the result of all the blind mouse clicks performed while unresponsive.
this is a video of me having freshly launched the application, clicking the menu icon, then maximising and restoring the window:
Hi @znemesis, we still haven't exactly figured out whether this is Rclone threading related issue or Window specific display issue or some mix. We're aware of black screen startup issue which gets fixed by resizing the app. We know that in some cases (e.g. heavy operation through Rclone) it may negatively impact the UI responsiveness. We've release 1.9.1 pre-release, it has updated dependencies including rendering engine. Would you be happy to try it out and let me know if issue still persists?
Hi @znemesis, we still haven't exactly figured out whether this is Rclone threading related issue or Window specific display issue or some mix. We're aware of black screen startup issue which gets fixed by resizing the app. We know that in some cases (e.g. heavy operation through Rclone) it may negatively impact the UI responsiveness. We've release 1.9.1 pre-release, it has updated dependencies including rendering engine. Would you be happy to try it out and let me know if issue still persists?
v1.9.1 does not resolve the issue for me, I still need to resize for the application to respond
znemesis changed the channel name: Desktop app completely unresponsive (until resized) 06/10/2024 12:27 AM
v1.9.1 does not resolve the issue for me, I still need to resize for the application to respond
Quick question, the video that you've recorded, where there any operations pending like download/upload or sync? Is app unresponsive as shown above when it's idle?
no operations are pending. This is the application as it appears immediately after launching it
Hi again, We haven't exactly found the root cause of this issue, however we've applied some improvements which may help. Would you mind trying our most recent release? Thanks
the problem still occurs for me in v1.9.1 (build: 10090110)
motorolo_61023 06/19/2024 6:42 PM
Hi! Same problem here on three different Windows computers. Two of the have S3Drive installed from the MS Store ((v1.9.0 (build: 10090000) and the other one from .exe install (v1.9.1 (build: 10090110). No Rclone account. S3 account from Cubbit.
Hi! Same problem here on three different Windows computers. Two of the have S3Drive installed from the MS Store ((v1.9.0 (build: 10090000) and the other one from .exe install (v1.9.1 (build: 10090110). No Rclone account. S3 account from Cubbit.
Hi @motorolo_61023, thank you for your report. Can you please let me know if they're running Windows 10 or 11?
We've fixed black screen issue on Windows in our 1.9.2 pre-release: this may or may not address the issue that you experience, I would appreciate if you could try it and let me know if it helps by any chance. cc@motorolo_61023 and @znemesis
Fix black screen issue on Windows, Fix media backup "Match" feature for encrypted files, Add loading/error indication to Cached mode rebuild, Two-way sync tweaks to improve resilience
the problem looks to be fixed for me
We've released 1.9.2+1 to general public with couple other improvements: If problem appears again (hopefully not !), please let me know. Thanks for your feedback on this.
Exported 27 message(s)
S3Drive - Desktop app does not start. Mac Os Sonoma
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support / Desktop app does not start. Mac Os Sonoma
Hello, I have a problem with your S3DRIVE application that I tried to use to access my bucket on Cubbit. I managed to install it on Mac Os Sonoma 14.5 and after the first launch and the related access to my bucket, I was able to upload a couple of files to run a test and everything went smoothly. The problem arose after I closed the application and tried to reopen it; there was no way to get it started. The classic rainbow wheel of the Mac warns me that the app is not responding. I tried a couple of times, but the app is unresponsive and a force quit is necessary. I also tried deleting the plist file, restarting the Mac, and reinstalling the app, but the result remains the same. The software won't start. Additionally, I want to mention that I use the Lulu firewall, but I have obviously accepted S3Drive connections, and in any case, I have tried with the firewall closed as well. Any help? Thanks
Thanks for your report. I understand that you've managed to successfully start the app and then configure Cubbit. Are you using latest 1.9.0 version? Do you use .DMG release or App Store? Prior the problems with the app startup did you use mount feature or tried to setup Sync? Can you try deleting the: ~/Library/Preferences/ but also ~/Library/Containers/ (if exists)?
I installed the software from the DMG downloaded yesterday from your website. Since I can't launch it, I couldn't tell you which version it is. I deleted the plist file, while the file "~/Library/Containers/" (without the final data) is not present in the "Containers" folder but rather in the "Application Support" folder. I have tried deleting it, but the software still doesn't start.
I tried also the app store version without success
Can you try installing .DMG release then start the app from terminal: /Applications/ so perhaps we can get anything interesting from the output?
Hi of course, below the terminal output: "Last login: Thu Jun 6 20:32:13 on console xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-iMac ~ % /Applications/ [IMPORTANT:flutter/shell/platform/darwin/graphics/] Using the Skia rendering backend (Metal). flutter: Failed to init launchAppAtStartup. Unsupported operation: isEnabled flutter: sqflite warning You are changing sqflite default factory. Be aware of the potential side effects. Any library using sqflite will have this factory as the default for all operations. sqflite warning note: appStartMeasurement not available on this platform
I forgot to say you that Im on hackintosh sonoma os 14.5
We've released macOS pre-release of 1.9.1 with updated app engine, dependencies and couple other changes. It may or may not address the issue that you're experiencing, but it may be worth trying: Can you please give run it via: /Applications/ and let me know the output? Thanks
does not start
.....-iMac ~ % /Applications/ [IMPORTANT:flutter/shell/platform/darwin/graphics/] Using the Skia rendering backend (Metal). flutter: Failed to init launchAppAtStartup. Unsupported operation: isEnabled flutter: App version: 1.9.1 flutter: App config initialized flutter: preFutureInit() flutter: Initializing auth flutter: postFutureInit() flutter: sqflite warning You are changing sqflite default factory. Be aware of the potential side effects. Any library using sqflite will have this factory as the default for all operations. sqflite warning flutter: initState() flutter: postInitSystemTray() flutter: postInitSchemeUrlListener() note: appStartMeasurement not available on this platform zsh: terminated /Applications/
I have no experience with Hackintosh, but in principle S3Drive does require 3D acceleration, is it possible that your GPU / drivers configuration has changed since last successfull S3Drive run?
I don't know if I understood correctly, but if you are asking me whether I have changed any settings on the GPU since I started using the S3Drive app, my answer is no. I am not an expert on Hackintosh either (it was assembled for me). I installed the app a few days ago and it worked the first time I used it. Upon opening, it asked for the 'Access key', the 'Secret access key', etc., and I was able to access my bucket. I uploaded some files, then shut down the computer, and upon restarting, S3Drive no longer connected as I mentioned in my previous messages, even after trying various suggestions you provided. Today I tried reopening S3Drive and it asked for login/sign up. I registered, tried to access my bucket on Cubbit again, and was able to access and upload a test file. I logged out and then logged back in and for now, it is working. I don't know why. Maybe it needed my sign-up to work? I will do some tests in the coming days and if there are any problems, I will write to you again. In the meantime, thank you for your kindness and help
Great news! Thanks for letting me know. Sign-in is an optional thing, in 1.9.1 we've improved app startup and reworked login screens to better direct users to managed account / storage (currently in beta).... but based on your logs above you've already had that version installed, so I am really not sure what went wrong. I am happy that it works now. If you have any issues or feedback on the app, don't hesitate to reach out.
now not working😢 i dont undertsnd why sometime work and sometime no
I re-installed the app and now works, but I'm sure later it will not work
Exported 16 message(s)
S3Drive - Desktop App Freezes: MacOS Sonoma 14.5, latest version of S3Drive downloaded from the website
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support / Desktop App Freezes: MacOS Sonoma 14.5, latest version of S3Drive downloaded from the website
The app freezes constantly and requires force quitting the app multiple times. Once it's loaded correctly, the app works as it should. However, I have a habit of closing the app and the cycle continues. I've uninstall the app and using the web app for the time being.
👍 2
Thanks for your report. May I ask you a couple questions to help us narrow down the problem? Did you use mount and/or mount when app starts features? What back-end provider are you using, is it S3 or Rclone? Are you using login/email account (that can be registered via S3Drive) inside the macOS app?
I'm using S3-BackBlaze without mount enabled.
Also, where does my downloaded files go using the browser? I tested some files to download, and I don't know where to locate the file once it finishes
Also, where does my downloaded files go using the browser? I tested some files to download, and I don't know where to locate the file once it finishes
It should be your Downloads folder, if it's not there can you check Transfers tab inside S3Drive and see if it actually suceeded or perhaps ended up in Error tab?
It was 100% downloaded. It usually asks me where to save files, but this time it just downloaded without asking where. I also searched in my browser folder if it went there as well as global search of the file name isn't coming up.
I've passed these two issues to our team to investigate and will get back to you. Speaking of web client download issue, what web browser do you use?
I use the latest version of Brave browser
Speaking of macOS we've released pre-release of 1.9.1 with updated app engine, dependencies and couple other changes. It may or may not address the freeze issues that you're experiencing, but it may be worth trying: Speaking of Brave, we couldn't reproduce this issue on our end and getting prompt on latest Brave and macOS Sonoma just fine (screenshot attached). Given that Brave users seem to report such issues on macOS: can you please try a different browser and let me know if it works for you? Thanks ! (edited)
Same problem on Mac, since v1.50.114. Getting the Save As overlay for every download, even though this setting is switched off.
Hi @ad267088, I've thought to check out on this. We've released yet another macOS release 1.9.2, where this issue may no longer be present. Would you be happy to update and then check if app still has a freezing issue? Thanks.
Thanks for the update, Tom. Unfortunately, the app is still unresponsive at startup (edited)
Also, on the web app my files shows it's corrupted. I logged out and logged back in, but still the same result. Viewing on Android works fine
Exported 12 message(s)
S3Drive - DNS wildcard virtual-hosted-style bucket support
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support / DNS wildcard virtual-hosted-style bucket support
morethanevil 08/17/2023 6:08 PM
This is a subdomain on a new server. I created a bucket named backup too. Now I can not add this bucket, because the app thinks it is in the URL. The complete URL with the bucket name would be: I added a bucket test on the same server. Works without issue
It's a tricky one, we strip the bucket name from the sub-domain, because some S3 providers provide the endpoint on their dashboard with the bucket name included and if we haven't stripped the bucket name, the resulting endpoint in such format: "" wouldn't actually work in that case. Unfortunately you've discovered legitimate case where this doesn't work as expected on your end. We probably won't remove the stripping logic as I am sure that other users would complain. The option is to rebuild the S3 screen, perhaps implement "provider dropdown", so each provider would have some custom additions to make using S3Drive easier. I am going to create a roadmap item for that. I am not sure if there is any easier approach to address this issue. (edited)
morethanevil 08/17/2023 9:34 PM
As a workaround I could rename the bucket. This is not a problem 🙂 It is a rare case
s3drive changed the channel name: Virtual-hosted-style bucket wildcard DNS support 09/03/2023 1:09 PM
s3drive changed the channel name: DNS wildcard virtual-hosted-style bucket support 09/03/2023 1:10 PM
Exported 6 message(s)
S3Drive - Download multiple files - allow retry
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support / Download multiple files - allow retry
When I want to download all the files, this prompt, but I can't try again.
will the failed downloads retry automatically ??
I don't understand what should I do with cloudflare R2
We will allow download retry once we group it by operation, some downloads might have failed whilst being part of ZIP operation whereas other might be standalone download. We will split these and allow operation retry. Thanks !
But where's my local files after downloading, I cannot change the location of downloads
s3drive changed the channel name: Download multiple files - allow retry 03/26/2024 11:35 AM
for Windows client?Mobile phone client ?
All platforms wherever possible.
Exported 10 message(s)
S3Drive - Encrypted file sharing / CORS setup required
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support / Encrypted file sharing / CORS setup required
Is the E2E Enciphering in the settings only for Rclone stored products and not files in any object storage service? There is the principle of encryption is what I download the corresponding to the local is still do not need to enter any decryption password can be opened to use, I am very confused!
E2E encryption is supported for both S3 and Rclone endpoints. For S3 endpoint as on your attached screenshot E2E encryption is enabled correctly and will apply for any NEW files that are uploaded, existing files will remain unencrypted until you reupload them. For Rclone endpoints E2E needs to be enabled via crypt, please refer to:
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
E2E encryption is supported for both S3 and Rclone endpoints. For S3 endpoint as on your attached screenshot E2E encryption is enabled correctly and will apply for any NEW files that are uploaded, existing files will remain unencrypted until you reupload them. For Rclone endpoints E2E needs to be enabled via crypt, please refer to:
U mean before uploading the files have been encrypted all the time by local E2E encryption ? But when I try to download my files I don't see any prompt about The step that requires the input of a key to decrypt.I don't need to do any decryption either before downloading or when it's ready to open locally, which is strange. Does this encryption really work on my file data? I don't understand how that works. Please explain!
You don't see prompt when downloading, because it's decrypted automatically by the app, your E2E encryption password is stored inside. If you disable E2E you will then no longer be able to download encrypted files until you turn it on again.
Describe please your workflow. What you do and what you expect. I am sure lots of context is lost here in the translation.
Look at this:I download my files bys shared links and get this filename so how to decrypt it.
... so you've encrypted files in S3Drive and expect to be openable by a different app?
S3Drive uses Rclone crypt, so you can use anything that's compatible with that.
I mean what should I do on files downloaded by shared links
If you need to share encrypted files externally use Share function within S3Drive. It does support encryption.
how about decryption ? other encryption methods algorithm
it doesn't work for me Look at this below
Download saves file locally.
Share link create a link to be shared with someone else.
muw8 can't be opened ,download by shared link
original file is.mp4
Can you upload screenshot step by step what you do?
This is my procedure. Is this file encrypted? Need how to decrypt!
Right, you need to disable the "Presigned URL" option.
6s of the video
another mistake
something went wrong
Right, can you send me this link please?
this one
Right, so the issue is that CORS settings are not set up for your Huawei Cloud bucket.
Bear with me few minutes please.
what should I do I don't know the rules of grammar
Please got to Settings and find an option: "Set up CORS", click on it.
I set up at s3drive App now I made it success
This shall set up your bucket for Web.
Ok I will
Basically if you can login to your Huawei S3 bucket through Web: then this would be a confirmation that your CORS settings are set up correctly.
Easy-to-use client that converts any S3 server into your personal encrypted file storage. Rclone compatible, mount as drive, WebDav server, file versioning.
I found it easily
If you know how to set it up yourself, then go ahead. Otherwise please use Settings in the S3Drive.
We use these settings, if you want to set it up yourself: <CORSConfiguration xmlns=""> <CORSRule> <ID>S3Drive</ID> <AllowedOrigin></AllowedOrigin> <AllowedMethod>GET</AllowedMethod> <AllowedMethod>HEAD</AllowedMethod> <AllowedMethod>POST</AllowedMethod> <AllowedMethod>PUT</AllowedMethod> <AllowedMethod>DELETE</AllowedMethod> <MaxAgeSeconds>3600</MaxAgeSeconds> <ExposeHeader>etag</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-x-amz-key</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-x-amz-iv</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-x-amz-cek-alg</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-x-amz-wrap-alg</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-x-amz-key-v2</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-x-amz-tag-len</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-x-amz-unencrypted-content-length</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-version-id</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-key</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-iv</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-chunk</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-cek-alg</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-s3drive</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-mtime</ExposeHeader> <AllowedHeader>*</AllowedHeader> </CORSRule> </CORSConfiguration>
Great work. I'll Learn it from it
when hard deleting files...
Hmm, perhaps Huawei Cloud doesn't support versioning? Do you have versioning enabled disabled in the settings? (edited)
yes enabled
Sorry, I meant disabled.
OK I will try
Hard delete tries to delete versions, but Huawei doesn't seem to support versions just yet.
disabled still failed
I need to check that, but... actually it maybe mistake on our side. If versioning is disabled, then in fact normal delete is hard delete, because no version existed, so if you delete the files, it's gone.
We should disable hard delete button if versioning is disabled.
I need to check that, but... actually it maybe mistake on our side. If versioning is disabled, then in fact normal delete is hard delete, because no version existed, so if you delete the files, it's gone.
All disabled it works
It's great that you helped me solve another big problem.
👍 2
s3drive changed the channel name: Encrypted file sharing / CORS setup required 03/14/2024 10:45 AM
Exported 56 message(s)
S3Drive - Failed to upload / incompatible provider
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support / Failed to upload / incompatible provider
Hi, I've a Samsung S23+, using a cloud provider trought S3 and connected my bucket in S3 Drive app. List/Download files is working fine! But i can't upload any file, even the smallest ones, like 4 bytes. Is there anyway to debug my app locally or someone to help, for fix this?
Hi, thanks for your report. What's your S3 provider? Is there any additional information in the Transfers -> tab (Err)? Can you have a look whether there is something useful in About -> Logs?
The file dont reached 'Transfers Err' tab, on logs i've this
Thanks. Is it possible that you don't have write permissions to the bucket or your IAM settings (if you have one) prevent you from writing to a bucket? It would certainly help if you've provided your S3 provider and configuration.
Can you check your dm please
s3drive changed the channel name: Failed to upload / incompatible provider 02/06/2024 6:38 PM
It was concluded that S3 provider doesn't support: x-amz-meta-mtime header ( and was 403 rejecting the request. On the plus side this made us improve our error reporting, so if request fails like this it will be correctly captured in the Transfers error (1.7.8 release). (edited)
Amazon FSx for Lustre automatically transfers Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) metadata for files, directories, and symbolic links (symlinks) when importing and exporting data to and from a linked data repository on Amazon S3. When you export changes in your file system to its linked data repository, FSx for Lustre also exports POSIX ...
Exported 7 message(s)
S3Drive - Filenames aren't being decrypted on existing bucket (encrypted with rclone crypt)
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support / Filenames aren't being decrypted on existing bucket (encrypted with rclone crypt)
My rclone config: [b2] type = b2 account = 123 key = 123 hard_delete = true #endpoint = [b2-crypt] type = crypt remote = b2:mybucket password = 123
Thanks for your report. You may be missing the base64 encoding for the: filename_encoding Please find related issue: Recommended full Rclone config: We will be aiming to improve our guides, so this step is better documented.
Confirmed, will be re-uploading all files with the suggested config (filaname_encoding)
Exported 4 message(s)
S3Drive - File reappears after deletion
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support / File reappears after deletion
From @eldvara "when I delete a file in storage/trash, the file appears again when I refresh it" "i have tried two s3 providers, namely Synology C2 and Backblaze B2 but the results are still the same"
Is it possible that you've enabled Versioning in S3Drive app whereas versioning it's not enabled on your Backblaze/Synology bucket?
In other words, what are your versioning settings inside the app and on your Backblaze/Synology accounts?
In other words, what are your versioning settings inside the app and on your Backblaze/Synology accounts?
Please watch the following video, and let me know if any settings are wrong
👍 1
We've performed couple tests and we can confirm there is an issue with Synology delete which will be resolved in a next release (couple days). We haven't noticed any issues with Backblaze delete regardless of versioning settings.
By the way, thanks for the cool and helpful video !
We've performed couple tests and we can confirm there is an issue with Synology delete which will be resolved in a next release (couple days). We haven't noticed any issues with Backblaze delete regardless of versioning settings.
Honestly, I'm confused about how to set versioning on Backblaze, can you help me?
where can I change the versioning settings?
Lifecycle settings
It's enabled by default
Click to see attachment 🖼️
then after I open the lifecycle what should I do?
If you want to enable versioning you don't need to do anything. It shall be enabled by default (first option). If you want to disable versioning use: "Keep only the last version of the file" option. (edited)
OK, thanks for the answer
and my last question is, Do we have to subscribe to Ultimate if we want to use Google Drive or other cloud storage?
and my last question is, Do we have to subscribe to Ultimate if we want to use Google Drive or other cloud storage?
Yes Ultimate will be required to use all the features. We're still working on billing specifics, perhaps single non-S3 account will be allowed in either Pro or Basic version. At the moment it all free as still during (beta), however Ultimate can be bought early with big discount as a subscription (with price lock) or lifetime license. (edited)
Yes Ultimate will be required to use all the features. We're still working on billing specifics, perhaps single non-S3 account will be allowed in either Pro or Basic version. At the moment it all free as still during (beta), however Ultimate can be bought early with big discount as a subscription (with price lock) or lifetime license. (edited)
can i try to connect my google drive using just a basic account as a test?
Yeah sure, please find the docs:
Zero Knowledge E2E encrypted storage compatible with any S3 provider
Exported 18 message(s)
S3Drive - File sorting and browsing
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support / File sorting and browsing
I have backed up my phone's media files, and I also uploaded files to completely different folders using rclone. I'm mentioning that just in case it matters. I can see those folders and files from S3Drive. When I use the app to browse Automatic Upload -> phone-model -> Camera, there's lots of files. But there's no way to scroll fast to the bottom, so scrolling manually takes ages. So I try to change the sort order to Name, Descending. At this point I'm always told that the cache is over an hour old. Regardless of whether I choose to regenerate the cache or not, I'm just shown an empty folder, as attached. How would I know if it's working/rebuilding still? I'm not sure the cache has ever been successfully rebuilt at this point, maybe that's the problem. Do I simply have too many files? At this point, if I browse back up to the root aka Files folder, that is listed as empty as well. But if I click on Albums at the bottom of the app, and then back over to Files, the folders are all shown again.
When I use the app to browse Automatic Upload -> phone-model -> Camera, there's lots of files. But there's no way to scroll fast to the bottom, so scrolling manually takes ages.
We will improve scrolling:
So I try to change the sort order to Name, Descending. At this point I'm always told that the cache is over an hour old. Regardless of whether I choose to regenerate the cache or not, I'm just shown an empty folder, as attached. How would I know if it's working/rebuilding still?
In a most recent release on Android there should be a relevant information in Logs if cache rebuild finishes or fail. There isn't a rebuild indicator currently, we will add one.
Do I simply have too many files?
Well, might be, speed depends on multiple factors, S3 provider and connection latency. We query S3 provider multiple times, in each request we get 1000 items, so if you have e.g. 20k files, we need to sequentially query S3 20 times which depending on S3 provider responsiveness and latency (usually physical distance between you and their server) it might take half a minute to 2-3 minutes. Do you approximately know how many files you have?
At this point, if I browse back up to the root aka Files folder, that is listed as empty as well. But if I click on Albums at the bottom of the app, and then back over to Files, the folders are all shown again.
This is now fixed in a most recent release. Thanks for your feedback.
When I use the app to browse Automatic Upload -> phone-model -> Camera, there's lots of files. But there's no way to scroll fast to the bottom, so scrolling manually takes ages.
We will improve scrolling:
So I try to change the sort order to Name, Descending. At this point I'm always told that the cache is over an hour old. Regardless of whether I choose to regenerate the cache or not, I'm just shown an empty folder, as attached. How would I know if it's working/rebuilding still?
In a most recent release on Android there should be a relevant information in Logs if cache rebuild finishes or fail. There isn't a rebuild indicator currently, we will add one.
Do I simply have too many files?
Well, might be, speed depends on multiple factors, S3 provider and connection latency. We query S3 provider multiple times, in each request we get 1000 items, so if you have e.g. 20k files, we need to sequentially query S3 20 times which depending on S3 provider responsiveness and latency (usually physical distance between you and their server) it might take half a minute to 2-3 minutes. Do you approximately know how many files you have?
At this point, if I browse back up to the root aka Files folder, that is listed as empty as well. But if I click on Albums at the bottom of the app, and then back over to Files, the folders are all shown again.
This is now fixed in a most recent release. Thanks for your feedback.
Do you approximately know how many files you have?
Probably 15-20k in the folder I'm trying to sort, and probably over 50k overall. I don't have the exact numbers. I'm still experiencing the same issues, by the way. If I try rebuilding the cache, I have no idea if anything is going on but I can wait 15-20 minutes and things still don't work. If I wait more than an hour, I'm again told the cache is more than 1 hour old and asked if I want to rebuild. Whether I reply yes or no, all content disappears from the app. I tried clearing the app cache on android, and I think around 70MB was cleared, but that doesn't seem to have made any difference.
In a 1.9.2 release we've added better indication when rebuild is going (there is a spinner) and if it fails for some reason there will be an error icon (with error as a tooltip)... also if rebuild was succesfull if you hover over (desktop) or long-tap (mobile) on the rebuild icon it will tell you how old is the cache. Please give it a chance and let me know if it's an improvement.
Thanks! I like it, it's easier to see what's going on. But still it fails after a little while, and much faster if I switch away from and back to the s3drive app. I get errors like this every time, but I'm on a stable 4G/5G network that rarely tends to fail. (edited)
Could it be that my app loses network access when it's in the background?
Thanks for checking this. At the moment app can't execute this task in the background. Once you switch away from the app, after some short time (usually around ~xx seconds) the OS will pause the app. It doesn't necessarily explain the network issue, but might be related (we need to investigate that one). Well, it seems there are still couple improvements that we need to execute: - Implement background support, - Implement request retry in case of a network, back-end failure, - Implement process resume (if it was interrupted, then start from the last point), - Prevent app screen lock during rebuild, I am going add these to the feature list. Finally there is an existing feature item to implement diff rebuild. In other words if full inital sync was executed, technically it would be possible to use the Versioning API to get the latest change and update the existing dataset: (edited)
Changing to this setting resolved the issue for me immediately. 👍
👍 1
That's cool, good to know. Perhaps we can temporarily solve it by updating our Docs with the recommended settings. Out of curiosity what was the previous / default setting? Was it Optimised or Restricted? Thanks!
Exported 10 message(s)
S3Drive - Filesystem watcher
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support / Filesystem watcher
Is there a way to sync automatically when local files change, instead of on a schedule?
Hi @aednichols ! What's your OS/platform? In principle, on desktop, file watcher should pick up file change inside the folder that you sync/copy/move etc. and start the job automatically. I assume it's not what you are finding?
Latest macOS on M1. I admittedly did not try it, I just saw the 5/10/30m or whatever options in the sync setup
Latest macOS on M1. I admittedly did not try it, I just saw the 5/10/30m or whatever options in the sync setup
It's both periodic full sync, combined with file watchers. File watchers won't run full sync, but only sync on a parent directory. For simple modes, like copy, it doesn't even care about parent directory, but will operate on an affected file. In case app missed some events, periodic full sync shall resolve any inconsistencies. Give it a go and if you face any issues, please let us know. Thanks ! (edited)
Cool, that's what I would have guessed honestly. I think the setup flow just directed me to a wrong line of thinking.
I assume you use the .DMG version though?
That's good, because App Store version has somewhat limited FS permissions and sync would likely not work properly.
I do think the docs could be a little more clear here [0]. I'm not planning to use file mount, so there wasn't much of relevance. [0]
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
Thanks for the quick response and I will be keeping an eye on the roadmap!
👍 2
I also think that the sync function only works on schedule and not when file changes. That's why I keep using dropbox and rclone and not fully switch to S3Drive. Now to know that S3Drive sync when file changes, it's like a game changer to me. I will try to switch to S3Drive completely when the app can start minimized and run on background on windows.
👍 1
Exported 11 message(s)
S3Drive - File upload timeout on Backblaze - big files
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support / File upload timeout on Backblaze - big files
I'm trying to upload some compressed files about 10 GB in size, but it fails to upload. The system says Os error: The remote host has forcibly closed an existing connection with errno = 10054. What should I do when backblaze buckets?!💔s3drive (retry still failed I don't understand it )
Also I got a low speed for uploading files more 500MB,it's about 280KB/s Uplink rate,but I upload something to OneDrive it's almost 10MB/s uplink . Sad for this
Do you have multipart uploads (Settings) enabled or disabled? (edited)
enabled errors like this (disable MD5 Verification meanwhile )
s3drive changed the channel name: Big file upload times out on Backblaze 04/21/2024 4:20 PM
s3drive changed the channel name: File upload timeout on Backblaze - big files 04/21/2024 4:24 PM
Look at break news here, possible to make it.
👍 2
So we cannot upload files more than 500MB whatever it's on backblaze ?
It's hard to tell, does it work if you upload 500MB+ to other S3 provider? If you enable/disable multipart upload does it change anything in that regard?
Exported 10 message(s)
S3Drive - Flatpak issues (mount, URLs, etc.)
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support / Flatpak issues (mount, URLs, etc.)
Is there a way to allow the flatpak version of S3Drive to mount my rclone profiles? Also it would be nice to open URLs when clicking on help topics, etc. I tried to use the .deb version, but my system is missing libmpv2 and there are too many dependencies to this to install it manually. The AppImage is also not working: /tmp/.mount_S3DrivCqi4BS/kapsa: symbol lookup error: /tmp/.mount_S3DrivCqi4BS/kapsa: undefined symbol: g_once_init_enter_pointer So I have to stick with the flatpak version.
What's your host OS and what exactly happen when you try to mount? Is there any error appearing anywhere? Do you have FUSE installed on your host OS? Speaking of .deb we've promised to spend some time and improve our Linux builds. Can you please give it a go and try most recent .deb? It's built on 22.04 LTS (we can't use any older machine due to some dependencies issues [libsodium at least if i I remember]) , in which case both libmpv1 and glibc should no longer cause much issues. Speaking of "opening links" on Flatpak, we're aware of that, however we haven't found any quick solution just yet. (edited)
What's your host OS and what exactly happen when you try to mount? Is there any error appearing anywhere? Do you have FUSE installed on your host OS? Speaking of .deb we've promised to spend some time and improve our Linux builds. Can you please give it a go and try most recent .deb? It's built on 22.04 LTS (we can't use any older machine due to some dependencies issues [libsodium at least if i I remember]) , in which case both libmpv1 and glibc should no longer cause much issues. Speaking of "opening links" on Flatpak, we're aware of that, however we haven't found any quick solution just yet. (edited)
I'm using Pop_OS! which is basically Ubuntu 22.04LTS. fuse is installed. When I try to mount it happens just nothing, I don't even get any message in the logs. From my understanding Flatpak Apps are not allowed to use suid binaries like mount, but I wasn't able to find any option to allow this kind of actions. Anyway, the newest .deb file worked like charm. Thanks a lot!
I know that your .deb version is now working just fine. Would you be happy to try out our new AppImage release? I would be keen to know if it starts fine on your OS. We've applied pretty much similar improvements as per .deb and cleaned up dependencies to get slightly smaller size. (edited)
Looks good as well, now. Thanks! It starts without any problems and reads my config right away. I did not check the sync function. But all files are listed correctly. Mount works also fine, albeit there was the following error in the console: mount helper error: ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.
👍 1
We've fixed links issue in our Flatpak release, which is now being merged into official channel. Before it lands in public index you can use: flatpak install --user Speaking of mount issue, we're using some host-level workarounds: which in principle shall work as long as FUSE is available on your host. Can you try running: fusermount3 --version on your machine?
👍 1
I can confirm that links are working now with Flatpak. Thanks! My fusermount3 version is 3.10.5
We've added couple things to our Flatpak build, not quite sure if these changes addresses the FUSE mount issue, but it's certainly worth trying.
Exported 8 message(s)
S3Drive - General bug reports
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support / General bug reports
riccardobellanova 04/03/2024 2:23 PM
Hello! First of all, I want to advise you that I bought the ultimate license to support your work! 💪 I did some test in these days, I report you. Linux Mint 20.3 - S3 drive Ultimate plan license 1) Problem with linux app installation, only working method is flatpack way 2) Files that I'm uploading doesn't appaer in the bucket, how is possible? At the same time even if I upload a file directly to the bucket I can't see it on s3 drive. So.. Where files are stored? 😄 3) I'm not able to upload a large file (~800mb) from web app neither from linux app - "XmlTagException: Expected </hr>, but found </body> at 6:1" 4) From linux app I can't enable mount - FUSE error, but I installed the libfuse2 package 5) From linux app from "+" button -> add files I have upload stuck, instead from drag and drop it works 6) Sync function with 2way mode works with s3 storage? 7) Not properly an error - When I retry the file upload, file still remaining on error stage, I think it shold return to progress stage (edited)
Thanks for your report and supporting the project ! What's your provider? Is it external S3 or our testing account, please note that today we've released major improvements to testing accounts, so they work faster and more reliably. Regarding 2) How do you upload files that doesn't appear? Through S3Drive UI, mount or sync? Regarding 3) What's your browser? I am going to review your other points and get back to you.
riccardobellanova 04/03/2024 4:03 PM
1) I'm using Cubbit provider.. which are testing account? I can use it? Btw I'm using my s3 provider as testing account at the moment. 2) It's the same, s3 linux app (flatpack) and for browser 3) Google Chrome 123.0.6312.105 (edited)
1) I'm using Cubbit provider.. which are testing account? I can use it? Btw I'm using my s3 provider as testing account at the moment. 2) It's the same, s3 linux app (flatpack) and for browser 3) Google Chrome 123.0.6312.105 (edited)
1) Once you click on your e-mail/password account you will be logged in to our testing account. It allows to try out all app features and it's available even for Free account. Speaking of Cubbit, can you send us your bucket settings (versioning / locking?) Thanks
One more question. Do you have E2E encryption enabled?
riccardobellanova 04/03/2024 4:21 PM
I see this
One more question. Do you have E2E encryption enabled?
riccardobellanova 04/03/2024 4:22 PM
No I haven't
So is possible that files that I'm uploading are stored on your testing account? I don't understand where files are stored
So is possible that files that I'm uploading are stored on your testing account? I don't understand where files are stored
It's likely that they're stored in the testing account, as selected account is green. You can check currently selected account in the Drawer menu (top left, hamburger icon).
You might need to add your Cubbit account using + icon:
On each platform you need to configure your accounts separately, but you can simplify it using import/export options.
riccardobellanova 04/03/2024 8:16 PM
mmm ok I got it.. but I have to do this for both web and application
separatly I mean
We don't synchronize external account credentials, because it's too much of a responsibility which we're not ready to deal with. User needs to setup credentials manually, but to ease this process we've introduced import/export JSON format. (edited)
riccardobellanova 04/03/2024 8:24 PM
Ok.. btw I'm trying to upload a file of about ~800MB and it goes quickly in error: - from web drag and drop: Invalid argument(S): invalid array lenght - from web "+" button: Null check operator used on a null value - from linux app drag and drop: Null check operator used on a null value - from linux app "+" button: "Preparing to upload files window " stuck
We don't synchronize external account credentials, because it's too much of a responsibility which we're not ready to deal with. User needs to setup credentials manually, but to ease this process we've introduced import/export JSON format. (edited)
riccardobellanova 04/03/2024 8:24 PM
Ok ok I understand, now I'm using my s3 space 😄
Ok.. btw I'm trying to upload a file of about ~800MB and it goes quickly in error: - from web drag and drop: Invalid argument(S): invalid array lenght - from web "+" button: Null check operator used on a null value - from linux app drag and drop: Null check operator used on a null value - from linux app "+" button: "Preparing to upload files window " stuck
That's Cubbit S3, right?
riccardobellanova 04/03/2024 8:25 PM
Ok.. btw I'm trying to upload a file of about ~800MB and it goes quickly in error: - from web drag and drop: Invalid argument(S): invalid array lenght - from web "+" button: Null check operator used on a null value - from linux app drag and drop: Null check operator used on a null value - from linux app "+" button: "Preparing to upload files window " stuck
That's not what I am finding on Web for Cubbit S3. Can you try force refresh: Ctrl+Shift+R and try again?
Ok.. btw I'm trying to upload a file of about ~800MB and it goes quickly in error: - from web drag and drop: Invalid argument(S): invalid array lenght - from web "+" button: Null check operator used on a null value - from linux app drag and drop: Null check operator used on a null value - from linux app "+" button: "Preparing to upload files window " stuck
Speaking of Flatpak, the 1.8.2 is pending release and will be available in a few hours at max: I would appreciate if you could try again on 1.8.2 and if it doesn't work for some reason then I will escalate that. (edited)
That's not what I am finding on Web for Cubbit S3. Can you try force refresh: Ctrl+Shift+R and try again?
riccardobellanova 04/03/2024 8:37 PM
I have the same errors from both ways.. Lets' try add s3 credentials specify region
no..same errors
Speaking of Flatpak, the 1.8.2 is pending release and will be available in a few hours at max: I would appreciate if you could try again on 1.8.2 and if it doesn't work for some reason then I will escalate that. (edited)
riccardobellanova 04/03/2024 8:53 PM
ok 👍
riccardobellanova 04/05/2024 7:51 AM
Hello Tom, I tried with last version, but I have the same errors
Ok.. btw I'm trying to upload a file of about ~800MB and it goes quickly in error: - from web drag and drop: Invalid argument(S): invalid array lenght - from web "+" button: Null check operator used on a null value - from linux app drag and drop: Null check operator used on a null value - from linux app "+" button: "Preparing to upload files window " stuck
Speaking of Linux, I am testing the 1.8.2 release from Flathub. My host system is Ubuntu 23.10. I've connected to Cubbit S3 with versioning enabled. Both drag&drop from system file manager or by clicking Upload file works just fine. I've then tried to start app using same system as you (Mint 20.3), but I am actually failing to start the app. flatpak run returns some issues related to libsecret and couple other ones. I believe that issues that you experience might be connected to Mint OS file manager. Can you make sure that zenity is installed on your OS? Can you try running: flatpak run and let me know what errors/warnings you get, so I can understand which of them are "start blockers" and which of them are more like warning/info.
I've also have no issues with drag&drop upload and standard file upload picker using Chrome Version 123.0.6312.58 (Official Build) (64-bit) or any other browser really. For both Web and Mint, can you please go to app Logs and see if there is anything interesting there?
I have found a bug. If you create a sync and set it up and then want to create another sync and click on the plus again, the settings from the last sync are still stored. After creating the sync, the form is not reset.
A design issue, when you create a new folder on the sync windows to select a destination path. Folder test was created.
I have found a bug. If you create a sync and set it up and then want to create another sync and click on the plus again, the settings from the last sync are still stored. After creating the sync, the form is not reset.
We'll have it resolved. Thanks
A design issue, when you create a new folder on the sync windows to select a destination path. Folder test was created.
What's the issue here? Folder was created. Would you expect folder elsewhere in this view?
Speaking of Linux, I am testing the 1.8.2 release from Flathub. My host system is Ubuntu 23.10. I've connected to Cubbit S3 with versioning enabled. Both drag&drop from system file manager or by clicking Upload file works just fine. I've then tried to start app using same system as you (Mint 20.3), but I am actually failing to start the app. flatpak run returns some issues related to libsecret and couple other ones. I believe that issues that you experience might be connected to Mint OS file manager. Can you make sure that zenity is installed on your OS? Can you try running: flatpak run and let me know what errors/warnings you get, so I can understand which of them are "start blockers" and which of them are more like warning/info.
riccardobellanova 04/05/2024 12:03 PM
I have nemo as file explorer (linux mint cinnamon)
Have you tried with big files?
Click to see attachment 🖼️
It seems that I need to resolve keyring issues, so I can test app on the Linux Mint myself. Did you have to setup Passwords & Keys / keyring on your Mint specifically in order to run S3Drive? Perhaps is it something you've done in the past before using S3Drive?
riccardobellanova 04/05/2024 12:07 PM
this is the log after drag & drop (edited)
It seems that I need to resolve keyring issues, so I can test app on the Linux Mint myself. Did you have to setup Passwords & Keys / keyring on your Mint specifically in order to run S3Drive? Perhaps is it something you've done in the past before using S3Drive?
riccardobellanova 04/05/2024 12:08 PM
Like what? I installed it with flatpak, so I just installed it and launched (edited)
Have you tried with big files?
Not exactly, I will. Does it work for you if small file is used on both Web and Flatpak?
What's the issue here? Folder was created. Would you expect folder elsewhere in this view?
My thought was that the drawing before SSH also changes, that there is no interruption in the line, but is continuous to the Test folder
My thought was that the drawing before SSH also changes, that there is no interruption in the line, but is continuous to the Test folder
Thanks, there is an issue in the underlying library which we hope will be fixed eventually:
👍 1
Not exactly, I will. Does it work for you if small file is used on both Web and Flatpak?
riccardobellanova 04/05/2024 12:16 PM
application: drag and drop small files work, from "+" button always loading window stuck from web: small files OK
Have you tried with big files?
I can confirm that at least drag&drop seem to be failing for ~900MB on Web, however when used "Upload file" it worked just fine. We will try to adress that. I am going to repeat those tests on Flatpak release drag&drop. (edited)
application: drag and drop small files work, from "+" button always loading window stuck from web: small files OK
I see, so the + button issue is likely related to missing zenity or kdialog, please find other topic where used had this issue: Is it something you can install yourself? (edited)
riccardobellanova 04/05/2024 12:21 PM
zenity is already installed, I'm installing kdialog (edited)
Selected my personal music folder and videos folder in my home directory. Don't know why it looks like this with /run/user.... but it syncs the correct files
Selected my personal music folder and videos folder in my home directory. Don't know why it looks like this with /run/user.... but it syncs the correct files
That's interesting. Is that Flatpak? BTW. To not clutter this topic. If you have any feedback or comments like that one please either use #general , #off-topic or create #support item (for extended discussion). Thanks !
OK Yes it is
zenity is already installed, I'm installing kdialog (edited)
I am wondering if file picker issue is now resolved on your end and whether installing kdialog actually helped?
I am wondering if file picker issue is now resolved on your end and whether installing kdialog actually helped?
riccardobellanova 04/08/2024 6:21 PM
Still have window loading stuck.. from + button
riccardobellanova 04/15/2024 12:54 PM
Hello... Now even from cleanup -> Multipart uploads I have the error Failed: Null check operator used on a null value
Hello... Now even from cleanup -> Multipart uploads I have the error Failed: Null check operator used on a null value
Is that a Cubbit? Possibly some required fields are missing in the S3 response and functionality fails (without providing proper message), I am going to check that out.
riccardobellanova 04/15/2024 3:10 PM
Yes it's cubbit
Yes it's cubbit
Cubbit doesn't provide this element according to specification: We will provide a fix/workaround in a next couple days. (edited)
Lists the parts that have been uploaded for a specific multipart upload.
👍 1
riccardobellanova 04/23/2024 9:58 AM
hello, now uploads with drag & drop work!! 💪
👍 1
riccardobellanova 04/23/2024 10:52 AM
Unfortunately no with "+" button, but with browser yes
riccardobellanova 05/06/2024 10:45 AM
Hello! I've this error when I'm trying to sync
Hi @riccardobellanova, Can you please make sure you're logged in properly to your login/e-mail password account? Please go to profiles and if it says: "Managed account", instead of "Ultimate account" there is a chance you've been logged out in the meantime.
Hi @riccardobellanova, Can you please make sure you're logged in properly to your login/e-mail password account? Please go to profiles and if it says: "Managed account", instead of "Ultimate account" there is a chance you've been logged out in the meantime.
riccardobellanova 05/06/2024 12:59 PM
I have this
You should have also your e-mail/password account. There is a + icon (top right) where you can add such account.
riccardobellanova 05/06/2024 1:26 PM
if I log in with user and password I have ultimate plan without my s3 storage, to have my s3 storage account I have to log in inserting access key etc.... what's wrong?
You have to login, and the switch back to your S3 using: "Manage profiles"
You will then end up again on the Profiles page, where you can select your Cubbit account with a single click/tap.
riccardobellanova 05/06/2024 1:42 PM
oh ok! now it works
👍 1
riccardobellanova 05/06/2024 2:10 PM
But sync two-way can't works without Rclone? (edited)
But sync two-way can't works without Rclone? (edited)
Two-way sync is based on Rclone, but doesn't require Rclone installed. Do you face any issue with it?
Two-way sync is based on Rclone, but doesn't require Rclone installed. Do you face any issue with it?
riccardobellanova 05/06/2024 3:41 PM
I don't know, after an initial error, now is working!
It seems there are no more app problems
I don't know, after an initial error, now is working!
That's great, if by any chance you come across some error/issue, please send it over as text or screenshot, so we can investigate and improve the app. Thanks !
riccardobellanova 05/06/2024 3:43 PM
ok 💪
I've noticed that I still have some upload errors from browser
and from app I can't upload from "+" button (always the stuck window loading)
just to warn you.. btw.. great improvements 💪 now I can start to use it better
I've noticed that I still have some upload errors from browser
We've solved the web issue just now in the 10080802 build. I would appreciate if you could refresh your tab and try again.
We've solved the web issue just now in the 10080802 build. I would appreciate if you could refresh your tab and try again.
riccardobellanova 05/06/2024 4:17 PM
Now with "+" button works, error with drag and drop: Drag&drop exception: Invalid argument(s): Invalid array length
Now with "+" button works, error with drag and drop: Drag&drop exception: Invalid argument(s): Invalid array length
Drag&drop on Web doesn't work for files >100MB if mutlipart upload is enabled, this needs fixing - (edited)
riccardobellanova 05/06/2024 4:20 PM
Ok thanks
We've added couple things to our Flatpak build, not quite sure if these changes addresses the "+ button issue", but it's certainly worth trying.
👍 1
riccardobellanova 05/16/2024 10:48 AM
Hello.. "+ button" still doesn't work
riccardobellanova 05/22/2024 7:38 AM
Hello! I just want to advise you that I upgraded my distro from linux mint 20.3 to 21.3, installed deb package... + button works and also the mount! 🤩
👍 1
Hello! I just want to advise you that I upgraded my distro from linux mint 20.3 to 21.3, installed deb package... + button works and also the mount! 🤩
That's amazing, thanks for letting us know !
👏 1
Exported 80 message(s)
S3Drive - glibc issues Debian 12.5 and Fedora (XFCE)
Guild icon
support / glibc issues Debian 12.5 and Fedora (XFCE)
Hi @jeannesbond, I've moved this to separate support ticket. Could you please try running this test release which bundles also the libc6? Can you also give me an output of: ldd --version ? and output from libc e.g.: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ -> GNU C Library (Ubuntu GLIBC 2.31-0ubuntu9.7) stable release version 2.31. ... also if you could send me an output of: strings /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | grep GLIBCXX this isn't related to AppImage libstdc, but your OS, but may help me to understand this issue. If we don't manage to solve it that way, then I will have to find test it on real Debian / Fedora, not sure if this is XFCE related though. Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, but we're pretty low on resources at the moment. (edited)
jeannesbond 02/17/2024 7:50 AM
ldd --version
ldd which cat | grep libc
strings /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | grep GLIBCXX
Try to run app via terminal, return
Is it possible to upgrade your glibc on your OS, so when: strings /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | grep GLIBCXX command is used it shows: GLIBCXX_3.4.32? Couple weeks ago, there was an upgrade to our build machine, which may or may not affected the newest glibc required. If possible I would still advise to use Flatpak release which is supposed to solve these issues. In the meantime we'll try to confirm if we can somehow bundle glibc of fallback to older version.
I am using Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS in WSL. I successfully built and installed GCC 13.2.0 from source. This is how I configured it: ../gcc/configure --host=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --disable-multilib --enable-
yeah, i think better using flatpak now
Thanks for the response and explanation, Tom. Very helpful.🙏
👍 1
Exported 9 message(s)
S3Drive - Google Drive reports Didn't find backend called "drive"
Guild icon
support / Google Drive reports Didn't find backend called "drive"
Helo! Just started to check out the app for iOS and am trying to add Google Drive via rclone. When I try to add it, it errors with couldn't find backend for type "drive". My config that rclone config dump spit out is similar to this: { "gdrive": { "client_id": "", "client_secret": "y", "root_folder_id": "", "scope": "drive", "team_drive": "z", "token": "{properjson}", "type": "drive" } } app v1.9.1 10090104 (edited)
Thanks for your post. You're right, this is something we need to fix, as by default these back-ends doesn't work on iOS for some reason. We'll try to get back to this within next couple months, depending what's the underlying issue it might be a quick fix or might require bigger changes.
Exported 3 message(s)
S3Drive - Hanging on startup screen - Android
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support / Hanging on startup screen - Android
I fairly often experience that s3drive gets stuck on the startup image when I try to launch the app. Screenshot attached. Waiting for 10 minutes doesn't help, and killing and restarting the app doesn't help. Any ideas?
Thanks for reporting this issue. What’s your phone model / Android OS version?
I assume that app has started previously. Did you enable any auto enabled features (media backup, sync etc.) on your account prior to this issue? Just trying to narrow down on which level this issue may be occurring.
In Media backup I have enabled both background backup, and backup when app starts. Samsung galaxy s22, android 14
@kefir1797 Is your back-end S3 or Rclone?
I believe it's s3, how can I check?
I can list the contents with rclone.
s3drive changed the channel name: Hanging on startup screen - Android 04/21/2024 4:25 PM
Hi @kefir1797, Sorry for the delay. We've improved couple potential areas which could've cause app to freeze on startup. I encourage you to try our latest version. I hope that it won't freeze anymore on your end. Thanks !
Thanks, it certainly felt snappy on the first try. I'll let you know if I run into this again.
Exported 10 message(s)
S3Drive - How does S3Drive Handle Duplicate Photo Names in Backups?
Guild icon
support / How does S3Drive Handle Duplicate Photo Names in Backups?
After backing up my photos using the S3Drive app, I attempted to delete them from my iPhone. I noticed that the files remained in my S3 bucket, which is great. However, I'm curious about what will happen if I reached that photo incremental with the same name, like 'IMG_555.heic.' Will it replace the existing 'IMG_555.heic' in S3? Keep in mind that this refers to a different photo, one that is older or newer but has the same name, inshort different MD5 sum.
Hi, these numbers are directly related iOS local internal identifiers: That is, different photo on a same device is guaranteed to have a different identifier, unless you erase your device and start over again. There is some unconfirmed comment that these identifiers has changed in the history after updating the iOS version: Which I can't confirm or refute. In which case it's better to play safe and always enable the: "Versioning" on your S3 bucket (or what endpoint you use?), so if this ever happened you could always restore your photos. There are also more complex scenarios, like same photo on a different iOS device (e.g. if you've synced your media between the devices using iCloud). Currently with our local ID approach these photos would be uploaded from one and the other device, receiving different IDs, but there wouldn't be a risk of collision because different device use different upload prefix (configurable from the settings), so unless you use two same iOS models you would be fine. We'll be further improving this in the future by using the: ... or given our cross-platform needs, we will handle hashes ourselves, so we have one truly working approach for photo deduplication that works across all platforms not just iOS. I hope this answer your question. Stay backed up and encrypted !
Thanks Tom for this great insight you've given, will read more about it. 👏
Exported 3 message(s)
S3Drive - How do I log into the DMG installed app
Guild icon
support / How do I log into the DMG installed app
zengnostic_68549 03/31/2024 8:08 AM
I've downloaded the DMG app to my Mac, and I'm trying to set up a Sync using "Two Way" but it's blocked by a toast message that I need an account (I have one) but it's prompting me for an Apple ID as if this were a misconfigured App Store package. Is the current build of the DMG healthy? The prompt for my Apple ID when the app attempts to go online leads me to believe that parts of the App Store build might have been included in the DMG release. I don't want to install the App Store version because I specifically need to sync files outside the sandbox.
Two-way sync does require Ultimate. DMG likely tries to get the entitlement from your Apple account if it wasn’t found on your email/password one. Do you have a valid license? Was it in-app or website purchase? Thanks
zengnostic_68549 04/01/2024 3:55 PM
Yes, I purchased a license from the web site. I have an S3Drive account. How do I enter any of that information in the DMG version? As soon as I select Two Way sync a toast pops up on the bottom of the screen and then a modal dialog prompts me for my Apple ID. I don't see any other place where I could enter my license details before that modal dialog pops up.
Can you please double check if you're logged in using your e-mail/password credentials (the one that you've used to make the puchase) to the S3Drive, so when you visit the Profiles screen you see your account? In principle once you're logged in, S3Drive shouldn't check for in-app purchase, because the "license check" would be satisfied. Thanks !
✅ 1
zengnostic_68549 04/01/2024 6:16 PM
Opening the profiles again and attempting to add a new one took me through the sign-in page. It did still prompt me for an Apple ID when the page (shown in your screenshot above) opened. But I cancelled that (twice) and connected my account. I opened the Sync and it allowed me to change Copy to Two Way sync without any prompts. So I think it's working. I do still find it odd that the DMG version is prompting for Apple ID details before this. That's what threw me off from logging in properly in the first place. But cancelling it twice worked around it.
Opening the profiles again and attempting to add a new one took me through the sign-in page. It did still prompt me for an Apple ID when the page (shown in your screenshot above) opened. But I cancelled that (twice) and connected my account. I opened the Sync and it allowed me to change Copy to Two Way sync without any prompts. So I think it's working. I do still find it odd that the DMG version is prompting for Apple ID details before this. That's what threw me off from logging in properly in the first place. But cancelling it twice worked around it.
Thanks for letting me know and I am glad that it works now. The prompt happened, because the + button is supposed to go to the "S3" login screen, but just because you've supposedly had more than existing profile system checked for multiple profiles entitlement / license and failing to find one redirected to standard e-mail / password login screen which then allowed you to get the license. We'll be improving this. Currently we have all in one solution for all platforms and all user bases, but clearly there is some confusion here.
darktoxicola 04/03/2024 10:43 AM
I have a different bug on my side with DMG app, when I open the app, I got no login page, just a black page
I have a different bug on my side with DMG app, when I open the app, I got no login page, just a black page
Thanks for your report. Did it work for you previously? Can you try resizing window once it's opened and black? (edited)
Thanks for your report. Did it work for you previously? Can you try resizing window once it's opened and black? (edited)
darktoxicola 04/03/2024 11:09 AM
It's my first time install, tried with no success: exit and restart again app, reinstall app from a fresh download and now resize window + fullscreen the app
It's my first time install, tried with no success: exit and restart again app, reinstall app from a fresh download and now resize window + fullscreen the app
We've actually captured an error on our end, it's just we don't exactly know why it's happening. Did you install app normally, that is, copy it to the /Applications and then run from there? It seems that app fails to start local DB at: /Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/ location. Do you have any additional (or non-standard) sandbox settings / restrictions on your macOS? (edited)
We've actually captured an error on our end, it's just we don't exactly know why it's happening. Did you install app normally, that is, copy it to the /Applications and then run from there? It seems that app fails to start local DB at: /Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/ location. Do you have any additional (or non-standard) sandbox settings / restrictions on your macOS? (edited)
darktoxicola 04/03/2024 12:08 PM
Yes, I have drop the app into Application folder + run from it, I have check the path ~/Library/Application\ Support/ folder exist and contain logs.isar et logs.isar.lock (chmod as it appears: .rw------- ) which are both empties No specific sandbox restriction as I know (how to check?) just a casual computer ( edit: I have try too restarting computer, no change ) (edited)
Yes, I have drop the app into Application folder + run from it, I have check the path ~/Library/Application\ Support/ folder exist and contain logs.isar et logs.isar.lock (chmod as it appears: .rw------- ) which are both empties No specific sandbox restriction as I know (how to check?) just a casual computer ( edit: I have try too restarting computer, no change ) (edited)
We've created a new build: which doesn't necessarily address the underlying issues, but shall likely capture this and handle internally and not prevent app from startup (unless there is some other issue). I would appreciate if you could give it a go and let me know whether it works. Sorry for this issue.
We've created a new build: which doesn't necessarily address the underlying issues, but shall likely capture this and handle internally and not prevent app from startup (unless there is some other issue). I would appreciate if you could give it a go and let me know whether it works. Sorry for this issue.
darktoxicola 04/03/2024 1:36 PM
Sure and thank you ! This version fix the issue 👍 I can see the login page now and I've make some tests, all clear, I have let statistics "on" if could help 😉
Exported 13 message(s)
S3Drive - How do I mount as drive in windows?
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support / How do I mount as drive in windows?
I've just paid for Ultimate, installed Rclone and WinFSP, but i'm still not seeing any option to mount as a drive in the windows app. Any advice? Thank you
hugh1988 changed the channel name: How do I mount as drive in windows? 11/15/2023 2:55 AM
Hi, thank you for supporting S3Drive ! Option to mount is in the app tray. Screenshot attached comes from Linux, but the tray menu looks pretty much the same on Windows (edited)
ah thank you! Feeling silly now. 😅
No worries, you're not the first asking about this, so perhaps the fault is on us. 🙂 We may add additional option from the settings menu to slightly improve chances of people finding it.
that would be great, thanks!
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S3Drive - How much storage - Ultimate plan?
Guild icon
support / How much storage - Ultimate plan?
So I wasn't expecting this service to include any storage. I simply wanted to connected to my AWS S3 bucket and do two way sync setup. But apparently, I was confused when files could be uploaded directly to the Files section in the Ultimate Plan Account, which seems to be stored to some storage at, which redirects to the Why is there storage included in the ultimate plan? and since that is the case, how much storage is there?
👍 1
and on a side note, i couldn't find any info on how your two way sync process the files - I am assuming it is based on last edited/changed time stamp?
Hi, Ultimate plan doesn't come with any storage, it's suited to be used with external providers: All registered users (regardless if free or Ultimate) receive ~10GB testing account, just to play with the upp. There is a relevant prompt when you login to that managed account about testing purposes only. Two-way sync is powered by Rclone: we're using default settings that is: size and modtime in order to determine whether file needs syncing. (edited)
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
Bidirectional cloud sync solution in rclone
👍 1
s3drive changed the channel name: How much storage Ultimate plan? 03/28/2024 7:50 PM
s3drive changed the channel name: How much storage - Ultimate plan? 03/28/2024 7:50 PM
Exported 5 message(s)
S3Drive - How to drive mount on MacOS?
Guild icon
support / How to drive mount on MacOS?
Hi, I can't see the option to drive mount (v1.5.3), I'm on MacOS. Is this feature implemented? On the website it says "Drive mount". Thanks in advance! (edited)
I can't find a WebDAV option either...
Hi, it's once you click the tray icon.
👍 1
Once I hit "start drive mount" the app crashes and closes. I'm on 1.5.0 from app store.
@mdavide We haven't explicitly made it clear, however you need to have macFUSE installed (in case you don't have it installed). Please find the instructions: Once you have it installed, yet it still doesn't work, can you please go to application Logs and copy the rclone mount line with all the parameters and execute in the terminal. Is there any additional info / error?
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S3Drive - How to enable Ultimate license in order to use app features
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support / How to enable Ultimate license in order to use app features
brightsavanna 06/03/2024 1:12 AM
I purchased Ultimate, installed WinFSP, and when I try to turn on the "Mount drive after app starts" option in "Settings > MOUNT", a yellow banner displays the message "Drive mount requires Ultimate account" at the bottom of the app. I installed Rclone using "winget install Rclone.Rclone" in an admin powershell, but don't know how to configure it or if it's even needed. It makes no difference after restarting the app.
Hi @brightsavanna, Thanks for getting the Ultimate. In order to use unlock all app features please login to S3Drive using your login/e-mail password, so on the Profiles page your account is listed. You can do so by clicking the + button and then choose: "Already have an account". Please let me know if that resolved your issue.
brightsavanna 06/03/2024 1:54 PM
Thanks, Tom. I mistook the S3 icon for where to add profiles containing S3 credentials for users' AWS accounts, similar to the parallel Rclone profiles. If it's only for S3drive accounts, perhaps consider changing the label under the branding icon to S3drive.
👍 1
s3drive changed the channel name: How to enable Ultimate license in order to use app features 06/04/2024 7:41 AM
Exported 4 message(s)
S3Drive - How to get payment receipt?
Guild icon
support / How to get payment receipt?
Thank you for your supporting S3Drive ! Your support item made us review our checkout process and in fact auto-receipt wasn't enabled. We've fixed that this morning so these details are available on the account page, but it will only apply for new subscriptions/license purchases going forward. I've sent couple last receipts manually, if you haven't received a receipt by now, can you please PM me your e-mail, so I can make sure its sent to you? (edited)
It was in my spam folder for some reason, just saw it. Thanks!
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S3Drive - How to launch in Tray
Guild icon
support / How to launch in Tray
Hey, I set up s3drive to launch when I start my computer. How can I configure s3drive to launch directly in to the tray and not in a window? I'm using PopOS. (edited)
👍 1
I'm using the .deb version.
Hi @chaneira, That's not currently possible. I've added a feature request to track it. It will be implemented as part of other improvements around app window handling / tray. Can't given an exact ETA, but likely in a few months.
Thanks for your reply. The other feature requests are a good addition to my request. Looking forward to it.
👍 2
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S3Drive - How to setup S3Drive and encrypt files?
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support / How to setup S3Drive and encrypt files?
I have like over 15 gigs of hentai collection and i want to store them in a secure cloud but how do i even use s3drive!? how to create an acc.!?
Hi @lorian9144, please find our FAQ: In principle you'll need to register an S3 account at some provider: Then you'll have to setup API details: which you use to connect from the S3Drive. You'll need to enable E2E encryption in the Settings (you'll be asked to provide your password which will be used to encrypt your assets). Once it's all done you can then safely upload your files. You will be able to access your files on all devices as long as you connect using same API details and setup same E2E encryption password. I hope that helps a bit. (edited)
I cant connect, I have successfully registered and setup API details and enabled encryption whatever
Hi again @lorian9144 You need to swap around first two rows. KeyID is first, applicationKey comes second. Since you've shared these keys already in public, once you set it up, please regenerate them for your own safety. Enabling encryption on the Backblaze side wouldn't hurt, but that's Server Side Encryption which means Backblaze at any time can read your data (I am not saying they will, only that they have such technical possibility). If you really aim to protect your privacy, you'll need to enable client-side encryption in S3Drive. (edited)
👌 1
@s3drive i did it!! Thanks, kind mister!!
Perfect, depending on your needs you may want to adjust your S3 provider. As far I am concerned Backblaze offers 10GB free account. There are some providers offering little bit more than that, but as always there are some gotchas.
which ones offering bit more than that!? I just tried Cloudfare R2 and its okay, good but personally i think backblaze is better than this
Whilst I can't recommend any. There are couple others. - 15GB - 25GB There is also Scaleway, they claim 75GB, but there are some gotchas. The Storage Class needs to be configured: S3Drive supports custom Storage Class configuration, however it is a paid feature.
s3drive changed the channel name: How to setup S3Drive and encrypt files? 11/02/2023 11:25 AM
Exported 10 message(s)
S3Drive - I can not log in
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support / I can not log in
For a few days now, when I try to log in, I always get an unexpected error message. I have tried on several devices and the same thing happens. Does this mean that I have lost my account?
Hi @clpreaper, Thank you for your report. Can you please provide an error message or screenshot from the app?
Exported 2 message(s)
S3Drive - Importing corporate SSL certificate - Windows Server 2022
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support / Importing corporate SSL certificate - Windows Server 2022
joaotome1994_62921 06/12/2024 6:55 AM
I have 1 question. I installed S3Drive on Windows Server 2022 but this is not working, cause then i login i got this error "AuthRetryableFetchError" and then i add S3 account i got this error: HandshakeException: Handshake error in client (OS Error: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED: unable to get local issuer certificate/../../flutter/third_party/boringssl/src/ssl/
Hi @joaotome1994_62921, It seems that you're connecting to the corporate network which uses custom SSL certificate. It's likely that this certificate is already installed on your Operating System, however S3Drive can't see it automatically and you would need to import it directly to S3Drive. You may need to contact your network administrator to get the public certificate in the X509 / PEM format, alternatively you shall be able to download it yourself from your browser. For instance on Chrome/Chromium there is an option to download certificate of a website that you visit. Given that you're connected to the corporate proxy you will likely find When you visit some website in your Chrome browser, you can download it yourself and then import to S3Drive. You will likely need to download: "certificate chain" (not just a single certificate) and then extract root CA or intermediary CA (which usually will be the last one in the the certificate chain file). The example certificate looks like this: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIOSTCCDTGgAwIBAgIQFHitMmJOwc0JhD4dXvgHZTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADA7 ... -----END CERTIFICATE----- You can verify contents of a public certificate from a console: openssl x509 -in certificate.crt -text -noout or using a website: The certificate Give it a go, if you have any troubles I am more than happy to assist. (edited)
Use this Certificate Decoder to decode your certificates in PEM format. This certificate viewer tool will decode certificates so you can easily see their contents.
s3drive changed the channel name: Importing corporate SSL certificate - Windows Server 2022 06/12/2024 8:00 AM
joaotome1994_62921 06/12/2024 12:44 PM
Hello. I am administrador and the server isn't joined in a domain. Its a new installation of Windows server so how i get that certificate to import in S3Drive
joaotome1994_62921 06/12/2024 1:20 PM
I Need to enable TLS1.3?
I've made an assumption that your network / web traffic is routed through some proxy which replaces the destination certificate with their own (typical setup in the corporate networks). In such case you would normally need to trust that proxy root CA. If that is the case you can follow instructions in my post above or use one liner to extract whole certificate with its chain. Below command runs on Linux, but if you use WSL on Windows it will probably work. In such case you can leave as it is or replace it with anything else, but in principle such corporate proxy would replace any SSL certificate to its own. openssl s_client -showcerts -connect < /dev/null 2> /dev/null | sed -n '/^-----BEGIN CERT/,/^-----END CERT/p' This command will result in one or more certificate. Use first only if it's the only one, otherwise either use second or last one. (I haven't tried myself and I am not sure if intermediary CA or root CA is needed) TLS1.3 isn't needed. === It may well be that your S3 destination/endpoint doesn't have a publicly trusted SSL certificate, in such case you either need to make sure that is using trusted SSL certificate ... or you can trust it yourself by importing its root CA using the methods above (either through Chrome or command line). Did you try extracting the CA and importing it into S3Drive? If you don't mind telling, please let me know where are you trying to connect. (edited)
joaotome1994_62921 06/13/2024 5:37 PM
Hello i installed openssl on server and do the command openssl s_client -showcerts -connect i got this message
joaotome1994_62921 06/13/2024 5:50 PM
Finally! After installing openssl and import the file from my machine i could be login in account. Everything is good now! Thanks for help!
👍 1
Exported 10 message(s)
S3Drive - Impossible to update to S3Drive 1.8.3
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support / Impossible to update to S3Drive 1.8.3
juergen_bader_21511 04/14/2024 2:51 PM
Trying to update S3Drive from 1.8.2 failed on elementary os - first error message was file length does not meet. Trying to install the .deb file failed because of unmet dependancies. Trying to update flathub-file delivers only the old version. Including an advice to update as soon as possibel. What can I do?
We've fixed Flathub issue here: however there is some delay after merging before it's available for public. Please use: flatpak install --user command in order to install latest version or give it couple more hours to settle. Regarding .deb package, what dependencies you have trouble with, is that glibc, libmpv2 or anything else?
This is to let you know that official Flatpak release points to the newest version and you shouldn't have any more trouble updating your version. Thanks ! (edited)
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S3Drive - In-app purchase, all platforms upgrade
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support / In-app purchase, all platforms upgrade
Hello, I recently purchased the lifetime subscription via Google Play store. Crucially, I made this purchase on my android device before creating and signing in into the S3 Drive account. I am now trying to set up S3 Drive on Windows. However, the Windows app doesnt seem to recognise that I have purchased the subscription and I cant access all of the features. I tried to create an S3 Drive account retrospectively and signed in on my android phone and on Windows. But on my phone it is showing up as "Free plan". Please help.
Hi @593yb, Thank you for buying the subscription. When you buy subscription on Android there is an information on the Purchase page that it applies to Android only, as our billing system (purchases through website) isn't connected to either Google's or Apple's billing systems. Please also find our FAQ regarding the purchase: Given that all platforms Ultimate is more expensive, we would be willing to substract the amount (minus fees we pay to Google) you've already paid for purchase through Google Play. If you're interested upgrading your license to all platforms, please send us your order ID and an e-mail and mention about all platforms upgrade, support will then get back to you with either payment link or promo code. Thanks !
Regarding "Free plan" displayed on your phone when you login using managed account. That text have no effect on your Ultimate features bought via in-app purchase and only displays your "license state" on your managed account. (edited)
Our support e-mail is: support in the domain.
Great, thanks a lot!
s3drive changed the channel name: In-app purchase, all platforms upgrade 06/07/2024 5:06 PM
Exported 6 message(s)
S3Drive - In-app purchase doesn't work
Guild icon
support / In-app purchase doesn't work
i already upgraded to pro, but after new version update I can't access all profiles, need help
Hi @rootdgc, Thanks for supporting us. Quick question are you using at least 1.5.8 version? Did you buy through our website or in-app? On what platform (Android/iOS/desktop) you can't access Pro? (edited)
I am using android
yes it is 1.5.8
Can you please PM me your Order ID?
where to find Order ID ?
If it's in-app purchase there was an e-mail from Google with subject like: "Your Google Play Order Receipt". If you bought it through our website (, then if you send me your e-mail I will be able to find it. (edited)
only can see that
Ok cool, that's an in-app purchase, bear with me. (Feel free to remove your e-mail from the message above to avoid any SPAM issues in the future)
Right, so can you please let me know what happen when you try to use multiple profiles? I assume you get the "Upgrade prompt"? If that's correct can you please click: "Upgrade" button (don't worry you won't be billed twice), so the app can "restore" purchase from the Google.
@rootdgc Just wondering if you managed to resolve the issue? (edited)
that's when I clicked upgrade to pro
then I clicked "got it" but still can't access other profiles
Right, I am really sorry for this inconvenience. Can I ask you please to register an account and then log-in to your Android app using the e-mail/password? I will be able to activate you all the features using our alternative payment system. In the meantime we're investigating the issues with Google payment. There is a long list of developers affected by the technical in-app-payment issue, only couple % of customers gets affected: (edited)
@rootdgc We've found root cause of this issue and we're developing a fix which will likely be available later today. If you can't wait until this time, please register an account and I will activate Pro features by e-mail. Sorry for the trouble.
s3drive changed the channel name: In-app purchase doesn't work 10/21/2023 10:39 AM
ok, thank you, I will wait for app update
Just to give you an update. The fix was sent to Google Play review team yesterday morning, however they seem to have a delay over the weekend. I expect that they will approve this update overnight. I will update this post once this is resolved.
Hi @rootdgc , I've wanted to let you know that root cause of this issue is addressed in a recent 1.5.9 release. Please update your app in order to have it resolved. Thank you for your patience and sorry for the trouble. If for some reason you still experience an issue please let me know. Thanks, Tom
ok, tq
it has been resolved, worked flawlessly, great job
👍 1
Exported 24 message(s)
S3Drive - iOS App How To Copy Files to Local
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support / iOS App How To Copy Files to Local
Hey Guys, thanks for your amazing App. I consider to buy it to use it as a sync for my KeePass and various files from my S3 space. At the moment I try to find out, how to use the app corrctly and set up a sync with an encrypted S3 drive which seems to work. Unfortunately I can only make the file available offline but have no idea where to find it in the ios file system. Is there anything I'm thinking wrong here? Also maybe another feature request: when encrypting with rclone I am able to set up encoded filenames and directories seperatly, in your app it is only available together. maybe a seperation would be nice to be more compatible to rclone. another one: encryption in rclone can be done with 2 passwords (e.g. password and salt) I would like to use this also in your app. So, thats enough for one post I guess, thanks in advance for your help 🙂
Hi @currypaul, thanks for kind words. Offline files uses app internal location within iOS ecosystem. I am going to confirm with the team what location is it exactly and whether there are ways to access it externally. I've added a feature to refresh offline versions automatically: (it's been sitting in the internal pipeline for quite a while). I am not sure if this is going to solve your needs, but we're not far from deploying feature to "Allow opening file and save it back directly to cloud": It works so far on desktop and Android and we're porting it to iOS. Rclone 2nd password and salt are in our roadmap: "when encrypting with rclone I am able to set up encoded filenames and directories seperatly" Our aim so far was to keep things simple and with the least amount of options provide default "secure" workflow. We will be gradually adding up more advanced options to satisfy power users. To understand correctly. Would you like to control whether to encrypt directory names separately to encrypting file names ... or you talk about allow to set up "prefix" / vault locations (at the moment all encryption settings apply to all locations in the bucket).
In both cases whether file is offline or not, you can use: "Open" feature which will open file externally. From that point you shall be able to use e.g.: "Save to Files" iOS option. (edited)
Hi @s3drive , thanks for the quick reply. "Rclone 2nd password and salt are in our roadmap:" Perfect, thank you "Our aim so far was to keep things simple and with the least amount of options provide default "secure" workflow." This sounds reasonable for me, thanks a lot for the explanation. I just wanted to ask, but yes, I'm encrypting everything, so it is enough in the current state Regarding "Allow opening file and save it back directly to cloud" this would be perfect for me. I would love to see that feature on ios to open and modify files I have on an S3 sync. Unfortunately the "open" feature does not work for me, as my files get an .bin extension when syncing via rclone without name encryption. so I need to download it and rename, what is not possible so easy. I will try again with an fully encrypted file, maybe it works then.
Hi @s3drive , thanks for the quick reply. "Rclone 2nd password and salt are in our roadmap:" Perfect, thank you "Our aim so far was to keep things simple and with the least amount of options provide default "secure" workflow." This sounds reasonable for me, thanks a lot for the explanation. I just wanted to ask, but yes, I'm encrypting everything, so it is enough in the current state Regarding "Allow opening file and save it back directly to cloud" this would be perfect for me. I would love to see that feature on ios to open and modify files I have on an S3 sync. Unfortunately the "open" feature does not work for me, as my files get an .bin extension when syncing via rclone without name encryption. so I need to download it and rename, what is not possible so easy. I will try again with an fully encrypted file, maybe it works then.
If you get .bin extension it does look to me as if you weren't using the filename encryption for these files. This is the config that works with S3Drive: If filename encryption is off: (default is standard), then the .bin suffix gets added. We don't really support stripping the .bin suffix, that's why in the config that we recommend we suggest (Discord link above) we suggest to disable it: Given that you already have some data, perhaps we could reconsider support for: .bin stripping for users which used the default setting before running it all up in compatibility with S3Drive. (edited)
Yes, I deactivated the file name encryption of my bucket to test the functionality of the app before I buy it. I will try to set my bucket up tithout the suffix, maybe it works better then. Thanks a lot for your help until this point 🙂
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S3Drive - IOS background backup
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support / IOS background backup
appreciate you have made inroads on this with the added features (thanks!), but iphone is still not working in background. Android is working fine though - thanks
Hey there, sorry for the trouble, it's something that keeps as awake at night 🙂 We're almost there and it works on our debug releases, but for some reason it doesn't work on live release. We're tracing the issue down. We hope to have it solved this month, we then plan to implement couple other tricks & hacks and gotchas suggested by the community to make it more "background" like, because these two modes differ a lot between iOS and Android. Stay tuned for next updates ! (edited)
👍 1
great news, many thanks for the update!
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S3Drive - iOS in-app subscription doesn't seem to work
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support / iOS in-app subscription doesn't seem to work
I have paid for one month, but I have not Ultimate version. When I am trying to “turn on background backup” I get a message “Background backup media requires Ultimate version” Money was paid.
Hi, Thank you for supporting the project and sorry for the issue that you experience. I am having difficulties looking up the orders on the Apple side in order to verify what's going, I am not sure if this issue is related to issue that you experience. I am sorry to ask, but is it possible for you by any chance to register an account: and then login to your app? I would then enable your Ultimate subscription via alternate billing before we resolve issue with the Apple Payment? Thanks !
sitenevnews 02/19/2024 1:36 PM
Sorry, one more thing, can you click on Ultimate plan: so your account ends up added to the billing system. (edited)
Privacy friendly storage available for anyone. Privacy is one of the crucial human rights. We providing a generous package for free which is subsidized by paid users.
Can you also try visiting the About page and clicking the: "Restore purchases"? If you don't have that button, do you have the: "Upgrade" button?
sitenevnews 02/19/2024 2:38 PM
These two buttons are inactive
I need ultimate for this 🙂 How can we make it?
Please visit the Profiles page again, the Free plan shall change to Ultimate plan, I've activated 180 days trial before we solve the Apple payment issue. Can you please verify? (edited)
👍 1
sitenevnews 02/19/2024 2:52 PM
Thanks, seems it works
s3drive changed the channel name: iOS in-app subscription doesn't seem to work 02/19/2024 11:51 PM
Subscription related issues shall be resolved in 1.7.14 on iOS and 1.7.15 (macOS). Sorry for the troubles. (edited)
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S3Drive - iOS sporadic freeze issue (Rclone)
Guild icon
support / iOS sporadic freeze issue (Rclone)
Hi Tom. First of all, I want to say thank you and your team for developing S3Drive. It's such great piece of software. Prior to that, there's no way to decrypt rclone files on ios, but you guys make it possible. So I am very grateful for that. Today, I want to report a bug on my end when using s3drive with rclone configuration. When choosing files to preview, the app can not display the content of the files. It's the same on windows and ios. When I chose to open file externally, it works without any problem, but to have 1 more steps to open files is kind of inconvenient. The second bug is when I want to download the files to my computer. It ended up with error on transfer because it can not rename the files. The third bug I found is on ios, when I dont run s3drive for some times, it will freeze and I can not do anything with the app. I then have to force close it and reopen it for it to work normally. To me, the ability to access my rclone encryption files on ios is good enough. But it would be great if I can use s3drive without bug. I attached 3 videos to demonstrate what I experienced. I hope it helps you guys find the problem (if any). If you need more information, please tell me and I will try to help as much as possible. But I only use Discord once in a while so it's gonna be a few days until you get a repply from me. Again, thank you and your team for all your hard work.
I found the log of the app and attached it for your reference. I dont know why but when I clicked the share button to share the log files, it does nothing. So I have to copy it manually for attachment.
Hi, Thank you for your positive feedback and bug report ! 1) Preview within app for Rclone is part of our Roadmap 2024, there are couple challenges that we're solving here. We may release initial version where preview for smaller files will be available sooner, so we can work on efficient method of previewing bigger files. In a next release we will display a message about that, so it doesn't look like a broken preview at least. Preview for smaller files shall be available in the next couple months. 2) Windows download bug. We've passed that down to our team and it shall be possible fixed in a next release. 3) Freeze bug on iOS, that's a tricky one. Can you let me know if that's related to Rclone back-end or S3? Do you have some other processes configured for that back-end (e.g. sync or media backup?). We're aware that in some cases the freeze may happen if multiple calls to Rclone library are performed simultaneously. We've solved that on Android, but on iOS we still haven't worked out the way to go. Any more hints here would be helpful for us to find a pattern. Thank you again for your input !
Please find a pre-release on Windows, which fixes the Download bug: All these changes will go in a main release within ~2 weeks.
Hi, Thank you for your positive feedback and bug report ! 1) Preview within app for Rclone is part of our Roadmap 2024, there are couple challenges that we're solving here. We may release initial version where preview for smaller files will be available sooner, so we can work on efficient method of previewing bigger files. In a next release we will display a message about that, so it doesn't look like a broken preview at least. Preview for smaller files shall be available in the next couple months. 2) Windows download bug. We've passed that down to our team and it shall be possible fixed in a next release. 3) Freeze bug on iOS, that's a tricky one. Can you let me know if that's related to Rclone back-end or S3? Do you have some other processes configured for that back-end (e.g. sync or media backup?). We're aware that in some cases the freeze may happen if multiple calls to Rclone library are performed simultaneously. We've solved that on Android, but on iOS we still haven't worked out the way to go. Any more hints here would be helpful for us to find a pattern. Thank you again for your input !
Hi Tom. Wish you and your team have a nice weekend. Here's some more feedback from me. 1. For preview within app feature, I find it kind of strange because when I first tested the app, I remember that it worked flawlessly. After recent updates, I cant use it anymore. That's why I was so sure it's a bug on the app. Maybe my memories make a trick on me. Still, it's kind of glad to know that the feature is on the roadmap. 2. Thank you and your team for the hard work. 3. The freeze bug I mentioned related to rclone backend. I curently dont use S3 backend yet, so I dont know if there's bug on S3 backend. I dont have any other processes configured for the rclone backend, just use it to view my files when necessary.
Please find a pre-release on Windows, which fixes the Download bug: All these changes will go in a main release within ~2 weeks.
I can confirm that the download function now work without any problem.
Hi, Thank you for your positive feedback and bug report ! 1) Preview within app for Rclone is part of our Roadmap 2024, there are couple challenges that we're solving here. We may release initial version where preview for smaller files will be available sooner, so we can work on efficient method of previewing bigger files. In a next release we will display a message about that, so it doesn't look like a broken preview at least. Preview for smaller files shall be available in the next couple months. 2) Windows download bug. We've passed that down to our team and it shall be possible fixed in a next release. 3) Freeze bug on iOS, that's a tricky one. Can you let me know if that's related to Rclone back-end or S3? Do you have some other processes configured for that back-end (e.g. sync or media backup?). We're aware that in some cases the freeze may happen if multiple calls to Rclone library are performed simultaneously. We've solved that on Android, but on iOS we still haven't worked out the way to go. Any more hints here would be helpful for us to find a pattern. Thank you again for your input !
Hi Tom. I think I found the reason for the freeze bug on ios. It's because my rclone setup use 2nd password. When I import the configuration to S3Drive, it can decrypt my files normally, so I didnt think much about it. Yesterday, I tried using S3Drive with S3 backend and does not encounter freeze bug. One thing I notice when using S3 is the app only support the 1st password. That's why I changed my rclone setup to using only the 1st password and after a day, I didnt experience the freeze bug, not even once. So I think I should update to you on the matter, in case some one have the same problem with me. Maybe an update to FAQ that if you have a setup with 2nd password, you can still decrypt your files but the app may not work as intended.
Thanks for the update. We plan to add support for 2nd password natively, so it’s possible to configure it from the settings instead of Rclone config. From your comment I deduce that freeze issue may happen for an Rclone backend configured via Rclone config (especially one using crypt and definitely one using 2nd password…and likely not just S3 endpoint).
Thanks for the update. We plan to add support for 2nd password natively, so it’s possible to configure it from the settings instead of Rclone config. From your comment I deduce that freeze issue may happen for an Rclone backend configured via Rclone config (especially one using crypt and definitely one using 2nd password…and likely not just S3 endpoint).
I just bought a lifetime account as a way to say thank and support the project. Receipt no 2690-0875. Hope there will be more people know about the project.
❤️ 1
Thank you for supporting the project. If you have any other feedback don't hestitate to reach out to me directly. All the best !
Thank you for supporting the project. If you have any other feedback don't hestitate to reach out to me directly. All the best !
Hello Tom, after more than half a month testing the app, I can confirm that the freezing issue still exist in the latest version. Previously, I thought that it's because I used second password which is not yet supported by s3drive, but the error occurred even when I only use the first password, maybe less frequently, I dont know. The issue only occurred with rclone backend and never happen with s3 backend. For now, I can cope up with the problem by open s3 backend by defaut and only switch to rclone backend when I need to work with the data (and switch back to s3 backend when done). That way, I dont need to force close the app, but it's still kind of inconvenience. I hope you will be able to locate the issues and fix it in the future releases. One way I think of can fix the issue is to build a native integration with other cloud storage provider instead of doing it via rclone. That's how other cloud encryption tools such as boxcryptor and cryptomator do it. But I know that it's a lot of work to do and maintain, and maybe the team does not currently have the sufficient resources to go that way. Anw, that's just my hopeful thinking. As always, thank you and your team for your great work. Really appreciated.
Hello Tom, after more than half a month testing the app, I can confirm that the freezing issue still exist in the latest version. Previously, I thought that it's because I used second password which is not yet supported by s3drive, but the error occurred even when I only use the first password, maybe less frequently, I dont know. The issue only occurred with rclone backend and never happen with s3 backend. For now, I can cope up with the problem by open s3 backend by defaut and only switch to rclone backend when I need to work with the data (and switch back to s3 backend when done). That way, I dont need to force close the app, but it's still kind of inconvenience. I hope you will be able to locate the issues and fix it in the future releases. One way I think of can fix the issue is to build a native integration with other cloud storage provider instead of doing it via rclone. That's how other cloud encryption tools such as boxcryptor and cryptomator do it. But I know that it's a lot of work to do and maintain, and maybe the team does not currently have the sufficient resources to go that way. Anw, that's just my hopeful thinking. As always, thank you and your team for your great work. Really appreciated.
Thank you very much for your feedback. Just to confirm, does the freeze issue apply to iOS or other platform? We're aware that freeze issue may happen on iOS, we will try to prioritize that. Quick question, if we've implemented second password support, would that help on your end, so you can use the S3 encrypted back-end natively?
@yeumaibeo Good news, we've identified the root cause of that on iOS and will include the hotfix in a next release (1.8.4) likely still this week. Whilst it may not automatically solve all of the freeze related issues that you're experiencing, it shall improve situation dramatically. Once you have it and experience freeze issue it would then be good if you could note if there was any direct action / operation that caused that (e.g. folder rename or media backup etc.).
@yeumaibeo Good news, we've identified the root cause of that on iOS and will include the hotfix in a next release (1.8.4) likely still this week. Whilst it may not automatically solve all of the freeze related issues that you're experiencing, it shall improve situation dramatically. Once you have it and experience freeze issue it would then be good if you could note if there was any direct action / operation that caused that (e.g. folder rename or media backup etc.).
Thank you, Tom. I dont expect the fix to be that fast. I just updated to 1.8.4 a few hours ago and it seems to fix the issue to some extent. I will use the app for a few weeks and will inform you if the issue ever happen again. Yes, the issue happened on iOS. I dont use android so I dont know if it happend on android, but on windows it's fine. I'm fine with only using the first password. In fact, I updated all of my rclone backend to only use the first password to be compatible with s3drive. And I do use s3 backend to backup some of my data. But when it comes to syncing data in realtime, I found using cloud storage syncing services much more suitable to my workflow. For example, I can use rclone mount to sync data in realtime, but then there are times when I am on business trip and I dont have a stable internet connection. That's why I need the encrypted data to exist offline on my laptop, and then I will sync it in realtime to dropbox. Well, I know I can use rclone copy or the sync function within s3drive app to sync the data to s3 backend, just like with dropbox (not in realtime though). But then, if I want to add data from my phone, it will need bi direction sync, and I think the function is not stable yet, not that I want to risk with my importan data. Till now, the freeze issue happened when I came back to the app. It's not like it happened because of any particular action, it freezed the moment I open the app and I cant do anything without force close it. But when I reopen the app, the app works fine, I dont have any problem with any function within the app. Just my curious, what causes the freeze issues on iOS? Glad that you guys found the root cause. Anw, it's my first time seeing such a great support from a product. Shout out to your team.
Just my curious, what causes the freeze issues on iOS?
These are some edge cases related to threading and we've found ways to force Rclone (not all, but some specific calls) to run in a different than UI rendering thread. On mobile the OS model is somewhat different to desktop and since we run this from a single codebase different solutions need to be applied for desktop, different for Android and different for iOS.
Just my curious, what causes the freeze issues on iOS?
These are some edge cases related to threading and we've found ways to force Rclone (not all, but some specific calls) to run in a different than UI rendering thread. On mobile the OS model is somewhat different to desktop and since we run this from a single codebase different solutions need to be applied for desktop, different for Android and different for iOS.
okay, so here's an update: The app still freeze once in a while but the probability of it happening is low enough that I dont mind it at all. For me, the app is now usable on iOS. Thank you very much.
okay, so here's an update: The app still freeze once in a while but the probability of it happening is low enough that I dont mind it at all. For me, the app is now usable on iOS. Thank you very much.
Thank you very much for this feedback. Regardless, we would be keen to solve any freeze issues and I don't think we're far from tracking it down. By any chance, did it happen just after resuming an app or when doing some operation (e.g. file listing)? Do you perhaps remember what was the last screen on S3Drive before you've moved app to tray / taskbar and subsequently resumed app? Did it happen immediately after resuming an app (or clicking some action) or after few seconds? Do you have media backup enabled? Does the start option for media backup is enabled? I assume that you don't have any "Sync" settings on your iOS just yet. Answer to these questions might help us to track it down and solve the underlying problem. Thanks ! (edited)
I don't what kind of files could be previewed, would u provide a lists on it (videos audio office ebook other )
s3drive changed the channel name: iOS sporadic freeze issue (Rclone) 04/18/2024 2:57 PM
I don't what kind of files could be previewed, would u provide a lists on it (videos audio office ebook other )
@mix9311 In general, that's text (with edit option and markdown preview), PDF (not all platforms), audio, video. Please use #general or #off-topic as this topic is specifically about iOS freeze issue. (edited)
Thank you very much for this feedback. Regardless, we would be keen to solve any freeze issues and I don't think we're far from tracking it down. By any chance, did it happen just after resuming an app or when doing some operation (e.g. file listing)? Do you perhaps remember what was the last screen on S3Drive before you've moved app to tray / taskbar and subsequently resumed app? Did it happen immediately after resuming an app (or clicking some action) or after few seconds? Do you have media backup enabled? Does the start option for media backup is enabled? I assume that you don't have any "Sync" settings on your iOS just yet. Answer to these questions might help us to track it down and solve the underlying problem. Thanks ! (edited)
So here is my answer to your questions, I hope that it helps: 1. It happen after I resuming the app. It never happen when I doing any particular operation within the app. While the app is not freeze when I already using it, I notice there are sometimes the notifications that batcher is shuting down or something like this. When the notification appeared, the app is NOT freeze, it's just that I cant transfer file like uploading or downloading. So I dont know if it's related to freeze issue. I just want to provided more information and hope that it helps. And to be more clearly, it never happen when I resume the app right after closing it. It only happen when I stop using it for some times (maybe a few hours or a day), then open it to use it again, then it happen. And after I update to 1.8.4, the issue is not consistent. Sometimes, the app is freeze but most of the time, it works without any problem. 2. The last screen I used is the files tab which I would called it a home screen of the app (as per attachment). I never leave the app when switched to another tab so I dont know if the app will freeze when I resume it. 3. The issue happen immediately after resuming an app 4. No, I dont have media backup enabled, and I dont use the sync setting. Hope it helps and feel free to contact me if you need more information.
👍 1
Exported 21 message(s)
S3Drive - Login / switch profile issue
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support / Login / switch profile issue
morethanevil 10/06/2023 3:46 PM
I got the message that the login to my MinIO failed, but when I click "switch anyway" it works without problems. I tried to reset the complete app, but still have the same problem. It does not matter, wether the folder is encrypted or not. This is the first bug, the second one is a little bit annoying. When I tap the back button on the profile switcher after I got this message, it does not go back to the last screen, it sometimes just leaves the app 😄 Maybe for exiting the app a double tap can be used.
Thanks, I am going to retest the workflow. In a recent release we've upgraded the auth library to reduce chances of being logged out from the managed account, but apparently it may've affected the profiles screen. Speaking of MinIO failed login, can you actually see if there is anything useful in logs? Did you use import/export feature? In other words is it possible that the affected MinIO profile was imported/reimported? (edited)
morethanevil 10/06/2023 5:54 PM
Where are the logs in the app? In minio I don't get any useful information
I imported all buckets, as I reseted the app
Where are the logs in the app? In minio I don't get any useful information
morethanevil 10/07/2023 3:37 AM
Found them 😋 Maybe you can move the logs in the about page as an item like changelog, webpage etc.
morethanevil 10/07/2023 7:00 AM
Tried again with latest update to v1.5.7 a few minutes ago
@morethanevil We're aware of the "IsarError" and fix is due to be released. The temporary fix is usually to click the Login button again.
The "authorization header" thing is expected for MinIO with custom region set. S3Drive detects region and retries the request.
morethanevil 10/07/2023 7:43 AM
Okay, then I will try with next release and report 😃
👍 1
Just to let you know, that the update is already Live. I am keen to hear if it resolved your issue.
morethanevil 10/07/2023 10:36 AM
Installed and tried again. Works now 🌞 Issue solved
s3drive changed the channel name: Login / switch profile issue 10/07/2023 10:55 AM
Exported 14 message(s)
S3Drive - Media backup - app crashing - 5000 photos/videos
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support / Media backup - app crashing - 5000 photos/videos
Hi, i've been trialing the app with automatic downloads on ios and android - using it to back up photos. Now backup files are getting very big 5000 or so photos/vids and scrolling through them crashes the app (or the phone!).. also would be nice if the auto download had latest downloads shown first? can't seem to do this with 'ascending/sorting' features?
Hey thanks for your report. Just so we are on the same page. What you mean by saying "auto download"? Do you mean the download feature which leaves entries in the Transfers tab or perhaps you mean Sync feature?
so its called 'media backup', you select the data your phone to backup automatically when you log on - it creates a file it downloads to on S3 - then backs up to that..
sorry i had error reporting turned off - which probably doesn't help.. so now turned on now..
s3drive changed the channel name: Media backup - app crashing - 5000 photos 03/26/2024 11:40 AM
s3drive changed the channel name: Media backup - app crashing - 5000 photos/videos 03/26/2024 11:40 AM
thanks Tom, i'll chose my headings to correspond next time!
sorry i should add, it happens when you have been scrolling through the photo's, i'm gussing its a memory thing.. (edited)
Thanks for the update. We're in the middle of Android release which may improve the situation with more improvements coming in next releases. I will let you know once it's available. (Somewhere between couple hours to a day, depending how long it takes for Google to review it). (edited)
👍 1
Exported 9 message(s)
S3Drive - Media backup info
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support / Media backup info
When I can't see any transfer notification when I execute the media backup task. There is a transfer progress bar in the notification bar of the phone or in the app, such as how many% has been backed up, how many pictures and videos have been backed up, and how many need to be backed up in total. I would like to see these timely messages, thank you. (stats is not Directly reflects the detailed progress I want, and secondly, if a partial backup fails, I don't see the error notification and I don't have a retry button, which is very inconvenient for media backups, please consider optimizing it)
👍 1
Exported 1 message(s)
S3Drive - Media backup on Android - OOM issues
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support / Media backup on Android - OOM issues
Hi @yz123, I've created this item to carry on our conversation: so we have it, in one place. Regarding:
forced it via start backup. Tbh I haven't seen it automatically resuming the backup just yet.
There are triggers like app resume, app start (if "Backup when app starts" setting is on) and when new photo is taken (if "Background backup" setting is on). There isn't "retry the whole process" if at least one photo upload failed or some periodic scheduling just yet (e.g. restart process every 15 minutes) Finally, as I've stated here that app shouldn't mark failed media upload as success: It does seem there is a regression in that area. At the moment even if there is a failure it does increase the upload counter and the only way to reupload such media would be to use Reset / Match feature, until we have it fixed in a next release. In the meantime if you have any other questions or feedback regarding media backup (or anything else), don't hesitate to reach out.
👍 2
Cheers! Cool, good to know! I'll keep you updated. And thanks for being so responsive (on a Sunday)
Yesterday I ran twice into the OOM issue again - which means that all files from a certain point onwards OOM. What I find slightly unusual is that I expect it to recover once the app is in the foreground again. It does not. But tbh Android's memory management is a mystery to me. Also, do you know why it OOMs - I would expect S3drive to stream the data and basically use a constant amount of memory.
And it's currently stuck:
It's been like this since yesterday.
These are the logs:
After force killing it, the app resumes:
This was 1.7.17
I just updated it
And it actually auto resumed after I opened the app
That was the first time i saw that
One thing around the upload speed - I am not sure why it's so low: (edited)
I have a gigabit connection and I wouldn't expect backblaze to throttle
Another thing i just noticed: I see that the stats on the media backup page move forward (rather quickly), but the transfers page is empty (like 0 all around).
Just had an OOM condition again - what I found interesting is that the app felt very, very sluggish at that point. Which might point to a real memory leak? But I'm just speculating
Thank you for your comments, description and screenshots. It sounds like we need to trace down the OOM issues. I assume you use Backblaze, configured via S3 (not Rclone) screen on S3Drive? Do you use the 1.8.0 version already? (It contains couple improvements and fixes, especially related to error handling and marking assets as uploaded or not). We'll try to narrow down couple scenarios where OOM happens. In the meantime if you have any additional findings / thoughts please send them over. Sorry for these issues and thanks for your efforts helping us to improve the app !
s3drive changed the channel name: Media backup on Android - OOM issues 03/21/2024 6:55 AM
I was wondering if this issue is still present on your end? We've just released 1.9.2 and it contains couple related improvements.
Exported 21 message(s)
S3Drive - Media backup preserve original directory structure
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support / Media backup preserve original directory structure
I think when I open media backup function ,the files which have been uploading to storage The vendor's server, these files should exist in the original local folder directory format, not all files in the same folderFor example, I have 1000 photo album in the local DCIM file, automatically after the file / DCIM file with the same name should be generated and then the 1000 pictures exist in this directory. Like MobiDive App in the picture, it's very simple and clean and beautifulIn addition, provide for duplicate files (not limited to completely duplicate pictures and videos) filter cleaning function, thank you! (edited)
👍 1
Can you please show how your albums / directory structure is shown within S3Drive media backup tool?
Alternatively you can try using Sync tool to specify specific folder
s3drive changed the channel name: Media backup preserve original directory structure 03/14/2024 10:47 AM
Alternatively you can try using Sync tool to specify specific folder
Maybe I can try this way
All the files are spread out in automatic upload Directory, and is not actively classified as the local directory
If we created 4 different folders: "Lenovo One", "Pictures", "Instagram", "qq", would that be fine?
yes,wonderful ideas
If we created 4 different folders: "Lenovo One", "Pictures", "Instagram", "qq", would that be fine?
This is absolutely needed
Hope to Implement and provide this function
No worries, we will increase priority in that regard.
No worries, we will increase priority in that regard.
I have been following your progress over the last few years and thank you for developing a perfect application with so many features available for everyone to use
We have this issue implemented and it will likely be released within ~2 weeks of time.
thanks a lot We really love classification
It's available in the 1.8.0 Android release.
Now Version?
Current, yes
Exported 20 message(s)
S3Drive - Media backup request timeout - Backblaze
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support / Media backup request timeout - Backblaze
Could someone tell me what these errors are and where to find this option. I am new to the app.
Could someone tell me what these errors are and where to find this option. I am new to the app.
If these come from media backup, they will be retried next time when media backup process starts. We're in the process of improving internal retry, so in case of a simple adressable error like timeout or end-server 500 (Internal server error) S3Drive will auto-retry the upload multiple times using exponential back-off mechanism.
Files > 100M are uploaded using multipart upload using 5MB chunks. If upload gets interrupted, next time when file gets uploaded we verify MD5 (only if E2E
👍 1
s3drive changed the channel name: Media backup request timeout - Backblaze 05/08/2024 7:33 PM
Thanks, Tom!
Exported 4 message(s)
S3Drive - Media backup: Reset and Match?
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support / Media backup: Reset and Match?
How exactly are the Reset and Match buttons under Media Backup intended to work? I thought I understood, but the way it's working now has me doubting my interpretation. I have run Media Backup and it had uploaded everything from my selected folders. I thought I'd do a double check by clicking "Reset" to reset my stats, and then "Match" to populate the stats again with everything that is on the s3 service. Unfortunately, when I clicked Match, it returned very fast saying nothing was found, and upload has restarted. I'm currently at approx 1000 of over 6000, but I've got several errors of the type "Could not backup xxx out of yyy files" which leads me to believe it's actually uploading files again, rather than simply verifying the content that's there. This was not what I expected. Did Match fail for some unknown reason? I tried several times. Or does clicking Reset really mean everything must be uploaded again?
I just received the update to android app v1.8.1, and I saw there was a change regarding media backup and existing files. Now nothing is showing up in the transfers tab, and I'm not getting any more errors. It's almost halfway already, so it looks like things will be OK after a wait. But I'm still wondering what the "Match" button is meant to do.
Hi, Match functionality is supposed to match your existing media in the Automatic Uploads folder. If used with Reset, technically it could be used to verify if files were uploaded. We’ve been overhauling Media Backup functionality in a couple past releases. It does seem that in your case, Match can’t find existing files for some reason. Can you let me know what’s your phone model and Android version? Do you use custom auto-upload path?
If you could also provide what's your S3 provider, that might help us to rule out couple potential issues.
Thanks. I use backblaze b2. Samsung galaxy s22, android 14. I use default auto-upload path
Hi @kefir1797, We've identified issue with Match function not finding "Automatic upload" location if E2E encryption was enabled. As a result it was always telling that no photos were uploaded and had to start from scratch. This is now fixed in the 1.9.2 version. Please let me know if this solves the Match problem.
Exported 6 message(s)
S3Drive - Missing opt/cygfuse folder from WinFSP installation
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support / Missing opt/cygfuse folder from WinFSP installation
Hi, I'm trying to map a windows drive to an AWS S3 bucket. When I select 'start mount' in S3drive, a message appears at the bottom that I need to install WinFSP with the FUSE for Cygwin option enabled. However, when I try to follow the instructions to do that from the WinFSP documentation, I can see that the opt/cygfuse directory is missing from my WinFSP installation, despite reinstalling multiple times. Can you please help?
Hi, That's interesting. I assume you've tried to uninstall it completely before installing again with: "FUSE for Cygwin" enabled as displayed here? It's hard to tell why Cygwin doesn't get installed. You could try installing it manually. I've used msiextract winfsp-2.0.23075.msi command to extract WinFSP files and uploading here (inside You could try just for the sake of testing to copy the opt folder into your FUSE installation path, so you end up with C:\Program Files (x86)\WinFsp\opt. I haven't tried whether this would work, but it's worth trying. Feel free to use the attached files or extract the .msi if you don't feel like installing some files from the "internet". I would be keen to know if this resolved your issue. (edited)
For what it's worth I just installed WinFsp yesterday with the cygwin option enabled and mounting worked for me.
👍 1
Hi, That's interesting. I assume you've tried to uninstall it completely before installing again with: "FUSE for Cygwin" enabled as displayed here? It's hard to tell why Cygwin doesn't get installed. You could try installing it manually. I've used msiextract winfsp-2.0.23075.msi command to extract WinFSP files and uploading here (inside You could try just for the sake of testing to copy the opt folder into your FUSE installation path, so you end up with C:\Program Files (x86)\WinFsp\opt. I haven't tried whether this would work, but it's worth trying. Feel free to use the attached files or extract the .msi if you don't feel like installing some files from the "internet". I would be keen to know if this resolved your issue. (edited)
Thanks for the detailed response, @Tom! I tried your suggestion of opening the zip file you sent and copying the opt/cygfuse folder into my installation. I then went to Cygwin and ran the 'sh ./ ' command then went straight back into S3Drive and lo and behold... this time the 'Start Mount' worked and I now have a fully functional mapped drive to my AWS S3 bucket. THANK YOU! (edited)
👍 1
For what it's worth I just installed WinFsp yesterday with the cygwin option enabled and mounting worked for me.
Thanks @povey . Did you install WinFSP 2023 or an earlier version?
Thanks @povey . Did you install WinFSP 2023 or an earlier version?
Whatever the latest download from their site was 🙂
👍 1
Exported 6 message(s)
S3Drive - Modification date isn't preserved on Android
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support / Modification date isn't preserved on Android
"I use S3Drive 1.7.10 on a phone with Android 12. I created a synchronization task for a folder on the phone (sending from the phone to Baskblaze), "Sync" synchronization mode. The "modification date" is not saved and cannot be restored." Moved from: (edited)
s3drive changed the channel name: Modification date isn't preserved on Android 02/20/2024 9:06 AM
Hi @n1trotoluol, I've moved this as support item / bug report. Thank you for sending these details. Do you get anything in the headers? The last modified field date that we display early on gets directly from S3 and is technically last modified on the remote side, but in fact the real local modification date is stored as: x-amz-meta-mtime header. (edited)
Out of curiosity what fancy console is that on Android?
n1trotoluol 02/20/2024 9:43 AM
It seems I figured it out, x-amz-meta-mtime actually stores the correct modification date, I didn’t pay attention to this field at first. It turns out that if you simply download a separate file from the storage, then it is downloaded without saving the modification date, but if you make a task to synchronize a remote folder with a local one using the Sync mode, then the date is actually restored from x-amz-meta-mtime. I’m very glad that there is an opportunity so quickly with the nuances of synchronization. The console for Android that I use is Termux ( )(also available on Google Play) is very helpful when you need to use console commands)
It turns out that if you simply download a separate file from the storage, then it is downloaded without saving the modification date,
What would be the expected behavior? If you download file using S3Drive, so it's saved to Downloads folder, do you think it should set last modified date on file according to this header?
It turns out that if you simply download a separate file from the storage, then it is downloaded without saving the modification date,
What would be the expected behavior? If you download file using S3Drive, so it's saved to Downloads folder, do you think it should set last modified date on file according to this header?
n1trotoluol 02/21/2024 6:33 AM
There is no obvious answer here. The whole problem here is the use of the "Download folder" in question. It is usually convenient to use this folder when all files are downloaded into it with the current date and time, to make it easier to sort and search for recently downloaded files. But it also happens that you need to download some files with the original date; this is still mostly a backup program. Alternatively, you can, for example, when you click the "Download" button, display a pop-up window with the ability to select a path (where to download) and a checkbox with the option to restore the file modification date, then, if necessary, you could turn it on and select the path where to download. Although, I am very glad that dates and times are restored during synchronization - this was truly important for me. Really very convenient and useful program.
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S3Drive - More languages to show
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support / More languages to show
We want the app to be available in more languages like Chinese, which is a very common language, 2 billion people use this language, which is very important for us. Chinese users in many Asian countries will benefit. In China, in Hong Kong, in Taiwan, in Singapore, in Chinatown in America, whether it's simplified Chinese or traditional Chinese, Please, developers, I will support you (I think the best way is to build the translation of App in English through Google translation or any other translation program instead of hiring people)!
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S3Drive - Mount not working on Mac with Fuse-T
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support / Mount not working on Mac with Fuse-T
I'm using s3drive version 1.6.5, rclone version 1.65, and fuse-t version 1.0.33. Attached is the log when i click start drive mount. Nothing shows up in my user folder. Any thoughts? (edited)
I needed to uninstall and reinstall Fuse-T. (edited)
Is there a way to make the volume not have such a long string name?
Since 1.7.0 version that we plan to release end of this week FUSE-T and Rclone installation will no longer be required. We'll add an option to configure mount names early 2024.
👍 1
great! I am looking forward to using this tool and the new features to come.
Hopefully the newly integrated mounted drive in 1.7 will have good performance with uploading high qty's of larger files. using Fuse-T and Rclone currently is pretty unstable and crashes Finder. Using the app is much better currently (edited)
Hi @cam00552 and Happy New Year. We're currently at 1.7.2 (DMG) which brings the native NFS mount skipping the FUSE-T / macFUSE layers. If you face any challenges with the new NFS mount you can always keep using the old one with the settings toggle (especially when old mount works both with FUSE-T but also macFUSE kernel extension which is more cumbersome to install but offers better performance). More about all that: I would be really keen to know how it performs for you. Speaking of mass upload, we've been tweaking our app so the "Folder upload" can do it efficiently. I am sure that eventually we will make the mount performance comparatively good.
Zero Knowledge E2E encrypted storage compatible with any S3 provider
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S3Drive - Multipart upload Huawei / Support for HarmonyOS
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support / Multipart upload Huawei / Support for HarmonyOS
Why is this happening? What the hell went wrong? Is it because of encryption or not supporting Huawei cloud object storage (s3 compatible) and its big file uploads?? I don't understand. Please help me!
👍 1
How big is the file? Do you have multipart upload enabled in the settings? How stable is your internet connection?
Almost 800MB
Can't Big Files Be Up? I've Turned on MD5 and E2E and Version Control
800MB is fine. Did you enable multipart upload?
It's better to disable MD5 verification if you don't need it, it uses more resources and is more error prone, especially when E2E is enabled.
MD5 verification and multipart upload Must it be opened or closed at the same time?
They're not conflicting, but it's better to keep MD5 verification disabled and multipart upload enabled (as Huawei cloud does seem to support it:
thank u very much
sometimes copy / move files The app page will get stuck or keep circleing, and finally after several minutes no response can not continue. This problem exists on both the computer side and the mobile side
I would like to have a percentage bar for moving files or copying files, so I can see if it worked, and if it didn't, then I should see why it didn't work.
You're right this is crucial feature, it's coming though. It will be possible to cancel/retry these operation as well.
Good work! I have to admire your team for being able to quickly support so many of the expected features.
I do appreciate your feedback, it's extremely valuable. We wish that eventually we are able to make this app more friendly for Chinese users as well ! (edited)
Does the app support Chinese language?
Unfortunately not yet.
Also will started developing Android-incompatible Huawei Harmony OSNEXT (or open-source open harmony) native apps?
Adguard Developers have adapted it.
We can't say much at this stage. Our framework isn't officialy supported for OpenHarmony OS: however there is some work on that by the external organisation:
Is there an existing issue for this? I have searched the existing issues I have read the guide to filing a bug Use case There are currently reliable sources saying that HarmonyOS 5.0 will no longer...码云) 是 OSCHINA.NET 推出的代码托管平台,支持 Git 和 SVN,提供免费的私有仓库托管。目前已有超过 1200万的开发者选择 Gitee。
maybe u could use flutter to build s3drive for HarmonyOS also openharmony in the future
Yes, potentially.
Perhaps It is very easy to migrate and adapt, and in China you should strive for and eventually go to the Huawei App Store with a large number of Huawei phone users.
they are still working for flutter on gitee not GitHub keep on watching thank u.
👍 2
s3drive changed the channel name: Multipart upload Huawei / Support for HarmonyOS 03/14/2024 10:45 AM
Exported 25 message(s)
S3Drive - Multiple S3 accounts with different encryption levels
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support / Multiple S3 accounts with different encryption levels
I'm testing out S3Drive on Windows, and was wondering if it was possible to have different mounts for different S3 endpoints with different encryption levels. My thought was: - unencryptedbucket1: used for things like notes, recipes, etc that I'd rather have stored as plain-text than encrypted - encryptedbucket2: used for things like health records, financial documents that I'd rather have stored encrypted than plain-text I was going to mount both of these at once, so have the Z: and Y: drives going in parallel. Is this setup possible? Or is it just one drive mounted at a time? It seems like encryption settings are also global and not per-bucket if I understand it correctly?
I'm testing out S3Drive on Windows, and was wondering if it was possible to have different mounts for different S3 endpoints with different encryption levels. My thought was: - unencryptedbucket1: used for things like notes, recipes, etc that I'd rather have stored as plain-text than encrypted - encryptedbucket2: used for things like health records, financial documents that I'd rather have stored encrypted than plain-text I was going to mount both of these at once, so have the Z: and Y: drives going in parallel. Is this setup possible? Or is it just one drive mounted at a time? It seems like encryption settings are also global and not per-bucket if I understand it correctly?
Multiple mounts are not yet supported, but couple users already asked about. We've made a quick research and confirmed it requires some work, but it's not a huge deal. I've added a quick one to officially track it: It won't probably come sooner than end of this year though. "Start mount" feature mounts currently selected bucket/credentials. Encryption settings are separate for each bucket. In summary: "System", "View" and "Misc" are global. "Privacy" and "Bucket" are per each credentials. We're in the process of separating these settings out, so user clearly understands which one of them are global and which aren't.
👍 1
Multiple mounts are not yet supported, but couple users already asked about. We've made a quick research and confirmed it requires some work, but it's not a huge deal. I've added a quick one to officially track it: It won't probably come sooner than end of this year though. "Start mount" feature mounts currently selected bucket/credentials. Encryption settings are separate for each bucket. In summary: "System", "View" and "Misc" are global. "Privacy" and "Bucket" are per each credentials. We're in the process of separating these settings out, so user clearly understands which one of them are global and which aren't.
Thanks for the info and tracking that request formally! Do you have a recommended workflow currently for multiple buckets of mounting doesn't work?
Thanks for the info and tracking that request formally! Do you have a recommended workflow currently for multiple buckets of mounting doesn't work?
Yep, you can mount multiple buckets outside of S3Drive. In order to do so, you'll need Rclone v1.6.5+ installed and then toggle off: "Use new mount experience" in S3Drive settings. This will make S3Drive "talk" via CLI to the Rclone binary, so you can lookup the exact commands. You mount bucket A and then go to logs to extract the exact command that can be executed locally. You could then stop it, switch to bucket B and do exactly the same. ... so now you've got two mount commands for separate buckets. Feel free to do some adjustments (e.g. final mount path / name change). Slightly cumbersome, but at least that way you can run more than one mount yourself which are S3Drive (including encryption) compatible. (edited)
sorry, what I meant was that it seems there are two ways to interact with the files: - using the GUI (drag & drop, clicking the + sign) - mounting the folder and having S3Drive automatically pick up the changes I wasn't sure if there was a folder inside AppData or something I could create a link to that S3Drive also monitors for files without actually mounting it as a virtual drive.
my use-case would be to use it like a dropbox type of file backup/syncing application, so I'd like some folder watching to be happening. But perhaps that's not the best way to use s3drive 🙂
sorry, what I meant was that it seems there are two ways to interact with the files: - using the GUI (drag & drop, clicking the + sign) - mounting the folder and having S3Drive automatically pick up the changes I wasn't sure if there was a folder inside AppData or something I could create a link to that S3Drive also monitors for files without actually mounting it as a virtual drive.
I am not sure if I understood correctly, but the 3rd way of interacting with files would be to set up "Sync" from Local to Remove. In such case you would have a local folder (S3Drive on desktop supports file watching), where after a change it would trigger sync job and either copy, move or sync (depending on the selected mode) files to the remote. I believe it would work somewhat closely to Dropbox sync, with small caveat. Dropbox can do block level sync, whereas S3 and most cloud providers in general we can't do that, even if 1 bytes is changed within a file, we need to resync the whole file (we're exploring some possibilites of different FS structure on the cloud side to support that though). If you find any issue/bug with file watching (e.g. your change hasn't been picked up) on S3Drive I would appreciate if you could let us know. Thanks ! (edited)
I am not sure if I understood correctly, but the 3rd way of interacting with files would be to set up "Sync" from Local to Remove. In such case you would have a local folder (S3Drive on desktop supports file watching), where after a change it would trigger sync job and either copy, move or sync (depending on the selected mode) files to the remote. I believe it would work somewhat closely to Dropbox sync, with small caveat. Dropbox can do block level sync, whereas S3 and most cloud providers in general we can't do that, even if 1 bytes is changed within a file, we need to resync the whole file (we're exploring some possibilites of different FS structure on the cloud side to support that though). If you find any issue/bug with file watching (e.g. your change hasn't been picked up) on S3Drive I would appreciate if you could let us know. Thanks ! (edited)
ah it turns out I'm a total blockhead and missed this! The settings are not fully intuitive to me 😅 I think I got it now though! Something I'd like to see is the file window refresh automatically when a sync happens. I set up the sync, added a file, waited for the sync to happen, and it looks like it uploaded correctly (one bucket encrypted, one not) but I had to manually click the Refresh button in the S3 window to view the file list. Seems like something that could be done automatically when a sync occurs to keep the view state up to date 🙂
file window refresh automatically when a sync happens. [...] but I had to manually click the Refresh button in the S3 window to view the file list.
This worked before we switched to Rclone sync, which is more reliable than our previous sync engine, but then there isn't direct connection between S3Drive <> Rclone. This feature will require us to dig into Rclone internals and create a bridge, so we can update S3Drive UI. Similar work is required to keep the Mount changes in-sync with the UI. We will get to that eventually:
👍 1
I appreciate you listening to feedback, thanks! I'm actually using the S3 backend and not Rclone right now, although perhaps I should change that to use the Rclone 🙃
I appreciate you listening to feedback, thanks! I'm actually using the S3 backend and not Rclone right now, although perhaps I should change that to use the Rclone 🙃
It's best to stay with S3 for S3 back-ends. App will internally use Rclone if it needs to.
👍 1
If I Starting a synchronization task, is the E2E encrypted file synchronized to another storage provider's bucket still encrypted with the same password?
If I Starting a synchronization task, is the E2E encrypted file synchronized to another storage provider's bucket still encrypted with the same password?
E2EE password is separate for each bucket. Once it's set it's used for that specific bucket only. You can set up sync between two different buckets each encrypted using different passwords. I hope that helps to understand scope of the E2E settings. (edited)
I see
Exported 14 message(s)
S3Drive - Navigation "back" button?
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support / Navigation "back" button?
brightsavanna 06/03/2024 1:55 PM
I've found myself trapped several times in the UI and not sure how to get back to where I was. Please consider adding a "back" button.
Hi @brightsavanna, Thanks for your feedback. Can you let me know on what screen have you been trapped lately? On what OS are you experiencing this issue? (edited)
Hi again @brightsavanna, this is to let you know that in 1.9.1 version we've reworked initial login screens to improve navigation and clarity. Please give it a go and let me know if it helps. It would still be useful to know where've you been exactly locked in, as there is always chance that we've overlooked something. Thanks !
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S3Drive - On All Platforms
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support / On All Platforms
therealmutlusen 02/29/2024 8:38 PM
- When I delete folders and restart the application, the folders are still there. - I purchased a lifetime membership via apple pay, but there are some errors. For example, my membership appears as "free" on another device. - My RClone configurations are not synchronizing with my other devices. - When I go to the "Trash," I see a loading screen for 5 minutes. (edited)
👍 1
- When I delete folders and restart the application, the folders are still there. - I purchased a lifetime membership via apple pay, but there are some errors. For example, my membership appears as "free" on another device. - My RClone configurations are not synchronizing with my other devices. - When I go to the "Trash," I see a loading screen for 5 minutes. (edited)
Hi, Thank you for supporting the project. 1) Can you please let me know what's your S3 provider, if you have versioning enabled on the bucket level and what's the versioning setting in the app settings? Such behaviour can certainly be observed for MinIO with versioning enabled. 2) On your other device (I assume it's an Apple device), can you please go to Settings -> About and click Restore purchases? If there is no Restore purchases button than it means that it's already considered "Upgraded" version. If you refer to: "Free" displayed in Profiles when logged in via e-mail/password account (if you have one), than it refers to plans bought through our website, not in-app purchase. Soon we will better integrate different payment platforms to avoid such ambiguities. Can you please let me know if you can use Ultimate features on your other device? 3) Rclone or S3 configurations aren't synchronizing between devices. There is an export/import feature on the Profiles screen which can be used to simplify credentials migration. In the future we'll likely implement E2E encrypted credentials sync, but since it comes with a huge security risk, we're quite careful to not rush such functionality before we get other things right. 4) If you refer to S3 bucket and "Trash", this is somewhat emulated functionality based on versioning API. We query such API in order to get the list of so called Delete Markers. There isn't any efficient way to get "Trash" data from S3 directly, so if you have a huge data set and versioning enabled unfortunately this needs to query all versions in order to return meaningful results. These responses aren't usually slow, but if it's e.. MinIO served from HDD then these get awfully slow. We're working on a proxy/cache layer which might suit some users (depending whether bucket receives other external/outside writes), but it's not yet ready. Please let me know if you find this useful and if you have any other problems or feature ideas. (edited)
Just a question. You've mentioned: "On all platforms" in your post title. Apple Universal purchase works on iOS/macOS, but doesn't propagate to other platforms (e.g. Windows/Linux/Android) as per our FAQ: If you would like "all platforms" license, then we can provide you a discount code (based on your existing Apple purchase), so you can get one from our website:
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S3Drive - One Sync run failed (SOLVED: S3 provider returned HTML instead of XML)
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support / One Sync run failed (SOLVED: S3 provider returned HTML instead of XML)
I used to sync automatic uploads directory between two different s3 providers then I don't need to upload so many photos and videos from local again,however I met some errors their..
Logs indicate that one try #10 have failed, but the subsequent were successfull. The error message: "<Error> but have <html>" indicates that there was a technical failure with your provider who responded with HTTP error code, but haven't provided Error message in the XML format.
s3drive changed the channel name: One Sync run failed (SOLVED: S3 provider returned HTML instead of XML) 06/08/2024 9:18 AM
I don't how to provide the error message
Exported 4 message(s)
S3Drive - Open E2E Encryption and then the problem
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support / Open E2E Encryption and then the problem
I download the file but there is no method and function to set the path of the download location. This is unreasonable and needs improvement! Also, when I open the file uploaded after E2E encryption, when I download multiple files separately, it will become a zip compression package and download to the local, When I open or unzip the ZIP file, it is empty, although there is no error, but my file can not find it, the ZIP file shows the size of the capacity, open is empty.
👍 1
Exported 1 message(s)
S3Drive - OpenSUSE - empty window widget
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support / OpenSUSE - empty window widget
cyberkiller40 03/22/2024 7:57 AM
Just made a fresh install on OpenSUSE, using flatpak, but I only get an empty window widget, plain grey rectangle, nothing in it. terminal output isn't helpful either xxx@yyy:~/tmp> flatpak run Gtk-Message: 08:54:51.508: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module" ** (kapsa:2): CRITICAL **: 08:54:51.650: Failed to read XDG desktop portal settings: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.portal.Error.NotFound: Nie odnaleziono żądanego ustawienia package:media_kit_libs_linux registered. ** (kapsa:2): WARNING **: 08:54:51.703: libsecret_error: \xea╗\u000dV This libsecret error throws different artifacts on every run. OpenSUSE Leap 15.5 (edited)
Hi, it seem to me that problem might be related to keychain unlocking. One user reported similar problem on Archlinux and tried keychain unlocking using seahorse, but actually problem was on our end with the Flatpak configuration: which we fixed here: We would need to try out the fresh OpenSUSE install ourselves and play with the keychain, but given we're pretty busy currently, it likely won't happen before Easter break.
cyberkiller40 03/22/2024 7:29 PM
Ok, so is this pushed somewhere so I can check it on my end?
It is live though, can you please verify if GNOME keyring is installed on your end?
cyberkiller40 03/22/2024 7:30 PM
Might not be, I use kde
Give me an hour, the baby is going to sleep at the moment
We use this library for credentials management: which on Linux uses: Based on instructions above: on top of: you might need this package: which allows:
Access the GNOME Keyring (and any other service implementing the DBus Secret Service API) from the command line.
which is pretty much what we whitelisted in the Flatpak commit in my previous comment. PS. No rush and good luck with the kid ! BTW. If this works, then we'll update documentation to include these additional steps. Thank you for your input here.
Flutter Secure Storage provides API to store data in secure storage. Keychain is used in iOS, KeyStore based solution is used in Android.
cyberkiller40 03/22/2024 7:43 PM
I have both gnome keyring and libsecret-1-0; kwallet is functional too (edited)
I added a note with my specific distro version above, Leap 15.5
the appimage gives a different error /tmp/.mount_S3Driv6vx0Em/kapsa: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
which is a puzzle itself - why need a video player lib??? (and this version isn't in the repo, only v1)
the appimage gives a different error /tmp/.mount_S3Driv6vx0Em/kapsa: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Regarding OpenSuse, sorry, but I am not able to provide what else might require checking. We probably need to spend some time on it testing an app with a little bit of trial & error. Regarding AppImage issue. Within S3Drive there is an option to preview videos (including encrypted ones). We use this library: which then relies on MPV on Linux. The issue is that we've upgraded OS on our build machine (in order to resolve some other issues that we were having), so the app is packaged with libmpv2, however the AppImage itself is built on machine where libmpv2 isn't available, therefore we can't easily include it. We need to cleanup this mess / pay the debt... but before we do it user will likely need to install libmpv2 on their end. (edited)
A cross-platform video player & audio player for Flutter & Dart. Performant, stable, feature-proof & modular.
cyberkiller40 03/22/2024 8:58 PM
Ok, it's no rush. Let me know here if anything gets moving regarding this in the future and I'll check (edited)
We've updated our AppImage, so it actually includes libmpv2 libraries. We've had to bump the build machine from 22.04 to 23.04 in order to load libmpv2, so it should no longer fail on: error while loading shared libraries: as previously. I've then used that AppImage on Leap 15.5 and received pretty much the same error that you've received using Flatpak release. I am not familiar with the DBus stuff, but it's likely related to: xdg-desktop-portal. I've specifically installed GNOME portal: zypper install xdg-desktop-portal-gnome , but it still hasn't resolved the issue. I am sure we will get to that eventually. If you have any hints in the meantime please let me know. Thanks ! (edited)
cyberkiller40 03/26/2024 8:12 PM
Ok, so that's some progress
cyberkiller40 04/04/2024 6:58 PM
is there a bugtracker somewhere public, that I could track this issue? I don't know if discord won't make this hidden and forgotten after a while
cyberkiller40 05/08/2024 9:21 AM
I just updated from flatpak, version 1.8.8 seems to be working correctly, thanks!
cyberkiller40 05/08/2024 9:32 AM
well, I was to quick to praise it, it fails at login with a message that it can't unlock the keyring
Given that we've made some improvements in our other Linux releases, would you be happy to try out AppImage and see if keyring issue is also a problem? (edited)
One trick might be to install: "keepassxc" and run it, it may install required dependencies and/or configure the libsecret. I haven't tried that myself. (edited)
We've added couple things to our Flatpak build, not quite sure if these changes addresses the libsecret issue, but it's certainly worth trying.
Exported 21 message(s)
S3Drive - Password / fingerprint unlock
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support / Password / fingerprint unlock
Can you provide a 4-digit password to unlock the app, as well as a fingerprint to identify the way to unlock it? This is very important to me. Thank you.
👍 1
s3drive changed the channel name: Password / fingerprint unlock 03/26/2024 11:41 AM
Exported 4 message(s)
S3Drive - Pause/resume transfer
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support / Pause/resume transfer
Do we support segmented uploads and pause uploads instead of stopping uploads altogether?
s3drive changed the channel name: Pause / resume transfer 04/21/2024 8:08 AM
Pause / resume isn't supported just yet.
OK fine I think it's It's inconvenient for me.
s3drive changed the channel name: Pause/resume transfer 04/21/2024 4:24 PM
Exported 5 message(s)
S3Drive - Pending multipart uploads aren't cleaned up automatically
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support / Pending multipart uploads aren't cleaned up automatically
I did not point to start backing up, all his files began to re-create their own automatic generation of all photos began to automatically back up. What the hell does that mean? I didn't open that thing, it just started backing up itself. I was ready to delete the bucket, but he told me that some segments were being uploaded. Can not end can not delete but I have canceled all settings in S3drive, I can not see any segmentation, which caused me to not be able to delete the normal program, this is really very garbage, do not understand what is going on, where is the segmentation You this APP has an automatic generation of buffer file function, but also can not see, has been automatically uploaded to a folder, so I can not delete it?Can these caching functions be turned off to stop it caching, really can not stand, has been repeatedly generated useless cache files. How to get this and is this segmented upload file can not be solved Moreover, the previous segmented upload also failed, leaving two or three parts in the server. I can't see it locally now, but I can see it when they manage it on their end. But I can't click delete, it's a gray button. Please stop that caching feature, stop automatically backing up all my pictures and videos when I don't have the backup button on, I really can't stand it.
In fact, I have closed the login credentials in your APP, and it is no longer associated. But the cache file is still automatically generated, I can't delete it, I can't figure out what the logic is
I can't find any ongoing multipart uploads in you s3drive cause it was failed mission that I cancelled them all. But I can't find those multipart chunks and I don't know how to delete them.
We will add a function to cleanup all pending multipart uploads. There are many reasons why multipart upload might stay pending, but that’s a separate topic.
So u don't have any ideas about cleaning up those multipart Ghostfiles
How about the cache that Automatically generated,
You have: "Backup when app starts" option selected in media backup, that means that everytime you start or resume (from the app selector) app, backup will be started. You need to turn it off if you wan't to control backup manually or you need to "Stop backup" if it's running. In your case it apparently has finished, but there are some multipart uploads entries that haven't been cleaned up for some reason. Before we implement multipart upload cleanup, you can either clean it up yourself manually: or disable multipart uploads in the Settings.
Sometimes multipart uploads hang or don't complete for some reason. In that case you are stuck with orphaned parts that are tricky to remove. You can list them with: aws s3api list-multipart-uploa...
s3drive changed the channel name: Pending multipart uploads aren't cleaned up automatically 03/26/2024 11:39 AM
In the newest Windows version you can find an option in the settings to cleanup multipart uploads:
not for Android
On Android it will appear at some point this week.
You didn't respond to my messages on your private chat channel.
Sorry, I can't immediately respond to all of the queries.
I understand your situation. I'm sorry.
This is available on Android, please let me know if this solves your issue.
Exported 15 message(s)
S3Drive - Persistent S3Drive on Windows
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support / Persistent S3Drive on Windows
I have gotten S3Drive during the Black Friday offer out of interest of the drive mount feature as a persistent cloud storage. I have managed to set it up, but have observed that every time I boot up Windows, I have to first open S3Drive then mount it by right-clicking on the taskbar. Would it be possible to add an option to mount it on Windows startup? (edited)
Hi @arkeror, thank you for supporting us ! Option for desktop auto-start is on our roadmap: I will make sure that we add an option to auto mount drive when app starts. We'll likely have it added within the next few weeks !
Thanks for the reply, looking forward to it!
Hi @arkeror, this feature now landed in just released 1.6.4 version. 🚀 At the moment app starts with full UI, in the future we will fix it, so once it starts it's minimized and stays in tray which I believe would be preferred for most users.
That's great to hear! Thanks for the hard work C:
👍 3
Exported 5 message(s)
S3Drive - photosync and browser Application
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support / photosync and browser Application
Will u develop a sync and broswer pics and videos application looks same or familiar with Google photos App, meanwhile keep Keep the original settings of backing up by folder, and then browse the albums by month, year, days, noetc., intelligently classify, and facilitate the grouping and management of picture downloads. reaaly need this kind App
👍 1
S3Drive isn't currently by any chance replacement to Google Photos and there are other competing products that can be used. Regardless, we will catch up in the area of photo management, but it will take us while. Did you check our roadmap? (edited)
MacOS native mount, iOS mount, Thumbnails, SSO integration, Managed storage plans, Folder sync on Android, Photo management tools
Great news,happy
S3Drive isn't currently by any chance replacement to Google Photos and there are other competing products that can be used. Regardless, we will catch up in the area of photo management, but it will take us while. Did you check our roadmap? (edited)
Wonderful wish to come true.
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S3Drive - PhotoSync for S3 not syncing
Guild icon
support / PhotoSync for S3 not syncing
I have selected a bunch of folders for auto-upload. But nothing seems to happen. Are they not supposed to upload the contents of the folder? Or do I need to select every file to sync?
Hi @pjort.kat, just to make sure that we're on the same page. Are we talking about PhotoSync Android app, S3Drive syncing on desktop or S3Drive media backup on mobile? (edited)
It is two different problems, this I am describing here is the PhotoSync ANdroid app
Existing files needs to be synced manually, there is a range select to help you with that however if folder is marked for auto-upload and upload constraints are met (only wifi, low battery, charger connected etc.) then any new photo you take shall be synced automatically. There is also a feature which would help you to manage upload status if you switch to a new phone and connect to bucket previously used with PhotoSync (it would recognize file names and mark as uploaded accordingly).
In S3Drive you can backup existing photos when selecting a folder (prompt asks whether to upload existing or only new), however we don't yet support background upload (something that PhotoSync does):
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S3Drive - Picture-in-picture media play-out
Guild icon
support / Picture-in-picture media play-out
will u support Playing video in picture-in-picture mode, and playing audio and video in the background, the main interface can still continue to operate the file upload and download, instead of only staying in the open audio and video interface and unable to perform other operations, whether on the computer or mobile phone application.
s3drive changed the channel name: Background media play-out inside the app 04/21/2024 4:21 PM
At the moment there is no library which would allow us to implement that easily, so this will have to wait a little. (edited)
s3drive changed the channel name: Picture-in-picture media play-out 04/24/2024 12:28 PM
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S3Drive - Privacy folder / folder lock screen
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support / Privacy folder / folder lock screen
fardinahmedshovon 09/29/2023 1:08 AM
Include Privacy folder or folder lock system
Thanks for adding feature request, can you elaborate on that please? We plan to implement lock screen: What's the Privacy folder? (edited)
s3drive changed the channel name: Privacy folder / folder lock screen 10/30/2023 5:29 PM
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S3Drive - Public bucket vs presigned URL
Guild icon
support / Public bucket vs presigned URL
When I create a file share link, the browser can not open this link means that I can not share to download the file, do I need to set the bucket to public access to use sharing? I share the link below:
👍 1
Your link doesn't contain signature, instead of using: "Unsigned URL" either use: "Presigned URL" or don't select any option to "wrap" shared files around S3Drive album. Alternatively you can make your bucket public, but that has consequences, like everyone can download your files given they know the file struture.
Your link doesn't contain signature, instead of using: "Unsigned URL" either use: "Presigned URL" or don't select any option to "wrap" shared files around S3Drive album. Alternatively you can make your bucket public, but that has consequences, like everyone can download your files given they know the file struture.
Thank u
s3drive changed the channel name: Public bucket vs presigned URL 03/11/2024 9:18 PM
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S3Drive - Question: API calls for permission settings
Guild icon
support / Question: API calls for permission settings
Hi, I would like to setup the (minimum) permissions on my bucket for S3Drive, but I don't know which permissions are actually needed. I thought this info would be useful for others too, but every storage provider security control is different. I recommend to document the used S3 API calls per features what everybody can then translate to their storage provider's security settings. This is probably easy to reach with some search in the source code. Features that I think should be mapped to a list of S3 API calls (this is probably redundant): - "to local" sync - "to local without delete" sync - "to remote" sync - "to remote without delete" sync - "to remote, compatibility mode" sync - "two way" sync - media backup - versioning enabled - multipart upload - MD5 verification - default file listing - trash tab (listing) - recent tab (listing) - thumbnail generation - cache generation / refresh - offline files on mobile (edited)
👍 1
We will aim to prepare documentation on this using references to: At the very basic we use V2 listing, HEAD/stat (Show info feature), GET/PUT (via Presigned URLs). For delete we use POST/delete. Copying/moving files uses PUT/copy within a bucket followed by delete (if it aims to emulate move) and version delete (if it's hard delete). On top of that we use Versioning API if available (for recent / trash and couple other features). Then there is Multipart API for uploads. This all is combined with additional parameters (e.g. version ID), prefix/delimter for recursive and non-recursive listings or range queries for video streaming... but as far I am concerned parameters are not part of the IAM / permission, so perhaps these are not necessary. In principle all file operations operate on presigned URLs, there are couple exceptions (e.g. creating a file or folder). Speaking of sync, we won't be able to publish it all exactly just yet, since there are couple edge cases we haven't solved. As you can imagine there are some challenges related to the fact that S3 was never designed with efficient syncing in mind... and we're not done on the final workflow for efficient sync. Just to give you an idea. The GET operation provides date in a lower precision (RFC7231) with no milliseconds, however listings have miliseconds included. In order to determine whether sync is needed, shall we use additional LIST (time and cost) to get the exact timestamp, use hashes (what about E2E encryption?) or support both depending on conditions and user configuration (pain to maintain)? (edited)
Explains the Amazon S3 API operations, related request and response structures, and error codes to enable you to store data in the cloud.
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S3Drive - Quick guide on using Rclone decryption outside S3Drive
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support / Quick guide on using Rclone decryption outside S3Drive
Hi. I just discovered this great backup tool today and subscribed with the plan. I was wondering if you can possibly set up a quick guide on how to decrypt files using rclone outside of s3drive if backed to backblaze b2. I searched the web but couldn't understand how to decrypt files while downloading them or at least from local even though i have found a possible link which may have indirectly explained it from their forum. Thank you. Decrypting files after downloaded from remote - Help and Support - rclone forum
Hello, I'm pretty sure this has been asked and answered before, but I am failing to find a close enough match here, or elsewhere in my searching for comfort. Closest I found was this the thread at the forum here: /t/decrypt-partial-version-of-crypt/4683. Which I think answers the question, but I wanted to be super clear before I planned on the ...
Hi @crim3819, In principle you need to point crypt Rclone remote to the remote which stores the encrypted data, that could be an external remote or local remote (remote is just a name/concept of Rclone and even though FS is local, it is also called remote). We provide a guide how to set this up and decrypt/encrypt files outside of S3Drive given they're present on some external remote, that is S3 server: In this guide: s3drive_crypt points to a bucket within s3drive_remote (which is a S3 provider). If your files are already downloaded then you would need to point your s3drive_crypt to your local FS remote instead. That technically means that within: s3drive_crypt you would replace line: remote = s3drive_remote:<bucket_name> with path to your FS, e.g: remote = C:\MyEncryptedData I hope that helps, if you need any assistance on that please let me know. (edited)
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
Thank you very much kind sir. Wish you all the best.
s3drive changed the channel name: Quick guide on using Rclone decryption outside S3Drive 01/28/2024 10:55 PM
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S3Drive - Rclone mount inside of container
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support / Rclone mount inside of container
Hope u provide one way just use webdav not related to Rclone,cuz there are many error when set up rclone..... I Google anywhere but find no solution
Are you inside of a container?
yes,I found so much issues there
Rclone is difficult yo use,just as alist…
This is rather outside of S3Drive scope. Mount inside of a container still requires some access to host. At least, the: /dev/fuse needs to be accessible: and FUSE installed on your host system NOT on your guest container. (edited)
s3drive changed the channel name: Rclone mount inside of container 03/21/2024 6:54 AM
This is rather outside of S3Drive scope. Mount inside of a container still requires some access to host. At least, the: /dev/fuse needs to be accessible: and FUSE installed on your host system NOT on your guest container. (edited)
we really need some different login method to webdav but not from Rclone ,just like some local files explorer App we visit webdav by typing in my webdav URL username passwd, Without the need to configure Rclone to log in
Basic WebDav is supported by S3Drive but Rclone executable needs to be installed. It doesn't require FUSE as on your screenshots. You can then visit: http://localhost:8080. In the future we will allow setting username / password and allow this to work without Rclone. Please note that in fact WebDav server is broken in a current S3Drive release and will be fixed in a 1.8.1 Thanks for reporting the issue.
thanks for supporting
Basic WebDav is supported by S3Drive but Rclone executable needs to be installed. It doesn't require FUSE as on your screenshots. You can then visit: http://localhost:8080. In the future we will allow setting username / password and allow this to work without Rclone. Please note that in fact WebDav server is broken in a current S3Drive release and will be fixed in a 1.8.1 Thanks for reporting the issue.
you pics it's very useful And the steps.
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S3Drive - Refresh/rebuild cache in the background
Guild icon
support / Refresh/rebuild cache in the background
I like the idea of having a cached version of my B2 buckets on my phone. It helps if I quickly need to find something within it. But I have one (or two) feature requests. I'd like there to be an option so that the refresh/rebuild of the cache of the files is done without two pop-ups showing. I'd like to press the refresh button (or a task that requires a cache refresh like sorting) to have the rebuild task run in the background until finished. Also I name things in my bucket in a dated order, so I would like to have the ability to keep a cached version of the name sort in descending order (or any sort for that matter).
Hi, thanks for your feedback. In a next release there will be an improvement in "Cached mode" preventing double runs and better indication of "loading" and "error" (if failed). There are two prompts currently as you've rightly pointed out. The first one is to confirm the user action (this is because on most S3 buckets this operation may incur additional costs, e.g. if bucket has 100k files, user would pay at least for 100 list requests). The second one is a way to notify user that rebuild has finished which we believe is useful, especially in rebuilds taking longer than a few seconds. We could technically configure the first one: "Don't ask it anymore", but how would you like to get notified once rebuild has finished (second prompt)? == Regarding your second feature request. We could add an option to persist last sort used in the cached mode accros all accounts. Would that work for you? (edited)
Please note that in 1.9.2 release there is better indication for error/loading when cache is being rebuilt. Pop up are still there though.
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S3Drive - Respect MIME Type when previewing files
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support / Respect MIME Type when previewing files
cubityfirst 10/16/2023 1:08 PM
All of the images that I have uploaded to my bucket don't include an extension, but they do have a file type associated with them. When I click on these extensionless files in S3Drive, nothing happens. It says that the preview is unavailable.
👍 1
As you point out we rely on extension to detect the file type. MIME type information isn't available for us when we list the files, so we can't really efficiently determine the file type (and display proper file type / icon upfront). We would have to query each S3 key separately which would have horrendous performance impact. What we could do, upon clicking on the file, instead of displaying "Preview not available", we could silently fetch metadata and based on MIME type we could deduct that's indeed an image or video or something else and then open valid preview. The issue is that it still wouldn't work with encryption enabled. When we upload files we set MIME type to octet stream to not reveal the file contents. This makes this feature applicable to existing buckets with unencrypted files without extension. Can I ask what's your use case having files without extension? (edited)
Hi @cubityfirst, sorry for reaching to you directly. We would be happy to include this feature in our roadmap, but I am trying to understand the use case behind files without extension.
cubityfirst 10/20/2023 5:08 PM
Oh sorry, I've been crazy busy. The only reason is so that when I'm linking files directly from the bucket, it doesn't show. I could have some other middleware of sorts to strip / allow stripped extensions but at the moment I just upload files with stripped extensions.
It's probably a super low priority feature because in the grand scheme of things it's probably literally just me. It's just something that I noticed while browsing.
Fair enough. I will add this to our internal queue, so we have it in mind when we do changes around file preview etc. Shouldn't be really hard to implement. Thanks for taking time to report this.
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S3Drive - Right-click context menu on desktop
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support / Right-click context menu on desktop
Exported 1 message(s)
S3Drive - S3Drive flatpak - libsecret error
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support / S3Drive flatpak - libsecret error
Upon starting the application window stays pure white and it gives the error Gtk-Message: 02:13:03.143: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module" (kapsa:2): Gdk-CRITICAL **: 02:13:03.199: gdk_window_get_state: assertion 'GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed package:media_kit_libs_linux registered. ** (kapsa:2): WARNING **: 02:13:03.433: libsecret_error: \xa4Z\xe8\x94Ob (edited)
Thanks for reporting. What's your host OS? Can you try installing the: gnome-keyring on your host OS? Are you trying to run S3Drive for the first time or perhaps the issue is new?
Arch linux with kernel 6.7.2 and gnome keyring is installed with the latest version available to me (1:42.1) This is technically my 2nd time running s3drive, the first time I had an issue you already released a fix for, namely the issue
It does seem to be Arch linux specific issue likely related to keychain unlocking, although I didn't manage to find 100% solution just yet. Need to configure Archlinux host (VM won't work for S3Drive) to try things out. In the meantime I've found something about: seahorse package and the necessity of unlocking keyrings. As soon as I find a clear solution I will let you know.
I am on Arch Linux: Linux (desktop) • linux • linux-x64 • Arch Linux 6.4.8-arch1-1 and I am trying to use flutter secure storage but I keep getting this error: ** (home_services_customer:147...
I tried seahorse to see if I could get a bit more info and I got the following, not sure if it will help; Unlocking the default keyring changes the libsecret_error to #8\xaf\u0006dY Temporarily removing the password from the default keyring changes the libsecret_error to R9\u001b\xc2\xc1[
Thank for your input. We've further tweaked Flathub to fix the FUSE mount which wasn't working properly (and still won't until we get further approval -, but also added some additional rules required for Gnome keyring: Build will refresh in a couple hours: so by the morning (GMT+1 here) it shall be available. I would then appreciate if you could have a look if it solves the issue. If not we will have to dig deeper.
It's live, it may've solved the libsecret issue, but hard to tell. Certainly FUSE mount will need to wait until this gets approved -
Just tested and the app launches now, I'll let you know if I face any other issues
That's great news, thanks for letting me know.
We've got FUSE fixed and approved, before build gets published by the Flathub (will take couple hours), you can use: flatpak install --user cc @benoit_52236
It's all live.
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S3Drive - S3 Drive lifetime licence
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support / S3 Drive lifetime licence
Bonjour, Je viens d'acheter la licence lifetime mais lorsque je veux créer une synchronisation il me dit toujours qu'il faut une license ultimate... N'est-ce pas le cas de la licence lifetime ?? Merci d'avance
Hi, thank you for buying the Ultimate license and supporting our project. In order to use your license, you will need to login to the S3Drive using your e-mail/password account (please find the attached screenshot). Can you please confirm you're logged in properly? What's your platform/OS?
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S3Drive - S3Drive Location
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support / S3Drive Location
motorolo_61023 01/03/2024 10:44 AM
Hi. Why does the S3Drive application use my location on Windows 11? Is it necessary? Can I disable it?”
Hi, thanks for your feedback. S3Drive doesn't need location, you can certainly remove location permission to S3Drive. Quick question, do you use .exe release or Microsoft Store release? Did you receive any location permisison request prompt from the S3Drive or perhaps location permission was given to it by default? We're going to investigate why actually it's being reported as if we were using location. (edited)
motorolo_61023 01/04/2024 12:36 AM
Hi. Thank you for your prompt response. I'm using the Microsoft Store release. I didn't get any location permission prompt, so I guess it was given by default. I realized the location icon was being shown on the system tray just after using S3Drive for the first or second time. (edited)
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S3Drive - S3 endpoint and CORS setup
Guild icon
support / S3 endpoint and CORS setup
Hi i just setup an s3 bucket on aws and struggling now with accessing it S3Drive app I created already the accesskey but where can i find the s3-enpoint for my bucket or how do i create it? Many thanks already for any help 🙂
S3Drive allows you to use any of the S3 compatible file storage (e.g. AWS, Backblaze, Wasabi, Scaleway, Storj, iDrive, MinIO etc.) as your Zero Knowledge E2E encrypted cloud storage.
morethanevil 08/03/2023 10:45 AM
The endpoint is the URL to connect You can see yours in the docs of AWS ☺
Find the endpoints for AWS services.
Oh ok, cool thanks. But now i stumble into the next error ^^: "It seams that your bucket isnt configured for web. Please setup CORSE settings". And i can find those settings in my S3-bucket, but have no idea what hast to be there to work with S3Drive? Can you maybe help me also with that one 🥹
morethanevil 08/03/2023 1:03 PM
Enable cross-origin resource sharing by setting a CORS configuration on your bucket using the AWS Management Console, the REST API, or the AWS SDKs.
Bookmark the aws docs, they are helpful if you run into trouble ☺
yeah thought so too, and found that already. But which json construct do i need exactly for working with S3Drive? That is my problem currently
ok, the following did the trick. GET must be also added to make it working. Thanks for your help ☺️ [ { "AllowedHeaders": [ "*" ], "AllowedMethods": [ "GET", "PUT", "POST", "DELETE" ], "AllowedOrigins": [ "" ], "ExposeHeaders": [] } ]
🎉 1
morethanevil 08/03/2023 2:40 PM
Thanks for sharing your solution 🌞
Hi @alex_50852 , In S3Drive there is a: "Set up CORS" button in the Settings menu which can set this up for you. At the moment we use this configuration, which is slightly too heavy due to legacy encryption that we still need to support. <CORSConfiguration xmlns=""> <CORSRule> <ID>S3Drive</ID> <AllowedOrigin></AllowedOrigin> <AllowedMethod>GET</AllowedMethod> <AllowedMethod>HEAD</AllowedMethod> <AllowedMethod>POST</AllowedMethod> <AllowedMethod>PUT</AllowedMethod> <AllowedMethod>DELETE</AllowedMethod> <MaxAgeSeconds>3600</MaxAgeSeconds> <ExposeHeader>etag</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-x-amz-key</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-x-amz-iv</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-x-amz-cek-alg</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-x-amz-wrap-alg</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-x-amz-key-v2</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-x-amz-tag-len</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-x-amz-unencrypted-content-length</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-version-id</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-key</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-iv</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-chunk</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-cek-alg</ExposeHeader> <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-s3drive</ExposeHeader> <AllowedHeader>*</AllowedHeader> </CORSRule> </CORSConfiguration> Please note that in your configuration there are at least couple things missing which may affect some features. For instance HEAD HTTP operation or: x-amz-version-id and x-amz-meta-s3drive (optional) headers. (edited)
👍 1
s3drive changed the channel name: S3 endpoint and CORS setup 08/03/2023 4:53 PM
Thanks for the solution. Yeah, as i tried first to setup it with the web-client, i could not access the settings-menu without atleast partly correct CORS settings set for the bucket. But did it now and it worked as i updated them with the "ExposeHeader" fields, etc...
Thanks for the solution. Yeah, as i tried first to setup it with the web-client, i could not access the settings-menu without atleast partly correct CORS settings set for the bucket. But did it now and it worked as i updated them with the "ExposeHeader" fields, etc...
Technically on the first web login without valid CORS you should've received an error message from S3Drive and prompt to set up the CORS with the link/button. Upon clicking on the prompt the: "Set up CORS" shall be routed through proxy managed by us to overcome CORS limitations on the browser side. If this hasn't happened, then either the CORS settings were partially there or we've failed to detect that. Do you mind sharing what S3 provider are you using?
i think then smth went wrong. Cause yes i received the error message on the first weg login, but without the option for a link or button to setup CORS. It was really just the alert message on the buttom and clicking on it doesnt do anything. My S3 Provider is AWS and initially the CORS settings there were blank as i searched for it after the first try to login. And only after may partially correct CORS settings i could login and find then with your help the button in the settings to correct the CORS settings automatically.
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S3Drive - Save file as [NOT into browser cache]
Guild icon
support / Save file as [NOT into browser cache]
szirok_03617 09/01/2023 10:24 AM
please add support to download using save file as, not into browser storage. Lets say on c: drive i have 1gb free space, so i want to save 5gb file on e: drive where i have 200gb free space. i cant because web app downloads to cache on c please add possibility to download using save file as at start, not first to cache
👍 2
Thanks for your suggestion. If your file isn't encrypted, then you can use: "Share link" option and then select: "Raw S3 presigned URL". You will get the direct link to your resource which you can use in your browser or any download client. If encryption is enabled there is no decrypted resource URL that we could expose so you could "right click" on it and "Save file as". I am not up to date with the File System API: and whether nowadays it is possible. Do you know any other web-app which offers E2E encryption and have this feature implemented? I would be keen to check out if and how they've managed to achieve it.
s3drive changed the channel name: Save file as [NOT into browser cache] 09/03/2023 1:06 PM
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S3Drive - Scrolling weirdness in the sync section
Guild icon
support / Scrolling weirdness in the sync section
Hi, I am facing an unusual issue on the sync section. The scrolling doesn't seem to work properly and it gets stuck occasionally. I haven't seen this issue in any other app or section within this app on my Pixel 8 Pro. I am attaching a video. Let me know your thoughts. Also, are there plans to do something about these errors? (edited)
Thanks for your feedback. Scrolling issue will be addressed in a next release. Speaking of sync issues, I can see you have at least 3 sync entries, on the video I can only see 2 errors related to Proton back-end. One error points looks like Proton API gave up or/and there were connection issues from your end. Can you let me know what were the circumstances, did you start these sync yourself and then waited for the results or perhaps it was started when app was in the background? Was it on WiFi or mobile connection? Speaking of other error "wrong credentials" it may well be that Proton integration: isn't entirely thread safe, so if there is more than one parallel execution weird things may happen. I only speculate, but it looks like security token in one of the execution was possibly overwritten by the other execution. Quick question did you set up Proton using username/password or perhaps used just the access tokens / refresh token as mentioned here?
Explore this conversation and more from the ProtonMail community
Thanks for getting back to me. That's great to hear! Regarding proton, things seem to crumble when you start sending a few gigabytes of data. Eventually you get a message like "Your client has been blocked due to suspected abuse. Go to to appeal" (which I have done and the support haven't been terribly helpful). The solution I have found has been to recreate the "proton" profile. So I keep doing this and rush to get the 6 digit code into JSON (see below) and add it into S3 Drive before it expires... I don't know if it's concurrency related. This feels more like locking out API users based on client ID. I don't blame this on S3 Drive. What is problematic is the handling and displaying of errors across most of the sync jobs I have set up (not just proton ones) and the fact that they seem to not vanish. I have other errors like: hash mismatch (corrupted on transfer?), exception on transfer (no useful info) etc. Ideally this would retry automatically and hide the logs & errors from the user. Some of them I can't do anything about so there is little point in notifying me about it.
Quick question did you set up Proton using username/password or perhaps used just the access tokens / refresh token as mentioned here?
Sort of. What I paste into the new profile input box is something like this: {"proton-vN": {"username": "myusername", "password": "mypassword", "2fa": "123123"}} This seems to generate the other bits: { "2fa": "1231234", "client_access_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "client_refresh_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "client_salted_key_pass": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==", "client_uid": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "password": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "type": "protondrive", "username": "myusername" }
Also it'd be amazing to see the progress of sync tasks. I have seen the spinning icon showing that it's syncing but % complete or X/Y GiB transferred or something would be amazing as well because right now it's not clear if a job is stuck, it's just begun, it is finishing etc...
Thanks for getting back to me. That's great to hear! Regarding proton, things seem to crumble when you start sending a few gigabytes of data. Eventually you get a message like "Your client has been blocked due to suspected abuse. Go to to appeal" (which I have done and the support haven't been terribly helpful). The solution I have found has been to recreate the "proton" profile. So I keep doing this and rush to get the 6 digit code into JSON (see below) and add it into S3 Drive before it expires... I don't know if it's concurrency related. This feels more like locking out API users based on client ID. I don't blame this on S3 Drive. What is problematic is the handling and displaying of errors across most of the sync jobs I have set up (not just proton ones) and the fact that they seem to not vanish. I have other errors like: hash mismatch (corrupted on transfer?), exception on transfer (no useful info) etc. Ideally this would retry automatically and hide the logs & errors from the user. Some of them I can't do anything about so there is little point in notifying me about it.
Quick question did you set up Proton using username/password or perhaps used just the access tokens / refresh token as mentioned here?
Sort of. What I paste into the new profile input box is something like this: {"proton-vN": {"username": "myusername", "password": "mypassword", "2fa": "123123"}} This seems to generate the other bits: { "2fa": "1231234", "client_access_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "client_refresh_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "client_salted_key_pass": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==", "client_uid": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "password": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "type": "protondrive", "username": "myusername" }
Speaking of Proton blocking rclone (and S3Drive as a result), there was some backlash ~12 days ago: We've asked them if they have any advice for Rclone/S3Drive users that we could pass on: Proton reply:
Hi! Yes, The particular issue seems to be that many users of rclone run a sync every 10 minutes. We have now modified some settings on our end which should make it easier to use rclone, but we advise not to run sync too frequently.
I hope that eventually they will either provide an API or find out ways to improve their API performance and tweak the abuse auto detection. ==
What is problematic is the handling and displaying of errors across most of the sync jobs I have set up (not just proton ones) and the fact that they seem to not vanish. I have other errors like: hash mismatch (corrupted on transfer?), exception on transfer (no useful info) etc. Ideally this would retry automatically and hide the logs & errors from the user. Some of them I can't do anything about so there is little point in notifying me about it.
Current verbose setup is somewhat deliberate action to clearly display the cause of failure, so users can report. We weren't able to reliably test it on all back-ends and platforms, so we've released early version in: [1.7.0] - 2023-12-29 release and then in February [1.7.9] - 2024-02-09 released Folder sync on Android along with first major redesign of Sync functionality on all platforms. History:
👍 1
Yet another redesign, including better error handling, transfer/progress indicator, notifications will come next (possibly later this year) as we keep discovering some gotchas around Rclone and build knowledge about ways to integrate with its core. Before that redesign happens we'll still need to address other higher priority items, e.g. improved cipher: to allow secure sharing and write mode for Android mounts: Background processing for Rclone will likely be executed in 2025, as our 2024 roadmap is already tight enough. Please bear with us and keep sending your feedback, it's not lost... and it helps us to better allocate our development resources. Thank you. (edited)
👍 1
Exported 6 message(s)
S3Drive - Self-signed SSL certificates
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support / Self-signed SSL certificates
There is an underlying shortcoming in the technology that w use for the S3Drive which results in user managed CAs on the system level not being included in the system HTTP library. There is a relevant issue that will hopefully be able to resolve it: There are some workarounds that we could implement by allowing user to upload their certificates to the app e.g. or by allow certificate whitelisting (even if they fail chain validation)... however this feature isn't the highest priority given our other work. Let's use this item to keep track of the updates. (edited)
👍 1
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S3Drive - Setting up Backblaze B2 and encrypted video preview
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support / Setting up Backblaze B2 and encrypted video preview
Deleted User 03/28/2024 4:59 PM
I’ve been trying to upload videos but have had no luck. Each time it comes up with an error. At first it would stop half way but turned off the multipart upload. But now after reaching 100% I get this error which is shown in the attached picture. I wanted to see how playback works on the cloud compare to other encrypted cloud playbacks
Thank you for your report. Does this apply to testing account provided by S3Drive or is it different S3 provider?
Deleted User 03/28/2024 5:19 PM
Can you elaborate ? I’m not sure I understand what you’re asking
I’m just using the free plan s3 account I made via the app. If that’s what your asking
Fair enough, there is a relevant prompt to mention that this account is for testing purposes only. In fact we're experiencing some technical issues with our S3 provider. I would recommend to register a free tier account at one of the S3 providers: create a bucket: and then connect from the S3Drive. We hope to resolve these issues soon, in the meantime, recommended workflow for S3Drive is to use external provider.
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
Deleted User 03/28/2024 5:34 PM
Which one would you suggest that does instant playback of videos ?
And I’d s3drive not a cloud in it self ?
I personally don't have much issues with Backblaze B2. S3Drive itself is a software that connects to S3 and Rclone compatible clouds. Later this year we will be offering managed storage plans.
Deleted User 03/28/2024 6:10 PM
I just want a cloud with instant playback and with E2E but I just don’t want to wait for a video to decrypt rather wanting instant playback if it exists
And does backblaze b2 have an iOS app
You'll need to install S3Drive on iOS: and then connect to Backblaze B2 (they don't have an app, they're just S3 provider). Instant playback is a function of S3Drive, not the cloud. This is because with E2E, decryption must happen on the client-side (that is S3Drive). Cloud is only a place where files are stored. Encrypted video playout is part of Ultimate / Business plan: though.
Deleted User 03/28/2024 6:25 PM
Will I be able to sort files via my phone on backblaze via s3drive or would I have to use a pc? Sorry for so many questions
So whatever I put on backblaze will be decrypted for playback instantly on s3drive ?
No worries, I am here to help out. S3 provides only alphabetical order on objects, however once you enable filename encryption even alphabetical order doesn't make any sense, since encrypted filenames are just "random blobs" of data. The side effect is that with true E2E model ordering needs to happen on the client-side and that's what we allow via: "Cached mode" where you're prompted to confirm index build, which takes couple seconds to couple minutes (depending on number of files) and the sorting becomes available. Sorting is available on all platforms, including mobile. It's available for free.
So whatever I put on backblaze will be decrypted for playback instantly on s3drive ?
That's right. Since we don't have a trial available just yet, I encourage you to get the chepeast monthly subscription to test things out. If you aren't happy with what we offer we will cancel your order and refund full amount.
No worries, I am here to help out. S3 provides only alphabetical order on objects, however once you enable filename encryption even alphabetical order doesn't make any sense, since encrypted filenames are just "random blobs" of data. The side effect is that with true E2E model ordering needs to happen on the client-side and that's what we allow via: "Cached mode" where you're prompted to confirm index build, which takes couple seconds to couple minutes (depending on number of files) and the sorting becomes available. Sorting is available on all platforms, including mobile. It's available for free.
So whatever I put on backblaze will be decrypted for playback instantly on s3drive ?
That's right. Since we don't have a trial available just yet, I encourage you to get the chepeast monthly subscription to test things out. If you aren't happy with what we offer we will cancel your order and refund full amount.
Deleted User 03/28/2024 7:02 PM
As in trial for s3 or backblaze ? I currently have a free subscription for s3
Appreciate your help loads
S3Drive. Speaking of Backblaze B2, you're getting 10GB storage for free, indefinitely.
S3Drive. Speaking of Backblaze B2, you're getting 10GB storage for free, indefinitely.
Deleted User 03/28/2024 7:42 PM
So I won’t know s3drive full capabilities until I use the trial right
On mobile / desktop currently yes. You can use web client though as it doesn't have any paywall currently. Bear in mind that mobile / desktop clients contain more features (sync, backup, Rclone etc.) which are not applicable to Web, so your Web experience will tell you something, but not 100%. (edited)
👍 1
move / copy loading 30min still failed everytime every operation whaterver files space or dict amount is
move / copy loading 30min still failed everytime every operation whaterver files space or dict amount is
That's not related to this item, please create a new one at #support and specify OS, S3Drive version and S3 provider at least.
Deleted User 03/29/2024 12:39 AM
Finally got it working with backblaze, I was wondering does s3 work with Icedrive - only because I’ve got a one terabyte cloud with them but you can’t play any encrypted file without downloading
Deleted User
Finally got it working with backblaze, I was wondering does s3 work with Icedrive - only because I’ve got a one terabyte cloud with them but you can’t play any encrypted file without downloading
There isn't any official integration with Rclone <> Icedrive, but since Icedrive supports WebDAV you could configure it using Rclone <> WebDAV. Make sure your credentials work fine: Then configure on the S3Drive side: If you need E2E encryption then you would have to create the crypt on top of webdav: Bear in mind, that encrypted video playout and thumbnails aren't yet supported for Rclone back-ends, as this requires streaming interface which Rclone doesn't expose through their API. There are some other ways that we've already explored and it's possible to implement streaming, however we currently lack resources to implement that, as there are other priorities:
MacOS native mount, iOS mount, Thumbnails, SSO integration, Managed storage plans, Folder sync on Android, Photo management tools
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
Deleted User 03/29/2024 12:02 PM
Oh okay, btw the app is great. I may just go to koofr instead of backblaze due to more pricing options
Deleted User
Oh okay, btw the app is great. I may just go to koofr instead of backblaze due to more pricing options
Thanks for your feedback. What pricing options do you mean? Backblaze B2 is priced at $6TB/month (billed at GB increments) and the usage is calculated hourly. That means that you'll always pay for the actual usage. (edited)
Deleted User 03/29/2024 12:26 PM
I didn’t want to pay monthly
I like the s3 process just looking for the right cloud for myself
I thought koofr support s3 but it only supports webdav but as I just going to be using my phone to transfer files I’m just looking for convenience
Whatever works for you. If you need my help on anything just let me know.
Thanks for your feedback. What pricing options do you mean? Backblaze B2 is priced at $6TB/month (billed at GB increments) and the usage is calculated hourly. That means that you'll always pay for the actual usage. (edited)
Deleted User 03/29/2024 5:01 PM
So are you billed monthly or whenever the amount of data stored goes up ?
You're billed monthly on your usage over 10GB free tier limit. For instance if you've used 100GB for half a month and 200GB for the other half a month, then you would effectively pay for ~150GB. Given the $0.006/GB/mo, that's $0.90
There are additional charges if you exceed free tier bundle, related API usage and egress (aka downloads), in order to avoid unwanted charges you can set it to minimum or even disable it using Caps and Alerts on your account: (edited)
With Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage, you can limit the charges that occur per day due to storage, downloads, or transaction usage.
There are additional charges if you exceed free tier bundle, related API usage and egress (aka downloads), in order to avoid unwanted charges you can set it to minimum or even disable it using Caps and Alerts on your account: (edited)
Deleted User 03/29/2024 5:40 PM
By downloads do you mean decrypted files via s3drive ?
You're billed monthly on your usage over 10GB free tier limit. For instance if you've used 100GB for half a month and 200GB for the other half a month, then you would effectively pay for ~150GB. Given the $0.006/GB/mo, that's $0.90
Deleted User 03/29/2024 5:40 PM
$0.90 is a bargain
Deleted User
By downloads do you mean decrypted files via s3drive ?
Any operation that requires getting that file from the cloud. Download, open, preview, sync (e.g. locally or to other remote storage) etc.
Deleted User
$0.90 is a bargain
Yep, there is a huge value of in using cheap S3 as file storage. We're trying to make this feasible and as easy to use as we can.
s3drive changed the channel name: Setting up Backblaze B2 and encrypted video preview 03/29/2024 5:43 PM
Any operation that requires getting that file from the cloud. Download, open, preview, sync (e.g. locally or to other remote storage) etc.
Deleted User 03/29/2024 7:09 PM
Damn, as I will be doing a lot of that - I’m guessing the price is just gonna exceed
With Icedrive, is it possible to set up via webdav on the s3drive app ?
Deleted User
With Icedrive, is it possible to set up via webdav on the s3drive app ?
👍 1
Deleted User
Damn, as I will be doing a lot of that - I’m guessing the price is just gonna exceed
It really depends, free daily limits are rather generous, 2,5k transactions per day. Then $0.004 per 10,000 (Class B) or $0.004 per 1,000 (Class C). If you do some advanced syncing with lots of small files, yep you may feel the cost. Otherwise you should be fine with free tier. Key is to set up limits, to not get overcharged. That's the whole idea of pay on demand usage. The alternative is, you get the upfront storage for higher cost, but less worries. (edited)
It really depends, free daily limits are rather generous, 2,5k transactions per day. Then $0.004 per 10,000 (Class B) or $0.004 per 1,000 (Class C). If you do some advanced syncing with lots of small files, yep you may feel the cost. Otherwise you should be fine with free tier. Key is to set up limits, to not get overcharged. That's the whole idea of pay on demand usage. The alternative is, you get the upfront storage for higher cost, but less worries. (edited)
Deleted User 03/29/2024 7:37 PM
Which cloud would you suggest for upfront storage which encrypted but supports s3?
I was on pcloud but there encryption is a separate price. Currently on ice drive but doesn’t support s3 but it’s okay considering I can use it for general files. And koofr doesn’t support s3 so I’m just trying to find something with an upfront cost but to be worry free interms of limit
I wouldn't say I recommend, but Wasabi is pretty reliable and don't have additional API costs: The downside is that you're being charged upfront for 3 months for every object... so if you upload a file and delete afterwards, on Backblaze you're being charged for an hour. On Wasabi that would be 3 months. If your dataset isn't changing often, that maybe fine, otherwise, it's going to cost a lot. It's also $1 more expensive per month than Backblaze for every TB. (edited)
Below are the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) pertaining to Wasabi's pay-as-you-go (pay-go) pricing model.
so u think wasabi is better than cloudflare and backblaze about pricing, I' m also interested in Mega OSS upcoming.
Deleted User 03/29/2024 11:13 PM
@s3drive am I doing something wrong with webdav ?
no u have to set up Rclone then u can use webdav on s3drive currently
Deleted User 03/29/2024 11:50 PM
As in I have to set up rclone on pc ?
Would it work even if my pc is off after setting up ?
I'm not sure ,maybe u should ask Tom
Deleted User
@s3drive am I doing something wrong with webdav ?
There must be some typo in your JSON (or maybe there some special character in the user / vendor that needs to be escaped?), but I can't spot it on the screenshot. I've tried this: "icedrive": { "type": "webdav", "url": "", "user": "yourusername", "vendor": "something" } and the config gets added. Alternatively you can use full JSON format (please note additional curly braces), which you can then validate e.g. here: (don't provide your username / vendor though, as they're confidential to you). {"icedrive": { "type": "webdav", "url": "", "user": "yourusername", "vendor": "something" }} (edited)
no u have to set up Rclone then u can use webdav on s3drive currently
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
Deleted User
@s3drive am I doing something wrong with webdav ?
I've think I've got it, your quotation mark is somewhat broken after the URL:
I've think I've got it, your quotation mark is somewhat broken after the URL:
Deleted User 03/30/2024 11:33 AM
I’ll try that, thank you
Managed to configure but I get this error now
Deleted User 03/30/2024 11:52 AM
Validated the json without my credentials and it worked
I’m guessing I’m getting the username wrong as Icedrive is just done by email and they give out a unique webdav password
Deleted User 03/30/2024 11:28 PM
Also I was trying to upload the same file I had a problem with originally but this time through the website but I still get the error
Deleted User 03/31/2024 4:06 AM
what's a vendor
This is related to CORS settings. You can set it up in the settings.
This is related to CORS settings. You can set it up in the settings.
Deleted User 03/31/2024 10:11 AM
What’s CORS ?
This is related to CORS settings. You can set it up in the settings.
Deleted User 03/31/2024 12:47 PM
I can’t find no setting for CORS Tom and why does multi part always turn on after I close the app. Also if I sign into the web browser it always makes me set up a new encryption password
Deleted User 03/31/2024 1:05 PM
Btw this is happening when directly uploading to s3drive not backblaze (edited)
Deleted User 03/31/2024 6:03 PM
If you can set up a guide for koofr vault via rclone please do @s3drive, would be appreciated 🙂
Deleted User
I can’t find no setting for CORS Tom and why does multi part always turn on after I close the app. Also if I sign into the web browser it always makes me set up a new encryption password
just dowbload S3drive app then u will find CORS settings there.
just dowbload S3drive app then u will find CORS settings there.
Deleted User 03/31/2024 10:23 PM
I don’t see it on iOS
Deleted User
Also I was trying to upload the same file I had a problem with originally but this time through the website but I still get the error
I meant this to be related to CORS settings.
Deleted User
I can’t find no setting for CORS Tom and why does multi part always turn on after I close the app. Also if I sign into the web browser it always makes me set up a new encryption password
Encryption password must be set separately on each platform, we don’t store or propagate it, it’s your secret that it’s meant to stay on your device.
Deleted User
I can’t find no setting for CORS Tom and why does multi part always turn on after I close the app. Also if I sign into the web browser it always makes me set up a new encryption password
In the settings for your S3 provider (non-S3Drive) there should be an option in the settings.
Deleted User
I can’t find no setting for CORS Tom and why does multi part always turn on after I close the app. Also if I sign into the web browser it always makes me set up a new encryption password
Regarding multipart issue, we will investigate.
Regarding multipart issue, we will investigate.
Deleted User 04/01/2024 8:16 AM
I’ve stopped using a s3 provider, I wanted to know how to set up koofr on rclone, I just didn’t know the format to write the config
I meant this to be related to CORS settings.
Deleted User 04/01/2024 8:18 AM
CORS setting doesn’t show within the app but it’s okay, I’ve chosen to use rclone but just know how to set it up
Deleted User
I’ve stopped using a s3 provider, I wanted to know how to set up koofr on rclone, I just didn’t know the format to write the config
Once I get chance I will try to setup Koofr myself and let you know. Currently out of office.
Once I get chance I will try to setup Koofr myself and let you know. Currently out of office.
Deleted User 04/01/2024 8:50 AM
Okay thanks Tom, please can you look into it sooner if possible
Deleted User
Okay thanks Tom, please can you look into it sooner if possible
Got something that worked. Set password: Obscure password: Use below config: "koofr": { "endpoint": "", "password": "<obscuredPassword>", "type": "koofr", "user": "" },
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
Deleted User 04/01/2024 10:54 PM
Thanks Tom I’ll try that
Deleted User 04/02/2024 11:06 PM
@s3drive I’ve managed to connect my Koofr account but how can I access my safeboxes (encrypted folders) ?
Deleted User
@s3drive I’ve managed to connect my Koofr account but how can I access my safeboxes (encrypted folders) ?
It seems that since 2023, Koofr uses Rclone compatible encryption, that's good: In such case you can set it up as for every other Rclone compatible back-end using crypt:
Out of curiosity. Given that you have Koofr account, what's your main reason behind trying to set it up using S3Drive instead of Koofr client?
Deleted User 04/03/2024 3:43 AM
Playback, I wanted to encrypt my files and use rclone so I don’t have to download the video each and everytime
I was thinking of instead of getting a NAS box, I could store old tv shows and watch it via kodi and through s3drive on my phone
What would I write as the config for the encrypted folders in rclone
Deleted User
I’ve been trying to upload videos but have had no luck. Each time it comes up with an error. At first it would stop half way but turned off the multipart upload. But now after reaching 100% I get this error which is shown in the attached picture. I wanted to see how playback works on the cloud compare to other encrypted cloud playbacks
Hi again, this is to let you know that we've resolved these issues. Uploads should no longer fail and listings / reads shall be pretty fast now.
👍 1
Deleted User
I was thinking of instead of getting a NAS box, I could store old tv shows and watch it via kodi and through s3drive on my phone
You can set up MinIO on NAS box and access your files using S3 / S3Drive. If you possess NAS, then you don't really need to encrypt your files, so you could preview your files through Kodi, as it won't be able to preview encrypted ones.
You can set up MinIO on NAS box and access your files using S3 / S3Drive. If you possess NAS, then you don't really need to encrypt your files, so you could preview your files through Kodi, as it won't be able to preview encrypted ones.
Deleted User 04/03/2024 10:07 AM
I don’t have a NAS hence using Koofr. Having a NAS would consume to much electricity even on low consumption
Deleted User
I don’t have a NAS hence using Koofr. Having a NAS would consume to much electricity even on low consumption
Ah sorry, I've misread your comment. In such case you could expose unencrypted files to your Kodi instance via crypt / mount combination. I am not sure exactly whether encrypted video streaming works seamlessly that way though. (edited)
Ah sorry, I've misread your comment. In such case you could expose unencrypted files to your Kodi instance via crypt / mount combination. I am not sure exactly whether encrypted video streaming works seamlessly that way though. (edited)
Deleted User 04/03/2024 1:24 PM
That’s fine, via kodi would be a bonus. Main cause it so I can have encrypted playback on my phone via rclone rather than waiting for the video to download
Deleted User
That’s fine, via kodi would be a bonus. Main cause it so I can have encrypted playback on my phone via rclone rather than waiting for the video to download
That's on the radar, but our priorities are more around S3 itself and managed plans. Squeezing Rclone to the limits will come next. Realistically that would be 2024/2025 item.
Deleted User 04/03/2024 3:57 PM
Okay, but could you help me configure Koofrs encrypted folders so I can access them via s3drive ?
As I’ve subscribed to s3drive solely for the decrypted playback
Deleted User
Okay, but could you help me configure Koofrs encrypted folders so I can access them via s3drive ?
I will try to setup Koofr Vault and then configure it from S3Drive. I will let you know hopefully later today whether I've succeeded or not.
👍 1
Deleted User
As I’ve subscribed to s3drive solely for the decrypted playback
Bear in mind that this is limited currently to S3 endpoints, which Koofr doesn't support.
Bear in mind that this is limited currently to S3 endpoints, which Koofr doesn't support.
Deleted User 04/03/2024 7:31 PM
Yeah I’m aware, I just want to see if it would work with rclone (edited)
Deleted User
Yeah I’m aware, I just want to see if it would work with rclone (edited)
I've configured S3Drive with Koofr Vault without trouble, please use this support item for Koofr / Vault related discussion:
I've configured S3Drive with Koofr Vault without trouble, please use this support item for Koofr / Vault related discussion:
Deleted User 04/07/2024 12:41 AM
Couldn’t figure out do I config both codes in the same rclone config or how to do it. Also do I need to state the safe box name ?
Deleted User
Couldn’t figure out do I config both codes in the same rclone config or how to do it. Also do I need to state the safe box name ?
I've replied to you in the other post to keep things organized
I've replied to you in the other post to keep things organized
Deleted User 04/08/2024 3:57 AM
Didn’t understand how to configure to rclone, too techsavy for me 😭
Rclone such difficult to me ,same as Alist...
Exported 100 message(s)
S3Drive - Setting up S3Drive with Koofr Vaults
Guild icon
support / Setting up S3Drive with Koofr Vaults
Moved discussion from: Set password: Obscure password: Use below config: "koofr": { "endpoint": "", "password": "<obscuredPassword>", "type": "koofr", "user": "" }, For Vaults use Koofr generated config (as on the attached screenshot) converted from .ini format to .json. "my-safe-box": { "password": "Jlu2uhkjREtxwkmLAyflSM4YSuPy3KGiR_Q", "password2": "lPdPuA0EnMp4I-aRBdczD4nR2oU5PJboEZj2THpKPPAqiKWf2I0dyA2SA1VO9YhjZFL6r0oJZJPN6Hdj9B1KE8JOt85qbnbDXk3_lyuQR-egy3U5lBpx6x-3ru28np2jVy0LH-fTb_lYiiImIquUIkIOOiAAKrwalIsK-tBGgz06bf4g_fe1fGx4AYUfH1MYo2tsUD8JVzPTK5rf4aX9BQxk0xjJ3dehfLrFjUV69XqNJB89_gh1To19lg", "remote": "koofr:/My safe box", "type": "crypt" }, (edited)
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
👍 2
s3drive changed the channel name: Setting up S3Drive with Koofr Vaults 04/04/2024 8:20 AM
Re: @Deleted User
Couldn’t figure out do I config both codes in the same rclone config or how to do it. Also do I need to state the safe box name ?
You'll need to set up standard non-encrypted Koofr first (config provided above), then for every vault (aka encrypted folder) you'll need to import separate configuration (as per my example my-safe-box). I haven't modified anything in the Rclone config, which was generated by Koofr themselves, I think you need to provide safe box name, as it refers to encrypted folder within Koofr ecosystem. Bear in mind that currently if you would like to switch between encrypted and non-encrypted listing you would need to switch configs (on the Profile screen). Soon we will support vaults natively: In the meantime the workaround would be to use Rclone combine modifier: but it's for users who are aware of its behavior, since it's not a perfect replacement of native experience.
At the moment once E2E is enabled with S3Drive, it applies to all locations globally. With Rclone there is a possibility to set custom prefix e.g. "photos/".
Combine several remotes into one
How would I write the specific code for Koofr vault
How would I write the specific code for Koofr vault
As mentioned in the beginning Koofr will generate one for you: Did you try it?
Moved discussion from: Set password: Obscure password: Use below config: "koofr": { "endpoint": "", "password": "<obscuredPassword>", "type": "koofr", "user": "" }, For Vaults use Koofr generated config (as on the attached screenshot) converted from .ini format to .json. "my-safe-box": { "password": "Jlu2uhkjREtxwkmLAyflSM4YSuPy3KGiR_Q", "password2": "lPdPuA0EnMp4I-aRBdczD4nR2oU5PJboEZj2THpKPPAqiKWf2I0dyA2SA1VO9YhjZFL6r0oJZJPN6Hdj9B1KE8JOt85qbnbDXk3_lyuQR-egy3U5lBpx6x-3ru28np2jVy0LH-fTb_lYiiImIquUIkIOOiAAKrwalIsK-tBGgz06bf4g_fe1fGx4AYUfH1MYo2tsUD8JVzPTK5rf4aX9BQxk0xjJ3dehfLrFjUV69XqNJB89_gh1To19lg", "remote": "koofr:/My safe box", "type": "crypt" }, (edited)
Didn’t understand this
Didn’t understand this
Can you describe in detail what are you trying to do, so we can assist you better?
I’m trying to access my Koofr vault via s3drive
I’m trying to access my Koofr vault via s3drive
Please see resource in our Docs: If you have troubles generating importable Koofr Vault configuration in an Rclone format, please reach out to Koofr support. If you have Koofr Vault configuration then you need to import it to S3Drive as per linked guide.
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
I basically don’t know how to file the code, with my details as in what I specifically need to state and where
Exported 10 message(s)
S3Drive - Slow decryption speed browser
Guild icon
support / Slow decryption speed browser
By: @ad267088 "Moreover, when using the web app, downloads always fail and awfully slow for a 2mb photo. With the app, it works as normal, but similar download speeds." Originally:
I assume that you're talking about speed for Rclone encrypted objects (the ones that you've uploaded recently / since you've installed 1.4.0+ version). We're trying to influence some improvements to Rclone encryption scheme which would be more performant on Web: Regardless of the outcome there are couple improvements that we work on, most importantly so the decryption process doesn't affect UI responsiveness. No matter what, 2MB photo should work without any problems. What's your OS and browser version?
Hi Tom, I appreciate the swift response. I'm using Brave browser v116 on MacOS. Yes, small file upload speeds are normal. Download speeds would be problematic once I start to accumulate large files.
Basically files encrypted via AES-GCM will be fast up until 100MB size. This is the threshold for hardware acceleration. Anything above falls back to memory safe, but slow software implementation of this cipher. With Rclone's, performance shall be consistent for files of all sizes, faster than AES-GCM > 100MB, but slower than previous AES-GCM HW accelerated mode. We're aware of certain current problems with web performance, I've specifically created a roadmap item to give some visibility to it: This needs some time though, as before we rush with the "push to the limits" optimizations perhaps there is an easier way, where Rclone cipher could support Web performant ciphers, we're discussing these options here:
Exported 4 message(s)
S3Drive - Storj copy/move fails (SOLVED: Disable versioning)
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support / Storj copy/move fails (SOLVED: Disable versioning)
I heard some bad news from them when After the question is raised,I don't what I should do to get success move and copy,I don't understand how rclone works with storj at all, it's complicated for me, it's not feasible, I was running rclone all day, and all kinds of errors are not running.
Please disable Versioning in the application settings for Storj. In 1.8.5 we will correctly recognize if versioning is enabled for Storj, so for newly setup buckets this issue shouldn't appear. Thanks. (edited)
It's released to desktop and web. It will be available for Android and iOS early next week. (edited)
where's 1.8.5 Play store said 1.8.5 is up to date no new version there ,how can I get 1.8.5 so confusing
where's 1.8.5 Play store said 1.8.5 is up to date no new version there ,how can I get 1.8.5 so confusing
It's already available on all platforms except iOS/Android - it will be released next week. In the meantime you can disable "Versioning" in the S3Drive settings manually to fix this issue, (edited)
s3drive changed the channel name: Storj copy/move fails (SOLVED: Disable versioning) 04/20/2024 6:19 AM
It's already available on all platforms except iOS/Android - it will be released next week. In the meantime you can disable "Versioning" in the S3Drive settings manually to fix this issue, (edited)
So I have to wait for 1.8.5 but not Download link for the beta version of Grapevine
All you need to do is to disable Versioning:
I'll try
All you need to do is to disable Versioning:
not work ,I have no ideas here
not work ,I have no ideas here
Please provide more information, so we can debug things together. Can you please tell me again what doesn't work for you exactly and if you have "Versioning" disabled in the Settings? On what platform you face this issue? What's your bucket configuration on the Storj side? Can you please provide couple screenshots? Thanks
yes disable versioning
android 13
There's no configuration about storj buckets or I don't know where to set up
like this
Can you check Logs? I suspect there might be an issue with Chinese charcter encoding. (edited)
here we go
I've found issue with folder copy/move if it contains Chinese characters and going to fix this here: Can you please try creating a move/copy test using e.g. folder with English letters only and see if it works for you? (edited)
yes it worked well
So what should I do with files or dictionary names including Chinese letters
I'm so lost.
So what should I do with files or dictionary names including Chinese letters
Exported 23 message(s)
S3Drive - Storj Rclone upload missing ETag - can't open/download files
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support / Storj Rclone upload missing ETag - can't open/download files
Scenario: 1) Data is stored on a Linux machine and synced to S3 bucket with encryption 2) iOS file tries to open PDF 3) Opening PDF fails with "File preview not available" Same happens on macOS (edited)
You've said: "rclone 0.65", are you sure version number is correct? You've mentioned that problem has gone after clearing thumbnail cache. Is that correct? If that's the case the issue is somewhere around caching with the app when file preview runs. We're going to check if we can improve that (e.g. corrupted cache/local file can be detected automatically).
Sorry, rclone v1.64.0 Clearing the cache worked in a previous version, in the current version doesn't help... (edited)
Are you using filename encryption? Does the name get correctly decrypted? Can you try opening a file externally: "Open with" on iOS? It would be good to rule out a possible decryption issue. If you go to "Logs" (long-tap version number on about page), is there any error there? (edited)
Yes, I use filename and directory encryption. I can see the files and directories, that works. Open With does not work as well
Problem so far only with PDFs... TXT and JPEG works
Did you manage to check the logs? If file can't be opened externally than either this process fail decryption file, or there is a permission issue with the tmp directory on iOS or the PDF format isn't right. There should be something in logs if there is a failure for the first two items. (edited)
how can I open the logs? Long pressing "About" where on iOS? Same problem is on MacOS, there the logs are empty (edited)
Did you manage to check the logs? If file can't be opened externally than either this process fail decryption file, or there is a permission issue with the tmp directory on iOS or the PDF format isn't right. There should be something in logs if there is a failure for the first two items. (edited)
TXT and JPEG works, only PDF fails...strange
how can I open the logs? Long pressing "About" where on iOS? Same problem is on MacOS, there the logs are empty (edited)
It's the drawer menu that you open with top-left icon, then there is "About" menu item. Once you open About page, then at the very bottom there is a version number that you need to long-tap in order to open Logs.
ah.... #0 Preview failed:.... Null check operator used on a null value, status 500
ah.... #0 Preview failed:.... Null check operator used on a null value, status 500
Right, at least tells us that app failed at some point. Let me check that.
how can I open the logs? Long pressing "About" where on iOS? Same problem is on MacOS, there the logs are empty (edited)
On macOS, can you try downloading a file? Does it appear in Download folder? Does it have non-zero size? Does it open externally? (edited)
Download does not work, open externally does not work as well (edited)
This is my rclone config [s3drive] type = crypt filename_encoding = base64 remote = storj:s3drive3333 password = <password> filename_encryption = standard directory_name_encryption = true suffix = none storj is configured separately with standard parameters, no suffix, encoding etc.
I will get back to you. There is some error that occurs during file fetch, but we actually fail to capture it properly hence the: "Null check..." issue.
👍 1
We've prepared 1.5.7 macOS release which improves error handling in that area and adds new feature: "Show info" which can be used to display object S3 raw data including it's headers. It likely won't fix your download/preview issue, but will likely help us to narrow down where the issue is. It's available in pre-release:, feel free to install it now and will be released ~early next week. Please also attach "Show info" output. This is available in the file context menu at the bottom, after enabling it in the settings.
Install the version, turned on object info and when I try to get the object info, the following screen appears
If I upload a PDF via S3drive app, opening it afterwards works
Thanks for letting me know, it seems that Storj uses different date format (it's actually related to user device locale settings, nothing to do with Storj in the response) we'll have it resolved. Since we've also improved logging, can you please try previewing/downloading PDF and check the logs? Previously there was: "Null check..." issue, but now there is a chance there will be more details to it. (edited)
In the meantime we've also updated the macOS build to hopefully resolve the FormatException issue with: "Show info":
Object Info..
Perfect ! That explains a bit. There is no valid ETag coming from the S3 API. Is that Storj?
BTW. If thats Storj, are you running Storj gateway yourself or use their public endpoint? (edited)
I use the public endpoint with storj (edited)
I try with B2 and let you know
I tried the same scenario with backblaze, and it works out of the box. so it really seems to be related to storj
Same config as with storj (edited)
Thanks for letting me know @jggcvghhhh Hi @storjderek, sorry for reaching to you directly, but I've thought you could shed some light on this issue and help us to resolve it. In summary, in some cases Storj doesn't return ETag. I don't know any other S3 API which does this. Basically ETag is always expected to be present. In some cases (e.g. multipart upload) it might have different format, but it is never empty/null. Is this issue some specific design of Storj S3 Gateway or perhaps is this a bug? I've found similar issue here, but apparently it's now resolved: (edited)
It appears that the gateway does not send the ETag. This causes S3DataError: BotoClientError: ETag from S3 did not match computed MD5 messages on file upload by the python-boto clients such as dupl...
@jggcvghhhh Just a question, does it specifically happen for: ".pdf" files uploaded via Rclone? In other words if you upload: ".txt" file via Rclone does Etag gets correctly generated? (edited)
Yes, txt is fine and can open it. PDF fails
I won't be able to solve issues on the Storj level, but I've tried to set up Rclone with crypt in order to reproduce the request that leads to an object without valid ETag on the Storj side. I am using rclone v1.63.0 and configured my storage like: [storj] type = s3 provider = Other access_key_id = <redacted> secret_access_key = <redacted> endpoint = [storj_crypt] type = crypt filename_encoding = base64 remote = storj:my-photos password = <redacted> filename_encryption = standard directory_name_encryption = true suffix = none I've then copied test pdf like this: rclone copy test.pdf storj_crypt: and I get valid object with ETag and openable within S3Drive. Can you post your Rclone storj remote configuration? You've initially posted config, but that's just crypt:
I use type = storj #instead of type=s3 Try that tomorrow. Thanks a lot for your efforts! (edited)
I use type = storj #instead of type=s3 Try that tomorrow. Thanks a lot for your efforts! (edited)
Glad I can help. Based on this comparison: you may want to benefit from S3 back-end anyway.
Use the s3 backend and one of the S3 compatible Hosted Gateways to increase upload performance and reduce the load on your systems and network. Uploads will be encrypted and erasure-coded server-side, thus a 1GB upload will result in only in 1GB of data being uploaded to storage nodes across the network.
At the bottom there is a limitation of Storj backend
Limitations: Storj backend: rclone checksum is not possible without download, as checksum metadata is not calculated during upload
I don't know much about Storj, but perhaps this would explain the ETag issues. In other words, when uploading file through Storj (non-S3) API the hash is never calculated. If you upload it through S3 gateway, then MD5 (aka ETag) gets calculated (stored as metadata in Storj) and then retrieved through S3 API. This table: specifically shows thay Storj has no hashing, whereas: Amazon S3 (or S3 compatible) has: MD5.
👍 2
s3drive changed the channel name: Storj rclone upload missing ETag - can't open/download files 10/10/2023 10:17 AM
s3drive changed the channel name: Storj Rclone upload missing ETag - can't open/download files 11/11/2023 7:10 PM
Exported 39 message(s)
S3Drive - Support for more operating systems
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support / Support for more operating systems
I recently heard that Huawei has developed an operating system different from Android called Harmonyos NEXT, based on open harmony but not aosp, completely not Android, they are developing the Harmonyos PC system at the same time.their apps can be developed through ArkTS and flutter and very convenient. Have a large number of users in places such as China.Please think about it. It's very important for us Chinese users, especially Huawei phones are very popular in China. Hope to consider developing native applications for Harmonyos s3drive (even HarmonyOS PC clients) (or just the OpenHonority version). their offical website is: The open source version address is in the: Also find out here:
OpenHarmony是由开放原子开源基金会(OpenAtom Foundation)孵化及运营的开源项目,目标是面向全场景、全连接、全智能时代,搭建一个智能终端设备操作系统的框架和平台,促进万物互联产业的繁荣发展。
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S3Drive - Sync error on AppImage version
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support / Sync error on AppImage version
jeannesbond 04/15/2024 3:06 PM
After choose Sync remote to local, the sync process return error.
What S3Drive version is that and what operation system? Does directory /home/jeannesbond/S3Drive exist on your machine?
jeannesbond 04/15/2024 3:08 PM
AppImage 1.8.3 on Void Linux
that directory is exist
Can you provide an output of: ls -alt /home/jeannesbond/S3Drive command? (edited)
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Looks good to me. Would you be happy to try a different S3 provider? E.g. set it up with Backblaze, MinIO or Cloudflare? Reviewed the Rclone code and it does seem this error can be thrown from either the local side or the remote side. Trying to rule out if this issue is related to the local FS / OS or perhaps remote back-end.
jeannesbond 04/16/2024 7:47 AM
I'm currently using cloudflare
Maybe I will try one more time to set Sync location to another location
Hi there, I am not sure if this is going to address an issue that you're experiencing however would you be happy to try out our most recent AppImage release?
jeannesbond 04/30/2024 1:51 PM
okay I will try it
still error, folder not found
Exported 13 message(s)
S3Drive - Sync files/catalog
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support / Sync files/catalog
About the sync function, can I select a file or folder in the cloud of a server and sync it to another service, instead of just copying or syncing all the files, this is what I want to say or want to get.
👍 1
I upload 100MB file to backblaze,now I would like to copy it to wasabi drive service,not from uploading again or share links,just take it to my wasabi storage instead of doing repetitive or meaningless work (edited)
There is another problem, when I choose an absolute path stored by a service provider, I have three folders but only two to choose from, I don't understand what's going on, it's a complex bug.
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S3Drive - Sync media from mobile to desktop
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support / Sync media from mobile to desktop
so, say i've got my S3drive on my phone with media backup enabled and I want those photos etc on my desktop as well - i appreciate I can grab files individually no problem but is there a way to sync the automatic upload to a desktop file? eg the whole file and all contents as per attached?
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s3drive changed the channel name: Sync media from mobile to desktop 09/03/2023 10:29 AM
Hi @buzz69. , there is no direct sync from mobile to desktop, however once your mobile uploaded folder correctly to S3 you can then sync this folder to your desktop using for instance: "To local" sync option. You will then need to select the local folder first and then type your remote S3 folder: LE2123.
see i knew there was a way! - thanks so much.
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S3Drive - Sync only over WiFi option/setting
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support / Sync only over WiFi option/setting
stillfigurin 06/23/2024 12:12 PM
I don't see this in the settings, but you really want to have the option of restricting syncing and uploading to only wifi and/or a limited amount of ceIlular network used. I unintentionally ended up using >1GB of data yesterday from my android phone. I only realized what was going on when my OS alerted me. Since this was an initial sync, if I hadn't been alerted I might have used 10s to 100s of GB of data. Yikes!
Thanks for your post. It’s high on our priority list, I will link relevant feature request to our board when I am back in the office early next week.
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S3Drive - Timeout when uploading from Web app
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support / Timeout when uploading from Web app
When I upload a file to the Web app, after a certain time the request times out. This usually happens with large files or uploading multiple files. This is the error it produces. It's connected to a Backblaze B2 bucket.
👍 1
Thanks for your report, couple questions. What is the approximate size of the file? What's your browser and underlying OS? Do you use multipart upload (available in the settings)? If not, please give it a go it might reduce chances of this happening, as it will upload file in smaller chunks. (edited)
Hi The files are approx 50MB each. The Web app is running on Windows 10 in Google Chrome (this is a work computer so I can't change this). I havent tried this, but I will give it a go and see if there's any problems.
I attempted to upload 5 files; all 5 failed, with a different error for each. File a was 273Mb File b was 117Mb File c was 17.2Mb File d was 50.6Mb File e was 71.4Mb All files are mp4 with h264 video, and I clicked and dragged them to the window. (I don't even know what a tome is :P)
Thanks for this screenshot. It is a perfect blend of errors caused by a different problems. First two are likely caused by this and apply for combination of multipart upload, drag&drop and files over 100MB: We need to fix it. Last two are related to Backblaze not responding in a proper time. We will improve in that area by providing custom timeout values (higher defaults) and then implement this: The middle one. Well it may sound like I was taking a nap and couldn't pick up your request... but in fact this intermittent error with Backblaze B2. They have some minor availability problems for quite a while, I've also experienced this. Feel free to reach out to them to confirm, but I don't think there is any better recourse than to try again later. == Tl;dr First two are certainly something we need to fix, middle one is Backblaze B2 issue, last two is something we can improve on, but there is only so much we could do if S3 API doesn't respond in a timely manner. (edited)
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S3Drive - Trash error
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support / Trash error
fardinahmedshovon 09/21/2023 5:16 AM
Showing this error in trash. #general
@fardinahmedshovon Your bucket doesn't seem to support versioning which is required for Trash to function. If you go to the settings you can disable Versioning which will reconfigure the app. Unfortunately Trash option will become hidden, but you won't face this error anymore.
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S3Drive - Trash Files are not deleting
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support / Trash Files are not deleting
paradoxdude 08/23/2023 8:31 PM
I was trying to delete 1300+ pics in my trash , but every time I delete it just deletes one pic from the whole.
👍 1
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 08/24/2023 8:39 PM
I also found this to be true
Hi @paradoxdude , @confident_rabbit_87075_49035 Thank you for reporting this issue. What's your S3 provider? Is there any error/warning in the app logs? (Long-tap on version number at the bottom of About me page).
paradoxdude 09/03/2023 2:12 PM
This is behaviour that I am finding when I am deleting multiple files from Trash using: "Delete all versions". S3Drive fetches the version IDs for each object in trash and then issues batch delete for all IDs at the end, after which files shall be permanently deleted. I've added the improvement item to improve speed of this process: When you delete files do you also get this pop-up? What's the end result? Am I correct to understand that only 1 files gets deleted out of all that you've selected? Do you use object lock? (edited)
confident_rabbit_87075_49035 09/03/2023 7:10 PM
@confident_rabbit_87075_49035 mine is backblaze
@confident_rabbit_87075_49035 Given that you face this issue as well, what's the app behaviour exactly? Can you help us to reproduce it? In my comment above I was trying to delete ~101 items and all were removed from the list and effectively deleted from S3. (edited)
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S3Drive - Two-way sync error on Windows
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support / Two-way sync error on Windows
jeannesbond 06/25/2024 2:29 PM
Hi, I'm using Two-way sync mode in my Windows with S3Drive (1.9.1). The first time after set the synchronization settings from remote (Cloudflare R2) to local, there were no problems (all files in the cloud were downloaded to local). However, after I changed some files locally and synchronization was running, an error like this appeared.
Hi @jeannesbond, Thanks for your report. It seems that default "max delete" safety check was triggered, which may indicate that sync operation would touch more than 50% of files: We will make this configurable in a next release within couple days. (edited)
Bidirectional cloud sync solution in rclone
jeannesbond 06/25/2024 5:26 PM
Thanks🙏 Maybe because I'm using Cryptomator to encrypt my files thus making a lot of changes to the structure of folders and files
This option is now available in our latest Windows release: When you edit existing sentry, you can change the: "Max delete" value from the default 50% to e.g 90% or even 100% (although is is somewhat risky). Please let me know if this has resolved your issue. Thanks !
jeannesbond 06/26/2024 4:29 PM
I set Max delete to 90% and works (edited)
but what risk i will face with 90% max delete?
I would personally say 100% is somewhat unsafe, as in the case where there is a bug (e.g. some back-end experiencing a falure responds with 200 OK code with empty listing instead of 4xx or 5xx) which can be interpreted as no files, then all files would then be deleted on the other end. Also if user accidentally deleted all contents (which is probably extremely rare case to handle two-way sync, that change would then propagate). Referring to documentation: "This safety check is intended to block bisync from deleting all of the files on both filesystems due to a temporary network access issue, or if the user had inadvertently deleted the files on one side or the other." Link: As long as your dataset grows, you may consider reducing 90% to lower value and only "tweak" it if you're performing some global operation. (edited)
Bidirectional cloud sync solution in rclone
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S3Drive - Two-way sync on Android: deletions
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support / Two-way sync on Android: deletions
unlawfulcactus 06/14/2024 5:19 PM
Hi, I'm trying to set up bidirectional sync on Android and it's not going well. When I start with an empty folder on both ends and add files on one end, they are synced to the other end. But when I delete a file on one end, I'm either getting the error "Error: Exception: too many deletes" or the file I deleted is added back from instead of deleted on the other end (and I was not using the "Run with --resync" button). Tried it between a local folder and: • Rclone crypt-on-WebDAV • Rclone plain WebDAV • S3Drive account space, unencrypted Tried it with the local folder as the source as well as destination (which of course doesn't make a difference with two-way sync but I had to check). Also, at some point during my testing S3Drive refused to sync because of a lock file still in place, which it assumed meant that a previous sync had been aborted before it was finished. The error message said to remove the lock file manually but there was nothing I could do, since I had no access to the location where the lock file was stored (it was something like /data/user/0/ S3Drive v1.9.1 (build: 10090105) on Android 13.
Thanks for your feedback, we will be looking to allocate more development time to improve sync functionality, improve resilience, allow user to act on unrecoverable errors, try to resolve simple ones. We've left "--resync" option, as a quick way of resolving most errors, but since it also resolves some more serious errors in a way which may assume incorrect conflict resolution we've left it as a manual one. If you haven't removed your sync just yet, feel free to stop it, we will try to push some improvements in a 1.9.2 version already, in which case the state might recover itself. (edited)
unlawfulcactus 06/19/2024 6:35 PM
Hey Tom, appreciate your reply. So is two way sync just broken for everyone right now, or is it just me?
unlawfulcactus 06/19/2024 6:59 PM
Tried it again just now, using a little more files and folders than in my earlier tests; a copy of the folder structure I would want to sync in two directions. Everything synced fine, then I renamed a bunch of folders locally and got "Error: Exception: bisync aborted" in S3Drive.
Hi @unlawfulcactus and sorry for the late reply. Current two-way sync as it is was probably released too soon. We've hoped that we can release it early, replace the previous Sync engine that was buggy, unsafe, with a new one powered by Rclone. The issue is that it's not as easy as we've thought as it requires some general tweaking and out of the box isn't suited for fully non-interactive run. There are multiple issues that needs to be addressed in a two-way sync (and sync functionality) for a seamless integration. Error that you've got is a generic one, whereas internal one isn't displayed, we'll need to find a way to include error logs from Rclone to our log window. ...we've seen that one appearing when E2E encryption is enabled and when sync path contains folder that was created using S3Drive having an empty file: .empty. Removing that file manually (please note that you'll need different files in a folder to prevent folder deletion) may resolve this error, however run with: --resync option might be required. We will mark this feature as experimental in a next release, add --resilient option and then will have to allocate more time to improve it. Sorry for this subpar experience, I hope we can get that reworked later this year.
unlawfulcactus 06/25/2024 8:25 PM
Thanks for clarifying. I might play around with rclone directly some time then (in Termux), see how it fares.
Thanks for clarifying. I might play around with rclone directly some time then (in Termux), see how it fares.
On Rclone forum there are couple post with potentially useful flag combinations which may render two-way sync more usable e.g. --max-lock 5M --compare size,modtime,checksum --slow-hash-sync-only --resilient -MvP --drive-skip-gdocs --fix-case . --drive-skip-gdocs is specific to Gdrive only. Initially run must be executed with: --resync and not entirely sure what: -MvP stands for. EDIT: This one is blocker for S3Drive to integrate max-lock and recover option: (edited)
Hi all, I was trying to integrate rclone into my system by using it as rcd server. Noticed today there is no mappings for the options --recover and --max-lock on the api command sync/bisync Checked...
👍 1
Exported 7 message(s)
S3Drive - Ultimate license and multiple S3 accounts
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support / Ultimate license and multiple S3 accounts
Avatar 12/30/2023 6:17 AM
Hi, I've just bought a subscription online and I need help setting up. I have all the s3 keys with me. But when I log in, It shows the ultimate plan only. If I add a new profile, will I lose the ultimate benefits? How do I set the credentials in the ultimate profile?
Hi, Thank you for supporting the project. You only need an Ultimate plan, so S3Drive can fetch your license and enable you all of the premium features. On top of that there is a testing account associated with your user account, so you can test the app on a real S3 storage before you buy the app. No matter what you do you can't lose any Ultimate features, especially when my records show that you've bought an lifetime license that never expires. Please find couple screenshots which indicate how you can set up S3 credentials after you've logged in using managed / Ultimate account. (edited)
Thank you!
Avatar 03/22/2024 5:51 AM
I'm planning to buy the ultimate plan again, as I promised after I try it out. I have a few questions: Once I buy the ultimate plan, I just login and add as a profile. Now if I add my s3 as another profile, will the features be valid?
Once you buy Ultimate, you use your email/password credentials to login to the app which then fetches your license and unlocks your features globally. You can use these features on any external accounts, unlimited, forever. That's the whole purpose of Lifetime Ultimate plan. (edited)
s3drive changed the channel name: Ultimate license and multiple S3 accounts 03/28/2024 7:49 PM
why couldn't Bind to my Google / Facebook account but only email to login ,it's unsafe
why couldn't Bind to my Google / Facebook account but only email to login ,it's unsafe
It's all about priorities. If have Google account then you may very well use Google Drive instead of S3Drive, it will likely be seamless experience at the cost of privacy. Having said that we will add support for Google login in the future. (edited)
sorry for my asking again.
Exported 9 message(s)
S3Drive - Unencrypted files privacy / is my provider scanning my files?
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support / Unencrypted files privacy / is my provider scanning my files?
Will any files I upload in that S3 bucket be reviewed by the object storage provider? Will my account be banned or deleted if they find something that doesn't comply with the rules or they feel is illegal? I looked it up through Google but nothing came up.
👍 1
Tl;dr Enable E2E encryption and/or keep backup of your data on another provider account. Every time you upload files unencrypted to S3, your storage provider calculates MD5 hash (with some exceptions) based on your content which allow them easily to check if your material violates e.g. copyright law. Unencrypted form also allows your storage provider to scan your content easily (e.g. if authorities ask them to do so). You can enable E2E encryption to prevent your provider from seeing contents of your files. You can elso encrypt filenames to prevent them from guessing the content. Whether your account will be banned or deleted it's hard to tell for us. In many cases you would still be fine, as long as you're not sharing e.g. copyrighted material publicly. You will need to carefully read TOS of each provider and review laws of jurisdiction of your provider and one that you reside in. I am not a lawyer myself, so can't help you on that one. (edited)
Tl;dr Enable E2E encryption and/or keep backup of your data on another provider account. Every time you upload files unencrypted to S3, your storage provider calculates MD5 hash (with some exceptions) based on your content which allow them easily to check if your material violates e.g. copyright law. Unencrypted form also allows your storage provider to scan your content easily (e.g. if authorities ask them to do so). You can enable E2E encryption to prevent your provider from seeing contents of your files. You can elso encrypt filenames to prevent them from guessing the content. Whether your account will be banned or deleted it's hard to tell for us. In many cases you would still be fine, as long as you're not sharing e.g. copyrighted material publicly. You will need to carefully read TOS of each provider and review laws of jurisdiction of your provider and one that you reside in. I am not a lawyer myself, so can't help you on that one. (edited)
Did your s3drive App support End-to-end encryption before uploading?
Yes, but you need to enable it explicitly, please find my other comment:
check storage Usage Capacity Error
check storage Usage Capacity Error
What error you refer to? I can't see anything on the screenshot.
What error you refer to? I can't see anything on the screenshot.
I mean After I click the update, there is no change in the capacity but it is clear that there is new content to be added
Does the spinner run? How long it takes for spinner to finish?
s3drive changed the channel name: Unencrypted files privacy / is my provider scanning my files? 03/11/2024 9:17 PM
Does the spinner run? How long it takes for spinner to finish?
yes,I clicked it not work
Please check errors in the Logs tab. Please also try disabling the "Versioning" in the settings if your bucket doesn't support versioning.
Please check errors in the Logs tab. Please also try disabling the "Versioning" in the settings if your bucket doesn't support versioning.
After disable versioning it worked,How does that work?
Exported 13 message(s)
S3Drive - Unhappy Upload from phone
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support / Unhappy Upload from phone
I'm very happy to announce that when I click on Upload File to select a 7GB compact from the local area, the number is actually loading. When I thought he was already in the upload list, there were no relevant files in the upload list. Not in the error options. Not anywhere. I don't know if he can upload it. What went wrong?
👍 1
I feel so happy about that
When I refresh the file list, he starts uploading at four or five megabits per second, 5 trillion per second. When I stay still in the App front desk, he does not upload I do not understand you this principle is what, why this way! That's another problem.
Exported 5 message(s)
S3Drive - UnionPay failed payment
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support / UnionPay failed payment
Apparently S3Drive doesn't seem to support UnionPay. Hi @mix9311, Sorry for reaching to you directly, but you've mentioned about some troubles with UnionPay. Would you be happy to let me know what happen when you provide credit card details through our Stripe panel. Does payment get rejected? Does it say card not accepted? We're really keen on supporting Union Pay, however we don't have any test card available just yet. (edited)
👍 1
Apparently S3Drive doesn't seem to support UnionPay. Hi @mix9311, Sorry for reaching to you directly, but you've mentioned about some troubles with UnionPay. Would you be happy to let me know what happen when you provide credit card details through our Stripe panel. Does payment get rejected? Does it say card not accepted? We're really keen on supporting Union Pay, however we don't have any test card available just yet. (edited)
I'll tell u the details tomorrow ,Good Night !
Apparently S3Drive doesn't seem to support UnionPay. Hi @mix9311, Sorry for reaching to you directly, but you've mentioned about some troubles with UnionPay. Would you be happy to let me know what happen when you provide credit card details through our Stripe panel. Does payment get rejected? Does it say card not accepted? We're really keen on supporting Union Pay, however we don't have any test card available just yet. (edited)
You can provide a function to verify the payment method before making a payment, such as paying 0.1 euros and then returning it.
Would it help though? Regarding failed payment, we've contacted our payment provider (Stripe) and they couldn't confirm the exact reason for the failure and ask to contact the customer's bank. If you would like to reach out to your bank or tell me the decline message/code on your end then perhaps we might know what was the cause of the failure. Feel free to reach out to me on via Direct Message. Thanks !
s3drive changed the channel name: UnionPay failed payment 03/14/2024 10:46 AM
Would it help though? Regarding failed payment, we've contacted our payment provider (Stripe) and they couldn't confirm the exact reason for the failure and ask to contact the customer's bank. If you would like to reach out to your bank or tell me the decline message/code on your end then perhaps we might know what was the cause of the failure. Feel free to reach out to me on via Direct Message. Thanks !
Exported 6 message(s)
S3Drive - Upload request timeout
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support / Upload request timeout
what's happened here of my zip file (100-300MB),multipart upload disabled ,failed for unbelievable reason. retry filed also.
Cubbit DS3
We will provide options to increase the timeout in case your connection is somewhat slow or your S3 provider can't keep up with the load. (edited)
thank u
We will provide options to increase the timeout in case your connection is somewhat slow or your S3 provider can't keep up with the load. (edited)
what's the difference between s3drive downloaded by Microsoft store and official Websites (edited)
what's the difference between s3drive downloaded by Microsoft store and official Websites (edited)
Release served through our website is updated more often, other than that, it's a matter of preference.
s3drive changed the channel name: Upload request timeout 04/04/2024 9:18 AM
Release served through our website is updated more often, other than that, it's a matter of preference.
This situation not just appear on backblaze also cloudflare and cubbit above
When trying to auto backup videos and photos there , and size more than 100MB, get different errors there,I have closed Multipart upload yet still see this..
Some of my videos size Is over 1GB in size. I'm sad that it always fails
what should I do
If you update your version then the timeout is now 20s. In a future releases we will allow user to tweak that parameter.
okay I'll try
Exported 15 message(s)
S3Drive - Use S3Drive to backups on a linux server (with plesk panel installed)
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support / Use S3Drive to backups on a linux server (with plesk panel installed)
albertomg03 04/04/2024 7:03 PM
Hi guys! I have just discover S3Drive today, I have to say that for the time being it's great! I have installed It in my personal pc with Windows and phone with android, but I have a Linux server in a VPS with plesk panel, some websites and databases... I have seen in the official website that is possible to install the APP in linux, but I don't know if you reccommend it or maybe there are better ways for my case (and maybe similar case from others). What do your recommend me to do? I forgot to say that the service to storage backups is B2 BackBlaze Thanks for your job and time!
Exported 1 message(s)
S3Drive - Using Cloudflare's R2 (S3 Compatible)
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support / Using Cloudflare's R2 (S3 Compatible)
I am using Cloudflare's R2 S3 Compatible Object Storage. I used the S3Drive mobile application for Android. After successful login it shows this error and does not list the objects. MinioError: ListObjectsV2 search parameter maxKeys not implemented
👍 1
Hi @secrethash and thanks for reporting this issue. In fact we haven't been using S3Drive with Cloudflare previously. It does seem that they doesn't support maxKeys parameter that we're using even though its support is advertised as implemented: We'll implement a workaround and have it deployed over a next few days if not sooner. I will let you know once it's released. Stay tuned ! (edited)
👍 1
Thank you @s3drive for your help. I appreciate it.
Alternatively, should I report this issue to Cloudflare too? I also checked their api docs and they have mentioned to support maxKeys param.
@secrethash Definitely, there is no harm reaching out to Cloudflare. We've addressed the max keys issue and waiting for Google to approve the release on Play Store which shall happen within next ~12-24 hours. Unfortunately in the meantime we've found out that there is no content-length header in the response (e.g. during file download/open). We rely on it to display transfer progress results as well as to make certain predicaments related to encryption. In theory we could implement content-length workaround, but it would take us little bit while. We're going investigate first whether it is possible to enable that header. I know that Cloudflare has some logic behind the content-length header which in some cases is provided and in some isn't... we'll have a look on it as well, however if you're going to reach out Cloudflare it is something you can ask about as well. Thanks (edited)
🔥 1
Great @s3drive I just got the update from Google Play Store and it works like a charm now.
I will surely contact Cloudflare's support and address the issue to them. I will update you with there response too.
Hey @s3drive I guess the problem with maxKeys problem could be similar to this issue on community post. Could you please confirm?
Hi all, I’m trying to read a dataset in r2 from databricks, but encountering an issue (full log below). Seems to be something related to incompatibility between R2 and S3. Has anyone encountered this and/or know of a solution? Thanks AWSBadRequestException: listStatus on s3a://indexed-xyz/ethereum/decoded/logs/v1.2.0/partition_key=ff/dt=2023: ...
@secrethash Related to maxKeys, but underlying error message is different. Since in this post there is no full request headers/params I can't tell exactly.
@secrethash ...also good news is that we've found another workaround how to resolve: content-length issue on mobile and desktop clients. Web client fix will have to wait little bit longer (because we've no control of content-length header in the browser). Basically if: accept-encoding HTTP request header includes gzip Cloudflare seem to skip content-length altogether. We're testing couple things right now, but if things go well we'll be able to release it promptly. Related: (edited)
Just to confirm, can I ask you how your Cloudflare R2 endpoint looks like? Is it something like: ?
Just to confirm, can I ask you how your Cloudflare R2 endpoint looks like? Is it something like: ?
Yes, it's basically https://{YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID} The Account ID is a 32 digit alpha-numeric ID.
@secrethash ...also good news is that we've found another workaround how to resolve: content-length issue on mobile and desktop clients. Web client fix will have to wait little bit longer (because we've no control of content-length header in the browser). Basically if: accept-encoding HTTP request header includes gzip Cloudflare seem to skip content-length altogether. We're testing couple things right now, but if things go well we'll be able to release it promptly. Related: (edited)
That's great 🔥
It looks like R2 is having some compatibility issues relating to S3 Driver. I hope they fix these issues soon.
Hi @secrethash, we've released the 1.2.5 update (Android) which addresses these issues. I would appreciate if you could let me know if it all works for you now. 📁
Hey @s3drive , I gave it a go.. it works perfectly. Some downloads were failing in the previous version but after the update it works perfectly. Great work! I appreciate it a lot 🔥
👍 1
That's fantastic. I really appreciate that you've took time to report this issue. If you have any other issues or feature ideas don't hesitate to reach out to me directly. We will be releasing this update to desktop clients over the next few days. Thanks !
Getting a Socket exception when uploading files to Cloudflare R2. I posted a screenshot image in the #general area.
Hi @grahamc1984, thanks for reporting this. Just a question, do you have in-app E2E enabled? What's the approximate size of files that you upload? If you disable E2E (assuming you have it enabled) does it resolve this issue?
Yes, E2E is enabled. Files are all 1.5 to 2.5 MB in size. I will try without E2E later today.
grahamc1984 05/24/2023 2:36 PM
I tried with E2E off and this made no difference. I also tried with a faster Internet connection (5 Mbps UL) and there is no problem. It only happens on a slow Internet connection (320 Kbps UL) and only on some of the files. With 28 files in the folder typically 8 or 9 would work and 19 or 20 would fail. With 6 files in the folder 4 or 5 would work and 1 or 2 would fail. Although the link speed is low the connection is completely stable. If anything can be done to make it more tolerant of low connection speeds this would be helpful.
I tried with E2E off and this made no difference. I also tried with a faster Internet connection (5 Mbps UL) and there is no problem. It only happens on a slow Internet connection (320 Kbps UL) and only on some of the files. With 28 files in the folder typically 8 or 9 would work and 19 or 20 would fail. With 6 files in the folder 4 or 5 would work and 1 or 2 would fail. Although the link speed is low the connection is completely stable. If anything can be done to make it more tolerant of low connection speeds this would be helpful.
Thanks, it's helpful for us, so we can build a reliable testing environment where we can reproduce it (and test the fix). We will be looking to address that one and it might be possible to resolve by allowing to set different connection buffer sizes.
grahamc1984 05/26/2023 9:55 AM
When an upload has failed, in the Failed column there is a retry icon (circular arrow), pressing this it says 'Queued file for upload' but no retry happens and nothing appears in the Waiting or Running columns.
When an upload has failed, in the Failed column there is a retry icon (circular arrow), pressing this it says 'Queued file for upload' but no retry happens and nothing appears in the Waiting or Running columns.
When retry is clicked, item gets added to the queue and the upload process starts immediately (unless it was running already), so in most cases it won't appear in Waiting column. The Running column will display it only after receiving first transfer update which on a slower connections might take longer than expected. Such state is undesirable as it creates some sort of vacuum where item isn't displayed anywhere. This is addressed already on desktop clients, but will be released later today on Android and iOS. In other words after item is picked from Waiting it shall appear immediately as Running. I am not sure if this is the issue that you have experienced though, as in principle item shall appear in Running anyway and eventually in Done/Failed and it doesn't seem to be case from what I understand. We will investigate it further. In the meantime we've also thought about adding "retry all" option to at alleviate the SocketException issue which may create too many entries to retry individually. I will let you know about progress on all that. Thanks !
When an upload has failed, in the Failed column there is a retry icon (circular arrow), pressing this it says 'Queued file for upload' but no retry happens and nothing appears in the Waiting or Running columns.
The "retry all" option is successfully deployed. There are more improvements regarding the upload process coming soon. If despite that you still experience an issue with retry being not effective please let me know, so we can be aware of improvements needed in that area as well. Thanks !
This is to let you know that there will be improvement in this area this month with the release of a new streaming cipher:
Protocol: This is to speed-up encryption/decryption of bigger files, since after some threshold we fallback to
Hi @grahamc1984, I was wondering if you're still experiencing the: "SocketException" issues? We've had a major release this month: which completely changed the way we process, buffer, encrypt, data when sending to S3. This may or may not fixed the issue, that's why I've thought I am going to check this out with you. Thanks ! (edited)
Exported 27 message(s)
S3Drive - Video player stuck on macOS
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support / Video player stuck on macOS
S3Drive's video player is stuck, MacOS .dmg. Whole S3Drive's UI hangs Example .mp4 video: (VP9 video encoding) (edited)
Quick question, does the issue appear for encrypted or unencrypted video?
I've checked it on my end on macOS and works fine in both unencrypted/encrypted form. Since I am running latest development build there is a small chance that if there was an issue it's gone by now (we need to release the 1.5.5 though, which will be mid/end this week). Can I ask if you run M1/M2 or Intel Mac?
It's for encrypted video, and I'm using Intel Mac
Please give us a moment, we'll spinning up our Intel Mac environment to try reproduce this. We're doing development (and testing) on M1, so there maybe some differences. Decryption of video stream on the fly is pretty resource intensive process, do you mind sharing what are your specs (model / revision) ?
Can you please try playing the unencrypted stream to rule out any other issues (format etc.)?
Looks like unencrypted isn't working either. I'm using an iMac 21.5" 2019 (4K display), Intel i5 CPU
We couldn't reproduce this issue on our end. In our case this exact file work smoothly both encrypted/unencrypted on `2014 Mac Mini with Intel i5 for both 1.5.3 and latest development version. We've just released new DMG with some updates to our framework and most recent video playing library version. I am not sure if this is going to solve issue on your end, but it's worth trying. It does seem like we need to get our hands on 4K screen, as this is the difference in our environments so far.
I remember it worked once, but then never worked again
When I get the time I'll restart the computer
A computer restart didn't make any difference (edited)
Is there any sort of cache for the video player? Any button to clean it? (edited)
Not really, there is no video cache on macOS as such, so nothing to clear. Hmm, two things. Can you please try downloading a video to confirm if S3Drive can actually open&save file on your side? Can you try the most recent pre-release version? Whilst (yet again) it's not targeted at your issue exactly, as we're working on it bit blindly (can't reproduce on our side), there are couple other changes (improved package signature and further improvements to video plugin) which may improve this situation. (edited)
Not really, there is no video cache on macOS as such, so nothing to clear. Hmm, two things. Can you please try downloading a video to confirm if S3Drive can actually open&save file on your side? Can you try the most recent pre-release version? Whilst (yet again) it's not targeted at your issue exactly, as we're working on it bit blindly (can't reproduce on our side), there are couple other changes (improved package signature and further improvements to video plugin) which may improve this situation. (edited)
Surprisingly, the new version worked 👀
👍 1
Whilst I am not 100% sure about the fix, as I couldn't reproduce the issue on my side. Still... let's call it a win ! 🚀 Thanks for your patience. 1.5.7 will be released live early next week, but you can comfortably stay at your pre-release build.
👍 1
s3drive changed the channel name: Video player stuck on macOS 10/07/2023 5:33 PM
Exported 16 message(s)
S3Drive - Virus/troyano
Guild icon
support / Virus/troyano
albertomg03 04/05/2024 1:03 PM
I installed yesterday the program and my antivirus detect it at a virus, but i ignore him. Today at the morning a had see that my gmail account wihich i used to login in the app had been hacked. I don't know it was the app but i didn't install another apps in my phone and PC So been careful
I installed yesterday the program and my antivirus detect it at a virus, but i ignore him. Today at the morning a had see that my gmail account wihich i used to login in the app had been hacked. I don't know it was the app but i didn't install another apps in my phone and PC So been careful
Hi @albertomg03, I am sorry to hear that. Can you please share a report from your antivirus? What antivirus software is that?
I don't know it was the app but i didn't install another apps in my phone and PC
Are you saying that S3Drive was the only app installed on your mobile and PC? How about any other software? It's hard for me to believe that S3Drive was the only software that you've had installed on your devices. You've said:
my gmail account wihich i used to login in the app had been hacked
However, since we don't offer Gmail login and it seems to me that you've reused your Gmail credentials (including password) with S3Drive. That would be fine with us, but in general that's a bad security practice. I can only assume that you've did the same - that is reused your password on other websites, which is likely the cause of your security incident. Even if S3Drive was really flagged by your anti-virus it's a false positive and unrelated to your Gmail account being compromised. I can recommend changing your Gmail password and setting up proper 2FA on your account using clean device and then scanning your affected devices for viruses or even reinstalling the operating system to be on the safe side. On top of the .exe release, we also have official Microsoft Store release: which is unlikely to be flagged by your antivirus if that's causing any concern. Tom from S3Drive
albertomg03 04/05/2024 5:14 PM
Hi @s3drive Yea I only installed S3Drive yesterday in both devices. At first I don't know at 100% if the cause was that app but i know that i only installed that the last 7 days in my devices, so is strange. I created a new account using my email and other new password than i created witch a random generator. In my pc i have installed Panda Dome with a license and when I intalled the app from de oficial web he advice me that some files were not to be trusted... The attack than I have suffred was a XSS, the hacker take a token and was able to enter through the back door.
I have 2FA authentication with Phone, NumerPhone, Google Authenticator, other email and backups codes
But I didn't received nothing because they suplanted my session I don't know how
Maybe was caused by other software that I installed other week but just after downloading this app, the next day I suffer from it.
Attached is a screenshot of my antivirus after performing an in-depth scan and finding three viruses.
I am a "friki" of the security, I like it and I try to be as the safe I can. That is from my PC, in my phone I uninstall the app and released a scan but didn't find anything
BTW i could recover my account fast becasue as I said a have other 2FA methods... I don't know if was S3Drive app or maybe other app than i installed a few weeks ago, it was sleeping and they decide to attack me now, but at i said before it was strange (edited)
Click to see attachment 🖼️
It seems that libgcrypt-20.dll file contained some Trojan horse, but that's not the file we supply with the app. Here is the list of DLL we supply (part 1/2): app_links_plugin.dll battery_plus_plugin.dll concrt140.dll connectivity_plus_plugin.dll d3dcompiler_47.dll desktop_drop_plugin.dll file_selector_windows_plugin.dll flutter_secure_storage_windows_plugin.dll flutter_windows.dll image_compression_flutter_plugin.dll isar.dll isar_flutter_libs_plugin.dll just_audio_windows_plugin.dll libc++.dll libEGL.dll libGLESv2.dll libmpv-2.dll librclone.dll libsodium.dll media_kit_libs_windows_video_plugin.dll media_kit_native_event_loop.dll media_kit_video_plugin.dll msvcp140.dll msvcp140_1.dll msvcp140_2.dll msvcp140_atomic_wait.dll msvcp140_codecvt_ids.dll pdfium.dll pdfx_plugin.dll permission_handler_windows_plugin.dll screen_brightness_windows_plugin.dll sentry_flutter_plugin.dll share_plus_plugin.dll sodium_libs_plugin.dll sqlite3.dll sqlite3_flutter_libs_plugin.dll system_tray_plugin.dll ucrtbase.dll ucrtbased.dll uri_content_plugin.dll url_launcher_windows_plugin.dll vccorlib140.dll vccorlib140d.dll vcruntime140.dll vcruntime140d.dll vcruntime140_1.dll vcruntime140_1d.dll vk_swiftshader.dll vulkan-1.dll webcrypto.dll webcrypto_plugin.dll zlib.dll
Part 2/2 api-ms-win-core-console-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-console-l1-2-0.dll api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-file-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-0.dll api-ms-win-core-file-l2-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-handle-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-heap-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-interlocked-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-0.dll api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-namedpipe-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-processenvironment-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1.dll api-ms-win-core-profile-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-rtlsupport-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-timezone-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-util-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-crt-environment-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-crt-multibyte-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-crt-private-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-crt-process-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-downlevel-kernel32-l2-1-0.dll api-ms-win-eventing-provider-l1-1-0.dll Encryption related webcrypto.dll webcrypto_plugin.dll libsodium.dll
But I didn't received nothing because they suplanted my session I don't know how
I am not an expert here, but if you have a trojan horse, then it can read files on disk, including browser DB with sessions, cookies, tokens etc.
albertomg03 04/05/2024 5:46 PM
Yes, he can fuck my ass literal
Exported 14 message(s)
S3Drive - Web S3 profiles doesn't seem to persist
Guild icon
support / Web S3 profiles doesn't seem to persist
Initially from @hugh1988 "hi, wondering if there any way to log in via web app and not have to put s3 credentials in each time? any way to have s3Drive remember them? doesn't remember. I sign out and then sign back in and it only has my managed account with no s3 bucket attached."
Hi @hugh1988, just so I understand the issue better. Once you sign out, it is expected that S3Drive will remove your current profile from the list. Technically the current "sign out" for a managed account is more like: "remove S3 details and any associated data with these credentials", because there is no concept of log out. Do I understand correctly that after you "sign out" you also lose potentially other S3 credentials that you've configured? If that's the case can you let me know what happen if you don't "sign out" but instead force refresh web client? Does it persist your credentials or are they also lost? Please also specify what's your browser, browser version and OS. Thanks !
I think i see where i was going wrong. If I switch to profile with my email address (not a s3 bucket) then sign out and back in again my s3 bucket is still on the list. But if I sign out when s3 bucket is selected/active the credentials get deleted and need to be manually added again. I realise now is also the case for the desktop apps. Perhaps the 'sign out' should always just sign out of the managed credentials. If I want to delete my S3 bucket credentials I can always do that from the profiles list right? Thanks! (edited)
You're right. I am just thinking whether to rename it to: "Remove credentials" instead (only for non-managed one)... and if you want to "Sign out" from managed credentials you would be able to do so from the Profiles screen (X button on the right side) or by switching to and using the "Sign out" option.
Exported 4 message(s)
S3Drive - When encryption is enabled, the mounted drive doesn't show any files
Guild icon
support / When encryption is enabled, the mounted drive doesn't show any files
uncle_remus 05/29/2024 5:19 PM
Hi, I am wondering if thats the expected behavior, I use the flatpak version on Bazzite (a uBlue distro, so might have to do with that somehow). If encryption is on, the drive will mount but no files will show up, and if encryption is off everything shows up nicely. Also, is there a way for me to change the mount location ?
Hi, I am wondering if thats the expected behavior, I use the flatpak version on Bazzite (a uBlue distro, so might have to do with that somehow). If encryption is on, the drive will mount but no files will show up, and if encryption is off everything shows up nicely. Also, is there a way for me to change the mount location ?
Hi, There are two issues which we aim to address. 1. If encryption is enabled then mount will only show the encrypted files. 2. If encryption is enabled with filename encryption disabled, then mount fails to decrypt the filename (because encryption wasn't used for the filename). Our solutions: Re 1. Instead of enabling encryption globally we will provide Vaults which will be able to enable encryption on per folder basis (including globally). Regardless, we will give consider modifying mount logic, so if filename decryption fails (e.g. it wasn't applied on that file -> assumed non-encrypted content) then it will display that file in the mount regardless. Re 2. We will correctly pass parameters to mount logic, so if filename encryption isn't enabled then it correctly display items. == Before these two are implemented my recommendation would be to not mix encrypted / unencrypted files within one bucket and keep filename encryption enabled. Bear in mind that if your preexisting files aren't encrypted they would require reuploading in order to get encrypted. Speaking of changing the mount location, I've added a feature request: At the moment you can partially change mount location/folder by playing with the bucket alias name (in the Profiles), What's location you keep in mind and what setting would suit you best? a) Global mount path, which then would be parameterized (folder inside global mount path) based on the above bucket name / alias logic, b) Entirely custom path for every bucket configuration. (edited)
uncle_remus 05/29/2024 6:37 PM
Thanks you!! I'll keep encryption off for now As for the mount location, probably whichever path I'd want, personally I'd make a S3 folder or smthng like that, and mount it there.
Exported 3 message(s)
S3Drive - White screen on Windows - app won't start
Guild icon
support / White screen on Windows - app won't start
I already tried uninstalling and reinstalling it. I even went in and deleted s3 drive from its install folder myself in local/appdata/programs but it still won't work.
👍 1
Hi, thanks for your report. Did it ever start on your machine? Did you use sync feature prior to that? (edited)
Yes, I was using it for about a month and it was working fine. And yes, I was using the the sync feature for i think 3 or 4 folders. (edited)
Yes, I was using it for about a month and it was working fine. And yes, I was using the the sync feature for i think 3 or 4 folders. (edited)
Sorry for the issues that you experience. Quick question, was it the Sync or Sync (deprecated) feature that you've been using? Did you try to stop the app, delete everything inside: AppData\Roaming\\S3Drive and then start again? Once app starts, even if screen is white, can you try resizing a window a little to see if it resolves your issue? We have intermittent issue where usually black screen appears and resize actually help.
Is it Windows 10 or 11?
I was using the updated sync
No, i haven't tried deleting that yet, let me try it (edited)
Bear in mind that this will delete your settings, profiles, encryption password etc.
You can make backup, just in case if you needed to extract anything from it.
okay, thanks for the heads up
okay, yeah that fixed it
im on windows 10
Good to know, well this doesn't exactly tell us what went wrong, but at least app is running for you. We'll have to trace and fix this.
Yeah, thanks for the help. Do you know how I would copy my old login/settings back into the roaming folder?
Ideally you use import/export feature as it operates on textual values which are easier to read. Let me check if I can get it from deduce it from code, bear with me couple minutes.
Okay, thank you
We never really played and tested it, but there are couple files that you might need to copy back in this format: -a---- 17.03.2024 18:33 1886 -a---- 17.03.2024 18:33 596 -a---- 17.03.2024 18:32 53 -a---- 17.03.2024 18:33 611 however I am not sure if this alone would suffice, as there maybe some other files required. Give it a go and if it doesn't work, then sorry you will likely have to provide these credentials once again. The other approach would be to copy back all that data as it was and then start removing individual files (especially .sql) until app starts, but that would be quite tedious task.
Okay, thank you. I think I might have found my encryption key that I had saved, but I can't remember if this is an old one, or my current one, but I'm gonna give it a try (edited)
Great I hope you find it, if not, then I shall be able to assist you further on that.
s3drive changed the channel name: White screen on Windows - app won't start 03/17/2024 6:40 PM
So I couldn't find the key for my backblaze bucket, so I copied in these 3 files from the old s3 roaming folder and it immediately logged me in -a---- 17.03.2024 18:32 53 -a---- 17.03.2024 18:33 611
👍 1
I couldn't find the first one, so I couldn't copy that one over and just grabbed the other 3 (edited)
I've got a black screen or no action on any version I've got, a motionless screen and a page on the guest side of Windows, whether it's an unreleased version 18 or an official version.
So I couldn't find the key for my backblaze bucket, so I copied in these 3 files from the old s3 roaming folder and it immediately logged me in -a---- 17.03.2024 18:32 53 -a---- 17.03.2024 18:33 611
That's good to know, never tried this workflow. Thanks for letting us know.
I've got a black screen or no action on any version I've got, a motionless screen and a page on the guest side of Windows, whether it's an unreleased version 18 or an official version.
Did it work for you previously? Can you try resizing app screen once it's loaded black?
Did it work for you previously? Can you try resizing app screen once it's loaded black?
yes not work yet
Did it work for you previously on Windows?
That's good to know, never tried this workflow. Thanks for letting us know.
Your welcome. Thanks for the help
Did it work for you previously on Windows?
Hi guys, can you please try most recent 1.9.2 release and let me know if problem still persist?
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S3Drive - Windows app black screen
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support / Windows app black screen
dantheman61 08/17/2023 6:07 PM
I setup 2 way sync and now the Windows app just has black screen. I am used IDrive e2
Sorry for the delay. Unfortunately it happens from time to time and we're having difficulties fixing that. The quick fix is to resize/maximize window and the content shall come back.
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S3Drive - Windows app hangs if there's lots of data in the drive mount cache
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support / Windows app hangs if there's lots of data in the drive mount cache
I tried to upload about 100GB+ of photos using the 'drive mount' feature. They copied very quickly in a few mins, obviously they are being copied to a temporary location and then S3 Drive is uploading them in the background. Once windows indicated the transfer was complete I quit S3 Drive. Obviously most of that data is uploaded yet. When starting S3 Drive now, the app hangs for around 15-20 mins, just a blank window, but I can see S3 Drive using all my upload bandwidth and photos appearing one by one if i check on my phone. I'd like to stop this upload now. Where is this temporary cache location so I can delete it and hopefully stop the transfer? And is caching needed? perhaps we can have an option to have drive mount caching turned off, (there is an option in rclone for this i think). I would find it more useful to see the actual transfer progress and know when it is completed. Thank you
👍 1
Hi and thanks for your feedback. What's your OS? We're using VFS cache with writes setting which is pretty much required for the write mode to function properly. We could possible disable it on Windows and Linux with some limitations: and still keep the writes mode, but on macOS it wouldn't be possible. For Linux see: ~/.cache/rclone/vfs I would suspect it's going to be similar on Windows: $HOME/.config/rclone/vfs and macOS. Strange that S3Drive hangs, it's probably some bug where mount process takes extre ordinary time to load? the cache before returning the mount to the app and it's blocking the main thread. Deleting the VFS cache although not convenient shall resolve this issue. We will be able to provide couple more options, e..g. disable cache, set max age... and most importantly set the max size: vfs-cache-max-size. Based on your comment I've increased priority on this and you can expect improvements in one of the next releases. Just please let me know what's your OS for reference. Thanks !
Ah nice one Tom that's great. Yeah i've realised it's not just on app start up when S3Drive hangs, but also if i start drive mount while the app is open and working. Im on Windows 10. Cheers
Hi again, we've released hotfix in 1.7.3 which shall resolve mount blocking the app UI on Windows/Linux and there was also another issue causing issues mounting unencrypted S3 buckets on all platforms. The rest improvements regarding VFS cache will come next and soon, as we need to research topic little bit further. Please let me know if 1.7.3 behaves little bit better for you. It still doesn't address the underlying VFS issue that you've mentioned, but at least now you shall be able to go to the settings to disable mount and e.g. disable auto start if you came across any issues. Thanks !
Thanks Tom! S3Drive was still unresponsive for 13 mins (i timed it). I wonder if the update didn't install because it's still saying 1.7.2 in the taskbar, even though the installer said 1.7.3. I've tried uninstalling and re-installing and it still says 1.7.2. Cheers (edited)
Thanks for letting me know and sorry for the trouble, there was an issue on the build side where old executable was packaged instead (we need to fix our build scripts !), but it's now resolved, we've updated 1.7.3 build for Windows. (edited)
No worries at all. 1.7.3 fixes this problem! Still takes a while for the drive to mount, but S3Drive is functional during this time. Thank you.
That's great to hear, the mount settings will come next and this shall resolve most of the issues that you're experiencing. If you have any feedback on this or other functionality please let me know, we're really trying hard to mature this project.
Hi @hugh1988, In our 1.7.6 release we've added the cache setting option, which defaults to Minimal, that is transfers are blocked until they're uploaded to the remote. Changing it to Writes changes the behavior to what it was previously. Detailed description of cache settings can be found here: I hope this already improves the situation.
Mount the remote as file system on a mountpoint.
I was wondering if suggested solution here, that is setting cache to minimal solves your issue? (edited)
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S3Drive - Windows Drive Mount stays empty
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support / Windows Drive Mount stays empty
Hey, I just found S3Drive through a reddit post. So I wanted to mount my drive and start using it as a way to have a OneDrive replacement for my user folders (documents and pictures). However when I create a folder in the Application it only shows up in that and the Web client for example. The mounted drive appears empty. I am using Cloudflare R2 as storage and I already installed winfsp with the "FUSE for Cygwin" option enabled to be able to mount the drive. So far I tried re-mounting couple of times, restarting the app and also clearing the cache inside S3Drive for the mount. Thanks for any help in advance :) (edited)
Hi, Thanks for your message. Is it possible that you have E2E enabled on Windows? In such case is it possible that your „Users” folder wasn’t uploaded when encryption was enabled? Currently when E2E is enabled, mount can display encrypted files only, this will be improved soon. (edited)
Thank you, I will try to re-create the folder with E2E enabled, im unsure if I had it enabled already at that time.
I just tried to do it, however the network drive seems to be not syncing with the S3Drive App. So if I for example create a folder (with E2E enabled) in the S3Drive App it doesnt show up in the network drive, the other way (creating folder in network drive) - same issue, it then doesn't show up in S3Drive App.
Hi, sorry for late reply, this is to let you know that we're investigating this issue. I shall get back to you with more info later today.
👍 1
I just tried to do it, however the network drive seems to be not syncing with the S3Drive App. So if I for example create a folder (with E2E enabled) in the S3Drive App it doesnt show up in the network drive, the other way (creating folder in network drive) - same issue, it then doesn't show up in S3Drive App.
Quick question, after you've enabled E2E and then created a folder/file using mount, does it appear at some point on the S3Drive side (e.g. when you refresh listing after couple seconds?). Can you make sure that after enabling E2E you've actually stop/start mount? If there was a mount running when E2E setting was changed, it would have no effect on existing one before it gets restarted. Conversely, if you create a folder/file on the S3Drive, does it appear eventually (e.g. after some time, or after stop/start mount, or after clearing mount cache in the app settings) on the mount side? Current limitation is that changes to S3Drive and mount aren't immediately visible between these layers, so even though changes are persisted to S3, they require refetch on that other layer to be visible. There is a relevant feature request: in order to allow immediate sync. I know that you've initially mentioned that you've tried to restart the app (which in principle should also resolve the issue of sync'd data not showing), but perhaps you could give it a go before we take deeper dive with the troubleshooting? Thanks.
We've also updated our Windows .exe release (1.9.2) to include latest dependencies and release couple improvements: which may improve your experience with the app.
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S3Drive - Windows sync hangs
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support / Windows sync hangs
From @pjort.kat "The S3Drive app on windows also just hangs for me whenever I made a sync folder... It synced one file and now it just keeps getting stuck"
Hi @pjort.kat, can you let me know what sync type are you using, is it one-way (if so, which one?) or two-ways?
Which mode exactly? Can you let me know how many files you have in this folder approximately? Do you have E2E enabled? What S3 provider are you using? When you go to logs (longtap on version number in the footer on About page) is there any specific error or perhaps repeated log entry which may indicate some "looping behavior"?
To Remote (don't delete remotely)
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S3Drive - Write-only bucket / Multiple users on access ID
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support / Write-only bucket / Multiple users on access ID
I've kind of tested this and it seems to work but checking its 'permitted'. If I want to issue access to multiple parties with write only access to files to take photos/vid - would this be acceptable use? this would be incredibly useful for the use purpose i'm thinking of.. ie, upload of photo confirmation directly to a company file for verification purposes.
We haven't tested write-only or read-only buckets and as such S3Drive requires both write and read permissions to function properly. However if app works with limited sets of permission for your use case, there is no harm using it like this. Even though we're designing app so it requires minimum set of permissions or operations for its functions it may happen that some feature might not work properly in the future. E.g. if you upload a file, the existing file would be overwritten, if versioning is enabled the previous version would remain restorable however if versioning isn't enabled the existing file version is lost. In the future we might actually perform read first in order to display prompt to the user to ask if they actually wan't to ovewrite the file. Such read would've failed if there is no read permission to the bucket, so we would have to fail gracefully in order to not break things in your case. Our aim is to not break workflows, but if by any chance it's not easy/possible to implement such graceful failure handling we may be required to prioritize features based on app standard usage.
As such there is no issue with having multiple users on one access ID. It's not a best security practice, but no technical issue from S3 or S3Drive perspective.
great, the read write thing might not be an issue in reality, but just a bit of a light bulb moment for its use case
s3drive changed the channel name: Write-only bucket / Multiple users on access ID 09/07/2023 7:38 AM
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S3Drive - XML parser exception - "expected a single root element at 1:16"
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support / XML parser exception - "expected a single root element at 1:16"
hi, getting the following error when opening in app on phone. expected a single root element at 1:16 any ideas (edited)
Hi, what's your S3 provider that you connect to? Such message would usually indicate that the S3 API endpoint that S3Drive connects to returns invalid HTTP status code or HTML instead of valid XML.
ah ok - i'll investigate that.. i think its my cloudflare settings.. thanks
s3drive changed the channel name: XML parser exception - "expected a single root element at 1:16" 05/14/2024 8:03 PM
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S3Drive - ZIP download fails silently (Android) - 20000 files
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support / ZIP download fails silently (Android) - 20000 files
I received no errors when downloading media synced directory to zip files,the mission didn't start nothing happen there, all about cloudflare R2.
I assume that your media files are successfully uploaded to Cloudflare R2, is that correct? Can you try downloading single media files (without using ZIP) and see if you can download it without issues? Is that Android, Windows or Web? (edited)
single file download success ,
Automatic upload directory download to zip have no information no errors and not to start at alll
Thanks for the info. What's the size of individual files that you try to compress? How many of them? What's the total size?
s3drive changed the channel name: ZIP download fails silently (Android) 06/04/2024 7:40 AM
20000 pics and videos there uploaded by automatic Media sync function
I mean I have to download it all ,then will generate a zip file downloaded automatically to my device ,but nothing happened after click download to zip buttom. sorry to hear that,
version 1.8.9 Android Apps Android 13 device
s3drive changed the channel name: ZIP download fails silently (Android) - 20000 files 06/04/2024 4:45 PM
We haven't optimized an app for such a huge ZIP archive, so it's likely memory crashing. If you want to download 20k media files reliably, then you can use Sync feature, select the Remote source and then and choose destination as local folder on Android, this should handle it. (edited)
This size is more than 30GB include videos ,u mean just use sync function from remote to local than we can download tmthis actually ?
I am not sure what's your goal really. If you want to restore media that you've backed up and subsequently removed from your device then Sync (with mode: Copy) is probably a good way forward.
I mean I see some wrong E2E encryption password ,so I have to Transfer my files then reset again.finally I got this error.
I see, in such case Sync (with mode: Copy) is still probably good choice. Regarding E2E encryption password, we'll aim to improve that in the future, but it's challenging givent current cipher scheme limitation:
We're running S3Drive (GUI for S3 on desktop, mobile, web) and recently aligned with Rclone's encryption scheme for better interoperability and features like drive mount and Webdav that we ...
I did set up the 6 number password ,but it's been changed into something more than20 numbers password when I open s3drive R2 service after a long time... I just don't know what happened there
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